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Thanks for the 12x XP boost but ..............Optional maybe?


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I've said it before and I'll say it again. It is clear Bioware doesn't want people to opt out for variaous reasons. They don't want to code another option, they don't want to support additional tickets for the handful of users who forget to turn it on, they don't want to support another layer of complexity..


I giggle when little end users speak for the gaming companies.

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I giggle when little end users speak for the gaming companies.


I don't speak for them, I am telling you the logical reasons (from a development standpoint) why its not there.


I manage large IT projects for a living. I have a bit more real world experience than your average forum wizard.


Many people mentioned a long time ago if they wanted a toggle for these events, they would have coded a toggle. Logic, how does it work? Some people get it.


And if we do get one, they have decided it was worth the effort. Tough to understand, I know.

Edited by Arkerus
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I don't speak for them, I am telling you the logical reasons (from a development standpoint) why its not there.


I manage large IT projects for a living. I have a bit more real world experience than your average forum wizard.


Many people mentioned a long time ago if they wanted a toggle for these events, they would have coded a toggle. Logic, how does it work? Some people get it.


And if we do get one, they have decided it was worth the effort. Tough to understand, I know.


Very tough to understand.

Unfortunately, I don't have time to chew on it and try to comprehend it.


I'm too busy setting up a multiple VLAN system on a 2-Wan router for load balance and failover for 10IPs from dual ISPs before beginning a 20 server migration (well.. 200 technically.. but just 20 tomorrow).


You know... stuff IT people do rather than dictate what companies they don't actually work for do.

But good luck!

Edited by PiperPilot
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As noted by DarthTHC more than once (maybe in the other hot thread on this topic), it does impact other players because it requires development resources. How many "resources?" Who knows? But it's not "zero."


Good thing you appended "to be honest." Does that mean you are not being honest every time you do not end a post with that?


Irrelevant. Anything developed in the game affects the development of something else. The creation of GSF and Strongholds negatively impacted development resources much more than any UI update ever possibly could. But if you want to play it that way:


The fact that they wasted development time creating the increased XP system means that they impacted my gameplay to begin with in that case. I am more than happy to sacrifice additional gameplay experience for them to correct the error.

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You know... stuff IT people do rather than dictate what companies they don't actually work for do

Or they throw out random technobabble to try to appear impressive.


Tough to understand, I know.


You don't have a toggle (at least not the kind you want), you're not going to get a toggle (at least not the kind you want). At this point you are just spitting into the wind.


But good luck on your future endeavors.


Irrelevant. Anything developed in the game affects the development of something else.

And therefore very relevant.


Your turn.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Or they throw out random technobabble to try to appear impressive.


Tough to understand, I know.



If you don't know what I just said, then you ARE NOT IT.

Just thought I'd toss that your way.


Either way, that's done. Time to go play SWTOR.






And therefore very relevant.


Your turn.


Excellent job on the "out of context quote" though. Well done. You a politician? You should be.

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Very tough to understand.

Unfortunately, I don't have time to chew on it and try to comprehend it.


I'm too busy setting up a multiple VLAN system on a 2-Wan router for load balance and failover for 10IPs from dual ISPs before beginning a 20 server migration (well.. 200 technically.. but just 20 tomorrow).


You know... stuff IT people do rather than dictate what companies they don't actually work for do.

But good luck!




I moved out of the setup space a long time ago. I manage things that actually have P/L to them.


Your sentence is like that ridiculous clip from one of those ridiculous crime drama. It means a whole lot of nothing. You know how I know? I did that stuff a while ago and what it amounts to is plugging things in and running configurations.



GUI interface using visual basic to track the killers IP address CSI :


Let's talk about the subject at hand: How Bioware isn't giving out a toggle because its a waste of time.

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The fact that they wasted development time creating the increased XP system means that they impacted my gameplay to begin with in that case. I am more than happy to sacrifice additional gameplay experience for them to correct the error.

Good one ;)



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Do planetary quests first, then class missions.:eek:


This is what I've been doing. It cuts down on the story mission times in a way because you have all the taxis and such unlocked. However, you most definitely will come to a point where you are very over levelled regardless, but that's how the game was before the XP boost. I used to always hit level 50 on Belsavis.

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I think the OP makes a good point. For my situation, I'm a new player with my gorgeous Marauder at lvl 15 and everything in the game is new content to me. Of course I don't need the expansion pack yet and I love taking my time with the game, so I have no intention of buying it now with a mandatory 12x xp boost. If however they offered it as optional and included something nice for new players like a nice mount or account-wide speed unlock or something, then I probably would pre-order it.


Either way, I'm a subscriber now and I'm sure I will be for a long time and I will buy the exp. in the future, but it does make you wonder why their marketing dept. didn't come up with something to make the new exp. appeal to new players and of course give them more pre-orders.

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The fact that you chose to pre-order (assuming you did) before 12/1 impacted your game play.

No, the fact that they wasted time and development resources to create the bonus XP events (not just the 12x which did in fact affect the official announcement of SoR - so there was a very real consequence to that action) has the same affect that those opposed to a UI toggle claim would have on their experience.


You could have avoided the whole thing, you decided not to. That's on you, not the game's designers and developers. You could still avoid it, yet (apparently) choose not to.

I did not pre-order. I don't plan on pre-ordering until the very last minute so that I can take advantage of the free skills training perk for each of my characters, and will otherwise avoid playing the game until the bonus XP expires.


The rest of your post is irrelevant blather. I can send you a book on concise and meaningful writing skills if the concepts are too hard to understand.

Actually it is not. Those opposed to the UI toggle use the excuse of wasted time and development resources to do so somehow negatively affecting their gameplay. I simply pointed out the asininity of that statement as there are 1) much worse examples of such, and 2) if that is to be a valid excuse not to develop something in a game, then all development for all games has to stop after launch since to spend time and resources developing one feature or such would negatively affect all those who would not directly benefit from said feature.

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No, the fact that they wasted time and development resources to create the bonus XP events (not just the 12x which did in fact affect the official announcement of SoR - so there was a very real consequence to that action) has the same affect that those opposed to a UI toggle claim would have on their experience.

They added the 12x XP as an incentive to get people to subscribe.



I did not pre-order. I don't plan on pre-ordering until the very last minute so that I can take advantage of the free skills training perk for each of my characters, and will otherwise avoid playing the game until the bonus XP expires.

Then you have nothing to worry about.



Those opposed to the UI toggle use the excuse of wasted time and development resources to do so somehow negatively affecting their gameplay. I simply pointed out the asininity of that statement as there are 1) much worse examples of such

In your opinion.


and 2) if that is to be a valid excuse not to develop something in a game, then all development for all games has to stop after launch since to spend time and resources developing one feature or such would negatively affect all those who would not directly benefit from said feature.

It's a valid reason to oppose anything in a game, tantamount to saying "I don't like or care about this feature." We all have features we view as a waste of dev resources. For me, GSF is one of them. However, I like the rest of the game enough that the fact I was "forced" to support GSF development with my subscription dollars did not cause me to quit playing the game.


Your reductio ad abdurdum argument noted and disregarded.

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I think the OP makes a good point. For my situation, I'm a new player with my gorgeous Marauder at lvl 15 and everything in the game is new content to me. Of course I don't need the expansion pack yet and I love taking my time with the game, so I have no intention of buying it now with a mandatory 12x xp boost. If however they offered it as optional and included something nice for new players like a nice mount or account-wide speed unlock or something, then I probably would pre-order it.


Either way, I'm a subscriber now and I'm sure I will be for a long time and I will buy the exp. in the future, but it does make you wonder why their marketing dept. didn't come up with something to make the new exp. appeal to new players and of course give them more pre-orders.


The 12x XP boost is only for class specific quests, there's a handful of them per level, if you are new, and you do all of your class quests first or are tardy about handing in your non-class quests right away (because you're like me and like to complete as many quests before going back to town and turning them in) then the impact tends to be lessened, as you will rapidly gain a few levels off the first couple planets and then subsequent planets will stop giving you as much exp because you'll be at higher level thresholds.


The trend basically I noticed is that your starter planet will get you to lvl 15-16 when normally it should only get you to level 11-12, then the next two planets will get you to almost 25 when you should finish them at 22-23 usually, then from Tatooine and Alderaan you'll be about 1-2 levels ahead of of the planet the rest of the way.


It doesn't really stop you from doing all the content if you want to, so the experience isn't really ruined imo, but it does let you level quicker if you want to (by doing planetary quests before class quests, if you do it the other way around you level at about the same speed, alternatively if you skip planetary quests altogether you will level 'quicker' but only because you are skipping content)


I wouldn't be too scared of the 12x exp, but you're right in that there isn't much other benefit to pre-ordering this early to make it enticing for people.

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They added the 12x XP as an incentive to get people to subscribe.

And then some people don't like it as it hinders their game play.


Please don't answer we can opt out by not pre-ordering, we already debunked that quite a few times in this very thread.


Note: I know I can also stop playing and why not even stop subscribing too.


In your opinion.

Stating the obvious: same with everything I say, you say and well everyone says every day, even outside THE internet.

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I wouldn't be too scared of the 12x exp, but you're right in that there isn't much other benefit to pre-ordering this early to make it enticing for people.

Well there's a Revan Statue, but too bad it only fits largest hooks so useless for people who can't afford the room unlock.


Now the XP bonus is indeed of an annoyance as you'll outlevel people you are playing with that aren't on X12, as such making the content less challenging and enjoyable for both of you.

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And then some people don't like it as it hinders their game play.

Yet they decided to pre-order before 12/1, knowing the 12x XP was there. I, and others, can point that out to you 48 more times, if you think it will help.


Please don't answer we can opt out by not pre-ordering, we already debunked that quite a few times in this very thread.

You don't debunk something simply by saying you have already debunked it.. Obviously if you have already pre-ordered, you can't "un-pre-order" it. That does not alter the fact that ....


... you chose to pre-order it (if you in fact did) before 12/1 knowing the 12x XP would be there. Now I only have to say it 47 more times.


Note: I know I can also stop playing and why not even stop subscribing too.

You sure can. So what's stopping you?


You can also make a F2P account, not do class quests or play 55s if you have any. In short, if you are being "victimized" by this 12x XP thing, it was and is your decision. Apparently that's hard for you to accept.


Well there's a Revan Statue, but too bad it only fits largest hooks so useless for people who can't afford the room unlock.

Pre-order no sooner than 12/1. Revan statue, no 12x XP.. Consider your assertion debunked.


Now the XP bonus is indeed of an annoyance as you'll outlevel people you are playing with that aren't on X12, as such making the content less challenging and enjoyable for both of you.

Again, your choice to pre-order. 46 times to go.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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How to tell this...


While your arguments use logic, they aren't acceptable because you're asking people to make sacrifices, when their requests have no impact on you at all.


And please don't even try to lecture me on how it takes resources from doing something else, you've already been lectured on that. As you've been on your comment about not pre-ordering too.


As such and to stop wasting both our time, I welcome you in to VIP club as 3rd member of my ignore lists, so you know why I won't answer to any of your posts in the future.

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They added the 12x XP as an incentive to get people to subscribe.

Which is a good thing that I support. However, personally speaking, I also wish they had added more than just that and an overly large statue. I pre-ordered RotHC because of the extra perks there (of which increased XP was not one of them - that was handed out "freely" prior to launch). I think it would have been better for the perks to include something for everyone. As it stands, even if I was inclined to make use of the increased XP, the perks for this expansion are rather lackluster to say the least.


Then you have nothing to worry about.

Who said I was worried. Not being worried doesn't mean I still can't speak up in support of an option I agree with.



In your opinion.

Partly, but also based upon the scale of development, it is quite obvious that implementing a UI change is much less massive than a full content expansion/patch such as GSF/Strongholds. The UI indicator for the increased XP (as well as previous UI adjustments) prove the point.



It's a valid reason to oppose anything in a game, tantamount to saying "I don't like or care about this feature." We all have features we view as a waste of dev resources. For me, GSF is one of them. However, I like the rest of the game enough that the fact I was "forced" to support GSF development with my subscription dollars did not cause me to quit playing the game.


Your reductio ad abdurdum argument noted and disregarded.

And I don't recall anyone stating that they are quitting the game because of increased XP bonuses. However, there is one important difference between the increased XP bonuses and things like GSF, Strongholds, and other such content. The ability to partake in them is purely optional. Absolutely true that a lot of time and resources were wasted upon GSF and Strongholds, yet I can completely ignore those portions of the game if I so choose. Not so with the increased XP events - again, except in this case which the opt out method is not pre-ordering. That in and of itself is not ideal as we would want people to hand out that cash as quickly and early as possible, but in the end it's not a real biggie.


You see, we can't even complain about our sub dollars being spent on things that we don't particularly care for in a game - especially one that has a free option. Logic would dictate that developing things that we may not particularly care for come with the territory, as that has been how the MMO industry works. Ultimately, it boils down to one very important aspect that I mentioned above - choice. Over the decades we have seen the gaming industry grow because it has embraced this concept of choice (even if, at the most basic level, gamers are only presented the illusion of choice). I subscribe to the notion that a game that offers the most choices possible in gameplay have the potential to be the best games out there. Therefore, I always support options that allow gamers to play a game in more than one way, and especially so if one of those options maintains a players ability to play said game in the basic "normal" manner as originally intended. Having an option to turn off bonus XP gains is one such option, and I will always support said option, as much as I support the option to have those increased XP gains available to those who want them.

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