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Stupid Ops.


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I have had it up to here with Op classes. This game has one of the worst balanced pvps I have ever played. I've been an Arena God in WoW and Taken whole areas of Cyrodill on ESO. Operatives and Sorcers along with their mirrored classes need to get nurfed. HARD. When a whole team piling on one operative can't take him down. Something is very unbalanced and wrong and don't even get me started on the GOD bubble. Who fecking idea was that???
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I have had it up to here with Op classes. This game has one of the worst balanced pvps I have ever played. I've been an Arena God in WoW and Taken whole areas of Cyrodill on ESO. Operatives and Sorcers along with their mirrored classes need to get nurfed. HARD. When a whole team piling on one operative can't take him down. Something is very unbalanced and wrong and don't even get me started on the GOD bubble. Who fecking idea was that???


d00d, seriously, can operatives have at least a week of enjoyment before they're nerfed yet again? No, I haven't been playing my operative and yes they have given me some fits too but I'm sure it's just a matter of figuring out their new toys and countering correctly (which I haven't figured yet either).


You also forgot; slap in the face, I'm a founder and the fact that you're valor rank is 100.

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I have had it up to here with Op classes. This game has one of the worst balanced pvps I have ever played. I've been an Arena God in WoW and Taken whole areas of Cyrodill on ESO. Operatives and Sorcers along with their mirrored classes need to get nurfed. HARD. When a whole team piling on one operative can't take him down. Something is very unbalanced and wrong and don't even get me started on the GOD bubble. Who fecking idea was that???




Hey Bioware, my hybrid class got nerfed hard because I'm getting killed way too much now...PLEASE FIX ASAP !!

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This is not WOW. Just tunneling the healer won't work if the rest of the enemy team knows what they're doing. Besides, Ops just got hit with the biggest nerf bat in history, so L2P.
Really? Then why are the decent ones outhealing everything with ease in pvp? Why is ops still the best arena healer? You need to wake up and check up on reality instead of listening to the forum whine that was grossly exagerated.
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Really? Then why are the decent ones outhealing everything with ease in pvp? Why is ops still the best arena healer? You need to wake up and check up on reality instead of listening to the forum whine that was grossly exagerated.


This is false, they're by no means the superior healers anymore. The playing ground is alot more even with reports of merc healing pulling ahead. Honestly while constructive feedback is welcome on the forum this kind of comment is not only false but its also misleading. You have been spreading quite a lot of negative comments around the forum lately....


Nothing to see here...

Edited by AdamLKvist
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Really? Then why are the decent ones outhealing everything with ease in pvp? Why is ops still the best arena healer? You need to wake up and check up on reality instead of listening to the forum whine that was grossly exagerated.


Hots and instants... nothing else... granted it is a night day difference between my merc heal and ops heal in yolo ranked.


While my OPs does not crit heal for 13-15k, he atleast cant be locked out of his healing. My merc gets chain interupted and CCed and i cant get a single heal off once energy shield is down.


But Regs + tank showed me that both... sage and mercs can easily get 3.5k hps.

Edited by texoc
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My merc gets chain interupted and CCed and i cant get a single heal off once energy shield is down.


Wouldn't that be true for Ops too? I mean they can no longer keep someone up without having to cast something. If you chain cc and chain interrupt a Op its going to do the same thing.

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Wouldn't that be true for Ops too? I mean they can no longer keep someone up without having to cast something. If you chain cc and chain interrupt a Op its going to do the same thing.


But...but.... Their HoTs are too much! I can't burn through their HoTs alone, my pro dps can take down afk PVE geared noobs but not enough to burn through just their HoTs.


On a serious note yeah if you're not interrupting KI on ops you're stupid, just have 2 interrupts on KI and the OP will die because if you are a dps with a brain you should be able to get through their HoTs

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This is false, they're by no means the superior healers anymore. The playing ground is alot more even with reports of merc healing pulling ahead. Honestly while constructive feedback is welcome on the forum this kind of comment is not only false but its also misleading. You have been spreading quite a lot of negative comments around the forum lately....


Nothing to see here...

No what you say is false, "reports" is forum paranoia and operatives are doing super good still, just go ask someone like Myzran or Clue or Kendrai, all very famous operative/scoundrel pvp healers. And the negative comments are based on mercs needing defensive cooldowns, wich only a drunk blind man would argue against.
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I would like to add though, that mercs and Sorcs are closer to Ops then they have ever been before. So close infact that it may be a draw until the real heavy focus comes in a yolo game where no tank is around, sorc can barrier and ops can go to stealth ~ both negating all incoming damage. Mercs cannot, they tank it with their faces and thats the only real gripe i have with this situation.
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Ops, DO NOT need to be nerfed. Good God it is so annoying to hear someone say Ops are unbalanced. Learn to counter good lord, Ops already got nerfed hard dmg and heal wise just leave them alone -.-




Didn't you just make a thread about how Sorcs are OP and you don't need to "learn to play/counter"?

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Didn't you just make a thread about how Sorcs are OP and you don't need to "learn to play/counter"?


They did, but Sorcs are quite strong at the moment so I don't think it's at all hypocritical for them to defend Operatives in this thread.

Edited by BuzzingFridge
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