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Excuse me BioWare


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First off all, EA is the owner of Bioware! EA is in big buisness with games like Fifa-soccer, Sims 2-4 and so on. So EA gave Bioware the order to bring a Sims system in the game, like Strongholds and furniture! And EA is in the position to do what they want, because they are the only one with a star wars licence from Disney!


The only way to sent a message, is a boycott! Let´s say, thousands of player boycott the pvp, for a week! That could be a message!


Soon thousands of players will unsub. For me it is the last drop of patience, this situation in PvP is terrible. WIll be in slackmode and waiting 3.0. I hope something change, if not, my money will take another MMO.

Edited by helpmewin
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First off all, EA is the owner of Bioware! EA is in big buisness with games like Fifa-soccer, Sims 2-4 and so on. So EA gave Bioware the order to bring a Sims system in the game, like Strongholds and furniture! And EA is in the position to do what they want, because they are the only one with a star wars licence from Disney!


The only way to sent a message, is a boycott! Let´s say, thousands of player boycott the pvp, for a week! That could be a message!


Lol they wouldn't care, they're raking in the dough from the CM. Boycott the CM.

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First off all, EA is the owner of Bioware! EA is in big buisness with games like Fifa-soccer, Sims 2-4 and so on. So EA gave Bioware the order to bring a Sims system in the game, like Strongholds and furniture! And EA is in the position to do what they want, because they are the only one with a star wars licence from Disney!


The only way to sent a message, is a boycott! Let´s say, thousands of player boycott the pvp, for a week! That could be a message!


Let me see how many successful boycotts there have been of MMOs.







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Cryyc, he stops when he is attacked. It is worth noting that this player is not the only one using potential bots; since later today I encountered a tank assassin with 32k hp, who did the exact same thing as the jugg in question.


Perhaps the same account?


Those two only exist to feed rating to certain republican players on tofn.


Reason 1: They only queue when certain rep players are queued.


Reason 2: They are tanks. If you have a bot and want it to play as many games as possible you spec dps as there is a much higher chance for a dps to get a pop than for a tank.


Reason 3: Pubs respecing to tank or switching characters just when those 2 come online.


Reason 4: They only show up when the rep premade gets beaten several times in a row.


The sad part is that 4 people sitting in teamspeak and sync queuing cannot beat 4 random players not using teamspeak unless they force a 3 vs 4.


Here is a thought: If you suck that hard, don't play ranked!

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Those two only exist to feed rating to certain republican players on tofn.


Reason 1: They only queue when certain rep players are queued.


Reason 2: They are tanks. If you have a bot and want it to play as many games as possible you spec dps as there is a much higher chance for a dps to get a pop than for a tank.


Reason 3: Pubs respecing to tank or switching characters just when those 2 come online.


Reason 4: They only show up when the rep premade gets beaten several times in a row.


The sad part is that 4 people sitting in teamspeak and sync queuing cannot beat 4 random players not using teamspeak unless they force a 3 vs 4.


Here is a thought: If you suck that hard, don't play ranked!



exactly whats happening

This tank trolls only appear when rep side starts to sync queue their premades with a certain shadow tank most of you know, to get a handicap of 3 vs 4 and still they barely win. :)

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Let me see how many successful boycotts there have been of MMOs.








That could be changed... If you get a community fired up enough about one thing, it's gonna bring hellfire and damnation on the thing that they want to be changed... The American Revolution is a prime example of that.

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That could be changed... If you get a community fired up enough about one thing, it's gonna bring hellfire and damnation on the thing that they want to be changed... The American Revolution is a prime example of that.


It's not going to happen here.

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Reason 2: They are tanks. If you have a bot and want it to play as many games as possible you spec dps as there is a much higher chance for a dps to get a pop than for a tank.


Mhm that's true w/o a doubt. Also both bots do not have any tank gear at all, they got only tank spec.

Looks even more suspicious now.


But I must say, I'm glad we got these two bots, they will help to ruin solo ranked even more, they will make people mad, they will force people to stop or go to the forums and complain.

I think it needs more people on the forum who are pissed off of the arena system and design. Maybe BioWare gets a clue at the end of the day. But then again, that is highly unlikely since BioWare is in complete denial.:rolleyes:

Edited by VdFExarKun
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It's not going to happen here.


How do you know? We have thousands of pissed off players about MULTIPLE things, we could probably boycott the entire damn game if we tried hard enough! There's so many things wrong with this game and, it was promising at first but now the entire damn game is going down the sinkhole of f2p MMO's and it shouldnt it should be one that doesnt go down that path, and should turn into more of a WoW like F2p system, where f2p's can get to say, level 30 but have full un-restricted access barring having 12 toons, and being able to max out crafting. that would get Bioware more money from Subscriptions, which is where the majority of the money should come from in the first place, and would reduce the need for the Cartel Market.

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How do you know? We have thousands of pissed off players about MULTIPLE things, we could probably boycott the entire damn game if we tried hard enough! There's so many things wrong with this game and, it was promising at first but now the entire damn game is going down the sinkhole of f2p MMO's and it shouldnt it should be one that doesnt go down that path, and should turn into more of a WoW like F2p system, where f2p's can get to say, level 30 but have full un-restricted access barring having 12 toons, and being able to max out crafting. that would get Bioware more money from Subscriptions, which is where the majority of the money should come from in the first place, and would reduce the need for the Cartel Market.


Because you are seriously overestimating the amount of people that are pissed enough to do anything. Most people just like to complain just to complain, and don't care enough to do anything. Besides if you truly succeeded in Boycotting SWTOR the only thing that would happen is getting EA to shut the game down since they wouldn't be making money.

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How do you know? We have thousands of pissed off players about MULTIPLE things, we could probably boycott the entire damn game if we tried hard enough! There's so many things wrong with this game and, it was promising at first but now the entire damn game is going down the sinkhole of f2p MMO's and it shouldnt it should be one that doesnt go down that path, and should turn into more of a WoW like F2p system, where f2p's can get to say, level 30 but have full un-restricted access barring having 12 toons, and being able to max out crafting. that would get Bioware more money from Subscriptions, which is where the majority of the money should come from in the first place, and would reduce the need for the Cartel Market.


How dare you typing this words? U get free amazing speeder one in half year as sub!


Because you are seriously overestimating the amount of people that are pissed enough to do anything. Most people just like to complain just to complain, and don't care enough to do anything. Besides if you truly succeeded in Boycotting SWTOR the only thing that would happen is getting EA to shut the game down since they wouldn't be making money.




CM gives them money. Lore-trading. MMO? What is dis?


I think the main problem was that players had hight hopes about this MMO - this MMO failed as MMO(this is single player game with MMO elements). SW has taken its niche, and do not growing up ,cause nobody gives money to this project(at least real money), devs have poor fantasy, they don't understand what is MMO(they are trying to copy WOW but this copy "made in china") and don't hear community. So we've what we've got.

This game is good for weekends games(for fun) and u don't need to be a sub, u can bought all unlocks(passes) on GTN(they have low prices). Cause they don't care about subs and PvP community, all what they need is CM.

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You know what will help any pubs reading this feel better;)? Coming to PoT5 for some solo ranked pops!! East coast prime times, pubs currently dominate the solo que, and there is pretty much always pubs trying to get it to pop. The more pubs of varying skill levels the better too!!!
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Let me see how many successful boycotts there have been of MMOs.








In Eve-Online, the community layed siege to the bigest space station, for one month! Only to boycott the game and to sent a message! It is possible, but difficult!

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Perhaps you have forgotten that I played my Gunslinger called Liztec in Season 2? I had my fair share with all the reptards.




I think I met this Assassin Tank in arena, his name is 6 letters long, consists of 4 different letters and starts with a "D"?

I would write the name here but BioWare accused me of name calling. Glad bot users and scripters are protected by the ToS.:rolleyes:

Also yes, the behaviour of that Sin bot was the same as the Jugg. The Sin bot was running and jumping, even moving around objects but when he got attacked? He immediatly stopped, doing nothing. The Sin bot didn't even use stealth, nor phase walk or force shroud, just nothing. Very similiar to that Jugg bot.

It could be the same person, it could be some new bot or script.


Yep, we're thinking of the same guy...

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Yes, with Visas, he said when need to play to grow up rating. And we said to him when need to play.




They don't yep, still have decent players as Rommar, TinyDevil, Sorn etc. U can win with them, but its few players and they don't play a lot.


Btw guys play on rep side more. You will see what is republic(we have a lot of PvE conquerors, a lot of not FOTM classes/specs, just trolls or bads who que every day, what i've seen on im side - more then half of players play madness, 2-3 madness is normally vs imp). I saw a lot of imps who login into rep side when they loose to us or stop to que, especially sinc que-s, when rep have good random pack(cause they afraid to loose ELO tho) reps is 5-6 players in que, mb more depends on time, and win/loose.


There are more than just a 'several' decent players, the problem is just that the so-called 'reptards' fail to use cc, taunts and bubbles/heal properly, and as such make the decent player seem worse than they really are.


The bottomline is just that we (obviously enough) have too many incompetent players on rep side and a few too many good players on imp side.



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...And yet somehow I still have fun playing this game.


That's cool that you and others are still having fun in game. I personally haven't logged in for two weeks. Just playing BF4 for my PvP fix at this point. Seriously thinking about unsubbing because my interest level in this game has hit an all-time low. Turns out, the doll house decoration xpack just wasn't for me.


I still like the game and want it to do well, but I'm burnt out on WZs and Arenas. Sometimes a break is a good thing. I'm taking one.

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So BioWare, apparently we got 3 tank bots or trolls now on the imp side on ToFN.


Rating on the leaderboard seems legit. Such system - much design.


BioWare must care a lot. Please continue to ignore the PvP folks. Much appreciated.:rolleyes:


Milchschokolade ?

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Milchschokolade ?


Not doing name calling here, but one can assume that it is the third guy. Haven't met him personally, thank god, but people whispered and warned me about him.


BioWare, how about you take a step back from your game and take a look at it from a bit further away, maybe you'll be able to see the picture then - maybe...

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You didn't seem to mind naming and shaming when it was Respaw'n. :rolleyes:


Yes, and after that some forum droid called at my house and said something about law & order. So, I'm a little bit more cautious.


Funny story tho, said forum droid removed the thread about that guy botting in arena on the general discussion forum and in that thread i put a link which would redirect you to this thread.

Now, he removed the thread on the general forum because of name calling, against the ToS, blablabla.

Yet the name calling post in this thread is still here. It didn't bother it to look what's behind that swtor forum link.


That tells you something about BioWares forum moderation and where their attention is.:rolleyes:

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Rumor has it you are that third "bot" yourself.


Bots usually don't whisper people they don't know in their native language to ask whether there are any tanks queued in soloQ.


Alright, at first I wrote something not so nice to you, I take that back. No hard feelings mate.


That guy isn't me. I'm leveling my Hunter in WoW, I just log into the game to check my auctions. There is nothing else to do for me in SWTOR at the moment.

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There are more than just a 'several' decent players, the problem is just that the so-called 'reptards' fail to use cc, taunts and bubbles/heal properly, and as such make the decent player seem worse than they really are.


The bottomline is just that we (obviously enough) have too many incompetent players on rep side and a few too many good players on imp side.




The main problem is not in bads, not all players plays good. The main problem in matchmaking sistem. Why low rated play against hight rated?(solo and group) When they wipe(loose) many times, they stop to play. And this is reducing popularity of ranked. Srsly devs, u r doing something wrong i tho.

There are a lot of other problems in PvP and devs ignore them.

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