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Developer Update: Introduction to Disciplines


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I assume we will get a Skill reset with this. So with that in mind will I be able reset my Sorcerer into a shadow tank?


Disciplines being introduced will not allow you to change Advanced Class, just Discipline. Example, if you are a Madness Sorcerer right now you will have the option of which Discipline to move into, Corruption, Lightning, or Madness just like you do now! Also, just like now, you will be able to change Disciplines after choosing should you want to.



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This is good. It separates true players from people who read a build/rotation online and just mimic it in-game. Plus it will make lower level "disciplines" viable. For example, carnage marauders don't really feel that effective until lvl 30 with gore, and Annihilation until level 20 with deadly sabers that adds the fundamental bleed effect. This way a DoT class will have it's needed DoT's to maximize dps earlier on, instead of waiting until level 45 for a thermal detonator or creeping terror. So i definitely see this helping lower leveled players learn their class.


Not sure it's effect on lvl50+ but I see promise here. I think it's worth a shot.

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Yes, we know the trees offer less options then they actually appear to. So why no one up WoW, go the other way and actually create a system that gives real choices. The reason you don't is the same as why wow didn't: It requires real work.


Here's a hint: the apples to apples approach was a good starting point. WoW never got past the starting point.

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This is great an all but...


Where are new character customization options like new hair styles and colors, skin and eye colors, tattoos and patterns, etc? I really would have thought those would be added in 3.0.


This is good. It separates true players from people who read a build/rotation online and just mimic it in-game.


Because there are fake players? Anyone who uses the word "true player" or "true" when referring to anything automatically gets banned or ignored. Take your ego elsewhere.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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This could either be the best thing ever for TOR class balance, or the worst. One thing very obvious here is that hybrids are dead. Flat out, unambiguously dead.


Given some of the things that have been done in the skill trees that *imply* an "intended" spec which players have later ignored to achieve more optimality, I'm slightly concerned about classes losing power and/or changing playstyle. For example, Focus Sentinels/Rage Marauders don't take the "cheaper Slash/Vicious Slash" talent because it's simply better to take the off hand damage. However, this talent changes the playstyle significantly, and we know that Bioware *intended* this talent to be taken, since Focus Guardians/Rage Juggernauts *must* take the equivalent in their advanced class (since it is tied to the stance).


Another example is Balance Sage/Madness Sorc. The original "recommended" spec was 5/5/36, which then evolved into 3/7/36, but neither of these specs are force neutral, which has given rise to 2/8/36. I have no idea what Bioware actually intended, but I doubt they wanted us to put just one point into a talent in order to make a full tree viable on sustained fights, which hints that perhaps they intend Balance Sage/Madness Sorc to spec 0/10/36. Obviously, none of us want that.


Another thing I'm concerned about is respecing. Obviously utility points are easily respent, which is very nice. However, I'd like to be able to switch specializations as well between fights. A good example of this is DPSing Bestia as a sniper, where you may want either Engineering or Marksmanship (depending on your role in the fight), and then going onto Tyrans where you almost certainly want Lethality, and then onto Calphayus where it's back to Marksmanship or Engineering, then Raptus where you want Marksmanship, and finally Council where you want Lethality. I really, really, really don't want Bioware to remove this flexibility, since I think it's one of the best things about the class system as it stands.

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I'm unclear as to how this system increases choices. It seems like it locks you into a spec when you pick it (so no hybrids), then what? At 55 or 60 how might one watchman sentinel be different from another?


Is there still going to be a respec mechanic available if we decide we want/need a different spec for something?

Edited by Savej
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If this means I will be able to get Turbulance on my level 20 sage then yes, I am excited :tran_eek:


Could we please get some video which will show us how it works?


Actually, you sure can see video of it :rak_03:. We are still locking down details but it is our goal to do a special live stream tomorrow to show you Disciplines! We think the best way to understand the system is to show it to you. Our current plan is the stream will go from 2-3PM Central time.



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Actually, you sure can see video of it :rak_03:. We are still locking down details but it is our goal to do a special live stream tomorrow to show you Disciplines! We think the best way to understand the system is to show it to you. Our current plan is the stream will go from 2-3PM Central time.




I'll have to tune into this, really interest into see how this works. How swapping between tank/healer discipline to a dps one works.

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At first glance, I would say I'm highly in favor of the new Discipline feature.


I will re-iterate a request that has been made a zillion times, please also include the ability to quickly and easily change your discipline. This includes remembering the gear and hot bar settings for at least 2 diferent Disciplines.


It's the joke of my entire raid group that we all need to take a 30 minute break while I respec from tank to dps on my Guardian. Now, I can acutally respec a bit faster than 30 minutes, but it's not trivial to change every gear slot, my skill tree, and my hot bars, and ensure I have everything exactly right. Including re-locking my hot bars.

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THIS IS HUGE FOR SOLO RANKED ARENAS. Hybrids will be dead. No more DPS Sorcs with Innervate. No more DPS Juggernauts with Invincible. This will make true tanks more valuable. You want a legit guard? You need to go full Tank. You want legit heals? You need to go full Healer. Matchmaking will be much more balanced in arenas.


We will also see an influx in players going full tank and full heals. No more 4 DPS vs 4 DPS games night after night. No more DPS races and 30 seconds rounds. We'll have healers! We'll have tanks! It will be glorious. Good change.

Edited by revcrisis
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Why why why... you have just bring the WoW example into star wars... why thi terrible idea, just for...balance?!?!

Sigh sob...


They explain it quite clearly in the blog post.


TL;DR - Skill trees become insanely hard to balance the more levels/points you add.

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...This is a horrible idea... For the people who spent time and effort into creating their own builds and prefect rotations are now stuck with nothing. Why make lower lvls have great skills early?! i mean wheres the drive then to lvl fast and get to end game? End game players are suppose to be over powered vers. non end game players. And this new concept of (none skill trees because Bioware didn't want to do more work is absolutely ridiculous. Its bad enouhg that it takes thme months or even almost a year to fix bugs sometimes in the game but to openly admit that they didn't increase the lvl cap and keep the same skill tree because it would take more time is just plain un professional. If theses new "skills" aren't good im done with this game forever.
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