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Lvl 60 hm Fp's too hard?

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hm fps have been getting easier.


I am not even talking about lost island.


Just comparing to lv50 hm fp when we were in tionese gear or lv55 hm fp when we were in dread guard gear.


Yes hm black talon was a challenge and used to have more mechanics that you couldn't just ignore.

Edited by Banegio
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If mechs fail, you won't survive, stuck it in your head. You may be doing awesome heal, but if dps or tank fail, you're doomed. This patch was designed to give more importance to teamwork.


was like this even when 2.0 hit, you all need to follow the mechanics and remember that now is where you'll find more fun in FP than ever in the future months with rofling content gear

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was like this even when 2.0 hit, you all need to follow the mechanics and remember that now is where you'll find more fun in FP than ever in the future months with rofling content gear


Couldn't agree more. Where's the fun on doing everything without risks? I love it. Yet some people seem they prefer winning always. I bet they've never been in WZ lol.

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I dont understand how people can complain about hadmodes being too hard as very fresh level 60's. The "hard" in hardmode suggest that's the intention.


We did a 16m ravagers last night on normal, and oh boy if you think the flashpoints are a bit rough, you're in for a surprise.

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I dont understand how people can complain about hadmodes being too hard as very fresh level 60's. The "hard" in hardmode suggest that's the intention.


We did a 16m ravagers last night on normal, and oh boy if you think the flashpoints are a bit rough, you're in for a surprise.


This... 16m storymode is killing... while 8m is easy... really weird...

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Honestly the HM FP's arent really hard. Most bosses have easy mechanics which can be avoided easily. Enrage timers are no Problem even with random dps with 180 gear. The only Problem is that Tanks get a little bit more Dmg compared to old Hm fps. Healer has to heal abt. 2.8 ehps single target in some fights which shouldnt be a problem at all. But doing SM operations all day seems to lower the player's skill and thats why they are crying. Yes hm fps are harder than SM operations. You need abt. 1k ehps divided by the number of healers, which is a joke. So basically Healers learnt that they dont need to play good, because healing is enough in every sm raid. But for HM FPS you might want to change that opinion and relearn how to heal. Furthermore i've often seen that when it comes to movement Randoms have big problems. They try to dodge the voidzones and things but the forget to use skills during that, which leads to no healing/dps during that phase. For some hard hitting bosses this is a no go. For example Manaan bonusboss hits for 2k dtps. When the first minethingies come i see my hp going below 30% without eating any of the mines. And i am full 192/198. Moving + healing/dpsing shouldnt be a big problem for any player, but if they are not able to then they are unqualified for something beyond SM operations. Edited by Methoxa
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Honestly the HM FP's arent really hard. Most bosses have easy mechanics which can be avoided easily. Enrage timers are no Problem even with random dps with 180 gear. The only Problem is that Tanks get a little bit more Dmg compared to old Hm fps. Healer has to heal abt. 2.8 ehps single target in some fights which shouldnt be a problem at all. But doing SM operations all day seems to lower the player's skill and thats why they are crying. Yes hm fps are harder than SM operations. You need abt. 1k ehps divided by the number of healers, which is a joke. So basically Healers learnt that they dont need to play good, because healing is enough in every sm raid. But for HM FPS you might want to change that opinion and relearn how to heal. Furthermore i've often seen that when it comes to movement Randoms have big problems. They try to dodge the voidzones and things but the forget to use skills during that, which leads to no healing/dps during that phase. For some hard hitting bosses this is a no go. For example Manaan bonusboss hits for 2k dtps. When the first minethingies come i see my hp going below 30% without eating any of the mines. And i am full 192/198. Moving + healing/dpsing shouldnt be a big problem for any player, but if they are not able to then they are unqualified for something beyond SM operations.


First run through 8 man was faceroll, 16 man was awesome fun, but ALOT harder. It'd be quite ok if 16m gave more loot then 8 man, but alas it didnt.


16man hard is gonna be hard ^^

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Well, fun is subjective and if you keep failing then... no one is laughing anymore. I queued for the HM Korriban Incursion and we had to give it up after 5 wipes from that stupid droid. Once he gets to 30% everyone dies; BAM, you dead. Funny the first time, second time...third, ermmm wut? fourth.. Come on! Fifth, fuk this!!


You set the FP for people with 192 gear when the point of the Fp is to acquire said gear? Don't make no sense. Obviously it would get easier if you have the highest rating gear in the game but by that time you would have done the damn thing at least 200 times, at which point it would have lost the fun factor.


Is it too hard? I honestly can't say but I don't think the team I had was doing badly. We were mowing down trash mobs, avoiding landmines, healer doing job as far as I could tell. Until Droid decided we needed to die, and died we did. End of story.


Similiar thing happened on Yavin 4. 22 of us and we couldn't finish the weekly. Walker droid went beserk at a certain percent and literally one-shot everybody. It got old after about the 6th attempt.


At level 60 you can only queue for hard mode FPs, Battle of Rishi, blood hunt and storymode dread palace (guessing bacause I haven't done it yet?). or you can get mowed down in PvP by last season's hardcore warlords. So I suppose the non-elites are supposed to suk it up and have fun?

Edited by Yezzan
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16 man was awesome fun, but ALOT harder


Otherwise 8man raids would farm 16m Sm for 192 loot. Besides if you are going with 16 man the number of bad playing players can be higher than in a 8man raid.


16man hard is gonna be hard


No it wont because Tankdamage isnt going to be doubled, neither is the dps needed to beat the enrage timers. It is just a little bit more about the correct movement.


Its all about gear, not about skill..


It is both, we cleared both bosses @ravagers Hm with 186gear however 192 gear would be required.


Well, fun is subjective and if you keep failing then... no one is laughing anymore. I queued for the HM Korriban Incursion and we had to give it up after 5 wipes from that stupid droid. Once he gets to 30% everyone dies; BAM, you dead. Funny the first time, second time...third, ermmm wut? fourth.. Come on! Fifth, fuk this!!


You tried the boss five times and still you dont now why you got killed? Its certainly a mechanic that needs to be avoided somehow. Read a guide or find out yourself. There is something which is called wiperesistance. I did abt. more than 200 tries on Torque who is a boss @ ravagers. We cant kill him because the consoles that needs to be repaired during the fight, evade and therefore we wipe when he destroys the 4. Console. Its a known bug but we still try it.


You set the FP for people with 192 gear when the point of the Fp is to acquire said gear? Don't make no sense. Obviously it would get easier if you have the highest rating gear in the game but by that time you would have done the damn thing at least 200 times, at which point it would have lost the fun factor.


FP is 186 gear fully augmented and with a certain skill, and its easy even with random groups.


s it too hard? I honestly can't say but I don't think the team I had was doing badly. We were mowing down trash mobs, avoiding landmines, healer doing job as far as I could tell


You know why they are called "Trash mobs"? Because they are easy and not worth meantioning.


Until Droid decided we needed to die, and died we did. End of story.


Enrage = not enough dps


Similiar thing happened on Yavin 4. 22 of us and we couldn't finish the weekly. Walker droid went beserk at a certain percent and literally one-shot everybody. It got old after about the 6th attempt.


Enrage = not enough dps? Actually you can kill him when going all out when he begins to enrage. Shouldnt be a hard thing to keep the raid topped up, depends on the healers though.

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The hard part I've found so far is when the FP's are/were bugged.



Assault on Tython first boss left-side adds couldn't have shield dropped despite having AOE on top of them multiple times in every group I had tried, couldn't have been working as intended since the opposite was true for the other adds.

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I'll be honest that I have yet to play them but this is a VERY common issue that is created by the players. Here's the scenario:


  1. players kick butt in older content because they are overgeared and have intimate knowledge of mechanics
  2. players go into new content assuming they will kick butt
  3. players fail to kick butt
  4. players gripe about content being too hard.


I am NOT saying this is your fault or that you are bad. What I am saying is that GROUPS take for granted that the new HMFPs are designed to be difficult in level appropriate gear. GROUPS cannot just rush in and expect to win.


  • CCs must be used and abided by in trash pulls (CC is available for a reason. Players with CC need to mark targets and CC them. And then the group MUST not wake up the CCed mobs until the tank is ready)
  • wipes will happen on boss fights (use them to LEARN the encounter; I remember when the CZ HMFPs came out and my entire group had never run them yet. This was HM CCM. Each boss, we wiped on once and beat it the second time because we were observant and figured out what had to be done. We also took our time discussing the mechanics in case not everyone saw everything)
  • rage quitting and/or rage kicking helps no one (these are new FPs with new bosses and new mechanics and the only way to learn them is to struggle a little)


All that being said, early access is the new beta testing. For all I know the content is too hard to complete successfully and the devs are already working to nerf it.


Let me break this down for you, The 60 HM's are just about un-doable with a pug atm people will not stay and learn raid level mechanic's for gear that is under the level of gear they can buy for comm's from a vendor..... which ever dev team member though this up is completely out of touch. when you do finally down the bosses that are doable you get a blue set 184 reward................................................................................. If this is the level they want for HM's I will go straight back to WOW where the dev's seem to have finally learned that making players bang thier head aginst stupid for gear that is not worth the costs of repairs.... will drive players out of the Tortanic ounce again. My suggestion is take a good long look at your profit motive as a company and adjust the grinds to players who are paying your bills, Not the vocal we want it so hard that we have the best gear crowd. I am sure the trolls will feed for hours off my opinion so be it.

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Let me break this down for you, The 60 HM's are just about un-doable with a pug atm people will not stay and learn raid level mechanic's for gear that is under the level of gear they can buy for comm's from a vendor..... which ever dev team member though this up is completely out of touch. when you do finally down the bosses that are doable you get a blue set 184 reward................................................................................. If this is the level they want for HM's I will go straight back to WOW where the dev's seem to have finally learned that making players bang thier head aginst stupid for gear that is not worth the costs of repairs.... will drive players out of the Tortanic ounce again. My suggestion is take a good long look at your profit motive as a company and adjust the grinds to players who are paying your bills, Not the vocal we want it so hard that we have the best gear crowd. I am sure the trolls will feed for hours off my opinion so be it.

So, what exactly should the bosses be like then? Easy one shot tank and spanks so we quickly loot and run?


And considering that the recommended gear rating for the new HM 60 FPs are 178, I don't see what the problem is with a boss dropping 184 gear. If you were in the actual recommended gear rating, that would be an upgrade.


People are so used to overgearing and outleveling content and ignoring mechanics to flashpoints/operations that when new content comes out, they cry that its too hard. In a few months when people learn the new content, you will come back to this thread and laugh at your own post.

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And considering that the recommended gear rating for the new HM 60 FPs are 178, I don't see what the problem is with a boss dropping 184 gear. If you were in the actual recommended gear rating, that would be an upgrade.

I've only been in 2 different HMs so far (Rakata Prime and Manaan), but if you told me that Stivastin was killable by people wearing 178/184 gear, I probably wouldn't believe you.

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I have done the four HM FPs. They are REALLY hard. And THAT is what good players seek. A challenge. I have only failed twice (the rest I've wiped many times), but I can ensure they are perfectly doable. You only have to find out the tacts and give your best. A real challenge. What did you want? I can almost solo Eternity Vault, 55 hm fps are no challenge (I can hardly remember my last wipe)... Now I really enjoy myself that I have to suffer to make it. Enjoy it too ;)


was like this even when 2.0 hit, you all need to follow the mechanics and remember that now is where you'll find more fun in FP than ever in the future months with rofling content gear
Couldn't agree more. Where's the fun on doing everything without risks? I love it. Yet some people seem they prefer winning always. I bet they've never been in WZ lol.


You statements remind me of: Extra Credits: When Difficult is Fun. And just want to say THANK YOU.


Well, fun is subjective and if you keep failing then... no one is laughing anymore. I queued for the HM Korriban Incursion and we had to give it up after 5 wipes from that stupid droid. Once he gets to 30% everyone dies; BAM, you dead. Funny the first time, second time...third, ermmm wut? fourth.. Come on! Fifth, fuk this!!


Agreed, but that is on the group not the content.

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I've enjoyed the new level 60 HM flashpoints so far, aside from the terrible rewards. However, I do think Major Imos from Assault on Tython could use some adjustments. Currently, there is almost nothing to heal for the first few seconds of the fight (provided your tank doesn't stand in the AoEs), but when the Republic Operators drop down the group damage spikes pretty high (even with everyone avoiding the Orbital Strikes). Once those adds are dead there's nothing to heal again until the next group of adds. I think it would be a better design to have some more consistent damage throughout the fight, and to tone down the burst damage during the add phase somewhat.
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