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Force Barrier is bugged


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  • 4 months later...
This has happened to me a few times, I thought it was my imagination, but I was just in a alderaan warzone, just after midnight on the 23rd Feb 2015, I hit FB when I was jumped by 3 enemies, I took the pose as the ability was being channeled, then I died, the ability was off CD upon death. I am not mistaken, there was no lag, and I am 100% certain. This ability is bugged for some reason, I am not happy in the slightest. Please get this fixed/identify the reason this has happened. I submitted a bug report, but I am unsure whether to report unusual player behavior too.
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I can tell you my wife just *loves* it when she is in a warzone, gets focused, activates force barrier.... nothing happens... nothing... pops again.... nothing... dies... as soon as toon respawns in the safe area, suddenly her sage pops force barrier.:rak_02:


Brilliant Bioware, just brilliant.

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  • 1 month later...

Just watched this happen to a friend. He was in PvP, at around 20%ish health -> he barrier-ed -> cool-down went up (like it properly applied), -> animation & bubble appeared -> ~ 1.0 seconds later a Jug forcepushed him -> Magically broke the barrier/channel, pushed away and died.


It's like it was never applied to begin with. It was really odd to watch.


It's also happened to me where I apply my barrier and I die while doing the animation even though there wasn't a cooldown on my ability or I die and then I'm rez'd and somehow barrier'd in the starting zone. It's very laggy. It's not very reliable in PvP because of the bug.

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I have had this happen to me a number of times, always in Ranked and never in Regs, I always just attributed to lag.

In every instance I was bubbling at 30% hp as these were all in 4 DPS v 4 DPS matches, I would activate Force Barrier, animation would happen, you could see the bubble around me and then boom dead. In most cases it would even show me with 10% hp left but still dead.


Take it for what you will

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i'd guess pretty much every sage/sorc has had it happened to them before. hell, I had this question and had the combat log to prove it. Showed barrier, and in this case it was masterstrike that continued to hit me after barrier went up.


2 things to take away from this


1) I didn't realize that you could be pulled by a "friendly" and as thus drops barrier. Granted it makes sense, but sucks nontheless


2) force push? hmm....

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As others have mentioned, there's a very slight ability delay when using Barrier, which I'm pretty sure is due to the split-second animation. I've had fights (in both PvP and PvE) where I swear I hit barrier with time to spare, but when I watch the recording in slow motion, you can see my character putting his hands in the air as part of the animation and he simply dies before the barrier itself appears (and the ability does not go on cooldown).


Other than that, there's only one time I've actually had an issue, and that was during a HM Underlurker fight. I didn't make it to a rock in time, barriered, and the channel didn't appear (though the animation did, and I resisted the initial hits). Four seconds later, for no apparent reason, I start taking damage and die to it. My character didn't move in the slightest either.. It's quite possible (though seemingly unlikely) it was just something stupid like tapping the escape key by accident, but I'd rather believe I was just the victim to some random glitch (wouldn't be the first time...).

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I'll chime in as well, that the on screen activation of Force Barrier does not always seem to register with what the servers report..thus the channeling delay bug mentioned in many earlier posts.


Ultimately that results in me dying with the force barrier animation up and GCD and CDs wasted for it.


I've just come to accept that it is not always as reliable as we'd like it to be.

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I'll chime in as well, that the on screen activation of Force Barrier does not always seem to register with what the servers report..thus the channeling delay bug mentioned in many earlier posts.


Ultimately that results in me dying with the force barrier animation up and GCD and CDs wasted for it.


I've just come to accept that it is not always as reliable as we'd like it to be.


Seems to happen to me when I play people with better ping than me


I play from Australia... So the best I ever get is 180ms... But the average is 200-220ms, but sometimes 380ms.... If I'm playing someone in the US with 30ms ping, they have an advantage in lag... In 8 man regs it isn't so much an issue... But in Ranked if you get focused, it can kill me... If I know I'm about to get focused I pop straight away instead of trying to heal.... I'm usually nearly dead by the time it activates... Some times even then it goes on GCD, but I die anyway.... I get so many rage comments from my team if I die or pop it too early... But I have to play pvp by anticipating the enemy a good few seconds before other people would have to or it is too late... I really miss the 17ms I used to have on the APAC servers before Bio shut them down :(

Edited by Icykill_
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Seems to happen to me when I play people with better ping than me


I play from Australia... So the best I ever get is 180ms... But the average is 200-220ms, but sometimes 380ms.... If I'm playing someone in the US with 30ms ping, they have an advantage in lag... In 8 man regs it isn't so much an issue... But in Ranked if you get focused, it can kill me... If I know I'm about to get focused I pop straight away instead of trying to heal.... I'm usually nearly dead by the time it activates... Some times even then it goes on GCD, but I die anyway.... I get so many rage comments from my team if I die or pop it too early... But I have to play pvp by anticipating the enemy a good few seconds before other people would have to or it is too late... I really miss the 17ms I used to have on the APAC servers before Bio shut them down :(


You will face all kinds of lag based issues given your location, it is something you will have to reconcile with i think. Australia is a problem location.

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That bug is just the animation not playing out. The abilities still channel and are going off. You just can't "see" it.


Not sure I've ever seen that bug but I've definitely seen a channel bug where the opposite happens, most often with cartel market regen items: the animation plays but the ability doesn't actually activate. In fact I'd be willing to bet this happens to me on a daily basis, with regen items specifically. Not sure if it affects other channeled abilities like ravage or force barrier.

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