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Require Groups to Queue In Group Queue, not Solo Queue, please.


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This has been broken forever. Can you please fix it? It makes for brief, one-sided warzones. Every time.


What sense does it make to let groups of coordinated, externally communicating players go into a Warzone against random, solo-queued individuals that have no external communication?


Since this has never been addressed since launch, I suppose no one cares about it. I am sure that players who run premade pub-stomp gangs have a vested interest in it NOT being fixed.


However, all it does is alienate new players, and reduce the overall pvp population = slower queue times, less valor for everyone.


Edit: I love coordinating with a group. That's why it should be done in a group v group environment. If you advocate for organized, competitive group play, you should want to play against other groups as well. Anything less is not competitive, by definition.

Edited by FaCEtw
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This has been broken forever. Can you please fix it? It makes for brief, one-sided warzones. Every time.


What sense does it make to let groups of coordinated, externally communicating players go into a Warzone against random, solo-queued individuals that have no external communication?


Since this has never been addressed since launch, I suppose no one cares about it. I am sure that players who run premade pub-stomp gangs have a vested interest in it NOT being fixed.


However, all it does is alienate new players, and reduce the overall pvp population = slower queue times, less valor for everyone.


Edit: I love coordinating with a group. That's why it should be done in a group v group environment. If you advocate for organized, competitive group play, you should want to play against other groups as well. Anything less is not competitive, by definition.


<-No.1 Regstar Solo Queing Marauder.


Just que team ranked and get everyone in your guild to que team ranked.

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Its not really the problem. In most pvp mmos you have to deal with pug v pre. Difference is that in real pvp mmos everyone knows their jobs and plays to that role. Tanks tank healers heal. In swtor you have healers and tanks in solo that queue from pve in dps specs. These are the players that make swtor pvp so ****. Know your role.


Although most pvp games have dps specs for all classes. They make sure they are really inferior to actually dps classes. This means all classes have a agreed upon role that only really good players are allowed to play alt specs. That how to handle mixed queue pvp but swtor ****s that up.

Edited by Tellenn
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Wait a minute.... You mean in a massive multiplayer game, in 8v8 war zones, I'm supposed to play single player???? Damnit man, why are you just now telling me. I'm going back to my Xbox. Then imma get my premade in halo and kill some pugs. Wait, what? Edited by Ld-Siris
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Wait a minute.... You mean in a massive multiplayer game, in 8v8 war zones, I'm supposed to play single player???? Damnit man, why are you just now telling me. I'm going back to my Xbox. Then imma get my premade in halo and kill some pugs. Wait, what?


I think what he is trying to tell you is that if you want to group up for PvP you should be playing other people who group up ? It's not that difficult, really ...

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This has been broken forever. Can you please fix it? It makes for brief, one-sided warzones. Every time.


What sense does it make to let groups of coordinated, externally communicating players go into a Warzone against random, solo-queued individuals that have no external communication?


Since this has never been addressed since launch, I suppose no one cares about it. I am sure that players who run premade pub-stomp gangs have a vested interest in it NOT being fixed.


However, all it does is alienate new players, and reduce the overall pvp population = slower queue times, less valor for everyone.


Edit: I love coordinating with a group. That's why it should be done in a group v group environment. If you advocate for organized, competitive group play, you should want to play against other groups as well. Anything less is not competitive, by definition.


Wait, are we talking about UNRANKED? At first, I thought this was about queue-synching in ranked. No, this is about unranked, where it really doesn't matter who wins.




I want MORE pops, not fewer. Placing limits on whom can queue and when limits pops. Sure, I want newbies to PvP--in the lower ranks, not at 55. That's how you learn how to play your class in WZs. If they die a lot or lose a lot, that's part of learning PvP.


Form up your own imp-stomping group and go wipe the floor with all those PuGgers, then. Or get trounced by them because it's not quite as simple as all that.


What I would like to see is clientside voice chat for groups and ops. Of course you should be able to turn it off or even mute specific individuals, but it would help to coordinate a helluva lot more in WZ PuGs.

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I like queuing with guildies, I also like queuing solo. I wouldn't mind if they separated the queues but it is not possible without cross server queues. Individual servers do not have the population to support it and this is the reason BW hasn't done anything about it.


On a sidenote, sometimes, the warzone are so full of bads that queuing with guildies is the only way to keep one's sanity.

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Because PVP isn't dead enough! Let's further limit the amount of people who can play.


The only ones that would suffer are the premades :) And they like to make the pugs suffer, so ya know...what comes around goes around.


Besides, every game that's tried to do this has proven that premades won't queue against other premades.

Edited by Vember
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FYI. There is a solo only Q. It works out GREAT! :rolleyes:


not sure if serious or sarcastic, but I am quite sure that many (if not the majority) of players who troll soloQ are pro-grp players who want to sabotage the soloQ. I also suspect that they're the "cool guys" who like to torment players in OWPVP with their sins/shadows because they get off on frustrating others.

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not sure if serious or sarcastic, but I am quite sure that many (if not the majority) of players who troll soloQ are pro-grp players who want to sabotage the soloQ. I also suspect that they're the "cool guys" who like to torment players in OWPVP with their sins/shadows because they get off on frustrating others.


Yeah and it will be the same thing in a solo only reg. All you would do is get rid of the groups who Q just to have fun and are not there to farm pugs, and you will get plenty who still Q sync and have a free run at it.



The answer is still better matchmaking in regs where once again we are stuck with a dwindling population and lack of cross server

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Why does every moba, even the ****** ios ones have a solo and grp queue for their pvp but not a game that has 10x the budget and the size? Because Bioware doesn't care about pvp. I don't bother with it. I get my pvp fix on LoL and Dota 2.


They don't realize they are creating a vicious cycle for people who solo queue and getting trolled and faced rolled by pre-mades all day isn't competitive at all. People aren't going to queue for pvp when there's no solo queue, that's why the pvp numbers stay low.

Edited by KrackShotz
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Why does every moba, even the ****** ios ones have a solo and grp queue for their pvp but not a game that has 10x the budget and the size? Because Bioware doesn't care about pvp. I don't bother with it. I get my pvp fix on LoL and Dota 2.


They don't realize they are creating a vicious cycle for people who solo queue and getting trolled and faced rolled by pre-mades all day isn't competitive at all. People aren't going to queue for pvp when there's no solo queue, that's why the pvp numbers stay low.


With how many under geared 12x xp'ers are loading into wz's with 26k HP, the only way to preserve your sanity is to queue with a group of players that you know are competent. I solo queue when none of my friends are on, and the complete lack of basic gameplay is astounding. Sure, a pug group can win a wz, but for the most part, its no thanks to 75% of the group. And carrying a bunch of clueless bads is not what I consider fun.


No, I'll queue with my friends when they're online, and enjoy the pleasure of their company while we play. This is an mmo, after all.


Edit* I should add that if there were sufficient population to support a matchmaking system that pitted premade against premade, I'd probably support that. Only problem is that that would prevent premade from ever running non-optimal comps. Because sometimes running four warriors fun, but not in objective based game play where you know you're going to get matched up against a tank healer 2 DPs combo.

Edited by Jimvinny
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Edit* I should add that if there were sufficient population to support a matchmaking system that pitted premade against premade, I'd probably support that. Only problem is that that would prevent premade from ever running non-optimal comps. Because sometimes running four warriors fun, but not in objective based game play where you know you're going to get matched up against a tank healer 2 DPs combo.


But honestly, that's the corollary of what the solo players are saying. You're saying here, "I just want to be able to group with a few of my friends and have fun." Which, as you note, would be a lot harder if groups were required to play in a group queue because it would increase drastically, the amount of preparation and coordination needed to be competitive.


That's what people who want PUGs matched only with PUGs wants. An even playing field. That's really what this is about. In a perfect world, where there were sufficient players on each server, you would never match a PUG with the 26K players against PvP guild premade players with min-maxed Brutalizer and purple augments. Because that's not fun for either group.


I premade with my guild to knock out my daily/weekly but it's usually so lopsided that's it's not really fun. So while I don't agree that we should separate groups from PUGs now, that is only because the population can't support it, not because it isn't a good idea.

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But honestly, that's the corollary of what the solo players are saying. You're saying here, "I just want to be able to group with a few of my friends and have fun." Which, as you note, would be a lot harder if groups were required to play in a group queue because it would increase drastically, the amount of preparation and coordination needed to be competitive.


That's what people who want PUGs matched only with PUGs wants. An even playing field. That's really what this is about. In a perfect world, where there were sufficient players on each server, you would never match a PUG with the 26K players against PvP guild premade players with min-maxed Brutalizer and purple augments. Because that's not fun for either group.


I premade with my guild to knock out my daily/weekly but it's usually so lopsided that's it's not really fun. So while I don't agree that we should separate groups from PUGs now, that is only because the population can't support it, not because it isn't a good idea.


I don't disagree with anything you've said, but I'm sorry, what's your point? It sounds like you're disagreeing with me, but I'm not sure about what. My point was that splitting group queues is good if population can support it, with the caveat that non ideal comps would be at a disadvantage.


I only have one tank and one heal class on either faction, but 6 dps classes. Most of my guildies are in similar situations, if they have tank/heals at all. Would make it pretty tough to come up with ideal comps so that everyone can get dailies done.


Not to mention I'm a pretty miserable healer, and fold like a cheap tent when pressured. In a situation where I was guaranteed to be facing a premade, I would rarely play my healer, if at all.


Edit* I should mention that I feel one of the advantages of the current system is that a group a friends can play toons they don't feel as comfortable on, because they know they have support from competent players. I took my freshly 55 Mara into wz's last night with a premade, and didn't drag my team down too bad. I wouldn't even consider playing that class in solo queue or competitive team play until I was a lot more comfortable with it.


The other problem with splitting queues is that all premades are not created equally. A group of pve'ers can go into a wz looking for conquest points and compensate for their lack of gear with teamwork. They'd get messed up against a team of pvpers. Is their need for fun somehow less important?

Edited by Jimvinny
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It would be extremely good for the game if the premade Groups would face other premade Groups. It would bring balance and more fun for all.


It does NOT mean that ppl are forbiden to Group with friends!! Only that Groups face other Groups - i.e. more MMO for MMO enthusiastic people!

The big logical error some ppl make is that they Think a premade queue would be a ban on grouping, while its quite the contrary.

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I made a fully legit comment about an opinion shared by a large and growing number of players.


Plz adress your comments about trolling somewhere else, but not here.


It's not legitimate because it will kill the game that already on life support. Do we really need to start this again?

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The other problem with splitting queues is that all premades are not created equally. A group of pve'ers can go into a wz looking for conquest points and compensate for their lack of gear with teamwork. They'd get messed up against a team of pvpers. Is their need for fun somehow less important?


if you think about that for about 5 secs you will note that you are arguing that premades should be allowed in solo q because they would lose their advantage in a grouped q and might lose to a better premade.

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The game is on Life support due to this very problem. Pvp is a big part of Swtor and haveing the pvp gimped by a huge unbalance in the WZ pvp does not help out at all.


If we get more balance by creating separate queues more ppl might start pvping. Many players stay out of pvp due to the premades creating a very discomforting unbalance in the WZs.


Why is it so hard for the premades to go face other premades? The number of premades is so HUGE that you easily could form a queue of your own.

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