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3.0 information today?? PLEASE!!!!!!!!


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And by few we mean 70-80% of the population. Everyone wanted GSF. It was so big of hit. Everyone loved the tactical FPs and the mediocre story. Quesh Ball was such a big hit that PvPers are drooling over it. The only content that is worth a dime since 2.4 is the housing/conquest and even that is not for everyone. I do not give 2 $hits about it, but I acknowledge it as good content. Everything else was either mediocre quality or did not appeal to the majority.


As for the announcement. I think people are taking it way too seriously, but it is also a clear indication that 3.0 is getting delayed. You need at least 2 month of PTS to test stuff. If the announcement is early mid November (few weeks), then PTS probably a week or two later, 2 month of PTS then probably 2 weeks to one month to finalize everything. So we will get it in March 2015. I do not mind, but the question is, will we get any other content within that stretch? If not, then it might be a good time to unsub till then.

Seems like it but video games wise everyone in the market is aiming at thanksgiving.


If you miss that date then well you can pretty much publish when they like ;)

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I don't know of any other MMOs that withhold raids and other challenging group content without explaining why to the players. It's been said many times on these forums, no other MMO has less engagement and honesty with the players than SWTOR. You should look into getting some free will of your own and not parroting everything Bioware tells you.


Well, since you seem sincerely confused, I'll explain it to you.


Expansions have life-spans. Once they're released, you get a series of content patches and then...omg...you stop getting content patches with new operations and flash points and stuff like that. At 'that' point, the developers start pouring most of their efforts into the 'next' expansion.


Look at WoW. They release their last content patch and then sit back and make their players wait 14 months or so with no content at all. And when 'I' say 'no content', I mean that, unlike some people who say it and mean 'no content that I personally like.' See, with WoW, they got no Raids, no Dungeons, no Scenarios, no Housing, no Guild stuff, no new PVP, no new PVE, no new nothing for 14 months. Nothing. At. All.


With TOR, at least, we got GSF, new PVP stuff for Ranked and unranked, we got Guild Conquest, Guild Ships, we got GSH, we got 3 new FPs, we got new story content, and all the while, they're pouring their efforts into a new expansion.


So, take a few minutes and read what I posted there. Try and grasp what people mean when they talk about 'expansion cycle' and why developers eventually reach a point with an expansion where they stop putting stuff in and start working on a new expansion.

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Well, since you seem sincerely confused, I'll explain it to you.


Expansions have life-spans. Once they're released, you get a series of content patches and then...omg...you stop getting content patches with new operations and flash points and stuff like that. At 'that' point, the developers start pouring most of their efforts into the 'next' expansion.


Look at WoW. They release their last content patch and then sit back and make their players wait 14 months or so with no content at all. And when 'I' say 'no content', I mean that, unlike some people who say it and mean 'no content that I personally like.' See, with WoW, they got no Raids, no Dungeons, no Scenarios, no Housing, no Guild stuff, no new PVP, no new PVE, no new nothing for 14 months. Nothing. At. All.


With TOR, at least, we got GSF, new PVP stuff for Ranked and unranked, we got Guild Conquest, Guild Ships, we got GSH, we got 3 new FPs, we got new story content, and all the while, they're pouring their efforts into a new expansion.


So, take a few minutes and read what I posted there. Try and grasp what people mean when they talk about 'expansion cycle' and why developers eventually reach a point with an expansion where they stop putting stuff in and start working on a new expansion.


It's true I was not aware of WoW's situation as I have never played it, but as I understand it WoW can afford to take a 14 month break between major content releases because they have 9 years of previous content already built up. Prior to 2.0 SWTOR had a steady release of operations, hard mode flashpoints, and daily areas, and then everything dropped off in the last year. If the developers need to wait until the next "cycle" to release anything of value then good for them, but that doesn't change the fact that my guild is losing members every day and my operations group has all but quit. We have not had core content for a long time, and to drastically change the release schedule and block any information about the future of the game is not how you inspire faith in players.

Edited by WickerManSixOOne
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Well, since you seem sincerely confused, I'll explain it to you.


Expansions have life-spans. Once they're released, you get a series of content patches and then...omg...you stop getting content patches with new operations and flash points and stuff like that. At 'that' point, the developers start pouring most of their efforts into the 'next' expansion.


Look at WoW. They release their last content patch and then sit back and make their players wait 14 months or so with no content at all. And when 'I' say 'no content', I mean that, unlike some people who say it and mean 'no content that I personally like.' See, with WoW, they got no Raids, no Dungeons, no Scenarios, no Housing, no Guild stuff, no new PVP, no new PVE, no new nothing for 14 months. Nothing. At. All.


With TOR, at least, we got GSF, new PVP stuff for Ranked and unranked, we got Guild Conquest, Guild Ships, we got GSH, we got 3 new FPs, we got new story content, and all the while, they're pouring their efforts into a new expansion.


So, take a few minutes and read what I posted there. Try and grasp what people mean when they talk about 'expansion cycle' and why developers eventually reach a point with an expansion where they stop putting stuff in and start working on a new expansion.


WoW's heroic instances aren't fully cleared in three hours either the day of the patch.

Edited by VarekRayth
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If we are on about other MMO expamsions, we knew about Warlords of Drenai since April the 3rd 2014 and the release is November the 13th 2014 so that's 7 months of information about the expansion.


So please tell me how Bioware are following other MMO's with their expansions!


Lucky for Bioware though that World Of Warcraft : Warlords Of Drenai is going to be rubbish so SWTOR couldn't be worse in what they are releasing in 3.0 and I also see that Blizzard are starting to copy SWTOR so that maybe the reason Bioware are holding back info so WOW doesn't rip it off!

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Well anyone saying 2014 was a good year in terms of content for SWTOR, here is a quick comparison of brand new content added:




Ops: 2

HM FPs: 2

Dailies: 2

WZs: 2




Ops: 3

HM FPs: 2

Dailies: 3

WZs: arenas




Ops: 0

HM FPs: 0

Dailies: 0

WZs: 1


Every year had other stuff added to it (CC in 2012, GSF in 2013 and housing/conquest in 2014, story in all years), so working on CC, GSF, etc... is not an excuse for lack of content. The fact the 2.0 was in preparation to be released in 2013 did not stop content from being released in 2012. 2014 is not only a clear loser, it had almost no content what so ever. Anyone still remember the new content every six weeks?


If 3.0 is going to get delayed to probably March/April 2014, it will be a good idea to unsub till then. If the current rate of content release continues beyond 3.0, subs numbers will continue to drop in 2015 at the same if not greater rate than 2014. As an avid player of the SWTOR, I unsubbed for roughly 4 month this year and most likely will do after October if there is no content this year. I will probably sub for even less month next year if things continue at this rate.

Edited by Ottoattack
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Ops: 0

HM FPs: 0

Dailies: 0

WZs: 1

This is trolling behavior, plain and simple.


You somehow manage to include HM FP in content, which are rehashes of old stuff, but not include all-new Tac FP; all at the same time as you include all-new Ops, but don't include NiM Ops.


The only reason to pick these exact cherries is to get numbers that suit your point.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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Well anyone saying 2014 was a good year in terms of content for SWTOR, here is a quick comparison of brand new content added


You seem to be attacking an argument that, as far as I can tell, no one actually made. No one claimed it was a banner year, we just pointed out that "ZOMG No contents at all!!!" Is not accurate. Or even close to it. It might not be the PVE endgame content that you wanted, but it is still content and many people enjoy it.

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I'm not buying it. I think the decision was made once it was known you guys were going to have a cantina crawl in New York, that you would do it at that time because you would be able to do it in a big city and a very large setting. Pure marketing.

I think you have a misconception about what the NYC Cantina Event is actually like - it's in a bar with 50-80 people tops attending (I may be seriously overestimating with that number too), no big-screen displays or anything like that, at most Eric will have a microphone tied into the bar's speakers.


It isn't a PAX or E3 Panel, where they have a full multimedia setup to show hundreds and hundreds of fans a nice trailer or game footage or even concept art, while simultaneously streaming it all over the web - this is a bunch of us hanging out, beer in hand, trying to hear what the Community Team members are saying over all the background noise.


There's no way they're holding off on the official announcement for the sake of having less than a hundred semi-inebriated fans hear it first.

Edited by DarthDymond
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This is trolling behavior, plain and simple.


You somehow manage to include HM FP in content, which are rehashes of old stuff, but not include all-new Tac FP; all at the same time as you include all-new Ops, but don't include NiM Ops.


The only reason to pick these exact cherries is to get numbers that suit your point.


This summary is accurate in that he listed the number of new operations in 2014, not rehashes. Don't get me wrong, the nightmare modes were appreciated but they clearly did not sustain the raiding community for an entire year. At the core they are still the same operations, same bosses with a new tweak here and there. As for tactical flashpoints, they were throwaway content so far removed from the HM FPs we were used to, devoid of any challenge. I bet most people could finish them with their eyes closed. The tactical FPs were good to do once for the story, not much there to keep us coming back.

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This is trolling behavior, plain and simple.


You somehow manage to include HM FP in content, which are rehashes of old stuff, but not include all-new Tac FP; all at the same time as you include all-new Ops, but don't include NiM Ops.


The only reason to pick these exact cherries is to get numbers that suit your point.




in 2012 Lost Island and Keon were brand new. Cerka FPs were brand new HM in 2013. WTH r u smoking?!

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This summary is accurate in that he listed the number of new operations in 2014, not rehashes. Don't get me wrong, the nightmare modes were appreciated but they clearly did not sustain the raiding community for an entire year. At the core they are still the same operations, same bosses with a new tweak here and there. As for tactical flashpoints, they were throwaway content so far removed from the HM FPs we were used to, devoid of any challenge. I bet most people could finish them with their eyes closed. The tactical FPs were good to do once for the story, not much there to keep us coming back.


No one cares if you want new operations this late in the expansion. You won't get new operations this late. Those sorts of new things get folded into the next expansion. That's just how things are done in MMOs.


It's pretty silly. We get Housing, Conquest, Guild Ships, off-rails Space combat, all things that have been in demand since launch and some few folk just seem to want to cry about not getting new Operations.


Well, don't worry, you'll get your new Operations in a couple of months with the new expansion. Until then, can you please stop acting like it's the end of the world when an 'announcement' gets delayed by a couple of weeks? Sheesh.

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At the core they are still the same operations ... As for tactical flashpoints, they were throwaway content so far removed from the HM FPs we were used to, devoid of any challenge.

And HM FP aren't devoid of challenge?? The only way to get a challenge out of them is to solo them on a poorly geared character - but guess what, Tac FP aren't easy to solo either, since you can't use kolto stations.


Non-NiM ops don't present a challenge either, aside from just a couple fights; the only reason to do them more than once is to farm the set pieces. So by the same logic that you use to call Tac FP throwaway content, you should also categorize non-NiM ops as such.


If nothing else, Tac FP are at least actually new, while HM FP are the same flashpoints we've done a hundred times before, only now instead of 1.5 seconds mobs take 6 seconds to die... half the fun in twice the time.

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I would take HM FPs over tactical flashpoints any day. While the tactical flashpoints were fun for the story, you can pretty much tank and spank every boss whereas many of the HM FP bosses had actual mechanics. Maybe throwaway content was the wrong word but you have to admit, what we've received over the last year is quite different than what we were used to, and not exactly in a beneficial way.
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You have either just started playing this game or are trolling. BW hasn't released content in a year.




Forged Alliance Flashpoints


Player housing


Guild competitions


Yet no content at all? Give it a rest there's more to content than just ops war zones and storylines. People need to learn how to see this

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Forged Alliance Flashpoints


Player housing


Guild competitions


Yet no content at all? Give it a rest there's more to content than just ops war zones and storylines. People need to learn how to see this

Don't forget KDY, Rak'ghoul Resurgence, and Queshball (if you're generous you could even add in the Festival of Splendor Event, although I personally wouldn't).

Edited by DarthDymond
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Forged Alliance Flashpoints


Player housing


Guild competitions


Yet no content at all? Give it a rest there's more to content than just ops war zones and storylines. People need to learn how to see this


GSF is 2013.


Housing/conquest is good. The only good thing in 2014.


Forged Alliance, lmao. If this is the quality of content to come, then it maybe a good idea to unsub now. Sorry if I find smash everything in your face FPs not enjoyable. I would rather run dailies. At least their I do make credits. And the story was so bad that Makeb is a master piece in comparison.


Just compare what you listed above with 2013:


3 new ops.

2 new HM FPs.

3 new daily areas.

2 fully blown stories (Makeb and Dread Guards).




So 2014 has like 10% of 2013 content? And now we are supposed to wait 3-4 month with no content anticipating 3.0?


See, it is not the fact that the announcement was delayed. it is the fact that the delay is on content. it is the fact that BW cannot deliver on their word.

Edited by Ottoattack
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GSF is 2013.


Housing/conquest is good. The only good thing in 2014.


Forged Alliance, lmao. If this is the quality of content to come, then it maybe a good idea to unsub now. Sorry if I find smash everything in your face FPs not enjoyable. I would rather run dailies. At least their I do make credits. And the story was so bad that Makeb is a master piece in comparison.


Just compare what you listed above with 2013:


3 new ops.

2 new HM FPs.

3 new daily areas.

2 fully blown stories (Makeb and Dread Guards).




So 2014 has like 10% of 2013 content? And now we are supposed to wait 3-4 month with no content anticipating 3.0?


See, it is not the fact that the announcement was delayed. it is the fact that the delay is on content. it is the fact that BW cannot deliver on their word.


First I was responding to "no content in a year" GSF came out within the years time.


2nd i did not respond to the quantity of content. I was responding to the "no content". As far as we know we will have more raids fps and a new planet within 2014 based on statements and hints by devs.


Either way content is content. Whether you find it enjoyable or not. To say"no content" is being disingenuous. Instead say "content I enjoy"

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I would take HM FPs over tactical flashpoints any day. ... Maybe throwaway content was the wrong word but you have to admit, what we've received over the last year is quite different than what we were used to, and not exactly in a beneficial way.

That's personal preference. Simply put, you seem to fall into that middle PvE tier where HM FP are still a challenge, Tac FP with a guild aren't (soloing them is quite hard), NiM ops are still ahead.


That's not the only tier there is. For some people, Tac FP are still a challenge, and they actually are for about half the pug groups. For others, neither HM FP nor Tac FP present any challenge.


For content that doesn't challenge you, easier is actually better - you spend less time mindlessly grinding down long HP bars and more revisiting the story. Then there's the question of rewards... I don't mean to be picky, but dropping vendor trash really does cut down on the enjoyment. Anything would've been better, even purple leveling gear.

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