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12x Experience Boost-A slap in the face to people who had to level at launch.


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I was a little upset when SW:TOR introduced experience boosts and double experience weekends, this frustration grew to anger when they extended double experience weekends into a full blown week. Now I am completely outraged, who else remembers leveling up without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experiences boost? They've taken all our hard work and said meh, anyone joining now can just download the game free and be 55 in a day. /unsubbed /uninstall .


Well as some one who has leveled several classes to 50+ without any of hte double XP week ends (9 of them without 1 with and now 1 with 12x XP) I am LOVING it.. i'm working on taking up 2 more classes to 55 and probably finishing off the rest of my 50's to 55.. (Look at sig for current class levels)

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Huh... I've never had any trouble hitting 50 or 55 on any character, even without spamming XP boosts.


Easing up the work of leveling characters seems to be the way of all MMOs over time as they age and try to attract new players. I'm not in the mood to do a big analysis and go over all the reasons devs think it's needed.


Personally, I think it's utterly unnecessary to repeatedly tinker with the leveling curve, but it is what it is.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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  • 2 weeks later...


We didn't have no iPods or MP3 players, our status was determined by how large our boombox was. We didn't download music, we had to record it on TAPES (even half way through) and hope the jackhole DJ didn't say something stupid over the song!



Tapes?? What are tapes??? is that like some stoneage technology or something /sarcasm

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To me it is a nice change of pace. I had 24 55s before this started and now have 2 more. I'm still crafting and PVPing and doing a few planet quest. I will come back and do some of the quest later. Just because I like them. The game or world does not revolve around you or me. I been here since the Beta so big whoop. Early access and all that. Some peoples kids.:eek:
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Without reading the rest of the thread, I was here at launch too and I feel sorry for people who are leveling strictly via class quests who are missing out on a tonne of content.


Don't feel sorry for me, I have 12 55s already, skipping the planet quests is a blessing, not a curse.

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you are really leaving because bioware have either 1: made it easier for those who have played a long time get more alts to 55 or 2: made it easier for new players to reach level cap and miss out on all the great content


not the choice id make to up and leave over that in a 3 year old mmo


if you look at levelling as work and not fun that is a pity it is a game! :)

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Not even my 60,000 cartel coins?


Consider this, everyone: he has spent approximately $600 on this game, at least. And apparently, the only thing that matters is being better than other people.


Everyone point at him. Point at him and laugh. Preferably with your new 55 you leveled up during the event.

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I think the 12x exp boost was a major blessing, and something that has likely brought back many old players who would not have otherwise spent the time to level their toons up. For me at least I had 3 55's and 4 50's waiting to be leveled. Not only did I finish the 50's but I finished off my entire roster in the span of about two weeks.


I would literally have never leveled those characters otherwise, now rinse and repeat this on a massive scale and you have a much more balanced imp / pub faction mix as well as people experiencing content that they have never experienced before (adding value to stuff BW has already made)


this was a very smart decision and I applaud them for it, I only wish it was still boosted from 55 to 60 since now I have like 13 55's to level up once Dec 1st hits.


To the OP your sentiment is literally one of the worst types of trollhardy nonsense. A) your not alone, lots of people did massive amounts of work before event B) How does someone else enjoying the game / content / leveling affect you at all (besides giving more people to queue with)


Short answer is it doesn't, if you don't want the bonus then don't pre-order.

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I can understand the frustration a player may have when they see improvements to a game that makes a difficult process in that game much easier.


What I have difficulty understanding is why a player would be upset over such a thing to the point where they would indicate they are quitting the game.


Almost all games tend to improve QoL over time. That means things that were hard at one time tend to get easier over time. This is not something that is new in the market.

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12x EXP isn't going to last forever. Just until Dec 2nd, 2014. We will still have new people showing up and leveling through grinds.


By then, I will not be so burnt out of the planetary side quests and might enjoy them once again.


And sorry not all of us joined at Launch, your Elderness.

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I have 8 toons on the biggest EC PVE server all max leveled by grueling months of work. I have 4 toons pub side on RP server same way. With the advent of this event I was delighted as it led to me easily leveling 8 more toons on a new PVP server, so it's all a matter of perspective. Yea it sucks people will make it too endgame quick and you had to reach for it, life sucks like that all the time , when it throws lemons make lemonade, because honestly no one cares what you think is unfair.
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I can understand the frustration a player may have when they see improvements to a game that makes a difficult process in that game much easier.


It's not an uncommon sentiment. However, just because it's common doesn't mean it's valid. That's why the stereotype of the grouchy old man who walked to school uphill both ways exists. Because lots of people think that way and it's equally absurd.

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It's not an uncommon sentiment. However, just because it's common doesn't mean it's valid. That's why the stereotype of the grouchy old man who walked to school uphill both ways exists. Because lots of people think that way and it's equally absurd.


Indeed. Don't take any of these people seriously. Just laugh at them.

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It's not an uncommon sentiment. However, just because it's common doesn't mean it's valid. That's why the stereotype of the grouchy old man who walked to school uphill both ways exists. Because lots of people think that way and it's equally absurd.


I remember the outcry from the removal of permadeath, player looting and the invulnerability buff after death to prevent corpse camping.


Progress. Hard things are made easier, it's how things work. Some folks just despise change.

Edited by LordArtemis
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12x EXP isn't going to last forever. Just until Dec 2nd, 2014. We will still have new people showing up and leveling through grinds.


By then, I will not be so burnt out of the planetary side quests and might enjoy them once again.


And sorry not all of us joined at Launch, your Elderness.


December 1st. Thank the Force. :D


Shame most of us will have a plethora of characters to run Yavin 4 and Rishi.


Wait, what? :confused:


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I've played since launch. I had to deal with waiting until level 15 to get sprint and level 25 to get speeder training. I leveled in the original game before we had legacy perks, experience boosts, double XP weekends and 12x XP. I for one don't find this to be a slap in the face at all.


My first leveling experience was painful. I really only like to raid and PvP. I liked the class stories and all but I don't need to go through them more than once or twice. After that I don't enjoy them anymore and want the leveling experience to be over. Leveling and experiencing all the game has to offer is no longer painful. I can now go through the game with alts and not get bored to tears doing it. We have more choices for leveling than ever before and now I get my wish which I've had since the early days. That wish was to be able to level through class stories alone so I could experience them all.


Slap in the face? Hardly. If anything I'm grateful that the developers have made the leveling process something other than the painful slog through the mud that it was when the game launched.


I don't understand this "I suffered so everyone else should too" mentality anymore than I understand the sense of entitlement some players seem to have, feeling like they are owed something by BioWare.

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I was a little upset when SW:TOR introduced experience boosts and double experience weekends, this frustration grew to anger when they extended double experience weekends into a full blown week. Now I am completely outraged, who else remembers leveling up without sprint, without legacy experience bonuses, without experiences boost? They've taken all our hard work and said meh, anyone joining now can just download the game free and be 55 in a day. /unsubbed /uninstall .


Yeah childish, lol, roflcopter.


Just some random Facts: Real life, REAL social life, Family, wife, kids, friends... uhmmm... yeah i'll stop right there you wont understand until succesfully probed from an imperial interrogation probe ;)


I greatly, deeply embrace the 12xp boost. In your face... 12 times hahahaha

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Why do things have to be easier?

Why do things have to be faster or take less time?

Why does the game have to cater for the short term?


What incentive is there to roll any new characters once the xp bonus is gone and people have all classes at max level?

How many of those level 55 characters will you take through level 55-60 content before getting bored of said content?


I'm asking these questions in the interest of game longevity, not player satisfaction.


I an only speak for myself but I don't think this hurts longevity at all.


Well MMOs are a huge time sink. There are lots of things to do beyond just leveling. Events, operations, flashpoints, PvP, secret bosses, achievements etc. I am also primarily a raider and I PvP quite a bit. Gearing even one character can take a considerable amount of time both in PvE and PvP content. Even collecting decorations from operations and flashpoints can be time consuming. If you have a job and anything resembling a life leveling a bunch of alts is potentially more time than you can sink into what is already a huge time sink. I enjoy the game but frankly I don't have the time to sink into leveling all 16 classes to 55.


Plus I want to experience some of the class stories or re-experience them without going through all the side ******** required to hit 55. 12x XP allows me to create a character and level it to 55 without too much time invested. You may not see the value in that but I do.


As for a lack of incentive to do this after 12x XP ends, I don't know that this is true. Not everyone can invest the time into leveling even with the XP boost right now and may still want to experience those classes later on down the line. People had reason to level alts that varied as much as what they like about the game before 12x XP and I don't think that will change after the buff goes away. Also not everyone will have pre-ordered the expansion meaning that not everyone will experience this XP increase anyway.


When you've leveled a few characters to 55 the prospect of doing it can still seem daunting and painful. For me at least 12x XP makes it less daunting and I'm actually playing more because of it. I'll have more characters to choose from and more to experience in 3.0 as a result of it. The way class balance change and based on operations / group composition demands I don't know what might be my main in 3.0. This allows me to have options to hit the ground running with whatever I want when 3.0 hits for both PvP and PvE content.


I've wanted something that would let me level through class stories alone after I got my first level 50. Now I have that and I'll be said when it goes away. Hopefully some perk will be available to do this in the future. I'd gladly pay cartel coins for a legacy unlock that allows this either account wide or even per character in the future. I like many aspects of the game but leveling is by far my least favorite activity.

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