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Things Veteran Players Wish Newbs Knew


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My Sorc uses Crushing Darkness and the like from time to time to apply DoTs for kicks. Play how you like, and take advice or not if you'd like.


Crushing Darkness is very important ability for Madness and it's also very useful in Lightning.

Affliction you want to keep going at all times even as healer.

Edited by Halinalle
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This thread sounds a lot like the person I hate to group with: They tell you how to play YOUR character class, tell you what spells you are supposed to use and what not to use instead of minding their own business and playing their own class the way they want!


i.e. YOUR opinion and playing style is not the alpha and omega of how to play a character! Some people like to be individualists instead of cookie cutter people. Read this and weep wise guys!


I remain unconvinced that there is anything wrong with the statement, "if you wish to play in a group, and do group content, you owe it to your group members to play the way your class is supposed to play, rather than in a way that is highly ineffective."


I mean, okay, the OP comes off a bit elitist. But I would hate to be stuck doing a FP with a "ranged" PT, or someone who doesn't bother with a stance, or whatever. They are making it harder not only for them, but for me.


And if they didn't KNOW the right way to do it? Here's a chance to learn!

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If youre already incoporating the dots, you probably dont have much left to learn.


More "Oh yeah, I have these. When do I use them?"


Unfortunately, Dulfy only offers endgame rotations, and not leveling ones.



Edit: Just finished SI chapter one, went to fleet and the horrors!


  • If you want to romance Vette, you have to remove her collar first. Then go play your class missions, and do her personal missions as well.
  • You will get five class-specific companions. There are four that are not class missiojs: C2 for Republic, R8 for Imperial, HK for both, Treek for both.
  • Yes, you will get a starship of your own.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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More "Oh yeah, I have these. When do I use them?"


Unfortunately, Dulfy only offers endgame rotations, and not leveling ones.


For DPS.. The endgame rotation can be used pretty soon (and even sooner in 3.0) for Sniper, Oper, Sorc, Merc, Madness Sin, PT. Only Jugg, Mara, Deception Sin struggles to get a good rotation before their late 40s.

For heals... There is no endgame rotation. Every single heal is situationnal. Keep your main HoTs on CD and learn when and how to use the others. DPS in heal spec is pretty simple. Spend as little energy as you can for the most bang. For Sorc it means keep Affliction up at all time. Use Force Lightning and Crushing Darkness whenever you have time.

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For DPS.. The endgame rotation can be used pretty soon (and even sooner in 3.0) for Sniper, Oper, Sorc, Merc, Madness Sin, PT. Only Jugg, Mara, Deception Sin struggles to get a good rotation before their late 40s.

For heals... There is no endgame rotation. Every single heal is situationnal. Keep your main HoTs on CD and learn when and how to use the others. DPS in heal spec is pretty simple. Spend as little energy as you can for the most bang. For Sorc it means keep Affliction up at all time. Use Force Lightning and Crushing Darkness whenever you have time.

Ah, thank you.

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More "Oh yeah, I have these. When do I use them?"


Unfortunately, Dulfy only offers endgame rotations, and not leveling ones.


Some classes the abilities are all low down, in which case a semi-correct rotation can be done simply for the concept of muscle memory. For example my shadow tank, after reading all the abilities it seems I would be using project, tkt, slow time, force breach, k-ward and melee attacks. As such I set a rotation around them.


This has resulted to me using tkt on a shadow which is only lvl 31 and therefore nowhere near to getting the proc which makes tkt in any way viable. However learning to put it in rotation now makes it easy later.


Most important thing to do when levelling is read the whole tree right at the start, then work out your rotation. As you gain levels and the abilities to go in thats when you pad it out. This way you don't end up having to re-learn the class every time you get a new ability (or useful one anyway).

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Id add to that with this: A lot of being a good healer is learning the fights (mostly a raiding thing, but there are some applications for smaller group content). Just like tanks have to plan out their CDs to deal with events and mechanics in the fights, healers need to plan out the usage of their abilities around the damage output in the fight.


A decent example would be Czerka Meltdown, on the desert lizard thingy boss. Most of the damage involved in the fight is in the sandstorm phases. For a Sorc, making sure that the whole team has fresh bubbles (or pre-bubbled with a low amount of time left on the bubble lockout so you can reapply mid phase for style points) and that you have your puddle available can trivialise the phase.

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For heals... There is no endgame rotation. Every single heal is situationnal. Keep your main HoTs on CD and learn when and how to use the others. DPS in heal spec is pretty simple. Spend as little energy as you can for the most bang. For Sorc it means keep Affliction up at all time. Use Force Lightning and Crushing Darkness whenever you have time.


I wanted to try healing as Sage so I tried first Heroic 2+ on Tatooine. I was already level 30 so I had Healing Trance. For damage I used mainly Weaken Mind and TK Throw because I'm still noob at healing. Qyzen stayed alive easily because I kept Force Armor and Rejuvenate up at all times and used Healing Trance to heal when situation didn't require bigger heal. Surprisingly fun.

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I wanted to try healing as Sage so I tried first Heroic 2+ on Tatooine. I was already level 30 so I had Healing Trance. For damage I used mainly Weaken Mind and TK Throw because I'm still noob at healing. Qyzen stayed alive easily because I kept Force Armor and Rejuvenate up at all times and used Healing Trance to heal when situation didn't require bigger heal. Surprisingly fun.


About the only thing that made leveling the sage I have interesting was solo-ing heroics. Wasnt very nice for Qyzen since Id be using him mainly as a damage sponge (specced lightning instead of heals) but the kiting, cc, and slow management was fun.

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Things I as a vet of this game wish nOObs knew? Here are some:


1. There is a thing called 'map'. It's near the mini map, has it's own button AND you can use M for the short cut. Please to be using this before asking where things are.


2. Please stop using your fleet pass and then asking for 3 hours where your advanced class trainer is. They're right in your face when you get off the shuttle.


3. Asking for credit hand outs is a big no-no. Stoppit.


4. Dulfy and google are your bffs. Use them before asking where something not on the fleet is.


5. Stop skipping your class quest and then wondering why you only have 1 companion.

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1. There is a thing called 'map'. It's near the mini map, has it's own button AND you can use M for the short cut. Please to be using this before asking where things are.


Item Modification Station doesn't show on big map. :cool:


5. Stop skipping your class quest and then wondering why you only have 1 companion.


In some parts of few class stories you only have one companion available because others are doing something else. "You shouldn't skip cutscenes and then wonder why game forces you to use one companion." would be better.

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Item Modification Station doesn't show on big map. :cool:




In some parts of few class stories you only have one companion available because others are doing something else. "You shouldn't skip cutscenes and then wonder why game forces you to use one companion." would be better.


Oh no, I'm speaking of those who stop doing their class quest entirely and ONLY do flashpoints/pvp. Not those who spacebar through stuff.

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1. There is a thing called 'map'. It's near the mini map, has it's own button AND you can use M for the short cut. Please to be using this before asking where things are.


Nobody ever seems to be willing to explore or look for themselves anymore. Theyd rather stand in one spot and yell tell someone gets exasperated enough to help them..


2. Please stop using your fleet pass and then asking for 3 hours where your advanced class trainer is. They're right in your face when you get off the shuttle.


I think that the fleet pass actually dumps you on the other side of the station entirely from the breadcrumb quest that sends you to an AC trainer. But then you get back to the first point, exploration -> self-actualisation


3. Asking for credit hand outs is a big no-no. Stoppit.


Same thing, no one wants to put any effort forth, someone else is supposed to take care of it.


4. Dulfy and google are your bffs. Use them before asking where something not on the fleet is.


Google at least should lead to Dulfy. But then no one tries to figure anything else out for themselves anymore.


5. Stop skipping your class quest and then wondering why you only have 1 companion.


Sad thing is there are probably plenty of people unable to make that connection, heh.

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I wish newbies knew that in order to use something they need to click it.




  • Lowbie Sith Inquisitors, when fighting a certain cyborg, USE THE MISSION ITEM. Then sic Khem onto him to sponge up most of the damage. Took me one time of dying on my first SI to learn this. And that one was underleveled.
  • NPCs don't respond in chat. I'm sorry.
  • When asking for help, state your class, your level, if the mission in class or not. Also telling us the mission name (except in Class Missions) would help. If you need help in a Class Mission, leave out the name to avoid spoilers for others and say "Class Mission, Level blah blah, your class here" or something.
  • In the forums, search function is your friend.
  • Hashtags don't work in General Chat, or any other chat.


*shifty eyes* I'm not mildly irritated while trying to finish Chapter Two on my Sorceror on DK. Nor am I just bumping this up from page three to page one.

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Im trying to come up with a decent catch all title for the little things like "You have a map, use it," "Tell people what you need help with instead of just spamming help," "dont invite people blindly."


Im thinking Effective communication or something..

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Im trying to come up with a decent catch all title for the little things like "You have a map, use it," "Tell people what you need help with instead of just spamming help," "dont invite people blindly."


Im thinking Effective communication or something..


"General Gameplay" maybe? I dunno. I was sort of venting a bit.

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My intention was to leave that sort of thing to just 'common sense.' But people keep bringing it up, whether they are really serious about it or not. And the stuff they reference is annoying. Plus, if there is one unfortunate truth you run into very quickly, its that common sense isnt quite as common as it should be.


Only problem is, the people who would benefit from reading it are probably the least likely to ever even visit the forums, lead alone find and read the post.

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And maybe the range sage/sorcerer class could just have an item called "amplifier" or something to clearly state that they are to stay back and shoot rocks/lightning.


Or BW could have a helpful Learn Your Class type tutorial/mission to help people learn. Coruscant/Kaas would be great worlds to place such a mission.


I had problems with both of these just this week. I picked PT and after a while realised it's a melee class. Afterwards I got my inquisitor to 10 and couldn't find if sorcerer is ranged or melee anywhere since all attacks had 10 meter range.


Luckily I joined a guild between getting BH to 10 and Inq to 10 and asked there.


Anyway, very helpful post, especially the UI part.

Edited by Bearmug
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Well. when you became a sorceror, everything but your stun had its range upgraded to 30. While you were an inquisitor there wasnt much way to tell, since you were an inbetween class waiting for its "metamorphosis."


Which is partly the reason for all the confusion beyond the "Hey guys, Ive got a blaster, I can pew pew from here, who cares that all my talents and abilities that I havent even read pigeonhole me into melee? I've got a blaster!" routine.


Having basic classes that upgrade is a nice idea, and it cuts down on the number of class stories they need (4 per faction is already 300% more than most games have). But I wish they could have been a bit more unambiguous in their design. Or maybe throw in in-game mails with a small blurb about "Hey dude, youre a powertech, youre melee, you want to be using rocket punch, a lot. Seriously. Stop using unload in melee range." once you complete the AC quest.

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It would be helpful if the character creation screen went into those kinds of details right there at the start, giving the two AC options that the class will have and what they're like in terms of range, armor, attacks, roles, etc.


I know they give an overview of what the advanced classes are like when you are picking your class. It's a little less than the blurb we get when we pick our AC in-game, since we don't get to look at the skill trees.

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In game tutorial on how to tank!

You can't tank a target dummy...


Yes and no.


With a parser, you can train and optimize your threat per second on a combat dummy.


You can't however learn mechanics from a dummy.

Edited by azudelphi
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