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12xp storyline for Subscribers!


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I have no absolute data because I do not have access to the dev's toolkit. I am though an educated and experienced person especially in this area as I have been gaming on mmorpg's since before they had graphics as well as creating my own rules sets, been published for content to add to/enhance pnp RPG's etc.


Step back for a second fro your selfish desire to advance faster and just think what that advancement entails. It is not something that occurs in a vacuum as this is not a single player game. Thus, your swifter advancement means that you are no longer being present on, and being engaged with the normal progression intended by the devs...


And this deserves an aside, because I get personally attacked for supporting or not supporting an idea.




My argument is based not on my personal desires but what I consider best for the game as a whole..... So this argument is not about my wants mind you.. its not _my_ desire that you play the game like _me_... its the progression created by the devs to begin with... if they had intended fast lane leveling it could have been included from the beginning, and I am sure a similar concept was likely floated when they did their initial design meetings and they settled on the system they are using and the speed of leveling as it was, and has been slightly tweaked over time.. but tweaked _globally_ not just for a smaller specific subset).


Thus, your swifter advancement means that you are no longer being present on, and being engaged with the normal progression intended by the devs. You further take a multiplayer game, and make it a single player game when you engage in this activity. And while that might be fine if you were living in a vacuum and your game did not affect any other game, it does indeed affect other players.


1.) Your skipping content that was intended as part of the normal level progression 'grind' means you are one less person available at any time to other players. Since there are no Heroic 2 or Heroic 4 missions as part of your class quest you have no need or desire to follow up on these (though frankly you should because doing each series of planetary quests keeps your equipment leveled appropriately tot he content) which leaves anyone else who is in the same level range as yourself/on that planet unable to count on you as a resource in 'leveling as intended'. This, overall, harms the community as you have one class of player who will be granted the ability to hyperlane their characters and skip past everything. This will result in further damage to the community as a whole.


2.) It is poor game design. There are numerous seminars/talks etc from game industry insiders/game systems designers that discuss things in a micro transaction/game economy. Any addition to the game that diminishes another players experience is a bad addition, especially if there is an element of purchased performance. So, while the 3.0 expansion added changes to the game that were 'bad' for some plaeyrs, they were universally 'bad' (and I would argue that anyway.. but this is just an example) and they were done fairly for the most part and equitably across the board. (I'm aware there were some hitches, I have 12+ characters over 55 one of the 8 classes with duplicates for advanced classes)... and one thing has been seen that the addition of the 12x, though much beloved by some, did have a negative result. People were queueing for multiplayer content that they were not 'equipped' both literally and figuratively to handle. This negatively affected up to three other players at a time. It also created an envy effect. You paid for something and received greatly enhanced performance. This negatively affects the game experience for anyone who did not pay for that performance.


3.) This did damage to the economy. Materials and items had some spikes in cost at certain break points. I again do not have access to the dev toolkit to show you specifics and only have my own anecdotal reporting, but for players attempting to purchase gear and equipment at specific levels there was a change in their availability. Certain level ranges for various class quest break points, as well as end game mats and equipment.


4.) This has other effects as well that I may not have even seen or touched on. Some are more ambiguous, like the Ethicality/Morality of a system that grants significant advantages to success to players who have already had success (EG.. Making this a 'legacy perk' ....And mind you, you can already significantly enhance your leveling speed with some legacy perks, but not to the scale of 12x... If this is a legacy perk you are by design crowding out new players and making their experience significantly different.) You'll argue, how is this affecting them? How I play is what I want to do... blah blah blah, and this is pure selfishness and a complete unwillingness to see what is right in front of you while instead focusing on a selfish desire. Ask yourself how you feel about the real world economic system, most especially in the US or any other 'advanced' economy with a GINI Index that is over 45.... A system which enhances the ease of success for the already successful creates problems in actual and perceived equality. Just because you have succeeded in the past, does not give you any right or reason to be excused from the 'work' that creates further success, especially on _additional_ characters. The system is already broken by the addition of things like 'Legacy Gear' that has been given out like candy and increasingly lead to people demanding even more things be created like 'legacy gear' so that they can use their initial work/success to make subsequent characters even easier.


The effect may be minimal, and it may be manageable, but its still a consideration that should be made when adding a new system into an existing model.


The thing is, most of the supporters of permanent 12x use as their only arguments: 'I love this, this is great' and they work under the assumption that it doesn't affect the game of anyone else. They create horribly biased polls that present each optional answer in an extremely biased manner and then think these polls have actual value.


-- Creating a pay for performance system is bad. So creating boosts of such extreme 'power' and selling them as cartel market items is not good. You negatively affect the game significantly for those people who can not or do not want to spend the money for them. (The f2p system is a different beast entirely)


-- Creating a system that 'rewards' success with _easier_ success is bad. Not only does it negatively impact the game experience for new players, but can create issues at the 'end game' level as well. Thus making this some sort of Legacy perk or reward for doing work prior (like a percentage bonus for each advanced class leveled up) generates a problem for the system.


-- Making it optional does nothing to alleviate the problems it generates.


This isn't about 'how people want to play the game'. Its about generating imbalanced systems that provide inordinate benefits for a class of player. Either one who wants to spend more money or one who's past success was rewarded with even easier success.


In fact, the only people who are making a demand based on how they _want_ to play the game are those supporting 12x. You are demanding a permanent change to the game systems to benefit yourself and how you want to play.


I'm in opposition not because I _want_ to grind and think everyone should have to play the way I want, but because I have stepped back a bit and looked at the system as a whole and can see the damage the requested change/addition can create and has already created to some extent.


There exists a reason for level progression in a multiplayer game. If this were a single player game my commentary would be significantly different on this matter. But because you are involving other people, your changes/additions/suggestions should be those that will not negatively affect the experiences of others.


You did not seriously write all this for a forum argument did you?

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4.) This has other effects as well that I may not have even seen or touched on. Some are more ambiguous, like the Ethicality/Morality of a system that grants significant advantages to success to players who have already had success (EG.. Making this a 'legacy perk' ....And mind you, you can already significantly enhance your leveling speed with some legacy perks, but not to the scale of 12x... If this is a legacy perk you are by design crowding out new players and making their experience significantly different.) You'll argue, how is this affecting them? How I play is what I want to do... blah blah blah, and this is pure selfishness and a complete unwillingness to see what is right in front of you while instead focusing on a selfish desire. Ask yourself how you feel about the real world economic system, most especially in the US or any other 'advanced' economy with a GINI Index that is over 45.... A system which enhances the ease of success for the already successful creates problems in actual and perceived equality. Just because you have succeeded in the past, does not give you any right or reason to be excused from the 'work' that creates further success, especially on _additional_ characters. The system is already broken by the addition of things like 'Legacy Gear' that has been given out like candy and increasingly lead to people demanding even more things be created like 'legacy gear' so that they can use their initial work/success to make subsequent characters even easier.


Wow. I never thought I'd read things like that here. I'm impressed.


Me, I'm as well concerned with the policy of what Wikipedia knows as "The Mathew Effect" : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_effect



For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken even that which he hath.

—Matthew 25:29, King James Version.


Or in short : Those who have will be given [even more],

and those who have not will be taken from.


To me, this sounds like the ultimate cliché of Catpitalism, and of "typical" american way of economy, too.


We can see it in every capitalistic economy : Those companies which are alkready big will become even bigger, and the smaller ones will either perish or be bought by the bigger ones.


It's like crystal growth : In the early 90s, an university professor told this to us students : If you have a medium with several crystals in it, then the bigger crystals will become bigger, and the smaller ones will become smaller and dissolve.


And I have the suspicion that this is an even more basic phenomenon than that we currently think of, perhaps even on elementary basis (you know, Quarks and Bosons and the like).


You did not seriously write all this for a forum argument did you?


If you think like this, then you have been in the wrong forums so far.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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I have no absolute data because I do not have access to the dev's toolkit. I am though an educated and experienced person especially in this area as I have been gaming on mmorpg's since before they had graphics as well as creating my own rules sets, been published for content to add to/enhance pnp RPG's etc.


Step back for a second fro your selfish desire to advance faster and just think what that advancement entails. It is not something that occurs in a vacuum as this is not a single player game. Thus, your swifter advancement means that you are no longer being present on, and being engaged with the normal progression intended by the devs...


And this deserves an aside, because I get personally attacked for supporting or not supporting an idea.


<snip />


First... let's get this out of the way. As in the other thread, I complement you on the detailed nature of your post, even as I point out again, the nature of some of your arguments could be at best considered the height of assumption of the people who want this change's motivations, and at worst ad hominem. Talk about the facts, rather than trespassing on my, or anyone who you are debating with's motivations. And it especially takes a special level of cognitive dissonance to do this while railing about getting personally attacked... :rolleyes:


Back to the arguments, they still don't hold water. There was a very specific subset of people taking advantage of the 12x. This was also a limited time offering, therefore spurring people to rush through and take this time to fully take advantage of the limited timing. So therefore, all of the observations that you are making are based upon an environment that is not necessarily the same effect as if this were readily available normally. If you can do 12x for only a limited time, then of course you'll take advantage of it by not doing side things that detract from it. But I can say from personal experience, that if it were not of a sort that had a deadline, I would have taken advantage of the sights leveling. I can also say that even under normal conditions, I didn't take advantage of a lot of the things that you say are integral to the experience... and neither did my guildmates for the most part. There is also the fact that a lot of the people returning... myself included... wouldn't have been here. More options are better for the bottom line of the game in all honesty- for many of those are willing to put money into the game if it is enjoyable.

Edited by hachibushu
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This isn't about 'how people want to play the game'. Its about generating imbalanced systems that provide inordinate benefits for a class of player. Either one who wants to spend more money or one who's past success was rewarded with even easier success.



An advantaged class of people? You mean like the ones with so much time on their hands they can grind 16 toons to level 60 without it severely impacting their outside life?


Ethics? Like having players who love a part of your content wade through 100s of hours of crap they don't really want to do to get to the good parts? Or maybe if we are worried about ethics we should worry about the effects on people's REAL LIVES if they sink in that much game time on stuff they don't like much, and less on their e-bling-bling. Less fun, more frustration. Time down the crapper that wasn't much fun. Kids grinding feeling a need to grind when they should be doing their homework. Adults grinding instead of learning a new skill or hobby after finishing the part they actually wanted to play. Invoking "ethics" in the name of railroading players into a playstyle they don't like is a joke.



Also, let's own and stand for our own opinions not invoke fallacious aggrandizement of altruism about how we stand for the good of the game. It's incredibly condescending to assume that people who think playing class stories straight through is a good thing are not thinking of the game, are selfish, etc etc. For starters, at least it is straightforward an honest. Additionally I don't see see "selfish" as even bad if they are hoping to play a great part of the game without having to turn into a PC-using version of Gollum to get it done.




There are a ton of assumption littered through that post including thinking status quo is somehow better than trying new things and evolving. Instead of looking at the good part of story play that many people are responding to positively and trying to figure out a way to incorporate that play into the way people can play the game, this is just a bunch of hidebound excuse making for not changing anything.



Most of the issues cited above exist in the majority of themepark MMORPGs and would need to be addressed in various ways regardless. In the meantime, the bulk of these "change will ruin the game arguments" are just defending an already half-broken system in an already warped style of game design that people don't think past because all they can do is copy previous designs.

There are many other ways to handle progression or economy issues, many of which might need addressing anyway. I started expanding on this and then realized that it's TL;DR and and leaving it out for now.



This game, unlike many MMOs, has great story lines. I say let people enjoy them and make money off of it since it is at least a partial way of addressing a desire for many players. I don't buy the fact that it it has to "ruin the game" at all.

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You know, I might be wrong here, but I wonder whether one factor here is that people are not so much opposed to the idea, as, after recent problems, distrustful of Bioware on implementation of something that would reshape XP gain this much. A good point was made that no one is here asking for 12x to be forced on anyone else, they're just campaigning for the OPTION... But, I suspect some might have concerns that poor implementation might lead to elements of just that.


Would I like, after having recently levelled an Inquisitor, to be able to pop back and speed level a Warrior, only doing the class story and a few favourite moments? Sure. Love to. Would I like to, by ticking that box or even just by BEING a subscriber, find that I can't ever level "the old way" again, and any attempt at playing the full story from now on would be pretty pointless and imbalanced, with player vastly outlevelling content? Of course not.


That's my concern. If 12x XP were an unlock per character on the legacy tab, available once you have a character of that faction at 50,55, or 60, like the existing class story, space, war zone etc XP modifiers that are there already, I'd very happily support this. The concern that the devs might mess it up and saddle all subscribers with it on all characters, desired or not, effectively and permanently disrupting the 'normal' levelling experience, is my qualm here, and I do wonder if it's what is making others object - whether a number of those responding negatively here are actually thinking "for pity' s sake, don't make the devs start poking at XP, we don't know what they'll do to it!"


In short, option of fast levelling; good. Loss of ability and choice to level normally again; price too high. Confidence in devs to enable A without causing B; dubious.

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I agree BUT..


I'd make some nececary requirements like:

- You have to have chapter 3 finished on that specific class.

- Instead of making it 12x for class quests make it 6x for everything multiplayer (flashpoints, warzones, heroics). This way, experianced players will help out newcomers and everyone will get almost instant pops from lvl 1 to lvl 60. Oh, did i mention warzones should start with lvl 1? Because why the hell not?


So I guess I don't nececarely agree with 12x exp.. and I don't agree with "no grindfest" policy. It's an mmo and an mmo is a grindfest in itself for me.


Right now BW is making people grind the same solo content over and over again each time they want to make a different advanced class or just make a different looking same class character. Instead I'd rather have people doing multiplayer content like flashpoints. It's an MMO after all isn't it?

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I'm going to go ahead and just copy/paste a post I made on the subject on a different thread:


Although I enjoyed 12x XP, it is definitely not something I would want 24/7. That said, I feel 12x XP making a return would be fine if it had the following requirements:



  1. Legacy Level 40, 45, or even 50.
  2. A high credit cost (5 Million at the least)
  3. Could not be purchased for Cartel Coins
  4. Once unlocked, is in the form of an ability that could be toggled on or off, like Sprint


Point 1 prevents people who are completely clueless from having it.

Point 2 prevents people who are not subscribers from obtaining it. Forcing preferred and F2P to subscribe, even for a single month, to obtain it.

Point 3 prevents people from circumventing the Legacy Level Requirement, as we saw happen with Treek.

Point 4 allows people to choose to level normally, or with 12x XP, whichever they are in the mood for at the time.

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i agree with you on all but one level. i play swtor as an rpgler. i play it frequently and started with early access for the "classic" release and i dont have that much credits. (ok i had about 20 millions but i kinda went crazy with housing....) so i have about 3 millions left.....so basicly everthing except the 5 millions part i agree with you :D
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I have no absolute data because I do not have access to the dev's toolkit. I am though an educated and experienced person especially in this area as I have been gaming on mmorpg's since before they had graphics as well as creating my own rules sets, been published for content to add to/enhance pnp RPG's etc.


Step back for a second fro your selfish desire to advance faster and just think what that advancement entails. It is not something that occurs in a vacuum as this is not a single player game. Thus, your swifter advancement means that you are no longer being present on, and being engaged with the normal progression intended by the devs...


And this deserves an aside, because I get personally attacked for supporting or not supporting an idea.




My argument is based not on my personal desires but what I consider best for the game as a whole..... So this argument is not about my wants mind you.. its not _my_ desire that you play the game like _me_... its the progression created by the devs to begin with... if they had intended fast lane leveling it could have been included from the beginning, and I am sure a similar concept was likely floated when they did their initial design meetings and they settled on the system they are using and the speed of leveling as it was, and has been slightly tweaked over time.. but tweaked _globally_ not just for a smaller specific subset).


Thus, your swifter advancement means that you are no longer being present on, and being engaged with the normal progression intended by the devs. You further take a multiplayer game, and make it a single player game when you engage in this activity. And while that might be fine if you were living in a vacuum and your game did not affect any other game, it does indeed affect other players.


1.) Your skipping content that was intended as part of the normal level progression 'grind' means you are one less person available at any time to other players. Since there are no Heroic 2 or Heroic 4 missions as part of your class quest you have no need or desire to follow up on these (though frankly you should because doing each series of planetary quests keeps your equipment leveled appropriately tot he content) which leaves anyone else who is in the same level range as yourself/on that planet unable to count on you as a resource in 'leveling as intended'. This, overall, harms the community as you have one class of player who will be granted the ability to hyperlane their characters and skip past everything. This will result in further damage to the community as a whole.


2.) It is poor game design. There are numerous seminars/talks etc from game industry insiders/game systems designers that discuss things in a micro transaction/game economy. Any addition to the game that diminishes another players experience is a bad addition, especially if there is an element of purchased performance. So, while the 3.0 expansion added changes to the game that were 'bad' for some plaeyrs, they were universally 'bad' (and I would argue that anyway.. but this is just an example) and they were done fairly for the most part and equitably across the board. (I'm aware there were some hitches, I have 12+ characters over 55 one of the 8 classes with duplicates for advanced classes)... and one thing has been seen that the addition of the 12x, though much beloved by some, did have a negative result. People were queueing for multiplayer content that they were not 'equipped' both literally and figuratively to handle. This negatively affected up to three other players at a time. It also created an envy effect. You paid for something and received greatly enhanced performance. This negatively affects the game experience for anyone who did not pay for that performance.


3.) This did damage to the economy. Materials and items had some spikes in cost at certain break points. I again do not have access to the dev toolkit to show you specifics and only have my own anecdotal reporting, but for players attempting to purchase gear and equipment at specific levels there was a change in their availability. Certain level ranges for various class quest break points, as well as end game mats and equipment.


4.) This has other effects as well that I may not have even seen or touched on. Some are more ambiguous, like the Ethicality/Morality of a system that grants significant advantages to success to players who have already had success (EG.. Making this a 'legacy perk' ....And mind you, you can already significantly enhance your leveling speed with some legacy perks, but not to the scale of 12x... If this is a legacy perk you are by design crowding out new players and making their experience significantly different.) You'll argue, how is this affecting them? How I play is what I want to do... blah blah blah, and this is pure selfishness and a complete unwillingness to see what is right in front of you while instead focusing on a selfish desire. Ask yourself how you feel about the real world economic system, most especially in the US or any other 'advanced' economy with a GINI Index that is over 45.... A system which enhances the ease of success for the already successful creates problems in actual and perceived equality. Just because you have succeeded in the past, does not give you any right or reason to be excused from the 'work' that creates further success, especially on _additional_ characters. The system is already broken by the addition of things like 'Legacy Gear' that has been given out like candy and increasingly lead to people demanding even more things be created like 'legacy gear' so that they can use their initial work/success to make subsequent characters even easier.


The effect may be minimal, and it may be manageable, but its still a consideration that should be made when adding a new system into an existing model.


The thing is, most of the supporters of permanent 12x use as their only arguments: 'I love this, this is great' and they work under the assumption that it doesn't affect the game of anyone else. They create horribly biased polls that present each optional answer in an extremely biased manner and then think these polls have actual value.


-- Creating a pay for performance system is bad. So creating boosts of such extreme 'power' and selling them as cartel market items is not good. You negatively affect the game significantly for those people who can not or do not want to spend the money for them. (The f2p system is a different beast entirely)


-- Creating a system that 'rewards' success with _easier_ success is bad. Not only does it negatively impact the game experience for new players, but can create issues at the 'end game' level as well. Thus making this some sort of Legacy perk or reward for doing work prior (like a percentage bonus for each advanced class leveled up) generates a problem for the system.


-- Making it optional does nothing to alleviate the problems it generates.


This isn't about 'how people want to play the game'. Its about generating imbalanced systems that provide inordinate benefits for a class of player. Either one who wants to spend more money or one who's past success was rewarded with even easier success.


In fact, the only people who are making a demand based on how they _want_ to play the game are those supporting 12x. You are demanding a permanent change to the game systems to benefit yourself and how you want to play.


I'm in opposition not because I _want_ to grind and think everyone should have to play the way I want, but because I have stepped back a bit and looked at the system as a whole and can see the damage the requested change/addition can create and has already created to some extent.


There exists a reason for level progression in a multiplayer game. If this were a single player game my commentary would be significantly different on this matter. But because you are involving other people, your changes/additions/suggestions should be those that will not negatively affect the experiences of others.


Oh yeah? well I don't think YOU should have sprint, a speeder or rocket boots. It ruins the game!!! YOU should have to walk to your missions the way it was intended. You are getting to those quests waaayy too fast mister!!! You should have to soak up every single minute of each planet without ANY tools to speed the process.

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CP from another post


The game has TONS of XP boosts if you actually play it and unlock them all.


You get

2x rest xp = huge

+10% Guild bonus

+25% XP boost for everything consumable

+30% Legacy Class missions bonus

+30% Legacy Flashpoint mission bonus

+30% Legacy Exploration bonus


With all these why would you even need 12x unless you're too lazy to play the game. I was able to get from 55-60 before even hitting Yavin 4 just doing the SoR story line. You need to quit whining and play the game.

Edited by chosonman
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Thanks Agento for leading the charge on this. I support the idea of making the 12x exp an option for subscribers. I've read the arguments on both sides. Like everything else today, it seems that nothing anyone can say is going to change the mind of someone who has a strong opinion. Ultimately, it comes down to what makes the most sense for BW on a business basis. I think that means a Cartel unlock for subscribers...but I could be wrong. I just hope it is addressed one way or the other.

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I have no absolute data


Dorian has it. He's in the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas. :p


Since there are no Heroic 2 or Heroic 4 missions as part of your class quest you have no need or desire to follow up on these (though frankly you should because doing each series of planetary quests keeps your equipment leveled appropriately tot he content) which leaves anyone else who is in the same level range as yourself/on that planet unable to count on you as a resource in 'leveling as intended'. This, overall, harms the community as you have one class of player who will be granted the ability to hyperlane their characters and skip past everything. This will result in further damage to the community as a whole.


It seems you're making the assumption that all those in favor of the 12X XP unlockable idea are skipping content. Not all do. I for one do every quest I can find, I even go out looking for 'hidden' ones (like a datapad in the middle of nowhere giving a quest), I want to experience every thing this game has to offer. Except for the grouping stuff. I have severe social anxiety, and making myself talk to people, even online is incredibly stressful and taxing for me. I love people, it's just very hard to interact. About a month before I subbed, my therapist brought up the idea that an MMO might help. So far it hasn't. I love to hang out and read the conversations in gen chat (when people aren't arguing haha), but I still can't bring myself to join in the conversations or join a group. I am getting better though. This is the first forum I've ever posted on without spazzing. So maybe I'll be ready for a group someday. I'm babbling. I'm sorry. Anyway, not all those in favor of 12 X XP skip content, that's all I really wanted to say.

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Thanks Agento for leading the charge on this. I support the idea of making the 12x exp an option for subscribers. I've read the arguments on both sides. Like everything else today, it seems that nothing anyone can say is going to change the mind of someone who has a strong opinion. Ultimately, it comes down to what makes the most sense for BW on a business basis. I think that means a Cartel unlock for subscribers...but I could be wrong. I just hope it is addressed one way or the other.


Im with you, I believe it will be a money maker, so a cartel market item makes the most sense but who knows maybe they will be generous :D


And thx for the support!

Edited by agento
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I loved being able to level my last class (warrior) during the 12x class xp event and would gladly support (through subscription, whatever) a similar option on a permanent basis.


However, I do think it's not only interesting to do planetary arcs at least once; it's also very helpful toward understanding the 'big picture' of what's going on in the galaxy. So I would suggest making it something tied to the legacy system.


Read somewhere earlier (no link, sorry) that they're considering just such a compromise. The more characters you've leveled through class stories, the more class experience boosts you can get. So a player may need to do the planetary arcs once or twice but not multiple times. It makes sense to me, and I hope they do implement it. But for those who don't want it, maybe provide an option to toggle it off?


Then again, I've never really had trouble leveling - with the exception of that groaningly long period between 50 and 55, which is no longer a problem thanks to more content and Makeb's bolster/boost.


EDIT: 'Groaningly' is a word because I made it up. If it doesn't appear in any dictionary, give it time. :cool:

Edited by Swounds
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It's a little extreme to say legacy 50 is a requirement, IMO. That takes a long time to build, esp for F2P. I've subbed since it launched, and I'm finally getting close to legacy 50, tho SWTOR has not been my main game (that would be WoW).


I DO however, agree that it would be a GREAT cartel market item. It doesn't even have to be legacy bound once you buy it. Just make it an unlock. People would have to buy the coins to buy the unlock. I'd do it every time; and as a F2P person here stated...they would SUB if that was made available. Win-win all the way around.



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Yes! Please! I regret not leveling all my toons while the bonus was active. I just got my son his own account, and he is getting a pc for xmas, I know he would also love to just be able to continue doing the main class missions to level instead of having to pick up every single side one.
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I agree totally. The entire reason I love SWTOR is the story. They need to do this for subs and they need to add more class content. Not only one 5min (if that) quest per xpac. I want LOTS of story content. I know it won't happen, and I was THRILLED with the 1 class quest we had, but this will get subs and keep subs. Its needed.
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I'm 1000% covering your back. Agree


I don't understand why the F2P is nagging and complaining all the time. Their are not sub and should never have the same options and benefits as sub have..


F2P, plz stop the nagging and complains.

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