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PvP in this game is awful if you like to actually be able to move or act.


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PvP in this game is utterly disappointing. Basically my entire experience with it boiled down to two different states of not being able to do anything.


Either you are CCed through the whole fight and just get to watch while people beat your character down, with only one single 2 minute cooldown CC breaker to try and stem the tide (yea, good luck with that)


Or the match lags out on you, then strands you on an infinite load screen, and you don't even get the participation bonus for that match.


This is just all around an awful experience. Why is the server performance in PvP worse than anything I've played in the 90s when the rest of the game works fine? And who in the blazes thinks being stunlocked to death is in any way a fun experience for anyone?


I heard people say dozens of times that the PvE is the only good thing in this game, and damn are they ever right. The PvP in this game is absolutely awful. There is just nothing worse than a brainless stun fest where you have absolutely no agency to defend yourself. Combo that with what seems like a 50% chance to lose connection to the battleground server and have your time wasted even more completely and it's just a recipe for an absolutely horrible gaming experience.

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Oh yea, I forgot, a community that is hostile toward all negative feedback to make sure that nothing ever gets better because anyone who doesn't put up with just how bad it stinks leaves or is afraid to speak up. This is the third vital ingredient besides bad design and performance to make a game truly truly awful.
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Oh, the disconnects are my fault now too? Right, that must be because when I play any PvE part of the game I use my good internet, but when I want to PvP I switch to my bad internet.


Also, it's not a "l2p issue" that I hate stunlocks. Just because you can learn to live with crummy design doesn't mean it isn't bad.

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Just to illustrate my point with a little anecdote, this just happened:


Huttball, 2 minutes on the clock, suddenly I can't move, lag spike. Can't move, can't chat, can't do anything, the only thing I can do is watch the enemy team score 5 points in a row, while my entire team is immobilized by lag.


You just can't goddamn tell me that that sort of thing should ever happen in a game you pay for.

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Just to illustrate my point with a little anecdote, this just happened:


Huttball, 2 minutes on the clock, suddenly I can't move, lag spike. Can't move, can't chat, can't do anything, the only thing I can do is watch the enemy team score 5 points in a row, while my entire team is immobilized by lag.


You just can't gosh darn tell me that that sort of thing should ever happen in a game you pay for.


Well it can happen (very very rarely though). No game are free of bugs.

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I've had 4 out of 7 matches I played tonight lag out on me to the point where they either disconnected or one of my opponents was walking over the finish line unopposed. Even if we assume that that is extremely rare that it gets that bad, it doesn't change the fact that the CCs in this game are crazy and having immunity based off how long you're stunned rather than how much damage you've received or how many CCs you've successfully broken is just a terrible system.


I mean, I'm one of those people that played a lot of WoW back in the day, played a lot of Battlegrounds, tried SWTOR when it came out and just found it kind of underwhelming. A friend talked me back into it after all this time and I gave it a shot. I was pleasantly surprised with it for the most part. Today I saw that the moddable gear I wanted had a Valor requirement and thought, "Hey, no problem, I've done Battlegrounds, I've done Arena, I know my away around this sort of thing" but it just felt like a total mess to me. I mean, I'm not new to premades, or overgeared characters, or having to learn a bit about your own abilities and those of enemies to get good, but simply none of that matters if your immunity doesn't kick in until long after you're already dead, and it seems that the one CC break you get doesn't actually give you any immunity, so when multiple people are attacking you it pretty much doesn't do anything except forcing one more of them to use their stun.


So to spell it out for you: This white immunity bar thing is garbage. It doesn't help you in ANY meaningful way if the enemy team has caught on to the fact that you're the cool thing to beat on right now. You can't get out of the CC because of just how much damage you're taking because the game isn't basing immunity or breaking on damage, and you can't CC break to get away because CC breaks don't grant you immunity and expired CC effects don't grant you immunity either. It basically means one thing: In any situation where TTKs dip below 5 seconds you are dead no matter what. Instead of trying to mitigate the lameness of just facemelting people with focus fire Bioware seems to actually have found a way to make it even more frustrating than in any other MMO. Sorry if I don't find that to be a great system.

Edited by Rothnang
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Regarding the lag issues all I can say is that as annoying as lag spikes can be in PvP, my experience has been way different from yours and it sounds more like an ISP problem than a game problem.

Either you are CCed through the whole fight and just get to watch while people beat your character down, with only one single 2 minute cooldown CC breaker to try and stem the tide (yea, good luck with that).

Until you realize that this is a l2p issue for you and your teammates there is little that can be done for you.

Edited by FrozenMist
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I play on a 2011 HP Pavilion dv6 notebook (My other computer died /cry) with a ADSL 1.5Mbps provider from Australia yet i have little to no issues with framerate or lag. So its not the games fault, its yours. Either your ISP is crap or your system is crap or a combination of both. Maybe turn your graphics settings down instead of being like every other loltard and going "oh look its shiny on high"

If i can play from Australia with a ****** ISP on a below average notebook you have nothing to complain about.


As for stuns L2P /kthxbai

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PvP in this game is utterly disappointing. Basically my entire experience with it boiled down to two different states of not being able to do anything.


Either you are CCed through the whole fight and just get to watch while people beat your character down, with only one single 2 minute cooldown CC breaker to try and stem the tide (yea, good luck with that)


Or the match lags out on you, then strands you on an infinite load screen, and you don't even get the participation bonus for that match.


This is just all around an awful experience. Why is the server performance in PvP worse than anything I've played in the 90s when the rest of the game works fine? And who in the blazes thinks being stunlocked to death is in any way a fun experience for anyone?


I heard people say dozens of times that the PvE is the only good thing in this game, and damn are they ever right. The PvP in this game is absolutely awful. There is just nothing worse than a brainless stun fest where you have absolutely no agency to defend yourself. Combo that with what seems like a 50% chance to lose connection to the battleground server and have your time wasted even more completely and it's just a recipe for an absolutely horrible gaming experience.


1. Because that's when you bought the pc you're using

2. Use your break wisely. Wait for resolve to fill, then use the break.

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Yes yes, everyone who has any criticism is just bad at the game and has a computer from the 90s with bad internet. I want to congratulate Bioware on the wonderful community they have fostered.


There is a difference between criticism and whining.

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Are there lag spikes sometimes? Yes. But not as often as you're experiencing them. Either you're exaggerating or there really is some sort of connection issue for you or a little of both.


Is there an issue with too many stuns? Well; depending on what you play, they are a bit out of hand. Melee feels it worse than range IMO. But once again; exaggerating or you need to learn not to expose yourself alone so much and are playing bad on how you manage them. Probably a little of both.

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Yes yes, everyone who has any criticism is just bad at the game and has a computer from the 90s with bad internet. I want to congratulate Bioware on the wonderful community they have fostered.


Get used to it, we've had whiners coming to the forums for years. You're no new flavour, so stop acting like it.

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PvP in this game is utterly disappointing. Basically my entire experience with it boiled down to two different states of not being able to do anything.


Either you are CCed through the whole fight and just get to watch while people beat your character down, with only one single 2 minute cooldown CC breaker to try and stem the tide (yea, good luck with that)


Or the match lags out on you, then strands you on an infinite load screen, and you don't even get the participation bonus for that match.


This is just all around an awful experience. Why is the server performance in PvP worse than anything I've played in the 90s when the rest of the game works fine? And who in the blazes thinks being stunlocked to death is in any way a fun experience for anyone?


I heard people say dozens of times that the PvE is the only good thing in this game, and damn are they ever right. The PvP in this game is absolutely awful. There is just nothing worse than a brainless stun fest where you have absolutely no agency to defend yourself. Combo that with what seems like a 50% chance to lose connection to the battleground server and have your time wasted even more completely and it's just a recipe for an absolutely horrible gaming experience.


Learn. To. Play.


Maybe pvp isn't for you. The pvp on TOR is actually quite good compared to many other MMO's. You sound like an infant when you come on these forums and complain like this. It's pathertic. Learn. To. Play.

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PvP in this game is utterly disappointing. Basically my entire experience with it boiled down to two different states of not being able to do anything.


Either you are CCed through the whole fight and just get to watch while people beat your character down, with only one single 2 minute cooldown CC breaker to try and stem the tide (yea, good luck with that)


Or the match lags out on you, then strands you on an infinite load screen, and you don't even get the participation bonus for that match.


This is just all around an awful experience. Why is the server performance in PvP worse than anything I've played in the 90s when the rest of the game works fine? And who in the blazes thinks being stunlocked to death is in any way a fun experience for anyone?


I heard people say dozens of times that the PvE is the only good thing in this game, and damn are they ever right. The PvP in this game is absolutely awful. There is just nothing worse than a brainless stun fest where you have absolutely no agency to defend yourself. Combo that with what seems like a 50% chance to lose connection to the battleground server and have your time wasted even more completely and it's just a recipe for an absolutely horrible gaming experience.


"Hey guys, I'm having some issues and I was hoping you could give me some advice. First of all, I seem to be getting stunlocked and killed really easily. I know I have this CC breaker but it doesn't seem to be helping me much. Also, this whole resolve thing? What gives? It doesn't seem to be working. Maybe you can explain how it works a little, or point me in the right direction to some guides?


Also, I'm having some lag/framerate issues and I'm not sure what's causing them, but I understand those can probably go to the support forum since this is the PvP forum."


There ya go :cool:

Edited by sarasvatri
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