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Server Emergency. We Need More Imps!


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I noticed the same thing about imps on my pub a couple months ago when I was leveling, and then the same thing about pubs while I was leveling an imp. And then I finished leveling and stopped noticing these so called "population" problems. Funny how that works.


This is a huge server, you're gonna win 90% of the lowbie/midbie matches simply by virtue of being paired with free-2-players. People rerolling on The Ebon Hawk to dominate lowbies are a dime a dozen. In a couple months they're gonna hit 55 and either quit the game, get absorbed, or stick around and fade into obscurity. This game does not support players who only PvP. Personally, I haven't faced an <Animus> premade in about 2 weeks (cause, you know, leveling to 55) and if it weren't for these trollbaiting posts, I would have entirely forgotten about them like every other lowbie guild I've seen (and I've seen dozens).


Well, they don't really have much of a choice now. Well, actually, they still have a choice. But this young man, Chancelot has talked up their lowbie status so much, he would be utter cheese if he didn't play 55 regularly when he hits 55. It's kind of a good thing he's so trolly on the forums, because now it's just left people waiting for him to hit 55 and if he does disappear and never PVPs at 55 it will just be lol gold.


Anywho, here's to <Anima>, but mostly just Chancelot, hitting 55 and getting that PVP grind on! Cheers!

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Well, they don't really have much of a choice now. Well, actually, they still have a choice. But this young man, Chancelot has talked up their lowbie status so much, he would be utter cheese if he didn't play 55 regularly when he hits 55. It's kind of a good thing he's so trolly on the forums, because now it's just left people waiting for him to hit 55 and if he does disappear and never PVPs at 55 it will just be lol gold.


Anywho, here's to <Anima>, but mostly just Chancelot, hitting 55 and getting that PVP grind on! Cheers!


I have heard this before too, a million times. people waiting for me to hit 55. Thing is, it won't matter. if I am focused constantly because people are enraged by trolly forums, then they are stupid and will lose matches. My team will have an advantage doing objectives while angsty children try to tunnel my healing sorc constantly. After they begin losing because of this, they will realize that the object of the matches is to win the games. Me being tunneled will also quickly disappear after the losses begin to pile up for the ragers who try to focus me all the time. All it does is give me lols watching someone try so hard to focus me dead. I get it now in warzones, so this won't be anything new to me.

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I have heard this before too, a million times. people waiting for me to hit 55. Thing is, it won't matter. if I am focused constantly because people are enraged by trolly forums, then they are stupid and will lose matches. My team will have an advantage doing objectives while angsty children try to tunnel my healing sorc constantly. After they begin losing because of this, they will realize that the object of the matches is to win the games. Me being tunneled will also quickly disappear after the losses begin to pile up for the ragers who try to focus me all the time. All it does is give me lols watching someone try so hard to focus me dead. I get it now in warzones, so this won't be anything new to me.


I said this? :confused:

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I am sure whoever said they carried the warzone meant it for guild chat because we don't talk **** in warzones. We let our performance speak for itself.



Then stop posting on here. If you want to be valued members of the community, stop acting like you're God's gift to your faction. "We saved Rep side pvp because they suck." "We broke imp side pvp because they suck."


You're still trash talking, you're being egotistical, stop posting, be quiet. The only thing you guys have accomplished is becoming the laughing stock of the server, just stop.

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Then stop posting on here. If you want to be valued members of the community, stop acting like you're God's gift to your faction. "We saved Rep side pvp because they suck." "We broke imp side pvp because they suck."


You're still trash talking, you're being egotistical, stop posting, be quiet. The only thing you guys have accomplished is becoming the laughing stock of the server, just stop.


You need to relax. You are getting way too worked up. I am intrigued though. How does one become a "valued member" of this community? Is it too late for me to be granted such status? Did I burn too many bridges or is there still some way I can repair my ruined swtor reputation?

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You need to relax. You are getting way too worked up. I am intrigued though. How does one become a "valued member" of this community? Is it too late for me to be granted such status? Did I burn too many bridges or is there still some way I can repair my ruined swtor reputation?


Contribute, be worth something, don't just spout garbage, at the rate you're going right now, odds of mending what you have going right now is pretty much in the toilet. Tbh you guys remind me of one guild: "Buffed Fully" and "Fully Buffed" a bunch of loudmouths who couldn't play worth a damn but thought they were the most amazing thing to hit the game.


Stop trying to play "Savior" and just play the game. The reason lowbies/midbies fluctuate is because believe it or not people actually move past the bracket. :p Neither side on lowbies/midbies needs "saving." Get to 55, show what you're worth to the community, and don't talk about it. Actions speak louder than words, show you're worth something, don't talk about being worth something. If you have to, you aren't worth anything. :p

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Contribute, be worth something, don't just spout garbage, at the rate you're going right now, odds of mending what you have going right now is pretty much in the toilet. Tbh you guys remind me of one guild: "Buffed Fully" and "Fully Buffed" a bunch of loudmouths who couldn't play worth a damn but thought they were the most amazing thing to hit the game.


Stop trying to play "Savior" and just play the game. The reason lowbies/midbies fluctuate is because believe it or not people actually move past the bracket. :p Neither side on lowbies/midbies needs "saving." Get to 55, show what you're worth to the community, and don't talk about it. Actions speak louder than words, show you're worth something, don't talk about being worth something. If you have to, you aren't worth anything. :p


They remind me of Scene.... You know her right? :D





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"We saved Rep side pvp because they suck." "We broke imp side pvp because they suck."


You're still trash talking, you're being egotistical, stop posting, be quiet. The only thing you guys have accomplished is becoming the laughing stock of the server, just stop.


I can't wait for these mooks to hit 55.

Edited by Azjari
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As a pub who pugs often, I'm not looking forward to it. Not because they're bad. But because they are drama queens. I can see a lot of ways that this could add some toxicity to a fairly small community. Frankly, they can stay midbies.
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I can't wait for these mooks to hit 55.


Urban Dictionary:

Mook - can be used as a noun or an adjective with the same meaning as "*******" and "mother ****er" but in a more polite sense.


I had to look it up I wasn't sure if you were insulting or complimenting us. I am impressed with the level of insults hurled at me and my guild, totally unwarranted and I am offended. You guys are disrespectful and rude, but you want people to bow down and kiss your asses? It's a two way street. Can't wait to get to 55 so you can teach me how serious pvp is at 55. :rolleyes:

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As a pub who pugs often, I'm not looking forward to it. Not because they're bad. But because they are drama queens. I can see a lot of ways that this could add some toxicity to a fairly small community. Frankly, they can stay midbies.


Seriously Saint-cyr. Another example of someone taking things a bit seriously. These forum posts are created in fun, to spark some competitive spirits in a boring quagmire of threads. People, especially the pvpers like to get riled up. Just look at how much of a reaction I get here? If they didn't like it, they wouldn't engage and fire shots.


Sure, some people go overboard and get emotional. But those people would go overboard anyways without any provocation.


As for ruining your wonderful utopian pvp community on TEH, I don't think I am going to hurt it. In fact if you ever grouped with us instead of sitting there reading my admitted troll posts and judging "us" based on MY threads you probably would find our guild is actually good for pvp.


The server needs more dedicated pvpers and that's what our guild is. When you read my posts, I suggest you remind yourself that Lhancelot is only creating lively chat through forumquesting. Nothing more. I realize that 55 pvp is serious to you, but the forumquesting I do should not be.


With that said, don't take what I say so (I hate saying this word now) seriously. If you don't like me because of what I type, and you think that threads on a forum that are obviously written out of fun are hurtful and damaging to the pvp community, well, I am sorry that's how you feel.


Most people realize the ridiculousness of my posts and get that. The ones who don't are innate ragers who take losing badly and come here to vent their rage from dying in lowbies and mids to our guild.


Others really take the game seriously, especially 55 lvl pvp and froth at the mouth at the thought that some nobody like me has the nerve to say I can even challenge them in pvp, let alone maybe beat them! *gasp!*


Take it as you will, I can write here just as freely as anyone else. Just don't take it personal. I never once said I beat anyone in particular, making this personal in that fashion. Have fun!

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Urban Dictionary:

Mook - can be used as a noun or an adjective with the same meaning as "*******" and "mother ****er" but in a more polite sense.


I had to look it up I wasn't sure if you were insulting or complimenting us. I am impressed with the level of insults hurled at me and my guild, totally unwarranted and I am offended. You guys are disrespectful and rude, but you want people to bow down and kiss your asses? It's a two way street. Can't wait to get to 55 so you can teach me how serious pvp is at 55. :rolleyes:


I don't care what you kiss. Go lick elderberries; I don't need your fawning.


As for ruining your wonderful utopian pvp community on TEH, I don't think I am going to hurt it. In fact if you ever grouped with us instead of sitting there reading my admitted troll posts and judging "us" based on MY threads you probably would find our guild is actually good for pvp.




Most people realize the ridiculousness of my posts and get that. The ones who don't are innate ragers who take losing badly and come here to vent their rage from dying in lowbies and mids to our guild.


Care to guess again?


Others really take the game seriously, especially 55 lvl pvp and froth at the mouth at the thought that some nobody like me has the nerve to say I can even challenge them in pvp, let alone maybe beat them! *gasp!*


I'm waiting, you presumptuous goofball.


I assume you'll go on to point out the irony in the above statement. When you actually accomplish something worthwhile, maybe that rebuttal will be worthwhile too.


I still find it funny that you quote Plato and had to look up the definition of mook; how hip of you.

Edited by Azjari
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I'm reminded of a story:


A young, up-and-coming business man was invited to a rich, well established Tycoon's home for a dinner party.


Many people were invited and the young business man came a little later than intended; traffic and business had kept him longer than expected. But when he arrived there wasn't much seating left at the table. Judging by some of the folks who were already seated, he knew he already had far more wealth and potential than some of them could ever hope to achieve. Others he saw were some of his competition, others still role models. There was only one seat left near where the Tycoon would sit or a few seats near the far end of the table next to the folks who were far lower on the totem pole.


Of course that young man sat near where he should sit. He sat in that last seat by the Tycoon.


When they Tycoon entered the room to begin the party. The Tycoon did not begin the party as the young man expected. Rather they Tycoon reprimanded the young man for being presumptuous and arrogant and cast the young man out of the party for his insolence.


That was the day the young man learned something.

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You need to relax. You are getting way too worked up. I am intrigued though. How does one become a "valued member" of this community? Is it too late for me to be granted such status? Did I burn too many bridges or is there still some way I can repair my ruined swtor reputation?


I might be going out on a limb here, but if you would stop making troll topics and defend them trying to prove otherwise, level your character to 55, and get mentioned positively in this thread by someone other than yourself or a guildmate, then I'd say your chances will be looking up. Until then, the following statement still holds true:


The only thing you guys have accomplished is becoming the laughing stock of the server, just stop.
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I'm reminded of a story:


A young, up-and-coming business man was invited to a rich, well established Tycoon's home for a dinner party.


Many people were invited and the young business man came a little later than intended; traffic and business had kept him longer than expected. But when he arrived there wasn't much seating left at the table. Judging by some of the folks who were already seated, he knew he already had far more wealth and potential than some of them could ever hope to achieve. Others he saw were some of his competition, others still role models. There was only one seat left near where the Tycoon would sit or a few seats near the far end of the table next to the folks who were far lower on the totem pole.


Of course that young man sat near where he should sit. He sat in that last seat by the Tycoon.


When they Tycoon entered the room to begin the party. The Tycoon did not begin the party as the young man expected. Rather they Tycoon reprimanded the young man for being presumptuous and arrogant and cast the young man out of the party for his insolence.


That was the day the young man learned something.


Wait. So, this allegory is quite interesting. Does the tycoon represent our guild? I think we have a ways to go before we can be put in that position.

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I assume you'll go on to point out the irony in the above statement. When you actually accomplish something worthwhile, maybe that rebuttal will be worthwhile too.


I still find it funny that you quote Plato and had to look up the definition of mook; how hip of you.


I still fail to see why you are so bent out of shape and angry about the posts I make. I am 54.5 lvl on my healing sage so you will get your chance to teach me all about the serious business of 55 lvl pvp soon.


As for "mook" I had never heard it used in the social circles I have ever been in, so I looked it up. I can admit when I don't know something, or I am wrong. As for pointing out the irony, seeing you already pointed it out yourself, I won't need to. I suggest not taking things so seriously it's just a game. :p

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I still fail to see why you are so bent out of shape and angry about the posts I make. I am 54.5 lvl on my healing sage so you will get your chance to teach me all about the serious business of 55 lvl pvp soon.


As for "mook" I had never heard it used in the social circles I have ever been in, so I looked it up. I can admit when I don't know something, or I am wrong. As for pointing out the irony, seeing you already pointed it out yourself, I won't need to. I suggest not taking things so seriously it's just a game. :p


Okay, kiddo.

Edited by Azjari
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As a pub who pugs often, I'm not looking forward to it. Not because they're bad. But because they are drama queens. I can see a lot of ways that this could add some toxicity to a fairly small community. Frankly, they can stay midbies.


You and me both, my friend. It's going to suck getting these jackholes on our team.

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You and me both, my friend. It's going to suck getting these jackholes on our team.


Jaxio, you will swoon in rapture as my heals pour over you, saving you from the imps mighty destructive force. Be happy we are on the same team. We will be brothers in arms, soldiers fighting the good fight. Together.

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Jaxio, you will swoon in rapture as my heals pour over you, saving you from the imps mighty destructive force. Be happy we are on the same team. We will be brothers in arms, soldiers fighting the good fight. Together.


does this mean Jaxio gets a ginvite and I don't?

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