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Aces continued


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Since the old topic is no longer updated and has a ton of people that don't play anymore, I think we should have a new one.


This topic is to list pilots of exceptional skill. Please do not post based solely on scoreboard stats, rather, post those that impress with skill For example, someone who yells out brilliant tactics that lead to victory, exceptional fighting skills, exceptional situation awareness, reading the flow of battle well and consistently ending up right where they should be etc.


I will keep the same format that Argonloris used, but with slightly changed rules.



- You can not nominate yourself

- You can not nominate a friend/guildie just because that person is your friend/guildie

- You can post the the alt names of people who already are on the list. However, I encourage that people write the main character of the alt they're nominating (if they know it, of course)

- Do not post inactive pilots

- Please post in the following format:


Server name - Faction - Character name (main character name)

for example:

The Progenitor - Empire - Bagamias (Rosy)



US Servers


The Bastion







Begeren Colony







The Harbinger







The Shadowlands







Jung Ma







The Ebon Hawk







Prophecy of the Five






Jedi Covenant







EU Servers


Tomb of Freedon Nadd






The Progenitor


Rosy, Urteon, Kessler, Obiwandikosta


Gope, Miriya, Silverhazé, Bagamias (Rosy), Morthag





The Red Eclipse


Davionix, Bomberzasty, Ynaxi, Burningdeath, Red'Wolf, Bobdabuilder, Kal'Kasar, Mundo, Jasa, Tilia, Davionix, Urteon, Llamaeight, Ilmarinen, Maryz, Idun, Quickblast


Ghostwatch, Jasaq, Einistra, Morpheo, Soep, Tulinof, Zahrana, Taajinator










Edited by Asbetos
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I'll start:

The Progenitor - Republic - Rosy

The Progenitor - Republic - Urteon

The Progenitor - Republic - Kessler

The Progenitor - Republic - Obiwandikosta


The Progenitor - Empire - Gope

The Progenitor - Empire - Miriya

The Progenitor - Empire - Silverhazé

The Progenitor - Empire - Morthag

The Progenitor - Empire - Bagamias (Rosy)

Edited by Asbetos
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1 simple reson: to tell new people (be it new on the server, or new in general) who to watch out for.


My main problem as a newbie were really more asteroids. Maybe we need a thread just for them. We could also give them names, no problem. :D

Edited by Magira
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My main problem as a newbie were really more asteroids. Maybe we need a thread just for them. We could also give them names, no problem. :D


Gotcha. I'll start:


Every server - lost shipyards, Empire side - that donut-shaped asteroid between spawn and B


Doesn't get me much anymore, but man, that thing killed me relentlessly as a noob. It's a merciless rock sporting 100% accuracy. That's ace material in my book.


As for a name, I suggest Homer, in honor of Springfield's most notorious donut aficionado.

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Thanks for the mention pal :)

Progenitor - Empire - Xinthos

Progenitor - Empire - Coris

Progenitor - Empire - Cainin

Progenitor - Empire - Kapteyn

Progenitor - Empire - Valerien (hope to see the man more frequently )

Progenitor - Empire - Onurkuzu


Progenitor - Republic - Moganas

Progenitor - Republic - Valhein

Progenitor - Republic - Ni'ss

Progenitor - Republic - Téira


Any server - doesn't matter - Drakolich

Any server - doesn't matter - Scrab

Any server - doesn't matter - Even'ess

The last don't swim in our pond, but when they did it was HOT (like from my hull burning and smoking and stuff) :)

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Alright... The Red Eclipse:


Empire - Ghostwatch (Damn scout...)

Empire - Jasaq (Good scout, good strike, good gunship)

Empire - Einistra


Republic - Davionix

Republic - Bomberzasty

Republic - Ynaxi

Republic - Burningdeath


And, of course, pilots from my Ghost Squadron - Red'Wolf, Bobdabuilder, Kal'Kasar and others. Really nice lads.

Edited by Sergeant_Boss
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I also have to nominate Capital Ship Turret. Everyone loves to run over to him and take him on, but he always gets his man.


Hah, made me smile.


Sorry, I've no recommendations for aces. I'm kind of opposed to the mentality of "aces and non-aces" to be honest. I might make a new thread soon to discuss the matter.

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I might make a new thread soon to discuss the matter.


It's hard to offend everyone at the same time, but this could be the thread that does it.



Spoken of for generations, the spinoff thread about how aces aren't a thing spun off from the thread about how aces are a thing that itself spun off from the original thread that tells us that no one who kills guys who quit back in March with gunships in February is an ace...


It is...


Legend of Omni Troll

One thread to troll them all, and in the dorkness wind them

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It's hard to offend everyone at the same time, but this could be the thread that does it.



Spoken of for generations, the spinoff thread about how aces aren't a thing spun off from the thread about how aces are a thing that itself spun off from the original thread that tells us that no one who kills guys who quit back in March with gunships in February is an ace...


It is...


Legend of Omni Troll

One thread to troll them all, and in the dorkness wind them


Hm... it's not that I don't think there are better/worse pilots. I just don't think that purposefully singling people out is... I don't know. I don't like it.

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I also have to nominate Capital Ship Turret. Everyone loves to run over to him and take him on, but he always gets his man.


Yeah, but he's just a dirty camper. It doesn't take any skill to just sit there and snipe. Real Aces must dogfight all the time. I also haven't seen him contribute in TDM in months - I think he must be leeching conquest points.

Edited by Fractalsponge
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I also have to nominate Capital Ship Turret. Everyone loves to run over to him and take him on, but he always gets his man.


I've found a way to defeat him, get a kill and get the hell out before I die!!!!!!!! I just need Charged Plating and 94% DR ;) That way i can deal with those pesky gunships always kiting back to their ship :)

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The level of trolling here is unbelievable. Showing so much disrespect for someone's work, just because you think that the whole community = 3-4 persons represented by you is kid's behavior. I don't see the point in playing funny guy, if you don't like the thread just move along and keep your unique sense of humor and sharp sarcasm away. You've made a point, no need to expand it any further.
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The level of trolling here is unbelievable. Showing so much disrespect for someone's work, just because you think that the whole community = 3-4 persons represented by you is kid's behavior. I don't see the point in playing funny guy, if you don't like the thread just move along and keep your unique sense of humor and sharp sarcasm away. You've made a point, no need to expand it any further.


Honestly. People who comes on this forum mostly know the aces on their servers if they aren't one of them.


I can list you all the pilots I judge good enough to be here from Jung'Ma, The Ebon Hawk and Jedi Covenant. but that would be pointless. Most of them have 4-5 alts. Most of them fly both sides.


What do you want to do with this thread?

Tell the new players which players to watch out for? Then you would have to write their everyone with a little understanding of the game. I'm far from an ace and I can destroy in every possible way on every single ship and build a new player. The people new players have to watch out includes everyone on the spawning screen.

Give new players an handful of good pilots to talk to if they need advices and tutoring?? I know a few very good pilots I would never send anyone to for help. They're good pilots but, in my own honest opinion, despicable persons. And others just don't want to help someone who can't shoot straight. Anyway, the forum is already a way to get this kind of help. They just have to make a thread or post in one of the existing thread and myself, Drak or nearly anyone here would help them.


So what is this thread for?? E-peen stroking???? So someone can show the whole word that they are on the 'ace thread'?? And honestly... 'Ace nominations' mostly means, this guy is better than me. I'm an ace so he must be one too.



EDIT : Our trolling is exactly that. We are making fun of a pointless thread.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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You just love to play the Overmind expressing everyone's opinion about the post, don't you? You have your right to dislike it, joke with it, but have some limits. What makes you think your point of view is the most important and should be forced upon others via dissing till the thread collapse? Or you really consider yourselves such an original keyboard warriors, that universes shrink and die under the weight of your clinical sarcasm?
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