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Q&A Marauder Time. (Back from the Grave) -_-


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Disclaimer : I am probably the biggest fan of this class , I have never claimed to be even close to being at the best of this class .Although honestly the people that want to talk **** about me on my marauder . Please run the Marauder in Solo Ranked and Solo que on your Marauder.


1. What is the goal of the Marauder from 10-30 PvP?


Dealing Damage , Very poorly but it is still possible , the reason its still possible is most people that que on lowbies are horrible .


If you solo que don't expect to win many games , You are NOT running a class that can carry the team , especially at this level.


10-29 PvP puts you in the lower bracket. I highly recommend sticking to the Annihilation Tree .


DPS Optimization-


1.Don't Leap in First.


2.Focus fire with you team. If you see someone attacking else , attack them.


3. Use Ravage on people doing long cast , like Ambush on another team mate etc.


4. If you reach 20+ and have deadly saber , use that on CD as much as possible 9/10 its the best thing you can do , unless you are like 10% hp and have your ravage up , then Ravage .


5. Pop Cds frequently and restock medpacks , Just do it. Expect to die , you can't LoS at level 10 , you can't LoS at level 55. Chances are you are as silly as me and que without a healer most of the time. When it comes to that , try to dish out as much pain as you can before they take you down.


2. So what should the Marauder focus on?


Depends, A marauder can technically handle the ball if you have strong healers and good support , otherwise leave the carrying to Juggernauts and Powertechs , Use Predation strategically Especially in Carnage. This doesn't just apply to Huttball , there are situations that you can predict how the enemy is moving , saving for a predation can save the day.


Peeling for healer , Obfuscate Marauders , Snipers, Assassins, Juggernauts and Powertechs .


Use roar to mezz those hitting your healer ( This will get ****ed up 90% of the time by your wonderful team )


Predation is pretty helpful if you see your healer being chased.


1v1s , Node Guarding . Don't do it or at least refrain from trying.


Dealing Damage , I'll leave it to the other section.


I haven't done team ranked on a Marauder , so I can't offer any advice . Carnage offers great hardswap capabilities from what I've seen though.


Solo Ranked , Running a Marauder in Solo ranked is AIDS -Opgorrick (I completely agree with this stance and am a retard for trying to do it.)


3. How does one obtain Max Damage as a Marauder in 10-30 PVP? How to beat all other classes in max dmg output?


Exploit people's stupidity , there is always one sorcerer who refuses to kite , etc.


4. Annihilation Tree: How does a Marauder optimize dots?


In these sections I'll speak from a 55 Point of View.


Deadly Saber > Annihilate > Rupture.




Deadly Saber > Rupture > Annihilate is opening


Your main DoT is Deadly Saber , you get your burst from Annihilate when it crits.


Pros: Very Good sustained if fight last longer than 1min, Good Initial Burst, Best Surviability , Selfheals


Cons: Takes really long to get Annihilate to 4 stacks, Less rooting capability, Meh Predation.


5. Carnage: What is the main goal of this Tree?


Burst Damage , although this burst can be shut down. Most people will look out for your ravage and knock you back / CC you.


Your best chance of getting it off is to find someone who isn't targetting you , and use Gore+Ravage+Beserk which will make ravage 2.3 seconds.


Gore+Scream/DST/Vicious throw when you can. In fact with the new changes you should pretty much always.Gore+Scream + something else.


You have pretty good rooting potential with Deadly Throw , Ravage and Force Charge , Predation is where you shine, Annoy the **** out of healers or try to throw your burst in and watch someone melt.


Pros: Best Burst Potential , Best Predation , Best Rooting Capability.


Cons: Surviability is -_-. Can be shut down .


6. Rage: What is the main focus of this tree?


You have damage that is pretty unavoidable , decent survivability compared to Carnage .


Main damage comes from Smash(Burst) + Cascading power buff Ravage.


Force crush is great since the slow is pretty annoying.


Still good for chasing healers , Force crush slow , Obliterate and Charge roots , less utility than carnage .


Honestly this spec is so retarded to use it doesn't need anyone to teach you.


Theres not much nuance to this spec.


Pros: Decent Burst Potential , Root Capability with Slow , Decent Surviability


Cons: Not as great since Nerf, No awesome Predation , Kinda boring(Personal Opinion and why I rarely run it)


7.How do i dwarf all the other Marauders in the Warzone? As a sniper i can do double or tripple DPS more than another other sniper in the WZ. How to do this with a Marauder?


Run with a healer , You can't sit at the back and expect people not to notice you while you burn them , You are right upfront and personal with Medium armor .


I'm pretty bad at teaching people how to Marauder dps . It comes with playing it a ton.


8. What are the biggest noob mistakes a new Marauder makes? *please dont say by rolling a Mara


Rolling without a healer.(Something I still do very often, I have too much faith in Harbinger impside)


Not using Forcecamo at the right time.


Not learning how to peel for his healer.


Using Undying rage too early.


9. What class should fear the Marauder? Who is my *****? With my sniper; Marauders are my toys.


No one , if you want to play this class , then you'll get so frustrated , You won't give a ****.


10. Avoid snipers at all cost or has somebody figured out this enigma?


Run with a premade , a Marauder's strength is that it is a good team player .






Responding to Insults from Beyond the Grave.


Responding to a particular guardian on the previous thread ,


Such Juggernaut/Guardian can't peel for your healer after playing Vigil since Launch -_-.


Gets Gkicked for being bad at peeling for healer. -_-.


Honestly, I roll without a healer more than I roll with a healer. Anyone who has actually played with me will vouch for this.


Now that I got my response from Beyond the Grave out of the way. I'll stay dead . Seriously kind of annoys me that someone has to drag out my forum corpse. Its not nice to say bad things about dead people.

Edited by Kenjigreat
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Ty so very very very much for this.


I'm figuring out the tricks of the trade and this will help boost me to the next level.


Man, TY x10 seriously.


<3 Ty


No Problem .


Like I said I don't claim to be super at this , I've just played the class for a pretty long time , if you need clarification just ask , Also People just had to dig my corpse out so I am here.


I wish you the best if you run the Marauder , its a path of many deaths .

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You DO NOT need to have a pocket healer queued with you to play a Mara. I'm not sure why you continually push that point of view.


And why would you ever do Deadly Saber> Annihilate> Rupture? Annihilate resets the CD on Rupture, so you always want to use it after Rupture if possible based on CDs, but certainly in your first rotation.

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You DO NOT need to have a pocket healer queued with you to play a Mara. I'm not sure why you continually push that point of view.


And why would you ever do Deadly Saber> Annihilate> Rupture? Annihilate resets the CD on Rupture, so you always want to use it after Rupture if possible based on CDs, but certainly in your first rotation.


both of this

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You DO NOT need to have a pocket healer queued with you to play a Mara. I'm not sure why you continually push that point of view.


And why would you ever do Deadly Saber> Annihilate> Rupture? Annihilate resets the CD on Rupture, so you always want to use it after Rupture if possible based on CDs, but certainly in your first rotation.


Its Priority , not Rotation. I'll Edit it . More important to keep annihilate stacks up.

Edited by Kenjigreat
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You DO NOT need to have a pocket healer queued with you to play a Mara. I'm not sure why you continually push that point of view.


And why would you ever do Deadly Saber> Annihilate> Rupture? Annihilate resets the CD on Rupture, so you always want to use it after Rupture if possible based on CDs, but certainly in your first rotation.


Please tell me who your marauder is if you play on Harbinger . Also Please read the bottom part , I solo que on my Marauder all the time. -_-

Edited by Kenjigreat
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Its Priority , not Rotation. I'll Edit it . More important to keep annihilate stacks up.


That definitely makes more sense, although I'm not sure I agree.


If it's between your stacks resetting or your DoTs ending, then certainly the stacks. But if you aren't about to drop stacks, you get far more damage out of your DoTs than an Annihilate (not to mention the chance to reset Rupture again). Priority always goes to DoTs on DoT classes. I would say Rupture is priority over Annihilate unless your Annihilate stacks are about to drop.

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Why the hell would you use Deadly Saber Throw during the gore window?


Dualsaber throw can Crit pretty high and if you don't have Vicious throw/Ravage , its a pretty good alternative.


Massive AOE Damage can be dealt with a Gore+ Dualsaberthrow. -_-

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Dualsaber throw can Crit pretty high and if you don't have Vicious throw/Ravage , its a pretty good alternative.


Massive AOE Damage can be dealt with a Gore+ Dualsaberthrow. -_-


Oh, I interpreted DST as Deadly Saber Throw and not Dual Saber Throw.


Blasted acronyms.

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That definitely makes more sense, although I'm not sure I agree.


If it's between your stacks resetting or your DoTs ending, then certainly the stacks. But if you aren't about to drop stacks, you get far more damage out of your DoTs than an Annihilate (not to mention the chance to reset Rupture again). Priority always goes to DoTs on DoT classes. I would say Rupture is priority over Annihilate unless your Annihilate stacks are about to drop.


PvP wise most of the time if you are focusing a target , if you use rupture as priority he might die before you get annihilate off and you can't always expect to have a target ready to reset your annihilate stacks nicely .


Any other big critiques?

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PvP wise most of the time if you are focusing a target , if you use rupture as priority he might die before you get annihilate off and you can't always expect to have a target ready to reset your annihilate stacks nicely .


Any other big critiques?


In general you mostly just complain about how frustrating playing the class is and how healer dependent you are. When every class is exactly the same way. If you are truly claiming to enjoy the class, then perhaps you should put a more positive spin on what's available to it and why you enjoy it.


I could go through your whole post and point out incorrect statements, but this is your post and your opinion. I think you've made your point clear that this is how you play and you aren't necessarily the best Marauder player in the game so anyone reading can interpret what they would like form it.

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In general you mostly just complain about how frustrating playing the class is and how healer dependent you are. When every class is exactly the same way. If you are truly claiming to enjoy the class, then perhaps you should put a more positive spin on what's available to it and why you enjoy it.


I could go through your whole post and point out incorrect statements, but this is your post and your opinion. I think you've made your point clear that this is how you play and you aren't necessarily the best Marauder player in the game so anyone reading can interpret what they would like form it.


Go ahead and point out my incorrect statements. I wrote this at 2am. Honestly though for once I would like someone that does a lot of Yolo queing on Marauder whether ranked or not to comment .


I don't run with a healer for 80% of my warzones.


I never complain about dying on my marauder , In fact http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=763172 (ACCEPT DEATH) .


Enjoying the class and having faith Bioware knows how to balance classes are 2 very different things.


Honestly though Please go do some solo ranked on a Marauder . You'll understand the class a bit more.


I am pretty sure everyone that comments somehow thinks they are some sort of expert on the class . Whatever This is my last post. Please don't mention me in the forums again so I can die peacefully without getting resurrected . Its annoying.


Also I don't think anyone that doesn't enjoy the class will PvP on 6-7 Toons of that class , Im not a Masochist.

Edited by Kenjigreat
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In general you mostly just complain about how frustrating playing the class is and how healer dependent you are. When every class is exactly the same way. If you are truly claiming to enjoy the class, then perhaps you should put a more positive spin on what's available to it and why you enjoy it.


I could go through your whole post and point out incorrect statements, but this is your post and your opinion. I think you've made your point clear that this is how you play and you aren't necessarily the best Marauder player in the game so anyone reading can interpret what they would like form it.


You're kidding yourself, if you really think every class, is as healer dependant as a marauder is. Stop trying to sound smart, when you in fact sound dense as ****. :rolleyes:

Edited by MisterPepssi
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You're kidding yourself, if you really think every class, is as healer dependant as a marauder is. Stop trying to sound smart, when you in fact sound dense as ****. :rolleyes:


Putting commas, in the, wrong spot makes you sound dense as ****. :rolleyes:


Marauder is not the only healer dependent class as all melee are heal dependent in this game. I would also say they are LESS heal dependent than any tank spec as your guard is almost useless without heals.

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Putting commas, in the, wrong spot makes you sound dense as ****. :rolleyes:


Marauder is not the only healer dependent class as all melee are heal dependent in this game. I would also say they are LESS heal dependent than any tank spec as your guard is almost useless without heals.


Pointing out grammar on the interwebz -claps loudly- and why do you suddenly compare tanks using guards to a dps class? Assassins is by far not healer dependant and neither is juggernauts who knows what they're doing. I take it you've ran too many premades with multiple healers and gotten used to being carebeared through the whole match.. that luxury doesn't apply to everyone though and especially not marauders. :)

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One tip I will add, and it is something I hardly ever (read:never) see other Marauders do. PUT YOUR SABERS AWAY!


Seriously, although it's not as bad as it once was, many people just go nuts when they see a pair of sabers roaming around the wz. I have found it does somewhat improve QoL, and can even delay the stunrootknockback pinball machine people like to throw you into. It might seem like a small thing, but not visually telegraphing what you are before you try to kill someone can make a big impact on how they respond to you.

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One tip I will add, and it is something I hardly ever (read:never) see other Marauders do. PUT YOUR SABERS AWAY!


Seriously, although it's not as bad as it once was, many people just go nuts when they see a pair of sabers roaming around the wz. I have found it does somewhat improve QoL, and can even delay the stunrootknockback pinball machine people like to throw you into. It might seem like a small thing, but not visually telegraphing what you are before you try to kill someone can make a big impact on how they respond to you.


Most people have the UI such that they can see your class above your head.


Nice try LOL.

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Most people have the UI such that they can see your class above your head.


Nice try LOL.


Yes most people do...


Guess what, during combat people tend to get this little thing called "tunnel vision", in which they are more visually focused on their current goal/task than what's going on around it and/or themselves. A small red icon above you head? Sure it's there, but a pair of glow sticks is far more noticeable. It's about minimizing risk and visibility, and maximizing the time you can spend on target.


It was just a small tip that I found does make a difference.


No need for the attitude.

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Disclaimer : I am probably the biggest fan of this class , I have never claimed to be even close to being at the best of this class .Although honestly the people that want to talk **** about me on my marauder . Please run the Marauder in Solo Ranked and Solo que on your Marauder.






Responding to Insults from Beyond the Grave.


Responding to a particular guardian on the previous thread ,


Such Juggernaut/Guardian can't peel for your healer after playing Vigil since Launch -_-.


Gets Gkicked for being bad at peeling for healer. -_-.






Say my name, Say my name.



If you knew nearly as much as you thought you did, you might be dangerous.


Peel for healer.. or save objective.




You see, peeling for a healer means allowing them time to escape. If I were to just pull a Megy and try to DPS down anyone touching the healer we'd never get an objective and I'd spend the whole WZ following around a healer.


Knockbacks, stuns, slows, taunts etc..


These are the things you do to peel for your healer. If they haven't taken the opportunity to reposition at that point then they are not very good. You have to trust your team to be able to make smart decisions. If they cannot.. then it is a loss. You take the loss/death and move on. Warzones have a rez you know.




Ohh.. Pssst.


I was never kicked.

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