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Thanks for the 12x XP boost but ..............Optional maybe?


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Methinks your all caps say it is.


welcome to the world ladies..not everyone fits into the little box you imagine they do. and no the community is not great..its turned into a crap pile of garbage people who cannot see past their own little lives ...aside from the few good people still left these forums and they know who they are...they are a garbage heap

You should open your own eyes and welcome yourself to the "real world," a world where computer games are just computer games and no one ever died from leveling their character too fast or from going without a week of early access to a new expansion.

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i was only asking about a toggle.

What kills me is people going on crusade against people wanting an option that has no impact at all on their game play and then going further daring saying they don't even want BioWare working it at all.


I find it very selfish to be honest.

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What kills me is people going on crusade against people wanting an option that has no impact at all on their game play and then going further daring saying they don't even want BioWare working it at all.


I find it very selfish to be honest.

As noted by DarthTHC more than once (maybe in the other hot thread on this topic), it does impact other players because it requires development resources. How many "resources?" Who knows? But it's not "zero."


Good thing you appended "to be honest." Does that mean you are not being honest every time you do not end a post with that?

Edited by branmakmuffin
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ITS NOT TROLLING..I work in remote areas of the country and in the far north with NO internet access what so ever outside satellite which is extremely expensive and not excatly something i can just jump on and enjoy a game with when ever i feel bored. . i bought the expansion to take advantage of the 7 days early access because that corresponds with my next vacation which i get little of . When i am on the road i am literally in the middle of no where and cannot just "login to swtor when ever i feel like it to make a purchase and the purchase HAD to be made before i fly out this weekend. i am leaving for one of the my trips to remote areas starting this Saturday and will not be back until December 2nd when its too late to pre-order.


Unfortunately the real trolls and children of the forums cannot see there are people playing this game with far different lives then their little enclosed boxes they have come to expect others live in as well. I placed my preorder so when i do return i will have early acess to the expansion..i was only asking about a toggle. and no i couldn't have waited to order it considering starting next week i am literally going to be about as far north in the Yukon as you can get where there is still civilization and the week after that i will be in a remote diamond mine doing final checks for winter shutdown.


welcome to the world ladies..not everyone fits into the little box you imagine they do. and no the community is not great..its turned into a crap pile of garbage people who cannot see past their own little lives ...aside from the few good people still left these forums and they know who they are...they are a garbage heap

Since you're leaving to your remote areas Saturday - there's no issue right? You probably should have just waited until Friday though.


And yes, the "world" of video game drama...where it's worth belittling an entire community (minus several) because they aren't agreeing with you on your video game drama...


Relax man...it's a bonus...you can still do all the other quests if you'd like...this doesn't prevent you from anything.

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What kills me is people going on crusade against people wanting an option that has no impact at all on their game play and then going further daring saying they don't even want BioWare working it at all.


I find it very selfish to be honest.

This is only live for a little over a month Deewe...if this were a full time thing, absolutely I'd agree with you...but it's not, and it wasn't anything anyone needed to buy yet. We've gone almost a year and a half without a new Operation and you sincerely think it'd be wise to waste even a day of Dev time implementing a toggle for this? I don't. I think in the entire scheme of things, this would be the worst possible thing to waste Dev time on.

Edited by TUXs
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As noted by DarthTHC more than once (maybe in the other hot thread on this topic), it does impact other players because it requires development resources. How many "resources?" Who knows? But it's not "zero."

It's the same for every aspect they develop.


So in short everyone is entitled to tell the the devs not to work on pick one: PvP, VO story, OP, Crafting, Fluff, Strongholds, QoL, because there are more important things to do... from their point of view?


Now what most tend to forget is everyone has his list of priorities. For some in the top 3 you'll find things like new WZ, new OP, new Heroics and in others you'll find chat bubbles, hood down and XP toggle. Well maybe the latter totally don't care about the feature desired by the former. Then maybe there are more players in the second group than the first one.


In shot the "because it takes resources from something else" is simply ********, because everything does.


So please stop pretending feature a is more important than b. Nobody has the data and even numbers tend to tell you what you wanted them to tell.

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In shot the "because it takes resources from something else" is simply ********, because everything does.


So please stop pretending feature a is more important than b. Nobody has the data and even numbers tend to tell you what you wanted them to tell.

Of course everything does...but there are things that should take precedence over temporary issues. This "issue" will be "fixed" in a little over a month Deewe...many other issues will not be.


Perhaps if they add this as a full time perk, they'll need to consider adding in a toggle...but for right now, it's an issue that already has an existing expiration date.

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This is only live for a little over a month Deewe...if this were a full time thing, absolutely I'd agree with you...but it's not, and it wasn't anything anyone needed to buy yet. We've gone almost a year and a half without a new Operation and you sincerely think it'd be wise to waste even a day of Dev time implementing a toggle for this? I don't. I think in the entire scheme of things, this would be the worst possible thing to waste Dev time on.

Hey TUx,


now you're adding a important element: time. And you do have a very good point.


Although there are a bit more parameters to take into account:


  • Guess we can agree that making a new OP takes quite more time than adding a XP toggle
  • Not having new OP is indeed bad but not everyone does OP
  • OP are optional // XP bonus isn't that optional
  • Not everyone wants XP bonus off but making XP bonus mandatory can piss off players


Without taking the dev time into account you now have a double edged sword. Either you make some players happy giving them OP and XP bonus and eventually alienate some players or you do otherwise.


Now there's a psychological string with the mandatory XP versus the OPs. For a player not wanting the XP you are making him feel he's not a worthy customer enough because it's mostly eat it or leave. IMO it's bad business to do so. People remember and tells others when they aren't happy.


Then if you take into account the devs time and the fact XP week bonuses will come again in the future, I do think it's not that much of bad trade off to delay (emphasis) a bit a new OP for adding in a XP toggle.


To add to that, as I took the OP example, I very rarely do OP so adding OP for people like me won't make me keep subbing or leaving. In fact I'd rather have them add many QoL features than spend one single minute on any OP or WZ. But I understand some like them, hence why I don't mind if they do.


All I ask is for people to at least respect other people choices and game play preferences.

Edited by Deewe
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Yeah it's going to be a flag in their DB...


I feel like you think you're disagreeing with me, but that is exactly what I expect them to do. A flag in the database alters the end product after the game's normal exp calculations. Honestly, a toggle could function almost identically tot he way the subscriber free name change is handled, through the account on the swtor site. That has all the framework of selecting options for characters and servers.

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You just listed the main reasons why i dont post in these forums much or even visit them very often any more at all..


The forum community here is TBH toxic at best. there are good people obviously and i try to put the trolls on the Iggy list as soon as i find them but too many kiddies without the concept of differences...but at least they will make good little mindless puppets for someone when they grow up..lol


either way..I'm just shocked that in a game and a genre that is built around choice and customization..they didn't give the option to exercise a choice in game of how the boost was enabled. I get i didn't HAVE to buy it..but then again im not going to justify my individual situation and my reasons either for buying it when i did.


Forum communities in general are pretty toxic these days, not just here. Whatever game I end up playing I try to avoid the forums for this very reason.

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And how to level a char alongside a friend who hasn't the XP bonus?*


(*While still doing the class quests)


You play alongside them if that is your choice then. You chose to buy the extra xp knowing what you were getting. No one forced you to get it, you chose to do it, knowing full well what it entailed.

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You play alongside them if that is your choice then. You chose to buy the extra xp knowing what you were getting. No one forced you to get it, you chose to do it, knowing full well what it entailed.

Lol, do you really think what you just wrote?

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Why is this still a discussion?


They did add a "toggle": Wait until December to buy the expansion.


Simply don't spend it until December. It's called self control.

Sure thing. Please send some money to my friend who can't afford the xpack so we can play together.


Thank you in advance.

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Yes I do, it's a simple statement. You chose to do it, you weren't forced to do it. Explain to me how you were forced to purchase the xpac?


you'll have to excuse ikinai and their fellow troll friends in this thread. They are part of the garbage pile this community has turned into and a great example of my reasoning.


they think everyone needs to exist in the same bubble they do and needs to follow those rules as well or they are wrong and their ideas are either stupid or unfounded because it parts from their little idea of twhat the norm should be.

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you'll have to excuse ikinai and their fellow troll friends in this thread. They are part of the garbage pile this community has turned into and a great example of my reasoning.


they think everyone needs to exist in the same bubble they do and needs to follow those rules as well or they are wrong and their ideas are either stupid or unfounded because it parts from their little idea of twhat the norm should be.

Dude...ikinai is, without question, one of the best posters in these forums - to call her a troll is so ludicrous it's comical.

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you'll have to excuse ikinai and their fellow troll friends in this thread. They are part of the garbage pile this community has turned into and a great example of my reasoning.


they think everyone needs to exist in the same bubble they do and needs to follow those rules as well or they are wrong and their ideas are either stupid or unfounded because it parts from their little idea of twhat the norm should be.


So I'm a troll because I suggested you wait to create a new character or not purchase the xpac? Great reasoning. Also, I didn't set the rules for 12x XP, Bioware did. You agreed to them when you purchased the xpac, simple as that.

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So I'm a troll because I suggested you wait to create a new character or not purchase the xpac? Great reasoning. Also, I didn't set the rules for 12x XP, Bioware did. You agreed to them when you purchased the xpac, simple as that.

Wait to create a new characters isn't a solution and certainly does not computes when I add my F2P friend.


Not pre-order the XP does not work either as it's not that I don't want the XP off for all characters but only the ones I'm going to play along my friend.


I do understand your point of view and I respect that, but while a XP off would mitigate, most if not all the issues your proposal hinders players in some ways. You could also choose not to toggle off the XP, couldn't you? How inconvenient would it be for you?

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Wait to create a new characters isn't a solution and certainly does not computes when I add my F2P friend.


Not pre-order the XP does not work either as it's not that I don't want the XP off for all characters but only the ones I'm going to play along my friend.


I do understand your point of view and I respect that, but while a XP off would mitigate, most if not all the issues your proposal hinders players in some ways. You could also choose not to toggle off the XP, couldn't you? How inconvenient would it be for you?


I'm not the one who pre-ordered knowing that I would be leaving my friends behind. I knew exactly what I was getting when I pre-ordered. I also contemplated not pre-ordering for that exact reason. But, I pre-ordered anyways. My nephew is a preferred player, he did not pre-order but you know what? It's not that big of a deal. It all works in the end.

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It won't be that significant in my experience, you'll jump out ahead every time you guys clear your class quests but if you stick around to play with her and do all the planetary stuff after the class quests she'll be gaining normal exp while you'll be gaining reduced exp since you'll be a few levels above the quest and then you'll both end up pretty close at the end of the planet, you'll probably be 1-2 levels ahead if you do it in this order, which doesn't seem gamebreaking, it's not like you're going to be level 40 and she's going to be level 25 if you take the time to play together and help her level the normal speed.


Very not true.

I play with a friend who isn't going to get tthe expansion. I outleveled him by 3 levels in a matter of a couple hours... and I even abandoned the bonus missions when they came up so I wouldn't get that bonus XP.

This 12X XP is extremely substantial.

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