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Developer Update: Introduction to Disciplines


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Will ability names be unified across mirrored advanced classes along with this update?


I mean, it's nice that the advanced class forums were combined, but to truly communicate, you still need to look up each ability and figure out what the mirrored ability is called, which is rather painstaking because there is no good source to do that. Sometimes, the comments in swtor-spy or torhead will let you know what the mirrored ability is called. But that's pretty hit or miss.

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Good riddance!

And as for all you people writing about "unique builds", you do realise that no sane person wants to play with inept dpses? Unless by "unique build" you mean the one you googled out to be a decent hybrid, with parse numbers conveniently put on that guide that you uniquely found in the vastness of interwebz, just like the myriads of other players before you.


I beg your pardon, I just pick the skills that seem most useful to my class at the time. I've noticed an endurance boost in the dps section of a class, for instance. And no, I HAVEN'T been to any guides or sites that lay down "which specs you need to be the best for your class." There's no need to be condescending.

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Bioware... Please, add pre-saved sets to your new Utility Selections! 3-4 sets maybe, just like in the current ingame UI editor.


We also wanted to make Utility selections quick and easy to change around, so as long as you aren’t in the middle of combat you can bring up your new discipline window, reset your utilities, and quickly choose new ones.



C'mon, in 2014-2015, in the game without mod support. Can we have this small QoL improvement?

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I beg your pardon, I just pick the skills that seem most useful to my class at the time. I've noticed an endurance boost in the dps section of a class, for instance. And no, I HAVEN'T been to any guides or sites that lay down "which specs you need to be the best for your class." There's no need to be condescending.


Endurance boosts are an example of exactly the sort of spec that will be going into the utility/hybrid pool.


Personally, I have spent a lot of time looking at talents I'd like in other skill trees, a little defence, a little utility. This is very exciting. As others have said, there is no choice at 55 - where the game is balanced around - because there are only a few non-forced choices all the way up through a tree. You know in PVP what your opponent is specced in, because they have to. But maybe some conc ops now will be able to choose more defense over damage? More mobility for the game's turrets over damage? Smash can come back because its locked in a discipline? Oh, and my favourite - gone will be the frickin' 6/9% primary stat buff telling you "this is the tree you're supposed to be playing". Done well, disciplines will refresh the game.


Instead of complaining, why not go to your skill tree and start imagining the possibilities - then QQ when the changes aren't exactly the ones you personally wanted.


Also, the field respec you've been enjoying - you've been enjoying it, right? - is done and paid for. Progress means the next generation gets it better (level 25 speeders for subs, anyone?)

Edited by PBoba
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Endurance boosts are an example of exactly the sort of spec that will be going into the utility/hybrid pool.


Personally, I have spent a lot of time looking at talents I'd like in other skill trees, a little defence, a little utility. This is very exciting. As others have said, there is no choice at 55 - where the game is balanced around - because there are only a few non-forced choices all the way up through a tree. You know in PVP what your opponent is specced in, because they have to.


This is trashtalking mate. Sure, after this system will came to Live you will didn't know what spec have your opponent. Not because of verslity, but because "Time for testing everything"

After this there will be the same "few viable specs" and nothing else.


Imagine about my skill-trees?

Sure I can imagine my Deception Sin with Conspirator's Cloak, Disjunction, Energize and Harnessed Darkness perks from tanking tree And Creeping terror skill from Madness. And this will be new omg-imba (in addition to 2nd tree Sins already is)

But will it be good for game? For PVP? Sure, not...

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I'm gonna be honest, at this point I have almost no faith in bioware at all and predict a change this big will be cocked up catastrophically and result in much /unsub


and to expand, all they're really doing is making everything even more cookie cutter than it was before which is a step in the wrong direction imo

Edited by DrewFromPhilly
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This is trashtalking mate..


You don't make any sense, and say nothing to counter any of my points. Please try again or just accept you have a more negative point of view.


When I say imagine, I'm assuming you have some basic understanding of what they are attempting. Deception with Creeping Terror or core tank abilities will not happen, that's the whole point of disciplines.

Edited by PBoba
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You don't make any sense, and say nothing to counter any of my points. Please try again or just accept you have a more negative point of view.


yes, I'm very negative to all of this changes: strange and unneeded remake of skill trees and new lvl-cap. Also, they are selling ROTHC addon to me AGAIN, but without skill trainer holostatue inside. :confused:


When I say imagine, I'm assuming you have some basic understanding of what they are attempting. Deception with Creeping Terror or core tank abilities will not happen, that's the whole point of disciplines.


Really? Are you developer or this is just your hope? Or, maybe, this crazy things are possible with current system? Not? So what a reason to change?

Care about newbies, who spending a tons of time in respeccing every single level? Seriously?

Maybe they will better care about nearly EMPTY pre-50 planets with nearly zero possiblities to find mates for 4-men Heroics (especially for bonus series)?

This will be real and good care about newcomers. Not this skill changes, what will ruin PVP-balance again :mad:

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Just my thoughts: I really enjoy this game! I have happily been a sub since launch. blah blah blah, to the point. This progression has a similar "dumbed down" feel that happened to SWG (could not have loved that game more!) It and soe ruined the game and we all left. Besides every expansion feeling like the same thing one after another. blizz dumbed the talents and I and a few people I knew left. No sweat for them either way of course, so no biggy. I am sincerely hoping that I am very wrong in this case and of course will give benefit of the doubt till I see the new system and have given it an honest try. Thats it just some thoughts. All the best to those who read. :-)
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I find the new Disciplines system most interesting. I just hope one will be able to keep their playstyle and identity with them, even those that picked hybrid abilities form various skill trees for flavor.


Will you give advanced classes that don't have a choice in group role a second, viable role through this new Disciplines system as well?

It would be really nice if Sentinel/Marauder could have a viable group healer path (it could be based on their current healing, which currently is nowhere near strong enough to be the healer of a group in high-end content, would be nice if that changes). And Gunslinger/Sentinel a tank path. This would allow these advanced classes to fill the more needed roles in groups instead of being relegated to have to wait in group finder or find a spot in a group their DPS role fits in to take an eternity, when classes with tank and healer paths can get these and thus gear up and advance much quicker.

Edited by Glzmo
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Disciplines being introduced will not allow you to change Advanced Class, just Discipline. Example, if you are a Madness Sorcerer right now you will have the option of which Discipline to move into, Corruption, Lightning, or Madness just like you do now! Also, just like now, you will be able to change Disciplines after choosing should you want to.




And how does this effect 'Field Respec?'

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yes, I'm very negative to all of this changes: strange and unneeded remake of skill trees and new lvl-cap. Also, they are selling ROTHC addon to me AGAIN, but without skill trainer holostatue inside. :confused:




Really? Are you developer or this is just your hope? Or, maybe, this crazy things are possible with current system? Not? So what a reason to change?

Care about newbies, who spending a tons of time in respeccing every single level? Seriously?

Maybe they will better care about nearly EMPTY pre-50 planets with nearly zero possiblities to find mates for 4-men Heroics (especially for bonus series)?

This will be real and good care about newcomers. Not this skill changes, what will ruin PVP-balance again :mad:


Query: This change is "not needed" according to whom, you? Did you not read their reasons for the change? Do you not realize that they have other things to do too?


Correction: None of the leveling planets are empty. If you want to do those Heroics so badly and can't do it when you want to, either try again later, or come back when you're a high enough level that you take little to no damage but can still get the reward.


Correction: PvP balance won't be ruined. If anything, this will enhance it greatly. This change is also not "strange". As has been mentioned many times, this was featured in WoW with their Panda expansion.


Statement: The only reason the low level planets seem to be vacant, is because TOR didn't meet the expectations of the player base (partially because they wanted the impossible: "Give me everything I want that an 8 year old MMO has now at game launch.", and because of EA).


Contemplative: This could very well change the number of players. With better balanced classes, the whiners might be scrubbed out while the veterans will return.

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I'm not sure if this will be good or bad. As with everything else the idea is great but we will have to see how Bioware actually implements this idea. I also heard an idea about epic or heroic advanced classes. That Idea seems like a perfect fit into the Disciplnes. DPS split into Mostly SIngle Target DPS and Mostly AOE DPS, Tank spil into Boss Tanking or Mob Tanking. Healing Split into Boss tactical healing or Mob Vs. Healing. It almost makes sense. Because with the Disipline System, you have Sith, Warrior or Inquisitor... Warrior goes to Juggs or Mara... Inquisitor goes to Assassin, or Sorcerer.... Then you have Juggs split into Immortal, rage, etc. if you get some extra stuff for making such a permanent choice it would be worth it to specialize that much. Just IMHO. I hope I like this new system.
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Gah. I just got back after half a year and they do this? As an ex-wow player who quit partially because of the removal of talent trees, I'm rather pessimist. I loved to play hybrids that maximize utility at cost of peak performance, because I like to relax while playing. I didn't do anything hardcore, so as not to hurt other people by not having an optimum build. Sometimes, more often than not, utility could make non-hc content actually easier.
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this is a f@%&ing joke you don't even get to choose your skillz wheres the progression on that sad to say not a fan ......:mad: and to everyone who says this is good are just a bunch of fan boys Edited by sithfello
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