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All hail Powertechs/Vanguards! Our New Supreme Overlords!


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Jugs and sorcs have LESS survivability than PTs?

Was that supposed to be a troll?


Don't know what thread you've been reading, but no one said anything about them in this thread.


That is incorrect. PT's are unmatched in burst in 3.0 (except by vanguards of course), but they are significantly less survivable than sins, jugs, and other high burst classes. They are the closest thing to glass cannons that this game has.


PT a glass cannon? Are you just ignorant or have you lost your mind? You want a glass cannon? Carnage Marauder. That's a glass cannon. PT has more than excellent survivability.

Edited by JeffrenBrek
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In a nut shell they really over tuned all the classes.


I have been hit by 12K tick ravages. I have hit people for 8-9K back to back chain lighting/thundering blast/chain lightning. Add in a few double proc's and in 3 gcd's im bursting for 35K.. Where is the balance in that? But that's not the end of it. Add in reckless and polarity shift and I can burst players for nearly 45K in 3-4 gcd's, and that is simply a joke if the dev's think that's balance.


In the last stream the dev's talked about TTK (time to kill) So what is the TTK in pvp? 6 seconds?


In a Warzone I see people vaporized by 10-12K+ hits coming from every direction. Force storm is ticking for 3.5K. Force lightning... 1200-2500... lol really?


In the streams they said they would be toning down damage and healing as a whole. What they have managed to do is the exact opposite. My guess is that either their "math" was really, really wrong or all the dev's learned their math via common core.


All that has been accomplished with what passed for class balancing (yes I use the term in a very very sarcastic reference) before 3.0 was thrown in the blender and right out the window. Classes are way more unbalanced now than they were before.


This isn't simply a PVP issue either. We setup a basic raid in our guild using parsec just to test out and figure about where damage was. The results were all over the place. If damage and healing was "trivializing content" before well its just a sad joke now.


Do I really think the Dev's will really care or respond? Nope. They are always very silent on this and almost any other issue regarding pvp. So the only thing I (or anyone else for that matter) can really do is voice my displeasure via my wallet.

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Lol pts... thats a good one m8.


Sorc and juggs are still much better than PTs


Sorcs, assassins and juggernaughts might have better survivability, but nothing trumps the flat out extreme burst a tactics vanguard brings. It's absolutely ridiculous.


And did I mention they can do half or more of their rotation at 30 meters?

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Difference being that those have a much smaller range and much less survivability.


Shadow's and Sin's can also sneak up on a target, where as VG/PT have to charge at the enemy.


Jugs and sorcs have LESS survivability than PTs?

Was that supposed to be a troll?


Hes talking about Shadow's/Sin's.


That is incorrect. PT's are unmatched in burst in 3.0 (except by vanguards of course), but they are significantly less survivable than sins, jugs, and other high burst classes. They are the closest thing to glass cannons that this game has.


I wouldn't say significant, but it is noticeable, however there are a lot of talents that reduce the Defensive CDs by a decent amount for PT/VG.


In a nut shell they really over tuned all the classes.


My guess is that either their "math" was really, really wrong or all the dev's learned their math via common core.


Common Core Math Problem.


Q: If you have 6 Sages and 1 VG in your Void Star group then how long does it take to plant a bomb?


A: A red lightsaber because Merc's use Kolto Missile.

Edited by HanSollo
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You realise Powertechs were one of the if not the worst class to play at 2.0 launch and it took them 6 months to repair us? Now its finally our time to shine brighter than ever before:rak_03:


I main a VG and have since launch. there's always been one very viable spec (either pyro or, for a brief time, ap). and some iterations of those specs were even beyond viable and would be considered OP. so I'm not sure exactly what era you're referring to here, but as I recall, there exactly one patch around the time arenas came out that nerfed pyro to the ground, and a patch or two later, it was adjusted. meanwhile, ap was OP. every class should be viable. I'm not claiming VGs are due. but I have a hearty laugh every time someone complains that the entire AC was ever crap. cuz that was literally never the case. although individual specs have had rough patches, the AC has always been,at the bare minimum, a solid dps.

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The burst on AP / Tactics is face-roll crazy. They cut through all DCDs like butter. Cloak of Pain+Saber Ward up? No problem, your enemy will still be 30% HP in 4 GCDs. Talk about some crazy burst, I've never seen anything like it :eek: Edited by revcrisis
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You realise Powertechs were one of the if not the worst class to play at 2.0 launch and it took them 6 months to repair us? Now its finally our time to shine brighter than ever before:rak_03:


By that logic, Satis, commandos should have gunnery buffed immensly ;)


We've been Athene bottom of the totempole ever since 1.2, and even before that we were only good because people didn't know what the hell an "interrupt" was.

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Shadow's and Sin's can also sneak up on a target, where as VG/PT have to charge at the enemy.




Hes talking about Shadow's/Sin's.




I wouldn't say significant, but it is noticeable, however there are a lot of talents that reduce the Defensive CDs by a decent amount for PT/VG.




Common Core Math Problem.


Q: If you have 6 Sages and 1 VG in your Void Star group then how long does it take to plant a bomb?


A: A red lightsaber because Merc's use Kolto Missile.


Common core; more like common BS.

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I don't think any of this is coincidence. Seems like wherever you go on the classes, the talk is on those being at the better end and I'm not sure about merc, but it sounds like once again, healing is the way to go for operatives.

Played my Merc for the first time in 6 months today and damage was good, after applying armor debuff I got off a 10761 crit hit. This is higher damage than it use to be but really when I looked at others biggest hits most were 7-9k. Do not know what all the whining is for marauders/jugs (haven't been on my marauder or guardian yet) but I have pvp'd against them and see no reason to whine. Was fighting a 1on1 and they have an defensive cooldown that heals them to full. Have seen mara/jugs lead the dps leaderboard. Maybe the whiners just burned their jobs or don't know how to play on an even field without their min/maxed pvp gear.

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Played my Merc for the first time in 6 months today and damage was good, after applying armor debuff I got off a 10761 crit hit. This is higher damage than it use to be but really when I looked at others biggest hits most were 7-9k. Do not know what all the whining is for marauders/jugs (haven't been on my marauder or guardian yet) but I have pvp'd against them and see no reason to whine. Was fighting a 1on1 and they have an defensive cooldown that heals them to full. Have seen mara/jugs lead the dps leaderboard. Maybe the whiners just burned their jobs or don't know how to play on an even field without their min/maxed pvp gear.


Well; we have to not mix up marauder and juggernauts as being the same before we can even consider what the reality is.

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Well; we have to not mix up marauder and juggernauts as being the same before we can even consider what the reality is.


Considering jugs have some of the best DCD's in the game, and mara's are not nearly as strong, I would agree.

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I main a VG and have since launch. there's always been one very viable spec (either pyro or, for a brief time, ap). and some iterations of those specs were even beyond viable and would be considered OP. so I'm not sure exactly what era you're referring to here, but as I recall, there exactly one patch around the time arenas came out that nerfed pyro to the ground, and a patch or two later, it was adjusted. meanwhile, ap was OP. every class should be viable. I'm not claiming VGs are due. but I have a hearty laugh every time someone complains that the entire AC was ever crap. cuz that was literally never the case. although individual specs have had rough patches, the AC has always been,at the bare minimum, a solid dps.


During the 2.0-2.4 era I only know of one team who actually took a powertech (AP spec) for their 8v8 ranked team (ld-50 i believe it was) surely there must be a reason for this :rolleyes:

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I for one welcome our new PT Overlords. Not only do they have an auto-crit ability that hits for 15k in the opener, but they can also have a self heal that heals 35% over 3.5 seconds and does 14k damage while doing it all for the cost of a heroic utility.


Not only that, but it can also use delayed burst abilities to compress all the scary damage into said 3.5 second period. Hooray for MB (for buffs) -> ED -> TD -> RP -> RS -> EB which will kill pretty much anything in the 3.5 seconds between RP and EB if you use shoulder cannon there.

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I for one welcome our new PT Overlords. Not only do they have an auto-crit ability that hits for 15k in the opener, but they can also have a self heal that heals 35% over 3.5 seconds and does 14k damage while doing it all for the cost of a heroic utility.


Not only that, but it can also use delayed burst abilities to compress all the scary damage into said 3.5 second period. Hooray for MB (for buffs) -> ED -> TD -> RP -> RS -> EB which will kill pretty much anything in the 3.5 seconds between RP and EB if you use shoulder cannon there.


... except concealment Operatives. :cool:

Edited by texoc
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My first impression was that the new AP is indeed OP. I saw myself critting constantly for 9-13k and was just dumbfounded.


Now, however, it's...unclear. Operatives seem to have a *lot* of survivability, Sorcs are just lol, sins are immune to everything, and jugs seem to be in roughly the same boat as PT's with a bit more survivability.


Nothing seems weak, but overall, there just seems to be way too much damage being thrown around - by ALL classes, not just PT.


That said, I think we should all hold off on calling for nerfs or buffs until the majority of people are in proper level 60 pvp gear and have had time to re-learn their respective specs.


Just my two cents.

Edited by KainrycKarr
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My first impression was that the new AP is indeed OP. Now, however, it's...unclear. Operatives seem to have a *lot* of survivability, Sorcs are just lol, sins are immune to everything, and jugs seem to be in roughly the same boat as PT's with a bit more survivability.


Nothing seems weak, but overall, there just seems to be way too much damage being thrown around - by ALL classes, not just PT.


That said, I think we should all hold off on calling for nerfs or buffs until the majority of people are in proper level 60 pvp gear and have had time to re-learn their respective specs.


Just my two cents.


Too much damage, yeah. And too much healing.


Also, what "PT Overlords"?

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Still working on flushing out a full set of 60 PVP gear, but from my experience in 60 PVP so far there is WAY too much damage AND healing going around.


Bioware said they wanted the TTK to increase and that we should expect damage and healing to be the same at 55, but dear god it's no where even close to those goals!

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I never say something like this and I even have vanguard and I love it, but yea the vanguard siply dleted my other classes in no sec till 3.0 coz he is ***** op now : P


And lets don't forget a nice bonus in there side: the stat after 3.0 what can be push till the sky in pvp is HP , )

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My first impression was that the new AP is indeed OP. I saw myself critting constantly for 9-13k and was just dumbfounded.


Now, however, it's...unclear. Operatives seem to have a *lot* of survivability, Sorcs are just lol, sins are immune to everything, and jugs seem to be in roughly the same boat as PT's with a bit more survivability.


Nothing seems weak, but overall, there just seems to be way too much damage being thrown around - by ALL classes, not just PT.


That said, I think we should all hold off on calling for nerfs or buffs until the majority of people are in proper level 60 pvp gear and have had time to re-learn their respective specs.


Just my two cents.


Lol all classes. Marauders would like a word with you.

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What would they say? Because I've seen good maras, post 3.0, keep up just fine damage-wise with my PT, usually somewhere between 800k-1.2m.


Marauder itself is fine, but the playing environment is not. With all those Sorcs running around a Marauder can't go two seconds without being rooted or stunned.

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