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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

DON'T DO IT. Level Increase and Skill tree removal for Dicsiplines concept


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Are you referring to LOTRO's class changes since their last expansion pack in late 2013? If so I will have to respectfully but vehemently disagree with you, and my experience in LOTRO is the only reason I am wary of these class changes. It most certainly did not work out for LOTRO: the system in its implementation saw a huge reduction in the number of skills available, and massively dumbed down play. There was definitely a problem with skill bloat in LOTRO, but they used a cleaver instead of a scalpel. Characters lost TONS of skills, and the number of things you could do was hugely reduced.


And the result was not good at all for LOTRO. Shortly after the expansion they had huge layoffs. Content release slowed down. There has been no mention of another expansion. Many are now complaining of dead servers. In my personal experience, the guild I had been in since 2007, with almost the same leadership since launch, left LOTRO. Granted, the skill revamp was not the only thing: there were other significant factors, such as the fact that they released no new instances or raids at the new level cap. But the class changes were not popular, and I really don't think anyone would have considered them a success.


My experience in LOTRO is the only reason I'm really wary of this change. If it truly means we can pick and choose more but still have the same amount of skills then I'll be happy. If it means that now I have 50-75% fewer skills on my hotbar, I will not be happy at all. I just don't want the ESO experience. I loved that game, the story, the look, the classes. But only having 5 skill hotbar killed it for me. Made it soooooo boring. :(


I agree with all that.


LOTRO made a rather large mistake in the cutting of their skills. There were a lot of buttons to handle and it could have used some pruning but it did not need what massive chopping it got.


I hope BW doesn't make a similar mistake as LOTRO did and to a similar degree, WOW. 2 changes to skills I did not enjoy at all.


If their following in the footsteps of either of those changes, it will be tough for me to enjoy.

Edited by Quraswren
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I'm glad we're not jumping to conclusions or anything...no need to wait and see what the actual changes look like later today, it's probably better to jump all over Bioware before we know the details...right?
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I'm glad we're not jumping to conclusions or anything...no need to wait and see what the actual changes look like later today, it's probably better to jump all over Bioware before we know the details...right?


If jumping to conclusions was an Olympic sport, MMO forums would be uncontested champions

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Are you French or do you have a mouse in your pocket? You have the right to you opinion not mine.


This OP must be about 18 because since when do people get older and less skilled. Actually, probably younger than that.


OP, the longer you play any game, the more skilled you are. RL age has absolutely nothing to do with it. I know people probably 2x your age or more that would walk all over you in a duel, in OPs, etc.

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I'm glad we're not jumping to conclusions or anything...no need to wait and see what the actual changes look like later today, it's probably better to jump all over Bioware before we know the details...right?


This is a good point. I'm wary about the class changes, yes: but until I've seen them I won't say if they're good or bad. I can say that the way it is described in the developer blog looks good. And if the end result is something like what I'm inferring when I read it I'll be happy. But I definitely agree with your point: no need to be angry until we've seen the actual system. I'm wary of it, but very willing to be pleasantly surprised.

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Bit of a overreaction Op


For one SOE made the NGE announcement a week before their last exp was due to be realized which ment lots of people had already bought it before hand and were not happy, Bioware has given you time to decide if you dont like it and if not well then a) dont buy and B) quit.


As for me i am intrigued but a bit concerned over this but im not going to burn my characters to the ground before i try it.

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I'm glad we're not jumping to conclusions or anything...no need to wait and see what the actual changes look like later today, it's probably better to jump all over Bioware before we know the details...right?


I find things are a lot easier the lower I keep my expectations, especially when it comes to game companies and the approach they take that are way to similar to paths I have already seen taken.


But I'll gladly be surprised should they not turn out the same way.

Edited by Quraswren
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This is a good point. I'm wary about the class changes, yes: but until I've seen them I won't say if they're good or bad. I can say that the way it is described in the developer blog looks good. And if the end result is something like what I'm inferring when I read it I'll be happy. But I definitely agree with your point: no need to be angry until we've seen the actual system. I'm wary of it, but very willing to be pleasantly surprised.

Exactly! Until we know the details (later today), no need to get all bent outta shape and call this things like the NGE or whatever. If after we watch the stream, it's what some fear it is, fine...jump all over Bioware...but for now, relax a bit. The reasons I read for doing it make perfect sense imo...how it's done is another matter altogether. What class doesn't have wasted skill points in at least a few boxes? I know I do. Rather than more worthless skill tree bloat, this might be a good alternative.


The only thing I fear is dumbing it down. I like how many skills I have and how many buttons I have at my disposal to push, the sad reality is that in PvE, I mainly only ever press the same 4...but in PvP, I use **edit** I'd never think of using in PvE. I'm hopeful they keep the complexity of many skills, while just addressing the full trees.

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I don't think so, people do not play cookie cutter at all, especially experienced players.

There is a so many variations that people keep hidden. There is nothing wrong with hybridness.

Infact without hybrid everybody would be pressed into one role one playstyle, you see how popular those new playstyle are in those new released MMO !


Easier to balance doesn't mean difficult to master, before people get bored.

If it took me a week to remaster the gaming system from my long break.

I can imagine some people will never master the current system, and they never will even pressing 3 button combination, they simply are not interested in mastering games.


And nomatter what, I already had this discussion before and everytime am proven right,

If there isn't a feeling of overpoweredness, a feeling of unfairness. Everything is balanced one on one.

People start to lose interest real quick, look at WOW,MOP while MOP drawed in tons of old people back.

The new system lost more people faster, cause it was all too simple to play.

You think people who like gaming want a simple no learning curve game?

Admitting you hit the limit isn't a bad thing, especially nowadays instead of saying everybody is a special snowflake.

With hardwork and dedication you will get there, BS you may work 80 hours a week you would still be nowhere .

If you don't have luck or something else called insight.


You think the youth want a baby gaming, when infact they moan and complain.

Cause they are currently labeled into boxes, for our conveniency. Old skill tree there were not many boxes and people can make mistakes, but from mistakes you learn.


Guess DEV didn't learn, just follow the slogan make things easier. If easier would attract millions of paying customers without scam effort, all those iphone mmo would be so billionairs by now!


Experienced players don't play cookie cutter specs?


That statement by you proves you have zero credibility in your stance. You sound like someone who simply doesn't like change and so you make absurd claims without any facts, and some of those claims demolish what small shreds of credibility you might have.

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5 lvls is 2-3 days for someone normal to get, our green items will be enough to clear the old OPS and get some descent 55lvl equipment:rolleyes:... I love lvling to be honest. I feel strange about the skill tree removal.


Before makeb 30k was the max for the heavy tanks at lvl 50.


after makeb 30k become a standard for all.


now 45-50k is the heavy tank HP


so I believe the new expansion will give us 45-50k as a standard....


Its not that bad for me, it will give me stuff to do for the next months, after release. The 5 lvls is 5 little levels, not a big deal...I can tolerate up to 10-15lvl increasement per expansion :)


Before MAKEB i have had a gunslinger top dressed for 50lvl... I didnt use any item reward from MAKEB expansion, I took items directly from df/dp and comms... because my gunslinger was allready 50lvl 25k hp


now I got 3 characters well dressed near 40k hp, plus 4-5 characters with 30-35k and It will be easy for me.


So for someone who updates his characters gear and not being static.... 5 lvl epxansions is not a big deal at all, its fresh air. Because we always update our characters with better things.

Edited by Oyranos
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Experienced players don't play cookie cutter specs?


That statement by you proves you have zero credibility in your stance. You sound like someone who simply doesn't like change and so you make absurd claims without any facts, and some of those claims demolish what small shreds of credibility you might have.



there used to be a time where I would take time and patience to explain maths and abilities.

Sadly I don't care, I think stupid people like you are way too common in the world to bother.

So instead i just tell the truth as I see it, zero credibility coming from a person who is what ?


Perfect you just you describe yourself, no need to relate you to me, cause I am not you,

You definetly are no where were I am. Period.

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there used to be a time where I would take time and patience to explain maths and abilities.

Sadly I don't care, I think stupid people like you are way too common in the world to bother.

So instead i just tell the truth as I see it, zero credibility coming from a person who is what ?


Perfect you just you describe yourself, no need to relate you to me, cause I am not you,

You definetly are no where were I am. Period.


Is this a riddle?

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Is this a riddle?


Why are you interested in riddles? Nope good, then it isn't. Riddle for you.

Just move along, maybe am being hostile, I am not am just plain blunt :p


There is simply too short life, argueing about nothing, not worth my time,

While entertaining and learnfull experience for you.

what is it in for me?


Not even a good laugh lol :p

Edited by Drake_Hound
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Why are you interested in riddles? Nope good, then it isn't. Riddle for you.

Just move along, maybe am being hostile, I am not am just plain blunt :p


There is simply too short life, argueing about nothing, not worth my time,

While entertaining and learnfull experience for you.

what is it in for me?


Not even a good laugh lol :p

Oh come on Drake...settle down. Could you please wait until we see what the change actually is before going off on them? We'll have 2 months to complain together if they dumb it down to 4 button combat or something, but could you at least wait the 4 hours until the live stream to get too upset over the change? Skill trees right now are silly. There's skills I'm forced to take that are worthless just to progress up the tree...yet I can't get the skills I "want" because they're all grouped together in the higher parts of the tree...just give them a chance to show us what the change looks like...ok?

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