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Rishi Datacron, Why oh why...


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Why have you resorted to these ridiculous timer/chance of spawn mechanics for a datacron.


I thoroughly loved the challenge posed by the previous datacrons, which actually added a bit of excitement to the process involving jumping or team work.


Now it's just wait, spawn, kill, wait, spawn, kill, hope... Basically you couldn't be arsed to come up with something mildly fun this time? What do you gain from making people wait hours on end, let alone doing it three times in a row?


Answer me Bioware, back up your actions, thoroughly disappointed with this expansion and the money I could have spent subbing to something else.

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Can I have your stuff if you quit?


How about you post something constructive instead of posting crap like you have.


@OP I gave up for the time being trying to get that datacron. Too many people around and server seemed awfully laggy tonight. I do agree with you though. I love the challenge of jumping puzzles and discovering how to get to the datacrons.

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How about you post something constructive instead of posting crap like you have.


@OP I gave up for the time being trying to get that datacron. Too many people around and server seemed awfully laggy tonight. I do agree with you though. I love the challenge of jumping puzzles and discovering how to get to the datacrons.


If he's going to rage and post about how he wishes he spent money on another mmo, he's going to get these types of responses.


If he only posted about datacrons, then we could have a discussion.

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It seems they replaced one poor method of exploration (jumping puzzles) with another poor method of extending gameplay (respawn timers - like the world bosses). Sorry mate, not everyone enjoys (nor can reliably play) jumping puzzles. They needed to go (or at least have some method of avoiding them while obtaining said datacrons). However, I do agree that the mindless grind of respawn timers is not much better (but the lesser of the two evils).


Quite frankly, they should have just gone back to basics and made the datacrons actual rewards for exploration, like they are on the starter planets.

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I'm sorry, but getting the old datacrons is the only way to fully understand the physics of the game. What you're now saying is they've toned it down so the less able can accomplish the task...


I didn't mind waiting for the moisture farmer in SWG, it actually felt like you accomplished something, but this...

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I'm sorry, but getting the old datacrons is the only way to fully understand the physics of the game. What you're now saying is they've toned it down so the less able can accomplish the task...


I didn't mind waiting for the moisture farmer in SWG, it actually felt like you accomplished something, but this...


You mean fully understand how poor the physics of the game actually is. Perhaps if the game was using PhysX, maybe understanding physics would have a point. As it is, it is a poor system wholly dependent upon hardware and server lag/latency. And if you are talking about the Jawa Balloon on tatooine, the only thing that one can say they accomplished is managing to stay awake long enough for the wait/ride, or that they made an awesome sandwich while not actually playing during that time, even though they were logged into the game.

Edited by TravelersWay
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Still beats the Endurance 'cron on Makeb. Now that one was sadistic.


Yeah the first few times it is but after you learn it, it becomes quite easy and is doable in under 10 mins ez. It takes a bit of skill and thats what makes it fun. Im sad to hear that these new datacrons are just grinded from mobs or whatever.

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Oh noes, they did something different with some datacrons then they did with others! The nerve!


You farm placeholder NPCs over and over for hours at a time to get the required components. There is nothing wrong with a different approach, but there is something wrong when you have to spend 5+ hours trying to farm one out of three NPCs for one component only!

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You farm placeholder NPCs over and over for hours at a time to get the required components. There is nothing wrong with a different approach, but there is something wrong when you have to spend 5+ hours trying to farm one out of three NPCs for one component only!


LOL, I remember this from SWG then Mustafar came out, You had to kill some crap boss but as well there, Place holder and random spawn on the boss, they did change that in the end since most got feed up with the stupitity of it all.


Good, I won't do the same misstake some of you have then :D

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LOL, I remember this from SWG then Mustafar came out, You had to kill some crap boss but as well there, Place holder and random spawn on the boss, they did change that in the end since most got feed up with the stupitity of it all.


Good, I won't do the same misstake some of you have then :D


To be fair, there is nothing wrong with grinding but the activity has to be enjoyable, and there is nothing enjoyable about 1-shotting an npc every 4:30 minutes for hours at an end. At least that's where the general consensus is.

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To be fair, there is nothing wrong with grinding but the activity has to be enjoyable, and there is nothing enjoyable about 1-shotting an npc every 4:30 minutes for hours at an end. At least that's where the general consensus is.


I'd take the Makeb Endurance datacron -- or the Nar Shaddaa Rep Strength one -- any day over that.

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I am pleased with it, as long as this kind of datacron hunt remains secluded to Rishi. It's clearly meant to be something like "finding hidden treasure" on the planet, which fits the theme of the pirate's cove.


Now ye scurvy Core-lubber, ge'ou'ere an' gemme the shinies. Arrr!

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What's really inane is the fact that the three magic items you have to camp for are all grey. One moment of inattention at a vendor or sending your comp off to take out the trash and all your work is wasted. Thanks for playing, now please start over. I only lost one to that bit of stupid design but it is still annoying. Considered submitting a ticket but given the glacial speed of CS in this game, I can probably spawn camp a replacement faster.
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Still beats the Endurance 'cron on Makeb. Now that one was sadistic.

I loved that Datacron. My friend and I spent ages getting that one. Had a lot of laughs at my own fails and my friends. The sense of accomplishment when we finally got to the end was great. More like these would be fun. The grind of the new Rishi ones is just silly.

Edited by Missywink
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