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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Latency Issues


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It's not just the new planets being affected by latency issues (or flashpoints).


I've avoided going anywhere near the new planets so far, and there seems to be an inherent ability lag and then it tries to catch up. Like stuttering. Happened on the Ilum / Black Hole / Section X and was much more noticable on Makeb and Oricon.


Still, first day of new expansion so I don't expect it to be perfect. Seems the server is struggling to cope with the workload somewhere. Good luck in finding that issue. :p

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Okay, yeah, it's pretty unacceptable. Now I'm having a full second to a second and a half in-between hitting my keybind and the ability activating. The only reason I'm able to get through it is because I'm on my Shadow tank. I'd hate to see how long I'd last as a dps.


:le sigh:

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Right, couldn't have ANYTHING to do with the insane server/planet load... MUST be their fault.


Well, considering they control the planet loads, yes, it MUST be their fault.


Honestly, they had the numbers of how many people pre-ordered long before today. To have this amount of lag (even missing some of my abilities now and then) is unacceptable.

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Good to see that people are still self entitled and angry about everything. Been playing with little Latency issues all day. Be thankful you don't have to queue or wait 12 hours to get into your server like I had to for the WoW expansion drop. Just calm down and chill out.
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Hey Nothematic! We are aware that it's not just with Flashpoints, but wanted to get this out ASAP. We're still looking at the Rishi latency and I will post when I learn anything else. :tran_smile:


what a complete and total joke this has been going on for over a month bad sometimes breaking 25k ms and you just now say your having an issue and youll investigate it? amazing job stealing peoples money, offering a service and taking peoples money and not providing the service is ummmmmmm lets see... ILLEGAL

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Hey everyone,


We are looking into the latency issues on Yavin 4 as well as the continuing reports on Rishi. We will update you when we have more information.


Thank you for your patience and we apologize for the inconvenience!


how about you get off the 2 new planets and worry about the entire rest of the game crippled with lag as of late, its not just your instances its the game in general i hit a 50k spike.. i have been playing mmos for over 15 years starting with the star wars galaxies launch, then wow launch and still wow to WoD... i have NEVER EVER EVER EVER got a 50k ms lag spike thats complete ******** thats a 1 minute delay on everything, ive been playing this game since launch as well the 2nd week and you guys are letting this game fall to ****

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Good to see that people are still self entitled and angry about everything. Been playing with little Latency issues all day. Be thankful you don't have to queue or wait 12 hours to get into your server like I had to for the WoW expansion drop. Just calm down and chill out.


& no how about we don't calm down they have a small fraction of the playerbase wow does stop comparing them, a few hundred thousand people vs 5 million people logging in is a MASSIVe difference, & paying for something in advance and not getting is grounds to be angry, if you think otherwise paypal me a few grand, ill send you a car :confused:

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  • Dev Post

Hey folks,


I wanted to let you know that we just implemented a fix to begin addressing some of the lag issues you have been experiencing on Yavin. Although this fix won't address everything immediately, you should start to see an improvement in performance. If things still seem the same to you as the did before please let us know. Alternately, if you haven't seen a performance change, please try leaving Yavin and returning to the area. In some circumstances (along with our fix) that can help.


Thanks everyone. We will continue to monitor the issue and give you updates as we have them.



Edited by EricMusco
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Well, I went to the store in the hopes that there would at least be another instance of Lagin IV (on The Shadowlands server, for what its worth), and thank the maker there was 4! :D I no longer have a 2 second delay between keypress and activation! \o/


(Although, it made me realize why you guys took (PVP) Ilum away, and aren't too keen on Open World PvP. It's pretty obvious the engine won't handle it.)


Thanks to everyone who helped to fix it!

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Hey folks,


I wanted to let you know that we just implemented a fix to begin addressing some of the lag issues you have been experiencing on Yavin. Although this fix won't address everything immediately, you should start to see an improvement in performance. If things still seem the same to you as the did before please let us know. Alternately, if you haven't seen a performance change, please try leaving Yavin and returning to the area. In some circumstances (along with our fix) that can help.


Thanks everyone. We will continue to monitor the issue and give you updates as we have them.




Thanks Eric,


it's a little better but hopefully soon it's going to be running how it should.

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I managed to get through all of the story on Yavin IV but it was, and still is, a nightmare. I hope they get this sorted soon but I can't help but wonder if this would have been avoided with a true PTS prior to release.


It could not. This is a problem of too many people in the same location, some combination of server infrastructure and engine cannot handle it very well. And for some reason, Yavin refuses (or refused?) to split into instances, which would alleviate most of the problem.

The problem with PTS is that nobody plays there, at least not in number that cause this kind of problems

Edited by Aries_cz
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& no how about we don't calm down they have a small fraction of the playerbase wow does stop comparing them, a few hundred thousand people vs 5 million people logging in is a MASSIVe difference, & paying for something in advance and not getting is grounds to be angry, if you think otherwise paypal me a few grand, ill send you a car :confused:


When Blizzard can miscalculate how many people will play their most hyped expansion ever so severely they basically DDoS themselves, I think that BioWare can be allowed to screw up a bit as well, at least the game was playable (kind of, I know I did finish the story roughly after 8 hours).


And by no means you can claim you did not get something. You got exactly what you paid for - access to expansion content, which you have, because you can complain about it. That it may be a bit suboptimal experience is another matter.

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This is the killer again Of the product, it feels like release, where damage incoming and outgoing are not in sync with the client.


This is what cause so many people problems. Cause Real Time MMO still will not work.

No matter what technology you have available, there will always be client server delays.


In this matter my key pressing and other stuff is registrated by the server, but what is happening on my screen is a delay of everything. So stuff dies before animation connects.

Incoming damage is ridiculous cause of this problem and even healing others can sometimes cause desync. you cannot blaim this on people hardware.

Cause this really is server client problems. At your end.


Sorry somethings can be blaimed on the connection, but when responses and incoming damage get registrated before animations are done, something is messed up.

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