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Can we finally make Datacrons legacy-wide in the new xpac?


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Look I can see the OP point but, once you have all the datacrons all you really have to do on new toons is get the endurance datacron the presence datacron and which ever other one is for your class.


Actually no. Because for each class one of the other classes mainstat will still help you.


Smugglers want cunning, but getting aim datacrons will increase their ranged bonus damage. Troopers want Aim, but cunning datacrons will increase their tech damage.


Warriors want Strength, but willpower will increase their force damage aswell. Inquisitors are interesting in that only assassins will bother with getting strength datacrons, as sorcs do not use melee attacks thus rendering strength datacrons moot.

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True. If, OTOH, you consider the time invested (HUGE) to be worth the return (minimal at best) not worth it, you won't do it. (More than once)


And that is your choice. You make the decision as to how important that reward (stat bonus) is to you. You can decide that you don't want the reward enough to put forth the effort, or you can decide that the stat bonus is important enough to put forth the effort to obtain that bonus.


No one has disputed or argued that a player can choose to forgo those datacron stat bonus rewards if that player does not want to put forth the effort to obtain them. The problem that many have is that some players want the reward but don't want to put forth the effort to obtain that reward.

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You are never going to get everything you want, unless you are a billionaire and willing to pay for it.


So figure out your priorities: Legacy datacrons, or more content? Legacy datacrons, or a hood toggle? Legacy datacrons, or better class balance? Legacy datacrons, or not having cloaks drag beneath speeders? Legacy datacrons, or Traditional Jedi Robes™? Legacy datacrons, or 16m SM GF Ops? Legacy datacrons, or 1faster PvP queus pops? And so on ...


IMO, because there is so much else that would be better to have in this game than Legacy datacrons, Legacy datacrons will never happen.


This. Any programming time spent changing a pretty much obsolete datacron system is wasted resources which could have been spent improving something which makes a difference.


It's a completely extraneous game mechanic. One, I might add, that was programed and designed poorly. Forcing those that want them to do it multiple times (literally dozens for some) is superfluity for the sake of it.


Even if the platforming was consistently predictable and accessible to most, it would still be a waste of time. But it is neither of those things. The rewards no longer offset the effort. They do not break the game in anyway and people still have to get them once.


To any reasonable person, completely dismissing the idea comes off as total obstinacy.


The two highlighted sentences almost contradict one another. Either the datacrons have a meaningful impact, or they don't. If they don't then you don't need to get them. Considering their current impact which is about equal to adding an augment there is no gameplay reason for anybody except avid min-maxers to get them - if you don't have BIS gear, your time is better spent getting better gear.


(However, a nicer UI to see which ones you have would be nice, especially if codexes go legacy wide. Still not a high prio compared to almost anything else, though.)

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Had you actually read the whole thread instead of possibly a few posts or pages at the end, you would have seen the link to the podcast I posted and at least one other post about that podcast.


But here it is again:


A: This is hearsay, secondhand information at best. People can also interpret things they hear in many different ways. The thread you've linked is text written by random people in their own words, who claim it's from a legit source. Not to start a religious discussion, but I don't believe anything from the Bible either.


2: Even if the info can be trusted, it is no reason to stop suggesting something we want. As TravelersWay repeatedly tried to explain to you (with admirable persistance, I might add), complaints and suggestions are what drives game development forward. You and many others don't want it, fine, let it be known. But continuing to argue and trying to convince people to stop suggesting something they and many others want, that won't have a significantly negative effect on the game, is moronic and asinine.

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A: This is hearsay, secondhand information at best. People can also interpret things they hear in many different ways. The thread you've linked is text written by random people in their own words, who claim it's from a legit source. Not to start a religious discussion, but I don't believe anything from the Bible either.


I'm not surprised that you want to stick your fingers in your ears and go "NAH NAH NAH, I CAN"T HEAR YOU" since the devs' statements are counter to your desires.


2: Even if the info can be trusted, it is no reason to stop suggesting something we want. As TravelersWay repeatedly tried to explain to you (with admirable persistance, I might add), complaints and suggestions are what drives game development forward. You and many others don't want it, fine, let it be known. But continuing to argue and trying to convince people to stop suggesting something they and many others want, that won't have a significantly negative effect on the game, is moronic and asinine.


And that three year old can continue to throw himself on the floor and bang his fists, crying, or holding his breath until he turns blue, because his Mommy said "NO". The effectiveness of either is debatable.


When that three old grows up and matures a little, he learns to accept that answer of "NO" and stops throwing tantrums or nagging Mommy in the hopes she will change her mind.

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I'm not surprised that you want to stick your fingers in your ears and go "NAH NAH NAH, I CAN"T HEAR YOU" since the devs' statements are counter to your desires.


I don't need to, since I have yet to hear (nor read, for that matter) any official statements about this anywhere. If there are any, please show me exactly where.


And that three year old can continue to throw himself on the floor and bang his fists, crying, or holding his breath until he turns blue, because his Mommy said "NO". The effectiveness of either is debatable.


When that three old grows up and matures a little, he learns to accept that answer of "NO" and stops throwing tantrums or nagging Mommy in the hopes she will change her mind.


Wow, you're the king of bad analogies, aren't you? This is a consumer/customer to service provider relationship, not child to parent. Not comparable in the slightest. Besides, you're throwing some mean tantrums yourself :rolleyes:

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I would sure like to see something to that effect. Since it already requires a character on each faction in order to earn the datacron master achievement, I see no issue with providing the datacron stats as a legacy unlock that has a requirement that you have completed the datacron master achievement and that the character that's unlocking the stats has achieved a set minimum level. Once you've found each datacron once, they've served their entertainment purposes fully. Expecting someone to collect them all multiple times is nothing but a time-sink.
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Had you actually read the whole thread instead of possibly a few posts or pages at the end, you would have seen the link to the podcast I posted and at least one other post about that podcast.


But here it is again:


Does he say that there will never be legacy datacrons, or that legacy datacrons are not included in the upcoming expansion. I can't really tell from the summary "Datacron no legacy wide",

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