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3.0 will be a bugfest?


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Seriously. According official post, release of early access is 2 dec.

Does anyone else bothered about PTS?

I mean it's only a week left!

Still no signs of PTS release. Another bug festival is arriving?


Why in the world would you think that a Public PTS has any relationship to the number of bugs in the release? Are you actually under the impression that the public "testers" actually report bugs better than internal QA and hand-picked beta testers?


Quick lesson: Public Beta's often produce such a flood of misidentified, poorly described, and outright false bug reports that their use as actual testing is shaky at best. For the most part, public beta testing is about load testing, checking player behavior, and collecting usage statistics.

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Public testing is only needed really for stress testing. It's no secret that public testing a majority of people that get on and "test" things really do any actual testing and are just there to see the content early. Then there is another group that do test, but aren't there to report the bugs, but instead find all the cheap and exploitable issues and keep them to themselves so they can exploit their way to the top. Then there is a group that plays the test period, but they aren't there to test any of the content, they are there to find the fastest way to level cap with the least amount of issues and figure out the fastest way to get the best possible gear. Then there are those that go in and test and don't play again, they've logged in saw the changes and that was it.


There are many myriads of people, and testing with public groups is unreliable at best. So what you are left with is an actual small group of people taking the testing seriously and a fraction of the bugs are actually being reported while others are being exploited and a very large pool of the "testers" aren't even really testing. In short, the whole, mass grouping test pool typically doesn't work if you are seriously after bugs, but it works fine when you are stress testing code and server issues, but most developers have tools that can already simulate a load of players on the code so that issue of stress testing is slowly being phased out.


You missed out the "testers" that deliberately go and try to find ways to get other classes nerfed for no good reason other than making sure their favourite class remains at the top of the classes. Especially when like 3.0 there are a myriad of changes taking place.

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You missed out the "testers" that deliberately go and try to find ways to get other classes nerfed for no good reason other than making sure their favourite class remains at the top of the classes. Especially when like 3.0 there are a myriad of changes taking place.

THIS is a huge concern of mine tbh...

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Seriously. According official post, release of early access is 2 dec.

Does anyone else bothered about PTS?

I mean it's only a week left!

Still no signs of PTS release. Another bug festival is arriving?


As others have said - invite only PTS this go round.


That being said, I would be SHOCKED if the release is not a bugfest. Why? because EVERY expanded content release in EVERY MMO ever conceived has been a bugfest. I hearken back to EQ1 when the game was all but unplaybale the first week after an expansion. Even the King of the Hill - WoW - has significant issues on release of expansion content.


If this is your first MMO, some simple advice: get used to it or stop playing MMOs.

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If anything, I'd guess that the PvE is what the testers were/are focusing on.


LOL even the twitch stream the Devs on it kept saying changes for PvP.. none of this was needed for PvE except add on revan adventures.. class changes . damage changes, Displines are all for PvP,,,


oing to b ALLOT of bugs

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LOL even the twitch stream the Devs on it kept saying changes for PvP.. none of this was needed for PvE except add on revan adventures.. class changes . damage changes, Displines are all for PvP,,,


oing to b ALLOT of bugs


This is wildly inaccurate. Damage changes were changed for PvE as well, as specifically mentioned in the live stream. Disciplines were changed for PvE as well to keep from expanding skill tree issues with the new levels. Class changes were made to accommodate the change to Disciplines and to streamline specs rather than have an overabundance of worthless talents. So yes, any class change affects PvP, but it impacts PvE as well.

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This is wildly inaccurate. Damage changes were changed for PvE as well, as specifically mentioned in the live stream. Disciplines were changed for PvE as well to keep from expanding skill tree issues with the new levels. Class changes were made to accommodate the change to Disciplines and to streamline specs rather than have an overabundance of worthless talents. So yes, any class change affects PvP, but it impacts PvE as well.


Never mentioned level changes.. that i understand but every class change and skill change EVEN on live stream they said was for PvP except oh this is a raid utility we gave everyone that lol ... yes it impacts PvE thats the point catering to the PvP crowd always affect PvE and usually not well... Catering to a minority always hurts a larger group in MMOs..

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Never mentioned level changes.. that i understand but every class change and skill change EVEN on live stream they said was for PvP except oh this is a raid utility we gave everyone that lol ... yes it impacts PvE thats the point catering to the PvP crowd always affect PvE and usually not well... Catering to a minority always hurts a larger group in MMOs..




There seems to be way to many changes based off of PVP only. Look over all the skills you get to pick, while a few can be useful in PVE, their mainly PVP options or changes made to be specifically for PVP.


they really need to expand things beyond the PVP scope that it is now.

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Never mentioned level changes.. that i understand but every class change and skill change EVEN on live stream they said was for PvP except oh this is a raid utility we gave everyone that lol ... yes it impacts PvE thats the point catering to the PvP crowd always affect PvE and usually not well... Catering to a minority always hurts a larger group in MMOs..


They said in the original combat changes stream that power had risen above the level they wanted. Not specific to PvP, but also in balancing Operation and FP bosses. Everything I mentioned in my post was something you mentioned in your post that was changed for PvP. Here are the three things you mentioned and attributed to PvP changes.


Disciplines: changed from skill trees to reduce the number of sub-par talent points that players were taking due to misunderstanding. Allows for specs to ramp up faster as you level rather than having to wait until level 40 to feel like you are actually playing what you chose due to the removal of hybrids. Makes tree expansions easier for increased level caps in the future. Result: not specific to PvE or PvP


Damage Reduction: Overall damage had scaled up higher than the devs were happy with. Since trees were changing and gear as well, they chose 3.0 to retune these numbers. Feel free to watch the stream on this, he specifically mentions NiM raids around 2 or 3 minutes in, but no mention of PvP: http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/c/5401305. Result: Done for PvE, may affect PvP.


Class Changes: Increased the level cap and started Disciplines. Convenient time for them to rework any trees that needed some changes. Added in/removed some abilities to make specs flow or perform more to their intended purpose. Result: Changes for both PvE and PvP to try and bring specs in line or make them more viable in one or the other (aka class balance).


So of your 3 things in the patch, only one of them is actually PvP related and only partially so.

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There seems to be way to many changes based off of PVP only. Look over all the skills you get to pick, while a few can be useful in PVE, their mainly PVP options or changes made to be specifically for PVP.


they really need to expand things beyond the PVP scope that it is now.


You're fooling yourself if you believe this has anything at all to do with PvP...Jadescythe has an excellent post above...read it. PvP is obviously considered with some of these changes, but not one of them is being made BECAUSE of PvP...it's all PvE.

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If you go into a new expansion and expect perfection and a complete bug free expereience ..


then its yourself only your fooling.


If you want "bugfree"..don't play an expansion or a game at release.




Actually more properly:


If you want "bugfree" ..don't play any mmo, ever.


Or use any software at all for that matter.

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You mean like this front page??? :confused:


Yea m9!


Where has that been all this time!? Surely, absolutely certainly, even the developers would have noticed the upcoming expansion and fixed the bugs. Had they just noticed it's coming soon. I say this with fat confidence.

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