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Unhappy with Arsenal/Gunnery animations


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Please keep in mind before you read on that this is not meant to be a whining thread. I would just like to state my honest opinion about the new abilities' animations. I am trying to give constructive feedback to Bioware so people who would like to join in on the discussion (whether they agree with me or not) in a friendly and constructive way are welcome to do so and will not be judged for their opinions. On the other hand while I can't enforce this I would like to respectfully ask everyone to be polite to others and stay on topic. Now on to the issue:


In my opinion Priming Shot has really quite a boring animation. I for one (I can't speak for the rest of players) like to have animations that have something unique about them rather than just being "generic blaster shot" animation.


Blazing Bolts/Boltstorm I'm also very disappointed with. I like that they both look and sound more powerful than their predecessors but the twist thing that blazing bolts does in my opinion looks very strange and unnatural. Boltstorm on the other hand has this sort of "mad firing" look to it that looks wrong for that kind of weapon. I also have an issue with an elite special forces character firing a weapon in such a way.


So what are your thoughts on the matter? I'd love to hear what you all have to say so please leave a comment below.

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Lol... I just made a thread about this yesterday :D


Oh really? I had know idea one of these already existed. Thanks for letting me know though. so what was the over all conclusion you got from your thread? Did people seem to like or dislike the new animations for the most part?

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I rate Boltstorm:



Seriously, it would look much better if the bolts were elongated a bit, dash-shaped instead of dot-shaped. Vortex Bolt is okay.


I'm just glad my Vanguard mains Shield Spec. Ion Storm looks SIIICK.


That was actually another complaint I had about Boltstorm. The little dots made it look even more awkward.

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Oh really? I had know idea one of these already existed. Thanks for letting me know though. so what was the over all conclusion you got from your thread? Did people seem to like or dislike the new animations for the most part?


Unfortunately only one person replied. This forum isn't very busy :(


I just hope it gets the devs attention.


I was actually more concerned with the boriingness of the merc healer's new ability progressive scan. I suggested giving us a similar animation as scorch, but with kolto instead of fire.

Edited by TezMoney
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I kinda like the Arsenal animations, but Priming Shot should look like a new skill not a swapped Power Shot... Blazing Bolts is ok, but i would rather the animation be like Wounding Shots from the Gunslinger... I watched the version of the stream that apparently didn't show off all the Pub skills (probably got cut accidentally) as for Innovative Ordinance? I like those animations, especially Mag Shot, Serrated Shot looks ok at best, again STOP RE-USING POWER SHOT ANIMATION, if you have to, Re-use Charged Burst, that looks better... Progressive Scan does look a bit boring, but it is VERY hard to see, great for PvP so, no major complaints there.
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I kinda like the Arsenal animations, but Priming Shot should look like a new skill not a swapped Power Shot... Blazing Bolts is ok, but i would rather the animation be like Wounding Shots from the Gunslinger... I watched the version of the stream that apparently didn't show off all the Pub skills (probably got cut accidentally) as for Innovative Ordinance? I like those animations, especially Mag Shot, Serrated Shot looks ok at best, again STOP RE-USING POWER SHOT ANIMATION, if you have to, Re-use Charged Burst, that looks better... Progressive Scan does look a bit boring, but it is VERY hard to see, great for PvP so, no major complaints there.


Progressive Scan is meant to be used within a group of players, so being hard to see isn't important. Obviously in ranked it's even less so

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It seems devs have not taken enough time to create these animations. It does suck, specially blazing bolts. It just does not make sense with bolts in a circular trajectory. I'd rather have the old animations than these crap.


It seems that they decided to spend all their time designing new animations for assassins and shadows but then decided they didn't have enough time left for troopers so they just gave us some crappy particle effects attached to old animations.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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It seems that they decided to spend all their time designing new animations for assassins and shadows but then decided they didn't have enough time left for troopers so they just gave us some crappy particle effects attached to old animations.


Crinn. You gotta admit Ion Storm look awesome despite it being just a new particle effect.

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It seems that they decided to spend all their time designing new animations for assassins and shadows but then decided they didn't have enough time left for troopers so they just gave us some crappy particle effects attached to old animations.


That's exactly what the sin/shadow moves are. Maybe they look a little more impressive they have lightsabers :rolleyes:

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That's exactly what the sin/shadow moves are. Maybe they look a little more impressive they have lightsabers :rolleyes:


It's funny you say that, because Cascading Debris looks pretty cool except for the weird dance your character does with the lightsaber. Seriously, it's like some sort of Elaine Benes dance.

Vanquish looks pretty cool though. It's exactly what I'd want out of an improved version of Mind Crush.

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I'm pretty sure the dev conversation for creating the new abilities went something like this.


"We need to make something for the new trooper abilities."

"Awesome, I always wanted to see if I could make a animation that is worse than High Impact Bolt."

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