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C2-N2 voice actor?


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Jeniffer Hale - Republic Trooper Female, Master Satele Shan (voice)

Adrienne Wilkinson - Syreena / Gianna / Master Satele Shan (voice)

Sno E.Blac - Satele Shan


Apparently, Satele Shan is a woman of many voices.


There was young Satele and older Satele. And of course they've been working on the game since 2008, possibly earlier. People have conflicts, ask for too much money, get sick, etc...

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I don't think it's Daniels- the VO work on it is uncredited as near as I can tell, which leaves us to speculate.


I still think it's Robin Williams; he's a huge gaming fan, plays MMOs, and has been known to do stuff for the same scale a "normal" actor would get (doing the Genie in Aladdin for SAG Scale and largely uncredited, for example). His kids are named after videogame characters, even.


Heck he'd probably do it so his kids would get a kick out of hearing him in the game when they played it. I couldn't find anything crediting the C2-N2 voice. It could be Daniels, but it doesn't sound quite right to me for his voice. However, it's spot-on for Williams' voice.

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Jeniffer Hale - Republic Trooper Female, Master Satele Shan (voice)

Adrienne Wilkinson - Syreena / Gianna / Master Satele Shan (voice)

Sno E.Blac - Satele Shan


Apparently, Satele Shan is a woman of many voices.

Sno E. Blac is the model whose face was used for Satele. Hale did early voices. Adrienne Wilkinson does the current one.

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I don't think it's Daniels- the VO work on it is uncredited as near as I can tell, which leaves us to speculate.


I still think it's Robin Williams; he's a huge gaming fan, plays MMOs, and has been known to do stuff for the same scale a "normal" actor would get (doing the Genie in Aladdin for SAG Scale and largely uncredited, for example). His kids are named after videogame characters, even.


Heck he'd probably do it so his kids would get a kick out of hearing him in the game when they played it. I couldn't find anything crediting the C2-N2 voice. It could be Daniels, but it doesn't sound quite right to me for his voice. However, it's spot-on for Williams' voice.


We were taliking about this in guild the other day he sounds a lot like robin but I dono... Sometimes he sounds far from robin sometimes dead on... :S


wouldn't mind findinng out either hes one of my fav actors... would be awesome having him in one of the best mmo of all time

Edited by Timberwinger
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A friend of mine swore it was Garak, but I don't know if he had a source on that.


I swore it was Garak as well, but the supporting evidence...well there isn't any. I still call him Garak, though, since I absolutely loved that character. My wife thinks it's hilarious.

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I just started a thread on this before I found this one, but I'm so confident that it's Andrew Robinson (Garak) as well... can't find any confirmation of it anywhere though. Glad I'm not the only one to hear the similarities though!
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I'm almost 100% positive it's Jerry Jewel, voice actor for various Funimation dubbed animes.


I recognized him as Barry the Chopper from Full Metal Alchemist, or Happiness Bunny from Shin Chan.


Shin Chan Happiness Bunny:



Jerry Jewel at Otakon convention


(Bad quality youtube video) Barry the Chopper



Let me know what you all think. Although I don't see his name on the list of voice actors for this game (I glanced through them), I'm soooo positive it's him.

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