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It's just impossible right now for me to get a good rating for solo ranked...I always seem to be put with noobs...people in their pve gear, people with no stims or stances....the occasional person who is win trading by /stucking, LEAVERS, I could just do group ranked...but it takes more time to set up a team, and they have fewer pops..always against the same people......


I don't get when someone leaves our group, i get - 13 ELO when we lose, but when someone leaves the enemy team, i get +7 ELO when we win? It makes no sense to me....


Currently sitting at 1020 rating with 51 wins 50 loses... looks like i'm never going to get the good ranked rewards for season 3...it's just no fun when some people deliberately let the team down


Why is solo rating based on the team performance??

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how would you rate individual performance? considering most matches are 4 dps and certain classes get always focused before others....


The amount of medals you get? Your damage, solo kills, healing.....your medals can correlate to your match wins... like a k/d ratio...losses shouldn't reduce that.

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They really should just kill ranked as it is right now. Failing the same ways it failed when it was 8v8 and probably worse than 8v8 was when it went out. (actually had people transfering to POT5 to form a ranked community at least there)


I think they would be better off putting rankings and ELO on the regular Q, eliminating the 2 ranked Qs, and hide the ELO rating so it cannot be gamed. Everyone then hits the same Q and the system then has a bigger pool to match-make with, without even having to add cross server or do server merges. Maybe keep the season but let it be a surprise and reward the players with the top hidden rating at the end of the season.

Edited by Technohic
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They really should just kill ranked as it is right now. Failing the same ways it failed when it was 8v8 and probably worse than 8v8 was when it went out. (actually had people transfering to POT5 to form a ranked community at least there)


I think they would be better off putting rankings and ELO on the regular Q, eliminating the 2 ranked Qs, and hide the ELO rating so it cannot be gamed. Everyone then hits the same Q and the system then has a bigger pool to match-make with, without even having to add cross server or do server merges. Maybe keep the season but let it be a surprise and reward the players with the top hidden rating at the end of the season.


That sounds incredibly boring.

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That sounds incredibly boring.


How so? You'd still have all the maps you already have. You'd just Q differently.


EDIT: I would say you hide the ELO rating, but you can tell people their rank in different categories on their character sheet or something, like in their AC, in their faction and overall.

Edited by Technohic
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All I can say is that I know your pain, OP.


It happens. Some nights you keep getting the same scrub on your team over and over and losing because he gets insta killed or something like that. Some people are just too bad to carry when its practically a 3v4 with them.

The losing more rating for losing a 3v4 than winning a 4v3 is also real annoying...


It's just bad luck really. Don't let it get to you, theres some games you lose due to circumstances completely out of your control, you simply need to accept that there are some games that are pretty much unwinnable due to terrible teammates.


Sometimes you gotta take the hit and move on, dont get too frustrated, and focus on what you CAN control.

It can feel like the game is making it impossible for you to win cause of the teams/teammates you get, well thats luck and thats life sometime.


Gotta do your best in games that are winnable, and make sure to capitalize on any favorable situation where you have by far the better comp and/or players, dont let those favoured games slip away.

AND remember to have fun and enjoy yourself in those games that are fair matchups, those are the most enjoyable arenas, and IMO when the system is giving you good fair games its a ton of fun.

Edited by Z-ToXiN
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I haven't done any ranked since season 1 and I am probably happier for it.


I think that group ranked has potential. We just need more people to do it (I'm not exactly one to talk - never done group). I will do it as soon as I get some friends that want to do it as well (working on that). Honestly, I feel like if they got rid of solo ranked, you'd see a lot more group ranked - and that rating would definitely mean something.


Furthermore, I think that group ranked needs some support tools, such as the ability to have e.g. 4v4 "duels". How are you supposed to practice for a match when you can't practice 4v4? This would also open the door for 4v4 tournaments, rather than 1v1 tournaments only. I know that I feel intimidated by group ranked, knowing that the first time that I do it, I will probably be going up against teams that have done it many times before with some teammates that I have never practiced with.

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These threads entertain me. People whine about being brought down by weak players on their teams as if everyone else isn't also subject to the same. The FACT of the matter is that a superior player's rating will reflect his skill over time in relation to other players on his server's faction and AC. The actual number is not an absolute criterion, despite the fact that awards are handed out as if they are. When you see obvious troll obviously trolling yolo Q, stop Qing. Everything else will sort itself out.


The problem I'm running into this season with the leaderboard is that people sit on high ratings with something like 17 wins or less. I'd like to see a minimum of 50 wins, which would be even more games played.

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These threads entertain me. People whine about being brought down by weak players on their teams as if everyone else isn't also subject to the same. The FACT of the matter is that a superior player's rating will reflect his skill over time in relation to other players on his server's faction and AC. The actual number is not an absolute criterion, despite the fact that awards are handed out as if they are. When you see obvious troll obviously trolling yolo Q, stop Qing. Everything else will sort itself out.


The problem I'm running into this season with the leaderboard is that people sit on high ratings with something like 17 wins or less. I'd like to see a minimum of 50 wins, which would be even more games played.


Ya that's not really true. It really just comes down to luck and class. My marauder is in the 1k rating and I ran against nothing but queue sync teams. My juggernaut however won 20 games straight because the class could carry and I managed to avoid the queue syncers. Then the queues died and you'd wait an hour for a pop and I kept coming across a queue sync team again. Lost ten straight and I'm at 1390 now whereas at one point I was above 1500.


Solo queue is pure luck. Skill has little to do with it.

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Ya that's not really true. It really just comes down to luck and class. My marauder is in the 1k rating and I ran against nothing but queue sync teams. My juggernaut however won 20 games straight because the class could carry and I managed to avoid the queue syncers. Then the queues died and you'd wait an hour for a pop and I kept coming across a queue sync team again. Lost ten straight and I'm at 1390 now whereas at one point I was above 1500.


Solo queue is pure luck. Skill has little to do with it.


When will the endless crying stop?


Foxmob is correct. ELO is the superior rating system for a reason.


I like reading all the little excuses people have for their low rating. Queue-syncing has little if anything to do with your rating.


It's like people crying hacks all day. Do they exist? yeah. Are they omnipresent? hahahahahahahaha. No.


If you are losing it is because you were outplayed, either because you failed to do adjust to the circumstances or you didn't know how. Accept this and move on.


There is not always a complicated explanation for a loss. Quite simply, a vast majority of the time you... just lost. That's it. There is no cheat responsible.

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Solo ranked is a measure of how hard you can carry assuming no q sync. The top players in solo ranked who truly solo q got there in the same circumstances as you. They're just better.


If you want to not be dragged down by three randos, how about you play grouped where you get to pick your team? It's better for your blood pressure.

Edited by EnzoForMe
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ELO is only a superior rating system when there is a population big enough to support it.


There isn't.


Couple the small population with the 2 faction system (if one faction is just superior in PvP, then you as an individual will be carried or dragged down by your faction) and YOLO is just broken. On some servers, at certain times of the day you will face a full 4 man premade from the opposite faction.


/shrug. Take it or leave it. They're not changing anything, and they're not adding cross server. It's a diversion, don't take it seriously.

Edited by Jherad
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The amount of medals you get? Your damage, solo kills, healing.....your medals can correlate to your match wins... like a k/d ratio...losses shouldn't reduce that.


yeah but if you're like a jugg for example you'll never be focused first, so of course you'll have higher damage, medals, k/d ratio, everything. There's no way to balance this while having different classes. Don't believe me try solo ranked with a "focus first" class.

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The amount of medals you get? Your damage, solo kills, healing.....your medals can correlate to your match wins... like a k/d ratio...losses shouldn't reduce that.


while I understand the point and I don't disagree with you, medals, kills, etc... isn't the way to do that, mercs and mando's always get focus fired 1st and as thus, would have lower overall ranking, just do to this. juggs with higher survivability skills would overall have higher rankings just do to that.


And I get you, having your ranking basically deteremined by 3 random strangers in solo queue is terrible. ELO is great for group play, but not individual ranking with a random team.


a completely new system is needed for solo queues. And as such, different rewards for solo and grouped ranked due to different systems.

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When will the endless crying stop?


Foxmob is correct. ELO is the superior rating system for a reason.


I like reading all the little excuses people have for their low rating. Queue-syncing has little if anything to do with your rating.


It's like people crying hacks all day. Do they exist? yeah. Are they omnipresent? hahahahahahahaha. No.


If you are losing it is because you were outplayed, either because you failed to do adjust to the circumstances or you didn't know how. Accept this and move on.


There is not always a complicated explanation for a loss. Quite simply, a vast majority of the time you... just lost. That's it. There is no cheat responsible.


I wasn't crying....Simply stating a fact. Also, the hilarity of this post from someone who's never even queued for solo or team ranked.......

Edited by Raansu
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(actually had people transfering to POT5 to form a ranked community at least there)



Hmm Idk what ranked community you're talking about. But apparently it's a secret one because ranked doesn't pop a ton on Pot5. There is constant calls in gen chat "q for ranked" or "team qued", etc...

Both sides. Or the ever popular, "is rank popping?". lolz

There has been people transferring off this server, for varying, different reasons. Ours is one of the lightest servers in population, even at peak times. lolz

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Hmm Idk what ranked community you're talking about. But apparently it's a secret one because ranked doesn't pop a ton on Pot5. There is constant calls in gen chat "q for ranked" or "team qued", etc...

Both sides. Or the ever popular, "is rank popping?". lolz

There has been people transferring off this server, for varying, different reasons. Ours is one of the lightest servers in population, even at peak times. lolz


He was referring to when server transfers first went live I think.


The hilarity of you.. thinking you know something. Keep on keepin' on, my friend.




Whatever you say dude. At least have a rating before commenting about ranked.

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He was referring to when server transfers first went live I think.






Whatever you say dude. At least have a rating before commenting about ranked.


Oh, you couldn't find the rating for the name listed below and immediately thought that I never played?


How shortsighted of you.


At any rate, I follow my own advice. When I lose, I simply got outplayed. It happens.

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I wasn't crying....Simply stating a fact. Also, the hilarity of this post from someone who's never even queued for solo or team ranked.......


Maverick has queued both solo's and group ranked on pot5, I encountered his team multiple times in season 2.


But, Ransu is right Mav, the queue sync is real in solo queue on pot5.

Edited by alexsamma
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Maverick has queued both solo's and group ranked on pot5, I encountered his team multiple times in season 2.


But, Ransu is right Mav, the queue sync is real in solo queue on pot5.


Its not just queue sync. Its class dependent. My jugg is rated WAY higher than my marauder even though I'm way better on my marauder. Why? Because marauders can't survive as long like a jugg can. I can swap to tank stance and put tank gear on when needed as well and give a strong advantage to my team if needed. Overall juggs can carry better. Though sometimes other members on the team are just so bad that you can't carry them


Certain classes can carry bad players, and other classes, no matter how good the player is, simply cannot compete in solo ranked where 99% of the matches are 4 dps vs 4 dps. The game isn't designed around that. There are just certain classes that will get tunneled first and will get dropped.


Solo ranked is luck mixed with queue syncing and nothing more. Thats why its called yolo queue.

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Hmm Idk what ranked community you're talking about. But apparently it's a secret one because ranked doesn't pop a ton on Pot5. There is constant calls in gen chat "q for ranked" or "team qued", etc...

Both sides. Or the ever popular, "is rank popping?". lolz

There has been people transferring off this server, for varying, different reasons. Ours is one of the lightest servers in population, even at peak times. lolz


Thats now. I was talking about back when it was 8v8 ranked. Right before arenas came.

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If you are losing it is because you were outplayed, either because you failed to do adjust to the circumstances or you didn't know how. Accept this and move on.



There is literally no way you can "adjust" to being teamed with 3 people with no PVP gear and being put against 4 people who have done ranked warzone for weeks.....

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