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Rishi Datacron, Why oh why...


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I am pleased with it, as long as this kind of datacron hunt remains secluded to Rishi. It's clearly meant to be something like "finding hidden treasure" on the planet, which fits the theme of the pirate's cove.


Now ye scurvy Core-lubber, ge'ou'ere an' gemme the shinies. Arrr!


Sure, the rest of the chain after the first step is like that, and that looks "fun", but camping at a spawnpoint one-shotting a creature every 4:30 minutes, hoping for a better luck next time is nowhere near any definition of fun.

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Now it's just wait, spawn, kill, wait, spawn, kill, hope... Basically you couldn't be arsed to come up with something mildly fun this time? What do you gain from making people wait hours on end, let alone doing it three times in a row?


See this is amusing to me. Perhaps some people don't like wasting time on jumping puzzles, I graduated from super mario bros decades ago, nor having to put their game on hold having to rely on other's while spamming #lfdatacronrun for an hour. ****, I'd actually bother getting datacrons if they were all kill champ > click datacron. Instead I just accept the fact that little datacron minigame wasn't meant for me and my enjoyment so I move on to something else in game I do like.

Edited by Ridickilis
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See this is amusing to me. Perhaps some people don't like wasting time on jumping puzzles, I graduated from super mario bros decades ago, nor having to put their game on hold having to rely on other's while spamming #lfdatacronrun for an hour. ****, I'd actually bother getting datacrons if they were all kill champ > click datacron. Instead I just accept the fact that little datacron minigame wasn't meant for me and my enjoyment and move on to something else in game I do like.


Very few datacron require group, most are about "mario brothering" your way to them.

Also, this is not just "kill champ > click datacron". first, you have to get the champion to spawn by repeatedly killing the same placeholder mob and hoping RNG will be nice to you on the next spawn and hit the 5% chance it has on spawning the correct champion (and then hope someone will not steal the kill from you)

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I spent the whole day getting the three packets...Then I went to a vendor and clicked the button "sell grey items"...And I can't buy them back ! I'm having a breakdown here, I made a request but if don't get them back I think I will bang my head against a wall so hard I might die. Edited by Nairolfus
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Still beats the Endurance 'cron on Makeb. Now that one was sadistic.


No the really sadistic one is the one Endurance one on Voss. It became esp. fked when they allowed us to abandon planetary quests. Except, yup, yer fked if you do.


But in the beginning of the game no one knew, so there are a lot of original chars that will be missing that one forever :mad:

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What's really inane is the fact that the three magic items you have to camp for are all grey. One moment of inattention at a vendor or sending your comp off to take out the trash and all your work is wasted. Thanks for playing, now please start over. I only lost one to that bit of stupid design but it is still annoying. Considered submitting a ticket but given the glacial speed of CS in this game, I can probably spawn camp a replacement faster.


So that's what happened to the two I had farmed. Time to start over I suppose :i_mad::jawa_frown:

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This turns it into a random number generator followed by racing to location in a guide only for the tentacles at the end to bug out and go hostile. The the 4 datacrons don't appear to do anything, they may grant bonuses but I can't find any record of where they are record or what new lore they offer.


I did feel disappointed when all the bugs and the spawns and the mindless running around was done. So unless that was the attempt bioware really need to ask what was the reason behind this 'treasure hunt' installment that just seemed more frustrating than fun and offered little reward.

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I don't know what genius decided to make the item a "Grey". Spent an hour getting one of the datapads only to send out my companion to sell items when my bags filled up. Yup bye bye datapad.


Not happy. For the love of Jebus make it a white mission item so it goes into our mission item bag.

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I did this last night... Well by 'did' it, I mean I killed the 3 little pigs, found the buffs, went to the skulls and all 5 instances were bugged - the beam was already active and the rocks were unclickable.


Guess I have to do it all again now when its been fixed :(

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after farming them, does anyone know how many people I can bring along for the remaining parts to actually get the datacron?


As many as you want really. Once they are dug up, anyone can click on them while they are visible. One person has to do all the legwork getting the series of buffs to get them dug up but after that, they are fair game for anyone until they reset.


And they are buggy when you click too. They don't do the little cutscene like others do and they give credit for presently nonexistent codex entries, but you will get your stat boosts. Though nothing in the chat logs will say so when it happens, you'll see your stats go up if you're watching them.

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And if you are talking about the Jawa Balloon on tatooine, the only thing that one can say they accomplished is managing to stay awake long enough for the wait/ride, or that they made an awesome sandwich while not actually playing during that time, even though they were logged into the game.


I love this comment.


I've actually made grub many 'a time while my toon just sat...and sat. I've even cleaned, paid bills, etc.

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100 spawns and counting for the 2nd package... 5% drop rate my ***. 6 F* hours !!!! On this stupid pack.


I think the ratio fun / "have to deserve it" is way unbalanced.

Fleet / Makeb Datacrons, were challenging AND FUN.


It comes with a long list of really heavy disappointments.

Not to mention fun ruining bugs, missing translation strings, and ridiculously underpowered servers.

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Summary: BORING!


Statement: Master, it would be far better if the Champion just spawned. I'm not a fan of handing things to players, but the spawn chance is ridiculous. I could terminate many meatbags in the time it takes to wait for one Overgrown Grophet to spawn.


Suggestion: A good 10-20 minuet spawn timer would go over so much better.

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Just a suggestion, but how about waiting a few weeks before trying for it?


Sounds like there are some bug issues to still be worked out. Might save some game rage hate.


Statement: The only bugs that existed for it were addressed in 3.0.1. The problem most have with it is the spawn time mechanic.


Request: It would be nice to know if the spawn chance numbers are intended to be so low. It would also be nice if it didn't exist.

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  • 2 weeks later...
100 spawns and counting for the 2nd package... 5% drop rate my ***. 6 F* hours !!!! On this stupid pack.


I think the ratio fun / "have to deserve it" is way unbalanced.

Fleet / Makeb Datacrons, were challenging AND FUN.


It comes with a long list of really heavy disappointments.

Not to mention fun ruining bugs, missing translation strings, and ridiculously underpowered servers.


I'd be fine with the entire thing, just up the drop rate of the Champ Grophet... I've been in the same spot for several hours now. Not at all fun, I would rather all the jumping and falling, deaths, and restarts... to wait.... kill... wait... kill... .wait....

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  • 8 months later...



I just finished watching a 2hr and 20 mins movie in window mode, while farming grophets for one single pack. Still haven't seen a single champ spawn. Not sure who came up with this brilliant idea... it doesn't inspire me to keep playing the game..it inspires me to say "screw this" and leave.


On a side note, the lack of response to any of these posts, and the fact this has not been changed, leads me to believe nobody even reads these things, or cares.

Edited by Greendragonbc
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I just finished watching a 2hr and 20 mins movie in window mode, while farming grophets for one single pack. Still haven't seen a single champ spawn. Not sure who came up with this brilliant idea... it doesn't inspire me to keep playing the game..it inspires me to say "screw this" and leave.


On a side note, the lack of response to any of these posts, and the fact this has not been changed, leads me to believe nobody even reads these things, or cares.


You are aware that these datacrons are in no way integral to the game right?

It is your choice to spend 2hrs+ on a feature. You could have not bothered or waited until someone else had opened them up.

To threaten to quit the game or an additional feature that you don't need to do....well really?

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