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BW, thank you for the addtional class story!


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There's definitely an issue going on. See here.


I'll post those videos in your thread all the same as well. ;)


Thanks, it looks like I had the same experience, just with the Agent instead of the Warrior. It almost looks like it was intended to be a generic intro for people who *didn't* actually do/finish their class stories, since it only shows your starter companion, and the "detailed" intro shows your other companions. Since I had completed the entire story (through Forged Alliances) before SOR, I wouldn't have expected to get a "lesser" intro.


That said, I'm pretty sure that I clicked on the Forged Alliances droid while on Fleet picking up my Advanced Training before going to my ship and using the Mission Terminal. Since I had already completed the FA storyline, the Droid just told me to go to my ship (which I was going to do, except he had a quest marker). Maybe that set/cleared/f*cked some flag.

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yes the single uninteresting quest that took them about 30min to implement was a welcome

I'm very satisfied with Sith Warrior mission. Speak for yourself :rolleyes: I was only disappointed that Vette didn't say anything during the conversation. Bioware needs to work on that.

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I've done 3 of them so far (Consular, Trooper and Bounty Hunter), and, although they are quick, I thoroughly enjoyed all 3 of them. I'm really looking forward to the other 5 now. :)


Also, BW, please add more class stories in the future! (I'm only mentioning that since they said this was a test to see how people like it, and I, for one, loved it!)


So, yes! "Please, sir, can I have some more?" /Oliver

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I have played only the SW one yet but I was positively surprised by it. Great job.

Its great to have a tie-in to old characters and possible new happenings. Having things interconnect in the game is really big in terms of achieving the "epic story" aspect Bioware claims to be after.


I hope there would be more, of course.

Edited by Karkais
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If I had to rate each new class mission in order of omg what a surprise to eh...it was aight, IMO, it'd go:


Sith War > Agent > Bounty Hunter > Smuggler > Trooper > Jedi Knight > Consular > Sith Inquisitor


I've done all 8 of the class missions.


I DID enjoy all 8 of them, but I think the best one was the Sith Warrior one and the one that could use a tad more work with the OMGWTFILOVEIT was the Sith Inquisitor one.


But overall, I was very pleased to see old friends/enemies/acquaintances/Etc


If you were wondering if we'd enjoy them or not, Bioware, we definitely do and we want more!!!

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These responses are making me very happy! I just started the Solo FA on my imp main last night. Where do you pick up the class story, and do you have to be 55 to do it?

If you have finished act three, you will be called via Holocom after finishing the quest ''Heart of the aggressor''.

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I loved the agents one, the end of it was a bit....emotional



Watcher Two: I just don't know who I'll be when it's done

Agent: You'll be who you've always been. The woman I've admired for most of my career. The woman I would cross the galaxy to protect



I'm going to miss them soooooo much

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yea I totally agree! Even though its just one quest - a teaser of things to come maybe? I find it so cool and exciting!

Seriously BW, Id be happy even if you just dropped one class story quest per major patch!



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I didn't find the Sith warrior story to be interesting in the slightest. It felt like one of those filler chapters in a book where the hero leaves to achieve some quest but other events transpire making the it all a waste of time. Until I completed the main story arc I was expecting an invite to dock on a ship to finish the story.



Killing 9 stealth droids is a quest on Tatooine, while I can only guess that people have a far greater attachment to Vowrawn than I did cause him coming in to tell me nothing, wasn't a trip down memory lane. As for the Hand the entire Emperor wanting to destroy all life in the galaxy was played out in the Jedi Knight story. Its such an OTT concept and that it offers no surprises that it will fail and everyone supporting their own death to feed the ritural has to be so retarded as to be boring. At no point will it offer any interesting opponents as they will all be fanatical losers wanting to die.


Entering an imperial prison to speak with the pie man (who it turns out was far more worthy of support than the hand or the emperor, as was Malgus) would have been a trip down memory lane though perhaps not available to everyone. Have Jaesa say anything would have been a trip down memory lane, I spent a chapter recruiting her. Killing the hand for ignoring me for 2 years would have been satisfying or meeting the emperor who is no doubt sitting in a corner somewhere dribbling would have been something. Could have missed it out and would be in no different position story wise than having completed it.


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I did my third one tonight, and I'm really enjoying them. I'm having a great time with the writing in this update. The only things I would ask for, is more! Class story extensions and continuations are the heart and soul of this game. Love, love love!


And it would be nice if we could have meaningful conversations with our companions too. <3

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So you've played the worst (8 of 8) and are looking forward to #s 6 and 7 -- all I can say is at least it's all uphill for you.


Out obviously cannot appreciate how cool the consular story is for people who like the "diplomat/loremaster" thing in games. I personally think that consular is second best only to Agent.

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The problem with the "diplomat" aspect of the Consular story is its total lack of choice.


What few choices you make rarely make sense. And when you make them, unless it's the exact one the devs had in mind - a simplistic basic LS choice - they get completely ignored and actively contradicted: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=238471


The Agent story runs with the best whichever choices you make, there are both small and big ones, and it respects them throughout.

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I've only done the trooper story so far, but I'm looking forward to doing the other 7 - unlike on Makeb, where there wasn't really anything to make the classes feel different. Even if the new class stories are short, they get a definitive thumbs-up from me. :)
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The Agent story runs with the best whichever choices you make, there are both small and big ones, and it respects them throughout.


That is the reason why Agent has the best story, it is the only one that was not completely stripped of all choices because people whined about frakking up...

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As I said in another thread. I LOVE the additional story.


Done the Trooper and the Agent and it was a wonderful experience.



Bonus points for the Agent that occurred AFTER beating Revan when

I called SIS to inform them of the developments. Its amazing to see Bioware remembered some Agents defected to the Republic.


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Out obviously cannot appreciate how cool the consular story is for people who like the "diplomat/loremaster" thing in games. I personally think that consular is second best only to Agent.


The Consular story is trash. Young inexperienced Jedi is really the Messiah -- yawn. Super powers (and vulnerabilities) are only available in cut scenes, so you don't actually get to play the character you see. The Inquisitor story has the same problems, but beats out Consular b/c Empire > Republic.


Maybe it wouldn't be as bad to read or watch, but it sucks to play.

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I've always seen the Inquisitor story as a look into what it's like to be Sith.


A normal, relatively average Sith. Average for someone that can rise to the top, that is. Yes, he has ancestors, powers, companions, but what Sith doesn't? There are no ordinary Sith grunts, each Sith has their own card up their sleeve, and the story shows it.

So I have to disagree with characterizing him as super-powerful. Rather, the Inquisitor is as ordinary as a force-sensitive player character in such a heroic game can be. Even in the end, he becomes but one among equals.


Warrior is a nice story as well, but it's aimed more at people who want to feel like a special snowflake, whatever the season.

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I've always seen the Inquisitor story as a look into what it's like to be Sith.


A normal, relatively average Sith. Average for someone that can rise to the top, that is. Yes, he has ancestors, powers, companions, but what Sith doesn't?


The Sith Warrior...


Warrior is a nice story as well, but it's aimed more at people who want to feel like a special snowflake, whatever the season.




The *Sith Warrior* is the generic sith. The Inquisitor is a special snowflake who survives solely because it is Winter. What is really bad about the SI story is that it is only Winter in the cut scenes -- outside of them (when you, the player, have control), none of your super powers exist. THAT is why the SI and JC stories suck.

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