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who is retiring thier sent/mara in 3.0?


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The only way they are going to notice how bad sents got screwed is by a giant drop in sent attendance, stop playing yours now.

This goes simply for pvp.



Won't matter. Darkness Assassin spec became virtually extinct in pvp overnight when 2.0 dropped, and the devs never did anything to help it. Here we are a year later and it still blows in pvp, and it's still all but extinct. There is the rare sighting here and there.

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Big difference between FOTM mentality and those who simply do not enjoy the disciplines/class even with proper knowledge/experience therefore there is no long a reason to adapt. Only real reason I'm still using mine is because it is the one class I hate least at the moment...and because it's been my main toon/class since beta.


But yeah, probably 80% FOTM mentality.


The spec most definitely requires tuning if not a minor overhaul and the Devs do know how little most of us hardcore marauders/sentinels are impressed if not in contempt for what's it's been transformed into. Just keep in mind that they have a LOT to fix with such a rushed release most of which are very major issues that directly affect the game and gameplay, meaning that the 24 disciplines that will require their undivided attention will simply have to wait their turn.


Fair enough, but like you said most people are just FOTM players.

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I'll try to finish the quests because I'm playing with a friend.

After that it's goodbye forever.

What's the point playing a class if they decide to destroy it to force people to move to another one (thus spending more time in the game)

A game is supposed to be fun. This is not.

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well i am carnge pvp and pve...


and allways been the thing is here.. my dps is kinda a good. i can crit for 10k and sometimes for 14k but the problem is we stil die way to fast and there is no way you can beat a assassin. no matter how much i put out or use all my cooldowns.... and i ranked pvp weapons


i have a level 52 jugg and i fells like fights are 20mins long reason i am not dieing and i am tanked spec. with green gear and crappy items only 1 level 50 item.... i level to fast in 12x exp

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****................. FOTM mentality? STOP SAYING CARNAGE ISN'T WRECKED!! My main has been Carnage since launch! Its the only toon I really play other than the occasional bouts of PVP on my merc because its the only one I liked. There is nothing to adapt to! Marauders took a HUGE hit and Carnage was flushed down the toilet! You have no idea how sick I am of people defending this garbage!! GARBAGE!! Six days till my sub runs out and there's a really good chance it won't be renewed!
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****................. FOTM mentality? STOP SAYING CARNAGE ISN'T WRECKED!! My main has been Carnage since launch! Its the only toon I really play other than the occasional bouts of PVP on my merc because its the only one I liked. There is nothing to adapt to! Marauders took a HUGE hit and Carnage was flushed down the toilet! You have no idea how sick I am of people defending this garbage!! GARBAGE!! Six days till my sub runs out and there's a really good chance it won't be renewed!


I'm not seeing the hugh nerf that you are it seems. Did you lvl to 60?


I just did 900k in a warzone. That said there are a couple things I would like to see changed.


I, like everyone else, want to see our healing debuff/slow put back into a throw instead of a 4m melee.

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****................. FOTM mentality? STOP SAYING CARNAGE ISN'T WRECKED!! My main has been Carnage since launch! Its the only toon I really play other than the occasional bouts of PVP on my merc because its the only one I liked. There is nothing to adapt to! Marauders took a HUGE hit and Carnage was flushed down the toilet! You have no idea how sick I am of people defending this garbage!! GARBAGE!! Six days till my sub runs out and there's a really good chance it won't be renewed!


Its not wreaked read force stasis again (1.5 sec channel with 4 sec stun) with combo/carni's 33% alacrity thats a 1 sec channel with 3 secs of pure carnage not sure if its intended, but if it is then that means full MS with 100% armor pen :o. Not to mention that most of our abilities that are used while Zen is active have thier CDs redued by 1/3 (stasis is about 20 sec CD with the utility, MS is at about 13 secs) Personally I will be skull *********** some BH that think they are gods.

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I'm not seeing the hugh nerf that you are it seems. Did you lvl to 60?


I just did 900k in a warzone. That said there are a couple things I would like to see changed.


I, like everyone else, want to see our healing debuff/slow put back into a throw instead of a 4m melee.


Dont use it in succession 50% is a huge slow and people get really panicky when they cant run from Sents/Maras.


Just work it in here and there LS other stuff then another LS that roots

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Its not wreaked read force stasis again (1.5 sec channel with 4 sec stun) with combo/carni's 33% alacrity thats a 1 sec channel with 3 secs of pure carnage not sure if its intended, but if it is then that means full MS with 100% armor pen :o. Not to mention that most of our abilities that are used while Zen is active have thier CDs redued by 1/3 (stasis is about 20 sec CD with the utility, MS is at about 13 secs) Personally I will be skull *********** some BH that think they are gods.


It works. but only if you have Berserk activated. That change is quite nice but after extensive testing i have found that Carnage is severely nerfed even with that stun change.


- Carnage is now reliant on berserk which it wasn't pre 3.0.

- Carnage dont have a second antikite 10 meter ability that were helpful either for controll on target or passing enemies attacking your healers or to pop that stun bubble etc.

- The burst is nerfed. I don't care what anyone says it is clearly not the same. Yes you can still do ****loads and pretty good burst with gore+rav+DB inside a berserk but its nowhere near the burst we had pre 3.0. Thats a fact.

- losing retaliation and rupture is a nerf aswell, especially in 1v1s or when facing enemys who have deflection/saber ward, or facing tanks etc. Retaliation followup after gore+ravage was also a great extra burst that people clearly took for granted.


The fact of the matter is that the spec works fine in team when facing bad players, however facing competent players who kite and uses their snares and roots the spec becomes almost unplayable. There are just too many tools for people now. In a game with sors and sins i get rooted every 5 seconds with a overload root on which i have to either waste my important camo to break it OR just sit there and do nothing..

Every class in this game has several rootbreakers OR immunities.


Fury/consentration is an okay spec with obliteration closing the gap of all the roots etc but Carnage is clearly lacking. Fury is also a lot better burst wise btw. with the possibility of 9k+9k+8k back to back and then followup with rav.


Regarding survivability contra some other players *cough* jugg * cough* I'm not going there.

I will say that if they wont buff our survivability then we should get more escapes aka scoundrel/op style.


Wake up Bioware, marauders were okay in 2.10 but with added utility we are falling behind! Help us.

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I deleted mine last night. I hate the changes to annihilation. It just feels weird now.


Carnage gore window being only 3 seconds is ridiculous and we still have the same massive problems we had pre 3.0 but its made worse when we lost our saber throw to root.


The new rage is fun, but imo it performs better as a jugg.


Undying rage is still a useless DCD in a pvp environment that is heavily team based. Why would they continue to keep a mechanic designed in such a way that has such a negative impact on the class but then think its ok to give a stealth class 12 seconds of CC immunity?


Shame all this has happened. Its the one class I've played no matter what since launch. Even when annihilation was bad I still ran it because how it played was so much fun. Now it just plays terrible. It was a good run sent/marauder but I don't see things ever getting better for this class. 2.10 carnage changes were nice but at this point it seems like BW is afraid of marauders.

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I deleted mine last night. I hate the changes to annihilation. It just feels weird now.


Carnage gore window being only 3 seconds is ridiculous and we still have the same massive problems we had pre 3.0 but its made worse when we lost our saber throw to root.


The new rage is fun, but imo it performs better as a jugg.


Undying rage is still a useless DCD in a pvp environment that is heavily team based. Why would they continue to keep a mechanic designed in such a way that has such a negative impact on the class but then think its ok to give a stealth class 12 seconds of CC immunity?


Shame all this has happened. Its the one class I've played no matter what since launch. Even when annihilation was bad I still ran it because how it played was so much fun. Now it just plays terrible. It was a good run sent/marauder but I don't see things ever getting better for this class. 2.10 carnage changes were nice but at this point it seems like BW is afraid of marauders.


and u deleted a character because is no more viable ? i mai a sorc since early access, in your logic i had to delete him years ago

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- The burst is nerfed. I don't care what anyone says it is clearly not the same. Yes you can still do ****loads and pretty good burst with gore+rav+DB inside a berserk but its nowhere near the burst we had pre 3.0. Thats a fact.

The burst of the damage sequence you quoted was definitely nerfed, but it is no longer the specs best burst sequence. The damage reduction of ravage means it is now lower priority and should be used outside of gore windows as long as DB and VT are available (particularly if you have the auto crit proc for VT). Test it, DB>VT>Massacre is more damage than Ravage with DB. And that first cycle gives you around 30K damage in 3 seconds pretty reliably. Although you are correct about the spec being more reliant on beserk to hit hard (I don't see this as an insurmountable problem though).


The fact of the matter is that the spec works fine in team when facing bad players, however facing competent players who kite and uses their snares and roots the spec becomes almost unplayable. There are just too many tools for people now. In a game with sorcs and sins i get rooted every 5 seconds with a overload root on which i have to either waste my important camo to break it OR just sit there and do nothing..

Every class in this game has several rootbreakers OR immunities.

This is more of an issue. Most other classes have a method of breaking roots/snares or getting immunity that does not involve losing DPS. I'd love to see the carnage pred utility give root/snare immunity for it's duration (for the mara only), even if that meant adding a relatively short cooldown to predation.



Regarding survivability contra some other players *cough* jugg * cough* I'm not going there.

I will say that if they wont buff our survivability then we should get more escapes aka scoundrel/op style.


Wake up Bioware, marauders were okay in 2.10 but with added utility we are falling behind! Help us.


I think most players in this thread would agree that ED is over the top good right now, and that sents don't need to be pushed in that direction again. I would like to see a rework to undying rage however to bring the AC's durability back up where it needs to be as an in your face melee class.

Edited by Vodrin
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and u deleted a character because is no more viable ? i mai a sorc since early access, in your logic i had to delete him years ago


Not a matter of viable or not. I no longer find marauder to be enjoyable anymore. I hate both the carnage and annihilation changes so why bother keeping the class? In 2.0 when they killed carnage for me I at least still had annihilation to play, even if it wasn't very good in pvp during that time, but it was still fun. Now though? I can't stand it. Annihilation feels awkward now, nothing flows well together.


If I no longer find something fun I delete it. Its the same with my scrapper. They killed that spec for me and I never liked the other two tree's so I deleted him. Not going to keep toons on my list that I don't find enjoyable anymore.

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The burst of the damage sequence you quoted was definitely nerfed, but it is no longer the specs best burst sequence. The damage reduction of ravage means it is now lower priority and should be used outside of gore windows as long as DB and VT are available (particularly if you have the auto crit proc for VT). Test it, DB>VT>Massacre is more damage than Ravage with DB. And that first cycle gives you around 30K damage in 3 seconds pretty reliably. Although you are correct about the spec being more reliant on beserk to hit hard (I don't see this as an insurmountable problem though.


This is more of an issue. Most other classes have a method of breaking roots/snares or getting immunity that does not involve losing DPS. I'd love to see the carnage pred utility give root/snare immunity for it's duration (for the mara only), even if that meant adding a relatively short cooldown to predation.


I think most players in this thread would agree that ED is over the top good right now, and that sents don't need to be pushed in that direction again. I would like to see a rework to undying rage however to bring the AC's durability back up where it needs to be as an in your face melee class.


Lots of good info here. And I totally agree so far that Carnage damage seems fine. It's the utilities, especially in mobility and anti-kiting, that need work. Right now, the class seems very glass canon-y, which is good. It just needs the tools to make sure it actually gets to fire. :)


As for GbtF/UR, I feel that just bringing it back to its old functionality is enough (that is, hp loss on activation, not end of duration). With that change alone, existing Heroic utilities MIGHT be good enough (though I'd like to see one of them give the ability to activate it while stunned, and take the ability to use Rebuke while stunned via Displacement away).


I'd like to see Predation mechanics changed a bit. Mainly, I'd like to see it removed from the Centering/Fury mechanic so that the other two disciplines can use it without neutering themselves. That way, too, Unbound could become a useful utility (and if it made the Mara immune for duration, THEN it would be worth a Heroic utility).

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So far I'm still experimenting with my Sentinel. It definitely didn't get much improvement with 3.0. I'm curious about a couple things before I move on to some of my other classes. The first being how the 6 piece set bonus affects my gamelplay consistently. I like the idea of a Precision > Clashing Blast > Autocrit Dispatch. That's good for at least 20k damage. Second I'm still playing around with what utilities work best. I'm messing with a setup that gives me the most control possible Debilitation, Defensive Forms, Stagger (yeah I know it's bad), Incisor, Pulse, Fleetfooted and Contemplation. The new Force Stasis is a massive improvement over the old one but it doesn't take the spot of Crippling Throw for carnage players. If I feel ike I can get enough uptime on targets I'll drop Stagger or Incisor/Pulse for something that gives me a little bit more longevity.


Those are my thoughts atm. I made my concerns clear when they posted the proposed changes and will continue to. Hopefully we will get some improvements in time.

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The burst of the damage sequence you quoted was definitely nerfed, but it is no longer the specs best burst sequence. The damage reduction of ravage means it is now lower priority and should be used outside of gore windows as long as DB and VT are available (particularly if you have the auto crit proc for VT). Test it, DB>VT>Massacre is more damage than Ravage with DB. And that first cycle gives you around 30K damage in 3 seconds pretty reliably. Although you are correct about the spec being more reliant on beserk to hit hard (I don't see this as an insurmountable problem though).


Yea I don't think you are wrong, although VT and DB are 10 m abilities and it can be argued what to do when (I prefer to have my 10 m abilities for the inevitable push or root/snare. Also i only think the benefit would be greater if and only if VT critted.


Regarding the upkeep of Berserk: it's not hard but if you compare it to other specs like Fury they are not required by berserk all the time because of Force Crush also giving stacks and the stacks dont even do that much dmg so one can even skip them now and then. However the feeling i get from playing Carnage is that the berserk should be there all the time. Its not a huge problem, but when facing competent players with good kiting, snaring, rolling, force speeding you name it. I would save my stacks for predation and get close and still do my damage quite effectively.

If this is done in this patch my dmg will suffer if i choose to do this.



This is more of an issue. Most other classes have a method of breaking roots/snares or getting immunity that does not involve losing DPS. I'd love to see the carnage pred utility give root/snare immunity for it's duration (for the mara only), even if that meant adding a relatively short cooldown to predation.


Predation being an ability on CD is something i could work with and would be a step in the right direction.



I think most players in this thread would agree that ED is over the top good right now, and that sents don't need to be pushed in that direction again. I would like to see a rework to undying rage however to bring the AC's durability back up where it needs to be as an in your face melee class.


I'm not saying that i would want anything the jugg has (well maybe Saber Reflect).

Honestly if i would be a game dev i would make marauders more agile, fast and elusive like the operative. This could be achieved by something simple like Predation being an ability and increase our utility with some root immunity, Deadly throw returned and force camo reduced CD or maybe when taking damage the CD of force camo is reduced every 3 seconds or something.


Anyways I'm ranting and its a little late so sorry if my text is a little bad grammar wise cause i can't be bothered checking it.

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why arent you impressed ?

-our long ronge root gets removed and u get a melee root that has to be used twice in order to root (3 sec cast u might say)

-gore gets gcd ,combined with the skill lag and the fact that lots of people play with more than 50 ms,we prolly miss last ticks of abilities inside

-we still cant be healed in undying rage when others with similar ability can be healed

-all classes get mobility while we get nothing

-rupture is removed so that we dont have a dot to use on stealthers to break the stealth and smash needs a target so gl vs stealthers

-nothing to allow us land a ravage uninterupted like juggs do


come on mate,all of that is very impressive . . . in terms of ignorance and failure


I agree on all of this the DEVs need to fix this. I will be quitting the game if they don't fix it soon.

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in my opinion undying rage needs to be back to what it was before, health cost upfront when activating the ability and being able to get healed period. i dont even use the ability anymore cause it sucks makes my healer if i have one on my side go ape cause my hp plummeted.


to this day its still the fault of all the whiners and rage spec that had the talent to reduce the cooldown and the amount of hp it could reduce, that we marauders/sentinels have such a joke ability while sorcerers have force barrier plus enduring bastion and madness spec, pt have kolto overload with added damage reduction and an insane burst spec, assasins now have deflection with 12 secs of immunity, stealth and shroud and hatred spec and jugs have a better selfheal then specced healers its nuts *i wont touch commando's/merc/snipers/gunslingers cause they have it rough aswell*


all bioware had to do was just taking the talents out of rage tree and fixed but oooh noo double nerf survive ability of all 3 specs of marauders bah i feel more hatred *pun intended* towards bioware for making such decisions


my take on the matter

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in my opinion undying rage needs to be back to what it was before, health cost upfront when activating the ability and being able to get healed period. i dont even use the ability anymore cause it sucks makes my healer if i have one on my side go ape cause my hp plummeted.


to this day its still the fault of all the whiners and rage spec that had the talent to reduce the cooldown and the amount of hp it could reduce, that we marauders/sentinels have such a joke ability while sorcerers have force barrier plus enduring bastion and madness spec, pt have kolto overload with added damage reduction and an insane burst spec, assasins now have deflection with 12 secs of immunity, stealth and shroud and hatred spec and jugs have a better selfheal then specced healers its nuts *i wont touch commando's/merc/snipers/gunslingers cause they have it rough aswell*


all bioware had to do was just taking the talents out of rage tree and fixed but oooh noo double nerf survive ability of all 3 specs of marauders bah i feel more hatred *pun intended* towards bioware for making such decisions


my take on the matter


There's just a much more simple solution: just rename undying rage to dying rage. Problem solved. The sentinel version could be named "retarded by the force".

Our heaviest hitting ability can be called wet noodle strike.

And we could have a use for the Force Joke.

Instead of Force Camouflage we could have a Force Seppuku. Before the enemies killing blow we kill ourselves while doing a stunning Force Laugh.

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There's just a much more simple solution: just rename undying rage to dying rage. Problem solved. The sentinel version could be named "retarded by the force".

Our heaviest hitting ability can be called wet noodle strike.

And we could have a use for the Force Joke.

Instead of Force Camouflage we could have a Force Seppuku. Before the enemies killing blow we kill ourselves while doing a stunning Force Laugh.


'retarded by the force' laughing my *** off

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There's just a much more simple solution: just rename undying rage to dying rage. Problem solved. The sentinel version could be named "retarded by the force".

Our heaviest hitting ability can be called wet noodle strike.

And we could have a use for the Force Joke.

Instead of Force Camouflage we could have a Force Seppuku. Before the enemies killing blow we kill ourselves while doing a stunning Force Laugh.


This guy..

Holy crap that made my night. Petitioning to rename those abilities now.

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There's just a much more simple solution: just rename undying rage to dying rage. Problem solved. The sentinel version could be named "retarded by the force".

Our heaviest hitting ability can be called wet noodle strike.

And we could have a use for the Force Joke.

Instead of Force Camouflage we could have a Force Seppuku. Before the enemies killing blow we kill ourselves while doing a stunning Force Laugh.


can the pvp tree be called soft kisses on pub side and tickle monster on the imp side?

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I believe this will be the 3.1. Patchnotes from Bioware:


Jedi Sentinel


- Guarded by the Force has been renamed Seppuku. Seppuku is now a 4s Channel, it protects you from all incoming DMG. At the End of the Effect you loose 1000% of your Maximum HP.

- Saberward has its Cool Down increased to 30min. Since its already useless we would normally remove it, but we need something to point at if you ask for Buffs. Nothin really changes it has been the worst Def CD in Effect/Duration/CD wise since we startet to call you "Devils" and "Shall be removed".

- Rebuke has been removed, you don´t need it you are overpowered.

- Force Camouflage has been removed, since you die too often you don´t need it anymore

- Charge has been removed, you don´t need a gap closer.



- Your Selfheal has been removed.

- Cauterize has its duration increased to 24s the overall Damage of the Effect reimains the same, Healers felt it hit to hard.

- You cannot spread your DoTs per Smash anymore, it was bugged so we removed it alltogether.



- Casting Precision reduces your Movementspeed by 100%.

- Masterstrike now deals Damage to yourself when the target breaks melee range.

- All passive Damage Reduction has been removed



- Activating Zen now sacrifices your life but lets you explode in a nice flame, dealing no damage.



- All Utilities have been changed so they in no way could benefit you.

- The Heroic Tier now contains Passives that improve your Seppuku, but only in a grafical way


Yeah I will continue ranting until you Devs explain to us to the point what why and when. You remember that we Sents demanded from you to nerf Dotsmash. We can be reasoned with, not like those other Class Communities who are totally dillusional.


Requires you talk to us in an acceptable way. After 3 Years of nerfing I expect at least for you to tell us HOW we can reach the Top Tiers. Even with a backup heal and a backup Tank Sents are the most useless class in PvP. Well enlighten me Bioware, tell us your arguments.


As a senior Player I see no way to reach the top tiers in PvP or PvE. As in both cases in a Raid enviroment we have become the least desirable DPS. Surely it will take som time for more Scoundrels/Shadows to switch to DPS, but given the massive decline in Sentinel population it will not take that long. As an example from 6 Sents in our guild, most of them beeing the only toon they had on max level 4 have switched classes due to the most recent idiocy you produced. I am asking myself what kind of people you had testing that Classbalance? Are you afraid Sents could be strong again due to the stupidity of people?


Watchmanselfheal and Burstnerf due to people not despelling shortly before Makeb

FocusAoEDmgnerf due to people beeing to stupid, no Movement etc.

Combatnerf due to people beeing to stupid to use the right Stun,Root,Kick,Snare,Precisiondebuff,Def CD. Seriously Gunslingers just roll.


And now removal of the two most usefull Skill in the PvP enviroment. Taking the ranged snar from Sents was by far the biggest hit, next to turning Watchman Damage into somewhat of a nice tickle.


EXPLAIN ME HOW JUST HOW I AM SUPOSED TO COMPETE? Before 3.0 it was an uphillfight by I managed to remain in the upper half if not at the Top of the chart due to people stupidity and my experience. Yeah I played Watchman, like always.


It is impossible for me nowadays to kill a healer 1 v 1 who is on an equal skillelevel. No problem their with my Gunslinger or Vanguard(Tank).


I would like Bioware to give us a hint what the **** we are doing wrong, maybe we are just to stupid to see the masterpiece you produced. Oh and please don´t come with that ****** explanation we need teamsupport.....everyone needs teamsupport and gets teamsupport. Even when I join with a pockethealer and a pockettankt I won´t top the random (Insert Class here) DPS who is on an equal skillevel. My Gunslinger reaches 1mil regularly, my Sent can be happy if he reaches 800k and I know how to play a Watchmansentinel believe that.


I require an explanation!

Edited by Atlanis
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