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Things Veteran Players Wish Newbs Knew


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UI and game options section added.


Thanks! This is one section I find myself repeating advice one.


Maybe even include the tiny detail that "Filter Profanity" can't be turned off, so we don't need people trying to work around "bastards" with "B@$t3rd$" or something equally painful to type and read.* But that's a pretty minor thing.


I forgot that turning off the camera terrain thing could be useful.



*Yes, I have a thing against 133t speak. I will not disguise my utter hatred for reading it.

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Nevermind, we're off into "play my way or you're a useless scrub who should uninstall" territory again.


Haha, I agree with you though. It can/does help a bit.


I disagree with the OP Tactical "even though i have a tank icon, I'm not tanking" bit, even in a tactical, well wait on the tank to pull. Just don't queue as a tank, it's tactical. I queue as DPS, if I'm not wanting the responsibility and still usually stay in tank stance, unless there is another "real" tank. Either way, I still dps in tank gear.

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Haha, I agree with you though. It can/does help a bit.


I disagree with the OP Tactical "even though i have a tank icon, I'm not tanking" bit, even in a tactical, well wait on the tank to pull. Just don't queue as a tank, it's tactical. I queue as DPS, if I'm not wanting the responsibility and still usually stay in tank stance, unless there is another "real" tank. Either way, I still dps in tank gear.

in most cases, a player would queue as tank/dps for HMs and tacticals. if they get the HM then they are prepared to tank. if they get a tactical then they will dps to make things go faster if they wish since a tank isnt needed.


they queue as both and since they cant choose if a HM or tactical pops, the tactical role assignment is a bit random.

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Where it gets really annoying is when you have people who literally freak out, start calling you a noob, and a scrub and all kinds of other nasty things because "you arent tanking" in a tactical flashpoint. First off, the entire point of a tactical flashpoint is so that DPS wouldnt be totally limited by tank/healer availability. Second, Ive yet to run into anyone in a tactical complaining about me not tanking who was ever able to pull any aggro whatsoever. So seriously, what the heck was the problem?


"OMG, you queued as a tank, and your tanking, and keeping all the damage focused on yourself and surviving just fine, and still doing a ton of dps making this instance much faster and smoother for everyone including myself and for that I shall hate on you and spew invective and vehemence into the chat bar in your general direction."


"Ok. How nice for you."

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Damn, the weekenders trashed the place and didn't even try to clean up the mess.


You'd think if they disagree that badly with the OP they would have just gone and written their own guide.


Thanks again OP for taking the time to do this. I appreciate the time and effort you have put into this guide. There is a lot of very useful information in this thread for players of many different skill levels and playstyles.

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...The l33tist comes with being a jerk, telling everyone they are bad, not being able to give advices on how to become better and more generally insulting people around...
Oh, they tend to give advice alright. The quality of that advice and the manner of its delivery is suboptimal.
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Does everybody who could be considered an elitist fall into this stereotype?
It isn't a stereotype, but no: not every elitist gives bad advice. Some elitists give sound advice but ineptly package it.


Basically if you are identified as an elitist then either they are mistaken or you are packaging your nature poorly. The elite are painstakingly polite: they are genteel, gentlemen and gentlewomen. Those who imagine they are elite who fail to address their appearances adequately are posers.


You do realize, don't you, that anyone 'could be considered' elitist by someone, even if that purported elitist never said a word?

Edited by Gleneagle
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Elitist has become a word like fascist in the game-world. It gets tossed around all over the place and means whatever is most convenient for the person using it at the time, whether anyone else knows what they are meaning it to be or not. The people bandying it about in this thread are just mad. They refuse to accept the notion that its possible to play this game incorrectly, especially when you consider things from the perspective of a group.


A person can play however they want to if the only person they are affecting is themselves. It literally doesnt matter. It can be painful or embarrassing to watch someone make a total fool of themselves, but if thats what they want to do and they arent interested in listening to reason, theres nothing you can do so dont worry about it. But the second they set foot in a group, that all changes. If youre dragging the group down or forcing others to carry your weight because of your ignorance, or worse, laziness, the group is well within its rights to get rid of you as absolutely fast as they can.


People erroneously label this as elitist on the part of "the group." The truth is, its selfishness on the part of the individual. You cant expect people to just put up with you in a team game when you arent contributing or even making an effort to. If you dont like being judged and found wanting by some group, figure out why it happened, and correct the problem instead of whining about how unfair it is.

Edited by Dras_Keto
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If you dont like being judged and found wanting by some group, figure out why it happened, and correct the problem instead of whining about how unfair it is.
And yet many of those dependent on groups worry about why some prefer soloing in an MMO, using derogatory words like 'fool' and 'whine'. The simplest and most elegant way to avoid mob castigation is by playing independent of them. Yes, we miss some content and our voices are excluded by the developer who caters to guilds. Such is the price we have to be willing to pay for preferring independence wherever possible. Edited by Gleneagle
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Elitist has become a word like fascist in the game-world. It gets tossed around all over the place and means whatever is most convenient for the person using it at the time, whether anyone else knows what they are meaning it to be or not. The people bandying it about in this thread are just mad. They refuse to accept the notion that its possible to play this game incorrectly, especially when you consider things from the perspective of a group.


A person can play however they want to if the only person they are affecting is themselves. It literally doesnt matter. It can be painful or embarrassing to watch someone make a total fool of themselves, but if thats what they want to do and they arent interested in listening to reason, theres nothing you can do so dont worry about it. But the second they set foot in a group, that all changes. If youre dragging the group down or forcing others to carry your weight because of your ignorance, or worse, laziness, the group is well within its rights to get rid of you as absolutely fast as they can.


People erroneously label this as elitist on the part of "the group." The truth is, its selfishness on the part of the individual. You cant expect people to just put up with you in a team game when you arent contributing or even making an effort to. If you dont like being judged and found wanting by some group, figure out why it happened, and correct the problem instead of whining about how unfair it is.


I can't find anything to really disagree with there, actually.


The problem comes when some people "in the group" demand that even people who are doing a competent job in other parts of the game and are not affecting the "gaming experience" of "the group" change their character, their setup, their rotation, their playstyle, etc, to be suited for "the group"; or even that the entire game be changed to force all characters into that mold. Or are either unable or unwilling to distinguish between players who are competent but not focused on the game as "the group" wants it, versus players who are just bad and determined to inflict that badness on everyone around them.


I'm not pointing fingers and I'm hoping to avoid another go-around... but I have no idea how someone could read these forums, watch general chat, or read some of the other discussions regarding MMOs, and not see where some people cross that line.



And yet many of those dependent on groups worry about why some prefer soloing in an MMO, using derogatory words like 'fool' and 'whine'. The simplest and most elegant way to avoid mob castigation is by playing independent of them. Yes, we miss some content and our voices are excluded by the developer who caters to guilds. Such is the price we have to be willing to pay for preferring independence wherever possible.


About once every day or two come across a discussion about "high-end" content that makes me think "and there's one of the reasons why I don't do high-end content". The discussions make it seem like such a toxic environment.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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Elitist has become a word like fascist in the game-world. It gets tossed around all over the place and means whatever is most convenient for the person using it at the time, whether anyone else knows what they are meaning it to be or not. The people bandying it about in this thread are just mad. They refuse to accept the notion that its possible to play this game incorrectly, especially when you consider things from the perspective of a group.


A person can play however they want to if the only person they are affecting is themselves. It literally doesnt matter. It can be painful or embarrassing to watch someone make a total fool of themselves, but if thats what they want to do and they arent interested in listening to reason, theres nothing you can do so dont worry about it. But the second they set foot in a group, that all changes. If youre dragging the group down or forcing others to carry your weight because of your ignorance, or worse, laziness, the group is well within its rights to get rid of you as absolutely fast as they can.


People erroneously label this as elitist on the part of "the group." The truth is, its selfishness on the part of the individual. You cant expect people to just put up with you in a team game when you arent contributing or even making an effort to. If you dont like being judged and found wanting by some group, figure out why it happened, and correct the problem instead of whining about how unfair it is.


I think there are plenty of well known pro players in this thread that simply find your method of insulting folks distasteful. It is pretty silly, IMO, to fall of the fallacy that folks that do not care for your method are "bads".


I think it's pretty obvious you are leveling insults on purpose for self satisfaction. That does not mean your advice is not useful, but what it does mean, as I indicated in the past, is that you open your comments to additional scrutiny.


Plenty of folks give top level advice without resorting to insults. This disproves your theory.

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That saying you don't know something is far better then apologizing you didn't know something after you res at the med center.


I'm sick and *********** tired of noobs too shy to SPEAK if they haven't done something before, or are just unsure about something. I have no issues carrying people, never kicked or berated anyone for doing something for the first, second or third time. Just let me KNOW I'm carrying people FFS!


And I say carrying because I'm usually playing as a tank, so it kinda usually falls onto me to lead the group, which I'm fine with.

Edited by Jandi
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People might be surprised how far straight up honesty will get them. Yes, occasionally, youll get kicked out before the instance starts but far more often they will be grateful and much more understanding.


Just make sure you pay attention. If someone admits they have no idea whats going on and then does not or refuses to use any of the info they are given... the group ends right back up in the territory of "Great, lets kick the noob..."

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People might be surprised how far straight up honesty will get them. Yes, occasionally, youll get kicked out before the instance starts but far more often they will be grateful and much more understanding.


Just make sure you pay attention. If someone admits they have no idea whats going on and then does not or refuses to use any of the info they are given... the group ends right back up in the territory of "Great, lets kick the noob..."

Well, that is encouraging news anyway. I hope it pans out like that when I'm ready to roll.

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