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3.0 Class Changes Announced


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Not a fan of the removal of Crippling Throw. Not a fan of PS/Gore being on the GCD. Meh about Bladestorm/Force Scream replacement ability. That means no real change to Combat/Carnage's rotation.


Overall Combat/Carnage rating IMO:

3/10. Crippling Throw removal is a nerf to PvP; traded an immobilize for a slow. PS/Gore on the GCD is kinda sucky. Not very imaginative "new" ability.

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Making gore ON the GCD actually makes it easier for ppl to stun us during it. It's actually a slight nerf. We might be able to squeeze in one more attack in gore but meh overall.


Losing rupture, deadly throw and retaliation ruins marauder for me a lot. I likes having options for different types of DCDs etc..


Bioware has no clue. They are ruining my carnage mara by the looks of it.

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Gore on the GCD and increasing the gore window to 6 seconds is a *********** retarded change... The changes to Carnage are nothing more than changing stuff for the sake of saying "Hey look at what we did!"... What a joke...


i agree with this..need to try it obviously..but i feel forced to avoid combat for pvp..

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So essentially the Carnage rotation stays insanely difficult while getting Gore to last longer and deal more damage, Fury Marauders still deal a crap ton of damage, and Annihilation Marauders get their stacks to build 2 at a time. Certainly makes me happier, knowing that the Annihilation rotation will become easier.
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So essentially the Carnage rotation stays insanely difficult while getting Gore to last longer and deal more damage, Fury Marauders still deal a crap ton of damage, and Annihilation Marauders get their stacks to build 2 at a time. Certainly makes me happier, knowing that the Annihilation rotation will become easier.

If you think Carnage is insanely difficult, there is no helping you.

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Hmm, i think i'm the odd man out. I love what they have done to Carnage! 6s Gore? HELL YES! I nearly passed out when i read that line over sheer joy! Ok? so we have 1.5s of that we cant use it roughly, but if you use it during a Berserk (i dont think it changed) you get 30% Alacrity, which is a 30% reduction of that 1.5s GCD, not including other Alacrity! new skill is a bit unimaginative, but i can live with more Force Scream Damage.


Anni, oh Anni, you were always the red-headed stepchild of the Mara's to me... Juggling DoT's seems interesting to say the least, and with no CD on Rupture what will Pulverize do? More damage up-front? Force Gash seems cool, but hopefully the animation will look even cooler, and it's nigh time Anni get's a 3rd DoT.


Fury... Thank christ, Rage Mara used to be my favorite tree for it's rotation, and now making it better? it may become my preferred tree for Mara both PvE and PvP! Furious Slash, and Raging Burst, both great additions to the arsenal of the Fury/Rage Mara.

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Fury... Thank christ, Rage Mara used to be my favorite tree for it's rotation, and now making it better? it may become my preferred tree for Mara both PvE and PvP! Furious Slash, and Raging Burst, both great additions to the arsenal of the Fury/Rage Mara.


I'd have to agree with this. Put simply, 2.X Rage Marauders are swimming in rage and they dont even pick up the rage refund skill (taking Dual Wield Mastery instead).


Now we get to 3.0 and:


+ Rage Generation: Rage Refund is now automatic

- Rage Generation: No more Rupture (but who cares, Slash costs as much now)

- Rage Generation: No more Rage from TST (cause carnage stoles it)


+Raging Burst as an alternative for Smash - You'll probably still use Smash in AoE rotations, but now you can Raging Burst if theres only 1 target (who cares about yo AoE reduction, its POINTLESS NOW)

+ Furious Slash as a new filler, replaces Rupture. Depending on the cooldown and the cost, this could be really good for burst. And Bioware has stated they wanted Rage (and Fury) to be a burst spec...

+ Sweeping Slash as an AoE Alternative to Vicious Slash - This is nice.


Overall, of the 3 specs I feel like Fury/Concentration will be my favourite of the 3, even with all the extra damage the other 2 are probably going to do (It looks like they are trying to actually keep to their design goal of Combat/Carnage being the mixed Sustained/Burst spec this time)

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Looks to me that carnage marauders are going to be dead in pvp. Its going to be anni or rage(fury). Unless the new force scream replacement deals a lot more base damage.


Instead of combining deadly throw into crippling slash it should be the reverse - with a utility or something to spec deadly throw into a root. Losing a 10m ability to root a target for carnage is huge. Now you have to use 3 seconds to apply a root that only lasts 3 seconds. Let's hope it does damage on par with massacre at the same time - but it won't.


If I remember correctly gore was on the GDC at release with a 6 second duration and then got changed pretty quickly to its current 4.5 seconds and off the GCD to improve the class. Depending on how the while alacrity works out I see that as big nerf to carnage burst.


Looks like whatever Devs that use to like the marauder class have left the building or rerolled madness assassins

Edited by Dacer
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I'll have to wait and see, but I am on the fence as of now. I think Fury (Rage) is the spec that's coming out of 3.0 as the winner, tbh. The changes seem good, whereas the changes to annihilation and carnage I am not as pleased with. Carnage has received a nerf pvp-wise, that's for sure. Deadly Throw was used a lot. I remember using it in Styrak NiM, as well. The root is certainly used in pvp, and was fun the one fight it could be used as more than a filler of some sort in PvE. I dislike that gore is now off the gcd, both pve- and pvp-wise. As with everything else, I will have to test it to see whether or not it work better or worse.


I have always found annihilation rather static and less fun than carnage. Maybe the added dot juggling will make it more interesting to me. Other than that it seems to be pretty much the same.


I obviously need to test it out and have a look at the disciples, but for now Fury looks like the spec that's come out the winner.

Edited by Xenphon
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Now you have to use 3 seconds to apply a root that only lasts 3 seconds. Let's hope it does damage on par with massacre at the same time - but it won't.

Heh, I was puzzled by the take 3s to root for 3s idea too. Also, I got the impression that Leg Slash would deal *less* damage, mainly from this quote; "The final result of these changes is that Leg Slash is now far more about the debuffs it applies, rather than the small amount of damage it inflicts". So Leg Slash is merely a 'debuff' attack, with very little damage, so we get to spend 3s doing no damage to root for 3s, at which point we'll be knocked-back or stunned. Yay!

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I'll give my opinion.


- General :


I get why Rupture would shift into Annihilation. From a thematic stand point, it belongs there, and only there. From a mechanism stand point, I don't care at all.


About Deadly Throw, as long as the utility is elsewhere, I don't care the ability disappears.


About Leg Slash... This I don't get why. This ability has always been unfitting. Its range forced the skill to always be used preemptively, instead of a reaction to a situation. That's simply not fun. By chance there were alternate moves, like Rupture w/ snare, Deadly Throw w/ root, and the Rage Leap thing. But now, some options are now unavailable. That's potentially terrible, especially for Carnage.


Retailation... Meh. It was nice, but I always felt it did not belonged to Marauders, unless they were going for "two saber = parries and ripostes". They went for "two saber = lot of offense", so... Yeah, maybe it's okay to see it gone.


- Annihilation :


One thing... Do we actually needed one more DoT ? I'm not sure.

But stack building acceleration ? Oh yes ! Gimme !


- Carnage


Basically, not much thing changed here.

Gore on GCD, but lasting longer ? Whatever.

But why, oh why they want to leave stances in disciplines ? What's the interest, the improvement, when starting a spec, to only get a different stance instead of a unique skill ? None.


- Fury :


Do it. Just do it.

Tying a spec bread and butter to a single ability that is also instant and AoE... It was bound to be toxic for PvP. With this new ability, we can have a good start for building something nice for both PvE and PvP.



Now, what I would do differently :


- Deadly Throw still removed, but effect moved on disciplines core abilities : Force Crush, Gore, one Annihilation move.


- Leg Slash removed, and replaced by Chilling Scream. (Made common to both Juggernauts and Marauders.)


- Root utility moved on Chilling Scream affecting foes under trauma. (Probably yours only). Root may refund the Scream cost, but unsure it would not be overkill.


- Ataru Form learned outside of Disciplines. The discipline skill slot now freed, becomes a replacement of Smash that deals weapon damage and trigger Ataru Form automatically. Completely unsure about talent interactions.

Edited by Altheran
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while the changes greatly benefit pve pvps really taking it hard. I won't bench my sent yet until I try them. but I doubt sentinel viability in pvp.Still I can hope for the best I guess.


The new focus will be better than any spec currently on live for PvP

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Wait for the stream. For all we know, there could be passives in the tree that give you CC immunity, or add range to Leg Slash, and so on.


Thanks for posting this! finally someone with an ounce of patience on this forum. Glad to see it in posted form!


I agree that people need to wait to see how well Maruaders will be post 3.0. We haven't had the livestream yet, so people need to calm down. Their utilities and passives might just be really awesome!

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Their utilities and passives might just be really awesome!

They're not! You don't need the stream, the information is already out there. Unless it's changed since the last extract I saw it's not looking good, with Combat, especially, coming out with less than we have currently. Here's hoping for some last minute changes! Otherwise, time to dust off my Sorc!

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They're not! You don't need the stream, the information is already out there. Unless it's changed since the last extract I saw it's not looking good, with Combat, especially, coming out with less than we have currently. Here's hoping for some last minute changes! Otherwise, time to dust off my Sorc!


Combat will be OK in 3.0, about the same strength wise as right now from what I have seen. The new focus replacement is going to be the strongest PvP spec though. High burst with good counters to kiting will always be good in PvP.

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Very underwhelming overall. It might not matter in the long run but I have a feeling Mar/Sen is going to going to be a weak class in PvP (based on the changes we've seen to other classes). They simply rearranged the chairs on the deck instead of looking at the bigger picture.


In fact, in some ways this is an overall nerf.


We will see more and hopefully actual play testing proves this to be false.

Edited by Arkerus
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Wait for the stream. For all we know, there could be passives in the tree that give you CC immunity, or add range to Leg Slash, and so on.


But we both know there is no such thing. Just a 50% snare for 6sec on some abilities. Nothing near as useful as DT root is.


Datamined info is out since the beginning.


You know it and we know it.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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