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Flagging and Feign Death


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If you don't try stealing loot from a mob you didn't kill then this would not be a problem. Quit being a greedy thief and you won't get flagged.


Actually if you read the linked post the OP mentioned, the guy waits until you kill some mobs and then tries to "plant" himself among your other "lootable" kills. So he's not counting on you stealing anything, just looting your own kills.


Honestly, people need a better way to spend their time than trying to find ways to trick other players *sigh* :rolleyes:

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Actually if you read the linked post the OP mentioned, the guy waits until you kill some mobs and then tries to "plant" himself among your other "lootable" kills. So he's not counting on you stealing anything, just looting your own kills.


Honestly, people need a better way to spend their time than trying to find ways to trick other players *sigh* :rolleyes:

Which is why I would caution all new players to watch out for this...the best way to end the griefing is to deny the griefer his reward. PAY ATTENTION!!! Know what you're clicking on ALWAYS!

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Which is why I would caution all new players to watch out for this...the best way to end the griefing is to deny the griefer his reward. PAY ATTENTION!!! Know what you're clicking on ALWAYS!

"Not paying attention" is the same thing that evidently causes people to be unable to tell the difference between 1,000,078 and 1,000.78 on the GTN.

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Actually if you read the linked post the OP mentioned, the guy waits until you kill some mobs and then tries to "plant" himself among your other "lootable" kills. So he's not counting on you stealing anything, just looting your own kills.


Honestly, people need a better way to spend their time than trying to find ways to trick other players *sigh* :rolleyes:


Of course OP is going to say that, it is a pity post.


He clicked the corpse with the big yellow name, the cursor doesn't even turn to a loot cursor, he just failed and then to make himself feel better he blamed the game and posted here.


But it doesn't change the reality, he clicked a corpse with a big yellow name, that he didn't own and didn't show a loot cursor, then he came here and told everyone how he got roflstomped.


His supporters keep bumping the thread to make sure no one missed the fact that OP got roflstomped :D

Edited by Foambreaker
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"Not paying attention" is the same thing that evidently causes people to be unable to tell the difference between 1,000,078 and 1,000.78 on the GTN.

Agreed. But one results in a meaningless pixel death, the other can result in a massive credit robbery...credits take a million times more time to gain than the time it takes to run back from A to B.

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Agreed. But one results in a meaningless pixel death, the other can result in a massive credit robbery...credits take a million times more time to gain than the time it takes to run back from A to B.


One could argue though that credits are pretty easy to replace.


Both are examples of foolish behavior from both parties involved IMO.

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One could argue though that credits are pretty easy to replace.


Both are examples of foolish behavior from both parties involved IMO.

Depending on the amount, sure. But in other cases it would be enough that it could cause a player to quit.


And agreed. Neither behavior does anything to improve our community, only harm it. I dislike both actions equally.

Edited by TUXs
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Depending on the amount, sure. But in other cases it would be enough that it could cause a player to quit.


And agreed. Neither behavior does anything to improve our community, only harm it. I dislike both actions equally.


Oh, I think behavior like this could cause casual players to quit the game as well, and would contend that it would be just as likely to cause that. Any kind of predatory behavior can cause that. Just my view, I do not mean to stand against your view, just wanted to share mine.


I just wish folks on both sides of the issue would take more responsibility for themselves. But aside from that I think it would be a good idea to curb this kind of behavior.

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Again, as many others have stated, it's not as simple as just "pay attention." Go look a few posts above yours. And the bigger point is they shouldn't have to pay attention. How can you call somebody an idiot because somebody exploited the fact that they were on a PVE server, in a PVE area, not expecting any PVP, to force flag them and attack them? How is it somebody's own fault if they don't play PVP and, thus, don't even know that they can be flagged that way? What if somebody hasn't heard of or seen this regen item? Let's just sweep that under the rug, they're idiots right? Get out of here with that crap.


Do you play the game without looking at the screen? That's actually quite impressive.


I'm sorry I don't understand how it is possible to lack that much awareness to what you are doing. But I see this as a good thing, maybe they will learn from their mistakes and recognise the difference between a loot cursor and a target cursor. Or maybe they will come to the forums and whine. Trying to trick unflagged players for kicks is a dick move anyway, these people must be incredibly bored or unskilled.


So neither the player using the regen nor the player falling for it is demonstrating a high level of intelligence IMO. It's a pretty dumb thing all around.


He clicked the corpse with the big yellow name, the cursor doesn't even turn to a loot cursor, he just failed and then to make himself feel better he blamed the game and posted here.


Quoted for truth.

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Yes, again, I don't think the game should be blamed. The player that falls for this should take responsibility for the "oops" moment.


Then, the conversation could move forward on what can be done to curb this kind of behavior from predatory folks that perpetrate this kind of foolishness. Obviously it is disruptive to casual gameplay, like any other move in game that is allowed to prey on casual players while they are engaged in game activities.


That is the reason I think it would be a good idea to curb the practice....not punish mind you, just place a mechanic or adjustment to the flag system in place to prevent this kind of tomfoolery. IMO it should be optional, and should default to off.


I think a toggle that shuts down a forced flag unless the player enters a PVP area is the best option. The player that turns this one on would NOT be able to attack flagged players unless they toggled on their PVP flag. They would gimp themselves from quick reaction to enemy players for the ability to avoid grabbing a flag by making mistakes.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Yes, again, I don't think the game should be blamed. The player that falls for this should take responsibility for the "oops" moment.


Then, the conversation could move forward on what can be done to curb this kind of behavior from predatory folks that perpetrate this kind of foolishness. Obviously it is disruptive to casual gameplay, like any other move in game that is allowed to prey on casual players while they are engaged in game activities.


That is the reason I think it would be a good idea to curb the practice....not punish mind you, just place a mechanic or adjustment to the flag system in place to prevent this kind of tomfoolery. IMO it should be optional, and should default to off.


I think a toggle that shuts down a forced flag unless the player enters a PVP area is the best option. The player that turns this one on would NOT be able to attack flagged players unless they toggled on their PVP flag. They would gimp themselves from quick reaction to enemy players for the ability to avoid grabbing a flag by making mistakes.

Very well stated!!!

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I'm sorry I don't understand how it is possible to lack that much awareness to what you are doing.

Same here. And again I mention "How the [he]ck to people mistake 1,000,078 for 1,000.78?" What are some players doing when they play the game, just blithely clicking away without any regard for anything whatsoever?

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Same here. And again I mention "How the [he]ck to people mistake 1,000,078 for 1,000.78?" What are some players doing when they play the game, just blithely clicking away without any regard for anything whatsoever?

It's called being human. The UI is poorly designed and can lead to confusion. There are some great suggestions in Eric's thread that would make it easier to make a careless mistake. Why are you so intent on protecting those who try to prey on player errors? Those trying to rip off others on the GTN and those pulling the feign death trick, are d-bags...I'd rather they be banned and gone from the game because what they do is toxic to the community.

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It's called being human. The UI is poorly designed and can lead to confusion. There are some great suggestions in Eric's thread that would make it easier to make a careless mistake. Why are you so intent on protecting those who try to prey on player errors? Those trying to rip off others on the GTN and those pulling the feign death trick, are d-bags...I'd rather they be banned and gone from the game because what they do is toxic to the community.


Good post.


No one who purposely does either of these is contributing to the game, and we'd be better off without them.


Given that removing them is difficult and time consuming, there's no reason Bioware can't or shouldn't implement simple and easy changes to the UI to at least reduce the amount of trolling a d-baggery in the game. Just because you can't eliminate it completely doesn't mean you shouldn't take reasonable measures to reduce the behavior.

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It's called being human. The UI is poorly designed and can lead to confusion. There are some great suggestions in Eric's thread that would make it easier to make a careless mistake. Why are you so intent on protecting those who try to prey on player errors? Those trying to rip off others on the GTN and those pulling the feign death trick, are d-bags...I'd rather they be banned and gone from the game because what they do is toxic to the community.


Because they are the ones partaking in said events.




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Same here. And again I mention "How the [he]ck to people mistake 1,000,078 for 1,000.78?" What are some players doing when they play the game, just blithely clicking away without any regard for anything whatsoever?


In one of the whine threads a few weeks ago the guy admitted he was watching TV at the same time :rolleyes:


Not sure how he missed the yellow name.


Not sure how he missed the lack of a loot cursor, everyone LOOKS RIGHT AT THE CURSOR to line it up. In fact the fact that your eye gets trained to not click until the loot cursor appears has always made me wonder if OP made the whole thing up just to make a point.

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In one of the whine threads a few weeks ago the guy admitted he was watching TV at the same time :rolleyes:

Yeah, players like him make me wonder if he was running a macro tbh...in which case, this isn't griefing at all, it's justice...that's my only hang up on making it impossible to tab target a flagged player...it opens the door for AFK macro'ing.

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If players being dumb was a reason to avoid making improvements to the game, or placing mechanics in place to protect us from ourselves hardly anything would likely ever be added.


I can't speak for others, and though I have not fallen for this one or the weird price thing on the GTN, ive had my fair share of dumb moments.


My most common one was buying the wrong mods. Luckily Bioware realized how much of an idiot I am and put a mechanic in place to grant me the privileged of a refund of my comms if I sell the mod back to the vendor.


Lets face it folks....its a safe bet many of us do dumb things in the game all the time, and mechanic prevent that from getting in the way of us enjoying ourselves.


A mechanic like this is no different IMO.

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Do you play the game without looking at the screen? That's actually quite impressive.


I'm sorry I don't understand how it is possible to lack that much awareness to what you are doing. But I see this as a good thing, maybe they will learn from their mistakes and recognise the difference between a loot cursor and a target cursor. Or maybe they will come to the forums and whine. Trying to trick unflagged players for kicks is a dick move anyway, these people must be incredibly bored or unskilled.


Do you reply to posts without reading them? That's... not actually impressive at all, it's actually quite silly.


Here's a question for you. When you've killed a mob, in a PVE area when you're not flagged for PVP, do you always watch the cursor intently as you click to loot? Mind you that the battle is already over and you're out of danger. That means not looking at other things such as the rest of your surroundings or nearby mobs, your health bar, your action bar for specific cooldowns, chat (especially if you're in a group like some people do on Oricon), etc. You are solely focusing your attention on the loot cursor. Is that you all the time? And, for the sake of... sake, let's say you are that person. Do you really think that's everybody? Do you really think that's the majority of the playerbase? I highly, highly doubt it. There are other things to turn your focus on and, as I tried to stress multiple times in my last post, you shouldn't have to be worrying about this.


And that's where it becomes apparent to me that you either didn't really read my post or you only saw what you wanted to see and missed the point entirely. Yes, paying attention to what you're looting will stop this. You could say that about a lot of things. My point was that regardless of if paying attention would prevent it or not it's still a problem. It's a dirty practice, it has no purpose apart from trolling (which is why it blows my mind that anybody outside of the trolls would be defending it), and it can be fixed easily in multiple ways. They could make the beam color red, they could add a pop up to confirm that you'll be flagging for PVP, they could add an option for people to restrict flagging for PVP period unless in a Warzone/OW PVP area/enemy territory (keeping them from attacking people that are flagged outright unless they disable it). None of these cause any problems to anybody but the trolls that are using this for cheap laughs. That's what this topic should be about. Because even if you haven't fallen for this, you can see how it'd be annoying to somebody that doesn't like PVP. If it can be stopped, it should be. That's all there is to it.

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At any rate, the defense to stand against any change that consists of "it happens because you are dumb" is very telling IMO.


Obviously that is not a reputable reason to avoid making this change. If it was, very few changes would ever be made in the QoL area.


This is a QoL issue for casual players. It is the opportunity to predatory players to prey on casual players, at least the ones foolish enough to fall for it. And that means there is NO reason, IMO, to keep it in place.


Predatory players do not deserve even the slightest amount of consideration when it comes to in game mechanics. They can learn to prey on each other instead. They are likely a tiny minority in the playerbase, and therefore are likely of no significance period.

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