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PvP inbalance


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I have a question for the devs, say im a sorc guarding a node alone on novare coast, and a shadow comes up and stealth stuns me, starts capping, I use stun breaker, he uses spike and continues capping, then when it finishes he uses electrocute and carries on capping, when I finally get out of it, he going back into stealth, stealth stuns me and finishes the cap. this is severely inbalanced in terms of classes making sins and operative's almost unbeatable in a 1v1 situation. I would like to know the reason behind this as I know the amount of stuns you receive in wz's is utterly ridiculous compared to the 1 stun breaker we receive. If you want tore-invigorate PvP in this game then this should be fixed. it means that a sub standard sin or operative can kill a good player who is playing a sage or a commando lets say. there is no reasonable explanation for this.
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I have a question for the devs, say im a sorc guarding a node alone on novare coast, and a shadow comes up and stealth stuns me, starts capping, I use stun breaker, he uses spike and continues capping, then when it finishes he uses electrocute and carries on capping, when I finally get out of it, he going back into stealth, stealth stuns me and finishes the cap. this is severely inbalanced in terms of classes making sins and operative's almost unbeatable in a 1v1 situation. I would like to know the reason behind this as I know the amount of stuns you receive in wz's is utterly ridiculous compared to the 1 stun breaker we receive. If you want tore-invigorate PvP in this game then this should be fixed. it means that a sub standard sin or operative can kill a good player who is playing a sage or a commando lets say. there is no reasonable explanation for this.

Taking GCDs into account that's (6.5+.5+2.5=9.5) that's 9.5 seconds of time that he could have been caping, aka not nealy enough unless it's a fresh node CC break on any of those and you would be fine, also btw you have 2 breakers(barrier breaks stuns). So there was no reason for you to be called on.


Also am I the only one who finds it funny that he got spiked

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I have a question for the devs, say im a sorc guarding a node alone on novare coast, and a shadow comes up and stealth stuns me, starts capping, I use stun breaker, he uses spike and continues capping, then when it finishes he uses electrocute and carries on capping, when I finally get out of it, he going back into stealth, stealth stuns me and finishes the cap. this is severely inbalanced in terms of classes making sins and operative's almost unbeatable in a 1v1 situation. I would like to know the reason behind this as I know the amount of stuns you receive in wz's is utterly ridiculous compared to the 1 stun breaker we receive. If you want tore-invigorate PvP in this game then this should be fixed. it means that a sub standard sin or operative can kill a good player who is playing a sage or a commando lets say. there is no reasonable explanation for this.


If what you're saying is true, you should of had full resolve by the spike or Electrocute.. I'm guessing you're new and have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

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im a sorc guarding a node alone on novare coast there is no reasonable explanation for this.


a shadow comes up and stealth stuns me, starts capping


I use stun breaker, there is no reasonable explanation for this


I didn't call for help despite having plenty of time to because I think I should be able to solo all attacker(s), there is no reasonable explanation for this



After some minor editing I fully agree with you.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I have a question for the devs, say im a sorc guarding a node alone on novare coast, and a shadow comes up and stealth stuns me, starts capping, I use stun breaker, he uses spike and continues capping, then when it finishes he uses electrocute and carries on capping, when I finally get out of it, he going back into stealth, stealth stuns me and finishes the cap. this is severely inbalanced in terms of classes making sins and operative's almost unbeatable in a 1v1 situation. I would like to know the reason behind this as I know the amount of stuns you receive in wz's is utterly ridiculous compared to the 1 stun breaker we receive. If you want tore-invigorate PvP in this game then this should be fixed. it means that a sub standard sin or operative can kill a good player who is playing a sage or a commando lets say. there is no reasonable explanation for this.


You don't stun break on the stealth mezz. If you are standing a few feet away from the cap, the attacker cannot mezz you, get to node and finish cap before the mezz wears off.


Only use your stun break when your resolve bar is filled or if absolutely necessary to save the node. As a Sorc you also have Force Barrier which will break CC, although it should be a last resort.


Sorcs are not the best node guards, but they aren't the worst either and you can easily delay an attacker until help arrives if you call immediately.

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I have a question for the devs, say im a sorc guarding a node alone on novare coast, and a shadow comes up and stealth stuns me, starts capping, I use stun breaker, he uses spike and continues capping, then when it finishes he uses electrocute and carries on capping, when I finally get out of it, he going back into stealth, stealth stuns me and finishes the cap. this is severely inbalanced in terms of classes making sins and operative's almost unbeatable in a 1v1 situation. I would like to know the reason behind this as I know the amount of stuns you receive in wz's is utterly ridiculous compared to the 1 stun breaker we receive. If you want tore-invigorate PvP in this game then this should be fixed. it means that a sub standard sin or operative can kill a good player who is playing a sage or a commando lets say. there is no reasonable explanation for this.


first l2p

second, reading your text:

1) the assassin is a tank because he uses spike on you out of stealth, then his stun, then vanish and cc again. in this case he shouldn't win on you, he would barely break your bubble.

2) the assassin is a dps and ''spike'' is low slash and in this case it would require a bit of luck and good skills to kill the attacker, which i'm sure he didn't see in you, or it woud have acted differently.


you got trolled.


next time don't break mind maze, because he can't cap in 8 seconds while if you break it and eat all the other stuns maybe yes. call inc while you are cc'ed and dot the assassin, if he goes glowy, wait it out and dot him again, death field/force storm or KB if he vanishes.


also a sub standard player of any class won't kill a good player of any class.


sorry if i'm harsh but i'm trying to help: as sorc just go mid, you won't be blamed, especially if you feel like you don't have node guarding in your barrels, being globalled with no calls helps no one.

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As a sorc, i think you should not stay alone in def, exept if you are very good for duel. Tank or Stealths are better for that.


You mustn't use you stun breaker on the first stun : they do that in order to be sure you won't have anti stun remaining during the second stun. People usally use there 4 sec stun in first, and the 8 sec stun after. If you stay quiet on the first stun, your antistun will be up for the second one, and the resolution will prevent anyone else from stuning you. When i stay in def, i also stay very close to the node, so as i can use AOE when stun are over (its more safe IMO because i am a juggernaut, so if sins goes at the oposing side of node, i won't be able to jump on it).


And more important : i always have my chat box open with a text asking for backup, so as i just have to press "enter" at the begining of the fight. It cost me 1/10 sec, and my mates will be aware i am under attack. During the second stun, i usally right the number of enemy so as there is no over-reaction of my entire team.


Making you use your antistun is a technique used since the begining of MMO! It s the same than making you attack a distant ennemy while a stealth one come in the back and ninja your node. All what you have to do is to keep quiet, call help, and make the fight being as long as requiered for your backup to arrive.

Edited by Astyannax
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Geez... take ownership of your own mistakes.


A) Stand further away from the node. Ancient hypergates is the best example of this. If you stand right next to the pylon you are going to be cced and capped on. The goal is to force the attacker to waste as much time as possible moving to the node after he cc's you. Use good judgement and stand as far away as possible while still being close enough to defend it. No class has any business standing within 30m of a node they are guarding... especially not sorcs.


b) Novare coast takes a LONG time to cap. You have a lot of leway in stopping the cap and plenty of time to call for help. You still control the node even if it gets half capped.. Using either of your two breakers on a mez is not acceptable unless it's hypergate and you are being attacked by 2 coordinated stealthers (1 is capping - the other is mezzing you) or unless the node is in mortal danger of changing hands.


c) Nobody expects you to solo the assassin. Your job as the node guarder is always to prevent caps. That's it! Call for help immediately and then use good judgement to stall as long as possible.


d) Sorcerers, while not ideal, are still decent node guarders provided the player behind it is using good judgement and actually understands their class. If you aren't capable as a node guarder.. don't do it!


e) When node guarding it is imperative to inform your team when your CC breaker's are on cooldown.

Edited by JackNader
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Don't stand by nodes while guarding or you'll get sap capped. Except you have 2 CC breaks, so I don't see how that happens. If you are off the node, they can't stun you and start capping. So wait it out and if they stun you again, you'll be at full resolve to break and stop the cap without being CC'd.
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I do have to agree with the original writer in this, and with the other players who have commented. Reason being, I honestly am not that great at PvP, and I rage a lot, but that is because I typically get ganged everywhere I go. However, PvP is very unbalanced. But not in the same faction. A sin is going to take down a sorcerer any day of the week. They have too many ways to get around you. That is what ASSASSIN means. They assassinate. What do you expect?


Now in regards to what everyone else has said, I honestly have learned something. I didn't personal understand the white bar or how to utilize it properly in PvP. Now I do.


However, that being said, people trolling on someone who doesn't know any better is just down right rude and inconsiderate. You can't expect everyone to come right out and know every little thing about PvP or the roles in PvE. You just can't, because you didn't. No one did.


Now back onto PvP. PvP is in fact unbalanced. People don't admit this when someone complains in General Chat on fleet, too many children trying to get cool points from their peers. However, the Republic side is favored in PvP, greatly. You put each class up against the mirror of the other faction, and the Republic player will win more times than not. With exact gear, and same rotation understanding, Republic toons will win. They are similar, not even or exact. Force Lightning does less than the Republic's pebble throwing thing. (Not a Republic Player here.) And the effects are far worse when getting pelted. The classes maybe similar in ability, but each class on the Republic side has distinct advantages.


Now remember, I suck at PvP. I do it for the challenge and competitiveness of the sport. However, you cannot honestly tell me that a fully geared PvP Trooper, and Powertech, are on even grounds. The trooper will slaughter that Powertech or Mercenary. It's just a fact, and the developers won't fix it. Yes, I understand, good guys always win. But in a video game, that doesn't fly. It has to be balanced, or it takes out the fun.


If someone would instruct me on how to be a better Marauder or Sorcerer Healer in PvP while on Harbinger Server, then please by all means come teach me. However, the fact still stands that the Republic side is in fact more favored in this game.


But the Imperial story lines are way cooler. :3

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So here's what the L2P responses mean.


First thing, Sorcs should not be guarding a node. If your entire team leaves the node uncapped and with a *sigh* you decide to do what's best and go cap it that's fine but you should try to get someone else on your team better suited to guard the node to do so.


First thing is always call inc as soon as you see an enemy. Whether that means you saw him coming or as soon as he stuns you.


Never stay close the the capping area while guarding. Stand as far as you can while still around the area where you receive defense points. This will cause the stealth capper to have to stun you, and then run closer to the objective and waste time. This ensures that by the time he starts capping your stun has less time left than what he needs in order to cap and saves you the stun break.


If you HAVE to use your stun break, make sure you use it just before he is about to cap so it gives you enough time to stun break and hit him with an instant ability. This is mainly to give time for your team to come help, specially if it's more than 1 enemy.


If it's more than one enemy and you are being bursted down, stun break fast and use force speed to LoS. Usually one of them will cap and the other one will keep after you, if so, keep kiting until he is about to cap and then throw an AoE or make sure you stay close enough to break. As a last resort use your Bubble and, again, wait until they are about to cap to hit them.


I'm probably missing a few stuff but that's how I do it when I'm stuck guarding an objective.The only times I've failed at this is when for whatever reason I'm caught by an assassin with no DCD's.


Hope this helps.

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So here's what the L2P responses mean.


First thing, Sorcs should not be guarding a node.


Ok, let me stop you here.


Terrible Sorcs should not guard nodes, but terrible anythings shouldn't do anything, so that's a moot point. You have 30 meter range to kite anyone who shows up. You have TWO CC BREAKS. You have 10 seconds of immunity in your bubble to stall for help. Other than stealth, I can't think of a better class to be guarding the node until help arrives.


The problem is, you can't have the 1v1 mindset because you're a sorc. Keep them busy until help shows up and you're doing your job right. Thinking you can 1v1 a Sin is some of the dumbest logic I've ever heard on this forum (from the OP).

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I do have to agree with the original writer in this, and with the other players who have commented. Reason being, I honestly am not that great at PvP, and I rage a lot, but that is because I typically get ganged everywhere I go. However, PvP is very unbalanced. But not in the same faction. A sin is going to take down a sorcerer any day of the week. They have too many ways to get around you. That is what ASSASSIN means. They assassinate. What do you expect?


Now in regards to what everyone else has said, I honestly have learned something. I didn't personal understand the white bar or how to utilize it properly in PvP. Now I do.


However, that being said, people trolling on someone who doesn't know any better is just down right rude and inconsiderate. You can't expect everyone to come right out and know every little thing about PvP or the roles in PvE. You just can't, because you didn't. No one did.


Now back onto PvP. PvP is in fact unbalanced. People don't admit this when someone complains in General Chat on fleet, too many children trying to get cool points from their peers. However, the Republic side is favored in PvP, greatly. You put each class up against the mirror of the other faction, and the Republic player will win more times than not. With exact gear, and same rotation understanding, Republic toons will win. They are similar, not even or exact. Force Lightning does less than the Republic's pebble throwing thing. (Not a Republic Player here.) And the effects are far worse when getting pelted. The classes maybe similar in ability, but each class on the Republic side has distinct advantages.


Now remember, I suck at PvP. I do it for the challenge and competitiveness of the sport. However, you cannot honestly tell me that a fully geared PvP Trooper, and Powertech, are on even grounds. The trooper will slaughter that Powertech or Mercenary. It's just a fact, and the developers won't fix it. Yes, I understand, good guys always win. But in a video game, that doesn't fly. It has to be balanced, or it takes out the fun.


If someone would instruct me on how to be a better Marauder or Sorcerer Healer in PvP while on Harbinger Server, then please by all means come teach me. However, the fact still stands that the Republic side is in fact more favored in this game.


But the Imperial story lines are way cooler. :3


Said it all right there.

Edited by sloasdaylight
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I do have to agree with the original writer in this, and with the other players who have commented. Reason being, I honestly am not that great at PvP, and I rage a lot, but that is because I typically get ganged everywhere I go. However, PvP is very unbalanced. But not in the same faction. A sin is going to take down a sorcerer any day of the week. They have too many ways to get around you. That is what ASSASSIN means. They assassinate. What do you expect?


Now in regards to what everyone else has said, I honestly have learned something. I didn't personal understand the white bar or how to utilize it properly in PvP. Now I do.


However, that being said, people trolling on someone who doesn't know any better is just down right rude and inconsiderate. You can't expect everyone to come right out and know every little thing about PvP or the roles in PvE. You just can't, because you didn't. No one did.


Now back onto PvP. PvP is in fact unbalanced. People don't admit this when someone complains in General Chat on fleet, too many children trying to get cool points from their peers. However, the Republic side is favored in PvP, greatly. You put each class up against the mirror of the other faction, and the Republic player will win more times than not. With exact gear, and same rotation understanding, Republic toons will win. They are similar, not even or exact. Force Lightning does less than the Republic's pebble throwing thing. (Not a Republic Player here.) And the effects are far worse when getting pelted. The classes maybe similar in ability, but each class on the Republic side has distinct advantages.


Now remember, I suck at PvP. I do it for the challenge and competitiveness of the sport. However, you cannot honestly tell me that a fully geared PvP Trooper, and Powertech, are on even grounds. The trooper will slaughter that Powertech or Mercenary. It's just a fact, and the developers won't fix it. Yes, I understand, good guys always win. But in a video game, that doesn't fly. It has to be balanced, or it takes out the fun.


If someone would instruct me on how to be a better Marauder or Sorcerer Healer in PvP while on Harbinger Server, then please by all means come teach me. However, the fact still stands that the Republic side is in fact more favored in this game.


But the Imperial story lines are way cooler. :3



... What?


That is inaccurate and laced with personal views.


They are mirror classes.


On some servers, Imperial is dominant by a wide margin. On others, it is republic.


It is not the classes that are imbalanced. It is the factions themselves in terms of population.

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If you know he's going to stealth, hit him with a DoT. He'll only be able to stay stealthed for a very short time while under that effect, cause the DoT will break stealth over and over. And/or take that electrocute passive under the healing tree which reduces the target's damage output, and hit him with that so he won't be able to kill you quite so fast.


Also, call for help. You're very squishy as a sorc. During the Gree event, my sorc healer was literally getting ganked in two attacks by an assassin.

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I do have to agree with the original writer in this, and with the other players who have commented. Reason being, I honestly am not that great at PvP, and I rage a lot, but that is because I typically get ganged everywhere I go. However, PvP is very unbalanced. But not in the same faction. A sin is going to take down a sorcerer any day of the week. They have too many ways to get around you. That is what ASSASSIN means. They assassinate. What do you expect?


Now in regards to what everyone else has said, I honestly have learned something. I didn't personal understand the white bar or how to utilize it properly in PvP. Now I do.


However, that being said, people trolling on someone who doesn't know any better is just down right rude and inconsiderate. You can't expect everyone to come right out and know every little thing about PvP or the roles in PvE. You just can't, because you didn't. No one did.


Now back onto PvP. PvP is in fact unbalanced. People don't admit this when someone complains in General Chat on fleet, too many children trying to get cool points from their peers. However, the Republic side is favored in PvP, greatly. You put each class up against the mirror of the other faction, and the Republic player will win more times than not. With exact gear, and same rotation understanding, Republic toons will win. They are similar, not even or exact. Force Lightning does less than the Republic's pebble throwing thing. (Not a Republic Player here.) And the effects are far worse when getting pelted. The classes maybe similar in ability, but each class on the Republic side has distinct advantages.


Now remember, I suck at PvP. I do it for the challenge and competitiveness of the sport. However, you cannot honestly tell me that a fully geared PvP Trooper, and Powertech, are on even grounds. The trooper will slaughter that Powertech or Mercenary. It's just a fact, and the developers won't fix it. Yes, I understand, good guys always win. But in a video game, that doesn't fly. It has to be balanced, or it takes out the fun.


If someone would instruct me on how to be a better Marauder or Sorcerer Healer in PvP while on Harbinger Server, then please by all means come teach me. However, the fact still stands that the Republic side is in fact more favored in this game.


But the Imperial story lines are way cooler. :3


while I agree that pvp is imbalanced, it's not a faction issue, it's a class issue. Thus I had to lol when you said a merc would destroy a powertech/vanguards. Mercs/mando's being basically the most squishy class in the game.

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