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"something better than cross server" SOLUTION


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I have suggested to forego IMperial only side or republic only side teams.

Regular WZ and Ranked wz gear doesnt really mean much in the world pvp aspect. Its just getting the gear.


So why not make Ranked warzones Cross faction.

This would give the opportunity for more queues to pop and to even the playing field. Many servers have one sided wins most of the time. So instead of imp side popping and fighting 4 v4 imps... you can be a pub and get 3 imps as your group.. while fighting a mix of imps/pubs.

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Assuming you are not trolling, the main flaw in your plan is that it assumes that people who want to do serious PvP never want to do anything else. I.E you are assuming that someone who does ranked will never want to do a raid or whatnot. Which is false.


Oh and making a server that doesn't include other types of content is actually more annoying to implement, since it requires setting up a server that is fundamentally different than others, rather than a duplicate.


This right here. I love PvP and it's 98% of what I do in this game but I did a raid or 2 for the conquest points as well as an FP. I would also be annoyed to miss out on the only world PvP we get in the Gree event by being locked on an arena server.


And I can tell you as a developer (not games) that having a different server that's almost the same but not quite would a monumental pain in the di*k.

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Maybe they will remove regular warzones and the level based brackets and replace it with a rank/skill based bracket system. Starters and twinks have to start bronze and can promote them selfs (by winning games) to silver and gold status. Discipline can be a hint showing in this direction.


Except of the missing cross server competition, this might work...

Edited by DerTaran
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Assuming you are not trolling, the main flaw in your plan is that it assumes that people who want to do serious PvP never want to do anything else. I.E you are assuming that someone who does ranked will never want to do a raid or whatnot. Which is false.


Oh and making a server that doesn't include other types of content is actually more annoying to implement, since it requires setting up a server that is fundamentally different than others, rather than a duplicate.


I personally think OPs suggestion is the most likely and easiest solution, and in fact has been mentioned by BW before as something they are investigating. I cant be assed to look it up on my phone, but in response to a thread awhile back about leaving the PTS up for ranked teams they said they would look at it as an option.


Seems like putting up a server where everyone can copy a character and nothing but arenas pop would be a significantly easier solution than basically anything else that anyone has suggested. Just need to figure out a way to stop all instances from loading that aren't arenas.


Taken a step further, this server could also automatically apply a set stat distribution for each class/spec, or at least on this server all gear is free.


I personally would pay 500CC per character for a copy of my toons to this server... if they wanted to charger for it. I imagine the business model would be subs get 1 toon free and a small amount after that. 500 would be one toon per month for subs so I imagine it would not get much complaining.

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In their last stream, Musco said that this PvP solution would also benefit PvE queues, so it probably won't be a mega-server.


He also said on a previous stream that they will never do anything that involves cross-faction team-up, so it probably won't be anything like that.


He never seemed to concede that the PvP community wants to be able to play against the top teams on other servers, and still thinks all people want is more pops, so chances are it's something lame like 1 queue for all levels and a bolster to 60. But then he also brought up level tiers, so it's probably not that either.


Who knows...

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He never seemed to concede that the PvP community wants to be able to play against the top teams on other servers, and still thinks all people want is more pops, so chances are it's something lame like 1 queue for all levels and a bolster to 60. But then he also brought up level tiers, so it's probably not that either.


He didn't deny it in the snave interview and in fact his reaction was like it had never occurred to them that that was what the PvP community wanted

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Maybe they will remove regular warzones and the level based brackets and replace it with a rank/skill based bracket system. Starters and twinks have to start bronze and can promote them selfs (by winning games) to silver and gold status. Discipline can be a hint showing in this direction.


Except of the missing cross server competition, this might work...


Not that bad of an idea

reg wz's should be based on valor and ranked wz's should be based on rating (which needs to be reworked too)

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IHe also said on a previous stream that they will never do anything that involves cross-faction team-up, so it probably won't be anything like that.


He never seemed to concede that the PvP community wants to be able to play against the top teams on other servers, and still thinks all people want is more pops, so chances are it's something lame like 1 queue for all levels and a bolster to 60. But then he also brought up level tiers, so it's probably not that either.


Who knows...


There goes my theory then. Which is fine since cross-teams would be a hassle. I suppose the tl;dr is they're still content with keeping ranked minimal compared to it's potential.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I'm guessing cross-faction teams. Trololol yeah I might be talking bull**** but consider that:


- Story-wise we're told that both factions will be working together to fight (yawn) super evildoer mode Revan. Check the box for story/lore.


- PVE has primacy over PVP by a long shot. If this sort of resource consolidation is being done for sacred cow PVE, I can't see devs considering PVP special for exemption from that and worth more of their time than necessary. Check the box for easiest solution for devs.


- PVP pop. balance and faction quality has always been a common issue and complaint. Imps Are Legion vs. the Pub KB turners queuing between PVE runs that act like showing up is all that anyone should care about. The issue varies by server but it's still common. Another box check.


Or maybe it's just F2P restrictions go and I'm a cynical ****. Guess we'll see.


PVP is repeatable content to the extreme


The resources spent on a raid compared to time put in by player base on a map like huttball is insane......


Not to mention every other raid they've ever created.


Engrossing PvP is the cheapest way to keep people subbed bar none..........


No idea why anyone would think it woudl be approrpiate to let your easy subs slip away. PVE'rs need constant updates on content. PVPers need a new tier of gear put in vendors and a season reset.................Maybe one map which is just terrain and the game mechanics..............

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PVP is repeatable content to the extreme


The resources spent on a raid compared to time put in by player base on a map like huttball is insane......


Not to mention every other raid they've ever created.


Engrossing PvP is the cheapest way to keep people subbed bar none..........


No idea why anyone would think it woudl be approrpiate to let your easy subs slip away. PVE'rs need constant updates on content. PVPers need a new tier of gear put in vendors and a season reset.................Maybe one map which is just terrain and the game mechanics..............

I absolutely agree. A few new boxes for us to fight in and we shut up for a year. Release a new one every 3-4 months and we're content as hell. PvP is by far the easiest aspect to program for in an MMO.

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When i see that empire and republic will become allies in 3.0 in order to fight revan'army, i am afraid that there secret idea better than cross server will be cross factions team.

I do not want it, we do not deserve, but i am just afraid.


The only other thing i can imagine is mega server, but i really don't know why would they keep that secret...

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Guys, there is no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow... "Something better than cross server" is just a line to keep people subbed for X amount of more time while we sit here and go "Wow, better than cross server... I wonder what that could be..." and it gets discussed over and over and nothing will ever come of it...


It's exactly the same as "Tell us what rewards you would like to see for ranked..." and "Share your WZ idea with a dev"... They're just giant placates meant to keep you subbed... That people haven't figured this out already is mind-numbing... Accept the game for what it is or move on, nothing will ever change for the better when it comes to swtor pvp...

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Guys, there is no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow... "Something better than cross server" is just a line to keep people subbed for X amount of more time while we sit here and go "Wow, better than cross server... I wonder what that could be..." and it gets discussed over and over and nothing will ever come of it...


It's exactly the same as "Tell us what rewards you would like to see for ranked..." and "Share your WZ idea with a dev"... They're just giant placates meant to keep you subbed... That people haven't figured this out already is mind-numbing... Accept the game for what it is or move on, nothing will ever change for the better when it comes to swtor pvp...




I still think it will be unlimited WZ's or easier access to ranked for F2P. Our idea of a good queue is quality matches, BW's idea of a good queue is lots of pops regardless of quality. They have proven this by allowing their algo to match people with huge differences in rating.

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What if...


They decrease the number of players to 2v2? That's where I believe this is actually going...just smaller and smaller PvP as they let it fester without any work.


I wouldn't be surprised.


Nor would I if the next big patch after promised cross-server (again), and instead pops took us to a single-player pong match.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I don't see why they wouldn't tell us what it's going to be, unless:

1. They are not 100% certain that they will be able to pull it off, don't want to disappoint (again, again, again...), even though it will still be a disappointment if/when they tell us that they were unable to pull off whatever it is.

2. This:

Guys, there is no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow... "Something better than cross server" is just a line to keep people subbed for X amount of more time while we sit here and go "Wow, better than cross server... I wonder what that could be..." and it gets discussed over and over and nothing will ever come of it...


I'm not feeling too good about this.

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What we know:


No cross server

No mixing factions

Will work for PVP and PVE


My guess

Youll' be able to queue for both FPs and Warzones at the same time and stay in queue if one pops. When whatever pops finishes you'll still be in queue for the other and if you missed a pop for the other you'll be at the top of the queue.


Eg. You queue for both, get a warzone pop, during warzone you would have got a flashpoint pop but you were in a warzone so don't get to take it , however when the warzone finishes you're now at the top of the flashpoint queue.


If you're a dps you'll maybe get 2 or 3 warzones in before you get a flashpoint.


This would be a nice QoL thing but it's not better than X- server.

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What we know:


No cross server

No mixing factions

Will work for PVP and PVE


My guess

Youll' be able to queue for both FPs and Warzones at the same time and stay in queue if one pops. When whatever pops finishes you'll still be in queue for the other and if you missed a pop for the other you'll be at the top of the queue.


Eg. You queue for both, get a warzone pop, during warzone you would have got a flashpoint pop but you were in a warzone so don't get to take it , however when the warzone finishes you're now at the top of the flashpoint queue.


If you're a dps you'll maybe get 2 or 3 warzones in before you get a flashpoint.


This would be a nice QoL thing but it's not better than X- server.


That reminds me another possibility might be the ability to queue for regs and ranked at the same time.

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