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Everything posted by Nataph

  1. dont log out.. i couldnt log back in... since i have log in problems and when i do get in.. all servers are gone.
  2. My question is.. should i use shield and absorb while tanking for granks? Many are using lethal mods but I usually just tank swap and taunt instead of dps. however what works? what about tunnel? does shield and absorb help when they attack you and solely you?
  3. I would love to keep the idea of the cxp at a large amount even if it is on one daily/weekly per week and nerf the rest at half the cost for the week. The Heroics on these dailies were hard alone, the reason why Bioware nerfed them to be soloable.. but now people are grouping to do it.. it is because of this cxp. Actually Bioware should consider doing the weekly planets one a time each week, if you choose but also implement this in other parts of the game. The non gsf on rails for one. This would help people start playing other parts of the game that we have ignored. The large cxp isnt really gearing us up that quick with all purples. we are just receiving conquests crates to open. The drops are still the same. Just getting the crates is enough to do it. Please keep this.
  4. I am not saying because of the cxp.. but because people are around. People are grouping.. having fun and when you play on a pvp mapside.. people are talking and having fun. This, even if its a bug, has rejuvenated those planets with dailies hardly anyone would go to. If not all planets, make one planet per week have this type of conquest xp like you would with the events and conquest schedule. Please keep this in some form.
  5. Love to see more armor and clothes torn from years of war. Much like the Revan Reborn armor with a torn cape.Also would love to see armor, like droid armor with a weapon tuning look as if its malfunctioning. Thank you.
  6. I have played ranked season 8 on multiple toons.. I was hoping that you could put all those tokens along all toons as legacy instead of each individual character. The items you buy for the ranked season are legacy bound or decorations.. So please make the tokens legacy bound.
  7. Coruscant and Zakuul have proven to have high fashion parties. I would love to see Suits, Tuxedoes, High Fashion gowns and Couture, even Bohemian available on the Cartel Market.
  8. Please add a tuning slot to the Kingpin Assault Cannon. Thank you.
  9. Please add Ziost on the list along with Makeb, Ilum and Oricon on the Priority Transport Terminal. There is no difference between the dailies/weekly of Ziost and the rest. Thank you.
  10. Its 2.30 pm Central Time, just got on, still getting kicked after the red x. On holiday weekend no doubt. Fix this Bio.
  11. Anyone else having this problem? I notice there is no alerts and servers seem light.
  12. I know most people do not like it but some people havent tried this part of the game. If GSF gave more conquest points for all planets instead of just some, this would offer people the opportunity to play it. And not just any game played for gsf but I love the 100 medals, the 10 games played for all planetary conquests. when attacking one planet that offered this, i would end up playing with guildies who would never play it and end up liking it , because of the conquest points. thank you.
  13. I have been attacking planets since its beginning and would like to have the following additions. I believe this helps people go to these planets that they are attacking. Kill 250 npcs or beasts of the planet. (I understand some planets have this but not all planets have the 250 npcs for that particular planet. Kill Planet world boss(es). All heroics for that planet give conquest points. (Again, i know some planets already offer this but not all.) Now with Planetary pvp maps, suggest that you must kill 50 or 100 enemies for conquest points. (This would help for some world pvp.) I suppose I just want to visit the planet and see a planet i would not even visit once again for conquest points, esp if we are attacking that planet. Thank you.
  14. As the title suggests, have all planet weeklies not part of the Fallen Empire include the locked supply crates as rewards. I found myself and others doing only the weeklies from the planets that are part of the Fallen Empire but the rest such as Black Hole, Oricon, i do not. Thank you.
  15. Please make more Rishi Dailies and also create a weekly with those dailies. Rishi is a great planet but after the storyline is complete, there is no real reason to go to it.
  16. When placing decorations in my Yavin 4 stronghold, Im making it a deserted area, I have come to want war torn items. Republic/ Imperial placards, flags.. torn,, burned. Computers broken, lights going off and on. Statues half broken. Trees and plants in .. you guess it broken vases. You get my drift.
  17. I understand what you are all saying. On the Bastion, depending on the time, pubs and imps both have very good sides.. Now, at times, I tend to get into the impside which is lacking at that moment, and tbh, if you learn one ship very well and play against the better side, you will have fun. You will notice you are the top gun there and start doing the most damage and kills. You will notice you are the one playing on your side doing everything and the other side will notice it. I have won a few games on my own destroying over 25+ ships in games and hitting 70= damage. GSF is the place where getting owned is fun oppose to warzones. do not give up. learn a ship and perfect it and make them pay.
  18. This is rather a disappointment. I was looking forward of having all the cartel reputation slot machines at my stronghold but its current state is horrible for playing. Too much time and money spent on something that eventually ends (reputation). While I understand the drop rate at the beginning was far too much, nerfing it by too much made the machines unplayable. Let's meet at a middle instead of where it is today please.
  19. I am a pvper as I do dailies, therefore I tend to change out gear, placing pve gear as I do dailies and then place pvp gear when the pvp wz pop happens. Placing all the gear is one thing, however I have to open up my character sheet and manually place the 2nd implant because it automatically replaces the 1st implant, in which I just placed the required and wanted implant a few seconds ago. It would be convenient to have the implant assignment or memory as it can go to the assigned implant instead of the 2nd implant replacing the first. thank you.
  20. A just regular armor for Rated pvp, however the gear gives a colored Aura whenever you are pvping in a regular warzone and receive Unbeatable.. changes to another color aura at Invincible. and again another Aura when you get Immortal.
  21. Definitely need this. I want this.. I need this.
  22. no, I would not. Not because I dislike the game. I love it, however I had actually quit playing mmo's for over one year and i got into beta here. It was star wars, big star wars geek. so i played.. and played and still playing it.
  23. I was hoping due to the event, Rakghoul personnel with the plague would be available for strongholds.
  24. While I love this idea, I do remember playing SWG and after player cities were available, capital towns became ghost towns and everyone hid in their player cities. I would love this idea, because I stay in my strongholds for most of the time, I wouldnt want it for the health of the game. Lots of people in fleet gives people the idea the game is doing well. Ghost town fleet would scare people away.
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