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Commendations in 3.0


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basic coms gear wont be worth a damn! next to elite/ult coms gear..so there's no need to go crazy over basic coms gear lol..and beside if you have 180 com gear or 180 dread forge, then you're in a good position without the need to re-optimize with basic coms gear mods...if u have 186 then you can just cost right into hm lvl 60 ops or sm w/e floats ur boat :p
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Planetary comms have the same conversion rate as ultimate comms? Seriously? :confused:


Is this a typo???


Planet comms are 10x easier to farm than anything else.


It makes sense, otherwise leveling characters would get a big nerf on their comms, and with the planetary comm cap at 100, it isn't a huge source for hoarding comms on day one.


Thanks for the update, looks good!

Edited by JasonNH
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Cool! I'm hoping vendor prices for leveling mods will stay the same - rather than going up 3x? (Though even if they did, it wouldn't be so bad with the cap going up 10x.)


actually it would be bad, becuz if u are starting out fresh then you won't have enough coms to up grade you gear as you level...unless they increase the rewards for lowbie coms as you level to compensate for the increase in price for mods from vendor

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1 Planetary Commendation = 3 Basic Commendations

How, if at all, will the inventory sold by the current Planetary Commendation vendors change?


Will the barrels / hilts, armorings, mods, etc. be priced in the same number of Basic Commendations as the present price in Planetaries? Or will the comms price as well as the denomination both change?


Also, will all the leveling items stay the same in terms of which ones are BoP (generally orange gear) vs. BoE (generally all of the mods).

Edited by Heezdedjim
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Will the barrels / hilts, armorings, mods, etc. be priced in the same number of Basic Commendations as the present price in Planetaries?

That's what I'd like to know...

...unless they increase the rewards for lowbie coms as you level to compensate for the increase in price for mods from vendor

Yeah, that would be the other factor.


So, rewards and prices for what are currently planetary comms - will there be any changes there?

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It seems strange how the conversion rate for planetary is the same as for ultimates :o

It's to accommodate sub-55 toons. This may indicate that leveling commendation mods are going up in price. Or not: since the cap on Planetaries is 100, this is not game breaking. We will see.

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It's to accommodate sub-55 toons. This may indicate that leveling commendation mods are going up in price. Or not: since the cap on Planetaries is 100, this is not game breaking. We will see.


Yeah I think it's more to do with the combination of having a low cap (100) and the fact they're used through the entirety of the leveling process, so needed the whole way through the game. I don't think this automatically means the cost of the planetary comm gear will be higher in basic comms.

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I have to say I'm very disappointed that the overflow cap is only 2,000. Because I've been working on maxing all my comms for the past month, it appears half my work was for nothing since I have around 3,000 comms under the new system on multiple alts. :(
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Ah I missed the announcement , was out shopping , I can see why you held off working it out now. I am very happy with the conversion rates and after doing 36 tactical's last week between 6 characters I can now go to low level planets on a few of my characters that haven't got 100 planetary comms. Mind you I was going to do that anyway in 3.0 , the heroics that is , shame you can only be 6 levels above other people for them to earn xp. Still I'm sure lots will join up with my 55's just for the comms.


Cheers and beers ,



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Lowbie planets will be loaded with lvl 55's this week, i can tell. :eek:


TBH, even with that conversion rate, I don't think farming planetary comms is an efficient way to load up on comms.

Easy, yes. Fast, no.


Okay so, now I have 2 chars going over 2000, and 11 more going over 1000. what are we going to be able to spend them on tha's not immediately useless ? Anything like isotope-5 vials ? :D


Oh and, obligatory tangentially-related question : I wish we knew more about the comms rewards for PvE content in 3.0, is it unchanged ? It's raining ultimates everywhere except in 8-man ops now.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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TBH, even with that conversion rate, I don't think farming planetary comms is an efficient way to load up on comms.

Easy, yes. Fast, no.


Not efficient, but worth toping off if you can in my opinion. Most of my 55's are close, like I'm pretty sure all of them already have 70+ planetary comms, so why not top them off when they'll be x3 when 3.0 hits....of course there's no reason to if you have enough to cap at the unfortunately low amount of 2000 basics for 3.0, but you can bet I'll be hopping on my characters to calculate how many they have and use the lowbie heroics as a quick way to top off the planetary comm category for the x3 conversion, even if it only amounts to 300.

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Just a reminder for PVPers that you can transfer warzone comms to planetary comms as well. That's probably the fastest way to cap them.


But I'm still really disappointed by the low cap. I don't understand why the new conversion rates would take us to 3,500 but we only get 2,000--why would comms we earned ever disappear?

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100 planetary coms replace 100 ultimates. Use that to buy your main companion some 180 gear. You might need your basics for yourself next week.


As for transfering: There are items for classics and basics that are refundable and can be put into legacy storage. Don't look on the fleet for them ;)

Edited by Mubrak
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Here goes everyone. Here is the information on the conversion rates around Basic Comms and what will happen when 3.0 launches. Just to reiterate for those unaware, here are the basic changes coming to Commendations:

  • All PvE Commendations will become Basic Commendations in 3.0.
  • The Commendation types "Classic" and "Planetary" are being removed from the game.
  • The types "Elite" and "Ultimate" will remain but the current Comms you have will become Basic.
  • Warzone and Ranked Warzone Commendations remain untouched.

Here are the conversion rates for all Commendations.

  • 2 Classic Commendations = 1 Basic Commendation
  • 1 Basic Commendation = 1 Basic Commendation
  • 1 Elite Commendation = 2 Basic Commendations
  • 1 Planetary Commendation = 3 Basic Commendations
  • 1 Ultimate Commendation = 3 Basic Commendations

The Basic Commendation cap will remain at 1000. However, when the conversions happen we will allow you to go up to 2000 Commendations. Note that until you go below 1000 again, you will be unable to earn any Basic Commendations. This includes if you buy an item and try to refund it. You must go below 1000 before you can earn more.


There ya go folks! All of the details and conversion rates on Basic Comms in 3.0.




Dear Eric,


thank you very much for this information.


I have a question regarding "Sergeant Drev" (Classic Token Vendor on the Ziost Shadow) who takes unassembled Columi/Rakata/Campaign pieces which can be exchanged for Classic Commendation containers.... will he be removed from the game when 3.0 arrives?


I'm asking this because, I have still some unassembled Columi/Rakata/Campaign pieces, and I'm a little bit afraid that I can't exchange these anymore, when 3.0 arrives and the Classic Commendation will be removed. :sul_frown:

Edited by S_I_T_H_L_O_R_D
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TBH, even with that conversion rate, I don't think farming planetary comms is an efficient way to load up on comms.

Easy, yes. Fast, no.


Okay so, now I have 2 chars going over 2000, and 11 more going over 1000. what are we going to be able to spend them on tha's not immediately useless ? Anything like isotope-5 vials ? :D


Oh and, obligatory tangentially-related question : I wish we knew more about the comms rewards for PvE content in 3.0, is it unchanged ? It's raining ultimates everywhere except in 8-man ops now.


I beg to differ , fast yes!! Also I haven't included some other really quick heroic 2's and 4's.







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