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The Class Story Leveling Event


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Is there a trick to going lvl 1 through 55 with the boost doing only story missions and keeping gear up so you can actually survive the story missions?


Liberal use of heroic moment and defensive buffs. Periodically buy green mods. Use your healer.


Depends on what class you play I suppose but I've had few problems so far. Unity gets me through almost all the hard fights and keeping your weapon up keeps your DPS plenty high.


Once you hit 47 and can get the Makeb gear boost, you will ZOOM. Arguably you don't need the credits for 154 mods right away thanks to gear boost though I still bought them for my sniper. One thing that kills it is I have very little interest in doing another gear grind. My SW has 154/163 and that is enough for me.

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I really, really appreciate the chance to finish levelling my characters and to start a new character and experience the story only all the way through to level cap.


Best idea ever! The stories are so wonderful and I'm thrilled I can replay them all again without having to do the side quests!


Many many thanks for this! :) :) :)

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Unfortunately many of those artworks look like they were just the concepts of armor that has already been released.


Jedi Knight- Very similar to Underworld Level Gear

Trooper- Exactly like the Underworld Level Gear

Smuggler- Exactly like the Arkanian Level Gear


Sith Warrior- The Black Hole gear without shoulder pads and with fur

Sith Inquisitor- It has the Eradicator's mask

Bounty Hunter- The War Hero set

Agent- the Underworld set but with a hood instead of the helmet.



That said though I wish that we could get some of these sets that look closer to the concepts than their in game appearance.

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My only concern with this leveling experience is that a lot of the gear upgrades that enable you to complete the class missions is earned from those "detour missions" that we're now skipping by. There's not a lot of fun in being faced off against that evil Sith dude if your gear isn't good enough to ice him with.


Now obviously the credits earned by class missions could be used to buy green gear on the market and thus, probably, advance further in the class stories... but it's a detour in itself, which was what I got the impression BioWare wanted to avoid with this offer.

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Damn , give us those artwork gear.

They are too damn epic!

Sith Warrior :cool::eek:


I know right! Instead we're stuck with this terrible Dread Forged gear that looks identically ugly on every class.



Minor gripe though. Why does the Jedi Knight have a dual saber?


My only concern with this leveling experience is that a lot of the gear upgrades that enable you to complete the class missions is earned from those "detour missions" that we're now skipping by. There's not a lot of fun in being faced off against that evil Sith dude if your gear isn't good enough to ice him with.


Now obviously the credits earned by class missions could be used to buy green gear on the market and thus, probably, advance further in the class stories... but it's a detour in itself, which was what I got the impression BioWare wanted to avoid with this offer.


I agree with this entirely. It has drained my main character to buy upgrades for these leveling alts. Maybe up the amount of Planetary Comms or something...

Edited by LifeVirus
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Unfortunately many of those artworks look like they were just the concepts of armor that has already been released.


Jedi Knight- Very similar to Underworld Level Gear

Trooper- Exactly like the Underworld Level Gear

Smuggler- Exactly like the Arkanian Level Gear


Sith Warrior- The Black Hole gear without shoulder pads and with fur

Sith Inquisitor- It has the Eradicator's mask

Bounty Hunter- The War Hero set

Agent- the Underworld set but with a hood instead of the helmet.



That said though I wish that we could get some of these sets that look closer to the concepts than their in game appearance.


Lol the Sith Inq has NOTHING like it in game! Now as for the rest and the Eradicator Mask itself: Please tell me...How often does BioWare release the VERY same sets recolored and ppl line up in front of the GTN to buy them NONE the less??

Exactly!! That's right ! You said it out loud and you know you want to type : ALL THE FRIGGIN TIME!

So i say RELEASE those EXACT Armor Sets, Colored and tailored EXACTLY as shown in any way (Cartel packs or Cartel Market Equipment) and i can GUARANTEE ppl will , as always, line up in front of the GTN to buy them all!

Tested recipe, win-win for all (Mostly BioWare lol)


Finally and most important: BioWare thank you for doing this 12x Xp Move..You truly gave us the joy to play ALL 8 classes and then barely have the chore to raise them from 55 to 60 (I bet it will be easy and fast to do as well) Thank you thank you thank you! :)


EDIT 1: LOL on closer inspection the Sith Inquisitor has absolutely NOTHING like it in game! And NO NO NO that's NOTHING like the Eradicator's Mask...A 20% resemblance at BEST ! But different none the less!

Edited by TheForbiddenOne
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If we get x12 XP then please give us 12x the amount of Comms to get gear. Progress is slowed because the gear soon runs out and doesn`t help with lvling.
You can go back to previous planets by the time this becomes a problem and harvest grey heroics for comms. It takes a bit f time but it works.
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so looking at the first artwork means that we knights will finally be able to wield a double bladed lightsaber:cool:


all joking aside i would really really love being (and i'm sure other too) able to wield a double lightsaber as a knight, i mean whats the whole idea of not being allowed to wield it, i'm pretty sure if i where to become a jedi they would't say no you can't get a double bladed one because you are not a consular!

so please make this happen.

sorry for my bad english not a native speaker here:)

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  • 2 weeks later...
With the way the itemization works, this is basically a total failure unless you already have high level alts. Thanks for nothing, Bioware.

It's a benefit to all players. If you want to be bitter about it, go be bitter while the rest of us enjoy it.

Edited by idnewton
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I really hope they bring this back after December.


I've had so much fun making new characters and finally getting through old ones.


Bioware - I would pay to keep this feature!


My thoughts exactly. I re-opened my account and bought some game time specifically, and solely, because of this. Once that time expires I'll probably disappear again because I'm not interested in MMOs in general anymore, but always wanted to play through the rest of the class stories (which I still haven't finished ... thanks 12 hour work shifts).


My dream would be if Bioware would repackage everything to be single-player and sell a $60 single-player version (and even keep the PvP battlegrounds for "multi-player"). I'd buy it. Even if I had to start from scratch I'd buy it.

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Wouldn't something like this be good for the day of the new class design system...and possibly a week after?


Don't get me wrong, the massive XP boost is great either way...but I just think it would be better to have it when the new system is out...instead of leveling a character up 1-55 with the old(current) system, and then having to get completely used to the new system.

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All the illustrations are of male characters.


Very odd, considering not only how many women play the game, but how many toons are female.

Seriously, BW, what's with that?


I could also question the fact that none of their illustrations contain black males or were intended to be black males. But, I hate to change the mood of thread because none the less it still looks good.

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