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What so RP people actually do?


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I think after being in this game for the longest time . I have no clue what you guys do , doesnt really help that my server is against RP even though I am sure bioware loves you guys since you guys spend a **** ton of money buying cartel packs for decorations , armors , etc .


So PVErs do group finder , raid . PvPers que for warzones then QQ . What do RPers do?

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PvE, PvP and creating stories. That's what RP is, creating stories only we're creating stories based on an in game character and according to lore, if the RPer is good at it. BTW, we raid also. We do everything the game has to offer and usually, we don't throw everything in our strongholds to max them, we actually take time to decorate them. Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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That's ridiculous. There are great RPers who don't ERP at all, there are terrible RPers that only do it to ERP. Our end game is raiding and dailies just like everyone else's.


ERP cracks me up , so the difference between RPers and PvErs is that people in raids stay in character and dont talk about RL?

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ERP cracks me up , so the difference between RPers and PvErs is that people in raids stay in character and dont talk about RL?


Depends on the guild, I know the people that I RP are the same people I raid with and they are chatterboxes on TS and we are definitely not in character on TS, we talk about our characters and RL and everything else with a few curses thrown in when we have a hard time with a boss.


We're not the ones who stand on the ramp at Korriban and whisper to anyone and everyone that they need a master hoping they can find someone to ERP with and...an FYI for those who do that, we have teenagers in this game. Wake up. Next time I'm going to report you.


Many RPers are writers and authors, you'd be surprised at how well some write. I have two novels and game because it is a leisure thing that doesn't give me stress.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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Depends on the guild, I know the people that I RP are the same people I raid with and they are chatterboxes on TS and we are definitely not in character on TS, we talk about our characters and RL and everything else with a few curses thrown in when we have a hard time with a boss.


We're not the ones who stand on the ramp at Korriban and whisper to anyone and everyone that they need a master hoping they can find someone to ERP with and...an FYI for those who do that, we have teenagers in this game. Wake up. Next time I'm going to report you.


Many RPers are writers and authors, you'd be surprised at how well some write. I have two novels and game because it is a leisure thing that doesn't give me stress.



130+ days logged on my marauder aand I dont think i have met an RPer.

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Well unfortunately a true RPer would have quit the first time they died on a character and if they never died they would only ever do something once so really there are no true RPers because they would have no content to run or stopped on a character due to death.


They couldn't do pvp because as how could they explain the reincarnation of the person you just killed!

Edited by keitzy
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role players aren't roleplaying 100% the time. you could be in a flashpoint, raid or warzone with one and not even know it. why? because rping in those things (with PUGs at least) is with most roleplayers considered kind of poor fourm. if you're pugging with us you proably just wanna get the stuff done etc. RP isn't some weird thing that takes over the rest of the game, it's just another fun, silly and ultimatly irreverant part of the game for us
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Well unfortunately a true RPer would have quit the first time they died on a character and if they never died they would only ever do something once so really there are no true RPers because they would have no content to run or stopped on a character due to death.


They couldn't do pvp because as how could they explain the reincarnation of the person you just killed!


That's... you don't really know what RP is, do you?


The vast, vast majority of RP'ers don't use game mechanics as some sort of gospel - there aren't fifty thousand Cipher Nines running about debating Hunter's hotness/creepy factor. In fact, if you use the class story line anywhere other than in your guild RP, you're probably going to be ignored or have a good chatting to, because that's not how it's done, it just won't work.


To continue the example: there are Ciphers - but none of them are Nine - and there are also Watchers, Minders, Fixers and Agents who are roleplayed. Guild RP with the end of the Agent storyline generally has it (if they are following the development of the game's storylines) that such individuals end up working in the military or under Sith.


PvP events can happen, organised by guilds, but unless a "death" is pre-arranged by the actual players, it's far more likely that casualties are laid up in the ICU, which can then add to more roleplay and character development. Hell, even game-wise it makes more sense that the "resurrection" mechanics are emergency triage, keeping a person together with kolto and wishes, because the Star Wars universe doesn't have magical fairy dust and divine intervention to bring people back from the literal dead. (Unless, of course, the EU does have magical fairy dust and divine intervention.)


Now, I realise you're trolling and making fun of RP'ers because we're "weird", but I figured I'd reply anyway and clear a few things up before people start believing you that we have literally no fun and can't play games.

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PvE, PvP and creating stories. That's what RP is, creating stories only we're creating stories based on an in game character and according to lore, if the RPer is good at it. BTW, we raid also. We do everything the game has to offer and usually, we don't throw everything in our strongholds to max them, we actually take time to decorate them.


You forgot one important thing, support their community. My guild has never been an RP guild although some members probably have done some along the way being on an RP server (Jung Ma). We've just been respectful of how others choose to play while we did our own thing.


Recently, a guild member passed away suddenly and unexpectedly, and we decided to hold a memorial service in the game for anyone who knew him. I posted a message on the server forum about it so anyone who knew him could attend. This is a screenshot: http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/510503/module_gallery/original/2007203.jpg, and there are far more people there than you can see. There was really over 100 people there, the visible character limit set even on very high wasn't enough to display them all. I wish I had video of it, because one screenshot doesn't do it justice for how they acted during the whole ceremony.


To see 100 people slowly enter in procession, 100 people bow or salute all in unison, 100 people... And a great deal of those present, were in guilds contending for the top spots in conquests. They took time off from doing conquest objectives just to come and pay their respects, they didn't have to do it, no one would have thought lesser of them if they didn't.


Sorry but everyone making fun of RPer's is trying to ostracize the one segment of the gaming community you really want to keep. The ones that support their community and are playing not only for their own, but others' enjoyment as well. It also helps that they're still there giving you support when you go through tough times, even when it's inconvenient to do so.

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That's beautiful, and literally brought a tear to my eye. Thank you for sharing the story!


I like to think of RP as improvisation. It engages the imagination. It's play-acting, or just playing, in a "let's go outside and play" sense. It's like being an actor in an unscripted drama. It's creative. You get inside your character's head, and you react as he or she would to the things going on around you, with other people doing the same thing.


Basically it takes the primary conceit of the game (that you "are" your character, living in this other world) and extends it beyond what is scripted by the game's creators. In that way, it vastly extends the playable lifetime of the game. Finished with all the archetype stories? No problem! Because the end-game content becomes more than just dailies and weeklies if you make up a story around why you and your friends are doing it.


So it's "playing" in the game, in addition to playing the game. I understand that RP may seem silly to people who see the game as work, or a job to be completed. (Personally, taking the game so seriously that it becomes a job and a source of stress seems silly to me.) The nice thing is, there's room for everyone in the game.

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That's... you don't really know what RP is, do you?


The vast, vast majority of RP'ers don't use game mechanics as some sort of gospel - there aren't fifty thousand Cipher Nines running about debating Hunter's hotness/creepy factor. In fact, if you use the class story line anywhere other than in your guild RP, you're probably going to be ignored or have a good chatting to, because that's not how it's done, it just won't work.


To continue the example: there are Ciphers - but none of them are Nine - and there are also Watchers, Minders, Fixers and Agents who are roleplayed. Guild RP with the end of the Agent storyline generally has it (if they are following the development of the game's storylines) that such individuals end up working in the military or under Sith.


PvP events can happen, organised by guilds, but unless a "death" is pre-arranged by the actual players, it's far more likely that casualties are laid up in the ICU, which can then add to more roleplay and character development. Hell, even game-wise it makes more sense that the "resurrection" mechanics are emergency triage, keeping a person together with kolto and wishes, because the Star Wars universe doesn't have magical fairy dust and divine intervention to bring people back from the literal dead. (Unless, of course, the EU does have magical fairy dust and divine intervention.)


Now, I realise you're trolling and making fun of RP'ers because we're "weird", but I figured I'd reply anyway and clear a few things up before people start believing you that we have literally no fun and can't play games.


No, you must be new to Rping or it's just changed for new MMO's but the days when I RP'd in RP games back in the late 80's/ early 90's that's what RP was. If you were killed, you stayed dead until a new game/character was made or you had a friend use a spell/enchant on you to bring you back to life.

So pardon my true understanding of old school roleplaying!

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No, you must be new to Rping or it's just changed for new MMO's but the days when I RP'd in RP games back in the late 80's/ early 90's that's what RP was. If you were killed, you stayed dead until a new game/character was made or you had a friend use a spell/enchant on you to bring you back to life.

So pardon my true understanding of old school roleplaying!


Oh, please. You're clearly just trying to pick a fight. Anyone who describes their RP style as "true" is also full of themselves. And if you thought that the RP works hasn't changed in twenty years you must have rode the short bus to school. :rolleyes:

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We're not the ones who stand on the ramp at Korriban and whisper to anyone and everyone that they need a master hoping they can find someone to ERP with and...an FYI for those who do that, we have teenagers in this game. Wake up. Next time I'm going to report you.



Thank you for this. If not for these two sentences, I'd still be trying to figure out what the **** "ERP" stood for.

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130+ days logged on my marauder aand I dont think i have met an RPer.


I've seen a couple of the Progenitor. Nexus Room Cantina on Dromund Kaas and on Nar Shaddaa.


On DK, it was in front of an audience. I found it quite... disconcerting. :o




Disregard. Thought you were referring to ERPer's.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I think after being in this game for the longest time . I have no clue what you guys do , doesnt really help that my server is against RP even though I am sure bioware loves you guys since you guys spend a **** ton of money buying cartel packs for decorations , armors , etc .


So PVErs do group finder , raid . PvPers que for warzones then QQ . What do RPers do?


Some Roleplayers beside the game also have forum roleplays (which is like a story) and a lot of them started out with that before the game was launched and use that a background for the guild roleplay. Most roleplayers do not insist on everyone roleplaying but the do expect people to be a little respectful of their playstyle.

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What do RPers do? come on the forums and complain about not being able to sit on every chair in sight, sleep on every bed/bench in sight. They need to have special cloths that are not yet in game, special weapons in game etc.


They need to have emotes fixed since when they/hug they are not in physical contact and thus breaks the immersion. They need bios and chat bubbles so they can chat. Dont' get me started on the emotes they actually want (/lick)


Really, they typically just play the game like normal people with a bit extra added on top. Some are more extreme than others but as in most those are a minority.

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What do RPers do? come on the forums and complain about not being able to sit on every chair in sight, sleep on every bed/bench in sight. They need to have special cloths that are not yet in game, special weapons in game etc.


They need to have emotes fixed since when they/hug they are not in physical contact and thus breaks the immersion. They need bios and chat bubbles so they can chat. Dont' get me started on the emotes they actually want (/lick)


Really, they typically just play the game like normal people with a bit extra added on top. Some are more extreme than others but as in most those are a minority.


Bah, those ones are the noisy minority. Really noisy, and really minor. Though I do wish the chairs in strong holds were interactive, but that's offtrack.


To the OP:


RPers are those of us who still like to play pretend, tell stories, have a little fun as the character. Now, that being said, we don't just do a PUG and RP in it, that's poor form, and not everyone enjoys RP.


ERP is a side thing that many do not participate with or do. Some are good, others are just terrible with it, as in real life, sitting and playing a good ol' TTRPG like D&D.

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What do RPers do? come on the forums and complain about not being able to sit on every chair in sight, sleep on every bed/bench in sight. They need to have special cloths that are not yet in game, special weapons in game etc.


They need to have emotes fixed since when they/hug they are not in physical contact and thus breaks the immersion. They need bios and chat bubbles so they can chat. Dont' get me started on the emotes they actually want (/lick)


Really, they typically just play the game like normal people with a bit extra added on top. Some are more extreme than others but as in most those are a minority.


Swap out everything the RPers ask for for every demand of a PVPer and every complaint from a PVEer about PVP changes affecting them, and the last sentence is still true:


Really, they typically just play the game like normal people with a bit extra added on top. Some are more extreme than others but as in most those are a minority

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Swap out everything the RPers ask for for every demand of a PVPer and every complaint from a PVEer about PVP changes affecting them, and the last sentence is still true:


Really, they typically just play the game like normal people with a bit extra added on top. Some are more extreme than others but as in most those are a minority


Was being slightly sarcastic....but the difference is:


PVE want new content/story/planets/ops: Benefits everyone it is the core of the game.

PVP: Want new warzones: bennefits everyone who PVPs (including RPers) these tend to be the loudest complainers of class balance and get treated with the same eye rolls and RPers most of the time.

RPers: want lots of things that only effect RP and has little value beyond that portion of the game.

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Sometimes RPers do awesome things. These are some awesome things I have taken part in:


- Week-long war events with a dozen other guilds (Rep and Imp) involved set over Belsavis, Tatooine and Hoth, in the style of historical re-enactment fighting.


- Seen and spoken at a multi-representative peace conference at Voss, intended to decide the fate of a sector of space.


- Fought a black-armoured Sith cyborg army, played by other players, through the streets of Coruscant over the course of several days.


- Gone behind enemy lines on Balmorra with other guilds and helped liberate it over the course of several days.


- Investigated a murder that led to the discovery of a Sith agent in the Republic Senate.


- Held Trials of Knighthood to determine whether Padawans could become Jedi Knights.


And more! Rediscovered ancient treasures, fought dangerous enemies... had adventures.

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Wow...interesting thread...


I don't RP. I tried it once with a friend, but it only lasted like 10 minutes before I "lol'd" and was cursed out by some jackhole who thought he was king of RP and he chastised me for ******* up his RP. Much like some people avoid PvP because of the jerks, I'll never try RP again. It's not that I think it's odd, I think it's just different than what I enjoy doing. RPers aren't weird, they're mostly creative and inventive types who don't need Bioware to continue the story for them...I respect that...in fact, I think PvPers are similar in that way. We don't wait for new content, we use what we have to enjoy our time online. It's the PvEers we all need to look out for...:eek: (I KID!)

Edited by TUXs
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