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Can we Rename Customer Service Forum to Player Service Forum ?


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It is funny that you mention this. We are actively having discussions right now internally about what the future holds for the Customer Service forum.


Cynicism aside, how about you sit some people down to actually read and act upon stuff posted in there? It's nice to get snarky replies and all, but at the end of the day, this is a commercial product involving a lot of money paid by the playerbase, and actual customer support is, if not legally, then at least ethically mandated.

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It's very strange that you guys have given up on Customer Service, deciding to let players try to solve their problems themselves instead.


Just to clarify, we realize that the support in that forum hasn't been at its best and so we are talking to CS about how to improve our support in that forum moving forward. I don't want my nod to OwenBrooks to make it seem like we are abandoning support for that forum! We just realize there are issues there and are working to address them.



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Just to clarify, we realize that the support in that forum hasn't been at its best and so we are talking to CS about how to improve our support in that forum moving forward. I don't want my nod to OwenBrooks to make it seem like we are abandoning support for that forum! We just realize there are issues there and are working to address them.



So uh, any 3.0 announcement today? :D

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I've always been a big supporter of you guys even when I didn't agree with your decisions, but this is pretty pathetic. Instead of doing this you could, you know, actually hire some CSRs to help the people who pay your salaries.


There are CSRs to help the people who pay their salaries, use in game support tickets.

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Hey there,


It is funny that you mention this. We are actively having discussions right now internally about what the future holds for the Customer Service forum. One of the options on the table is exactly what you have proposed here (renaming it to Player Support)! As soon as I know exactly what we will be doing with that forum I will pass it one.


Also, "The OwenBrooks Helpdesk" is high in the runnings for the new name :cool:. Really, you have been great in those forums so we definitely want to make sure we keep that forum and present it in a way that is most helpful to our players.




I had to log in and comment when I saw this post. I rarely if ever speak out on the management of this game be it good or bad, however this post... Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves for this. People pay a subscription to play this game granted some don't but others do and along with that subscription we are supposedly given a certain amount of customer service support. You have just inadvertently admitted that you guys do not intend to nor have you intended to for sometime to provide that service. That we should indeed look to another player who is in fact paying to play as well for that service. I am hardly if ever the one to throw out judgment but on this as I said before... Y'all should be ashamed that post was pathetic!



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I had to log in and comment when I saw this post. I rarely if ever speak out on the management of this game be it good or bad, however this post... Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves for this. People pay a subscription to play this game granted some don't but others do and along with that subscription we are supposedly given a certain amount of customer service support. You have just inadvertently admitted that you guys do not intend to nor have you intended to for sometime to provide that service. That we should indeed look to another player who is in fact paying to play as well for that service. I am hardly if ever the one to throw out judgment but on this as I said before... Y'all should be ashamed that post was pathetic!




What a way to completely miss the point...

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Just to clarify, we realize that the support in that forum hasn't been at its best and so we are talking to CS about how to improve our support in that forum moving forward. I don't want my nod to OwenBrooks to make it seem like we are abandoning support for that forum! We just realize there are issues there and are working to address them.




I would think that "the best solution" would be for all customer support issues to be routed through the same system. Since only subs are supposed to have CS access, and tickets can be submitted in-game, it seems like that would be the best way. However, the in-game "submission" has several problems that make using it as the only method a Bad Idea.


1) The interface is limited-- [noticeably] limited number of characters, no copy/paste functionality (at least with other apps), etc. While it is suitable for many kinds of reports, it makes it difficult to enter long, detailed reports when the situation is complex (and complex reports often benefits from links to (for example) official posts in the swtor forums).


2) No way to attach screenshots or certain other types of documentation (DxDialogs, etc.).


3) It isn't available if you aren't playing -- it's kind of hard to report login or connection issues if you need to connect and log in to make the report. Also, if you are entering a complex issue, it might not be convenient to start up the game just to enter a ticket, and getting logged out for "inactivity" while writing a detailed report is frustrating.


So swtor definitely needs an out-of-game CS interface. However, the current Customer Support forums are not really a good substitute, for several reasons.


1) it doesn't appear to be tied into the in-game CS system (as in creating a new post doesn't appear to create a new issue in the in-game tracking system, but rather relies on CS people to periodically poll the forum).


2) Unlike the in-game system, there doesn't appear to be any formal response system -- people making reports appear to just have to poll the forums and wait to see if there issue is ever addressed.


3) Reports are public, and people may not want to provide certain information publicly (like their character names) or may be prohibited (by the TOS or general privacy concerns) from entering relevant information (like other characters' names, whether the other characters are involved in the issue or just background captured in a screenshot, or whatever).


So it seems like a dedicated [web] interface to the CS system allowing [subs] to view their "in-game" responses as well as enter new issues directly into the system would be the ideal solution. Reimaging the CS Forum as the Player Forum would then make sense (and not seem like abandonment). There are a lot of times where people go to the forums first to see if something is really a "game" issue, or an issue on their side, and want other players' feedback before deciding to open a ticket. And CS should still periodically poll the forum to see if any of the issues actually need CS intervention, just with a direct out-of-game system just as available as the forums, there should be less of an expectation of direct CS involvement in that part of the forums.

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Also, "The OwenBrooks Helpdesk" is high in the runnings for the new name :cool:. Really, you have been great in those forums so we definitely want to make sure we keep that forum and present it in a way that is most helpful to our players.


You should really consider giving Owen a free sub for all of the contributions he has made helping support other players. We used to see CS droids in that forum, however after numerous lay-offs over time it rarely gets frequented by anyone aside from Tait.


I'm fairly sure you could tie the forums in with the in-game reporting system to auto generate a report for CS so they could at least acknowledge the original poster either in the forum or via the in-game ticketing system. Either way it needs an overhaul.


Needless to say I don't feel like you should be relying on just players helping each other out (as great as that help is from Owen in quite a few cases). Those that use the forums or in-game ticketing are paying subscribers, we possibly don't number that greatly, but perhaps should be cherished a little more? :o

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I keep on writing suggestions here on the forums though I never get any feedback


I keep on reporting bugs on the forums though I never get any response


I have lost count how many times Bioware have said communication will improve and never did.


Anyway I am a happy gamer and IF I write something useful or perhaps report a valuable bugreport it will only take 10 seconds of your time to ackowledge that you have seen it.


What I want is a two way communication not a player screaming into a black hole without any answer at all, as it is in most cases now.


Please tune up the activities here on the forums, sure twitch streams are nice but to be honest that is not the help we are looking for.


Thankyou once again for a great game, you know I appreciate it by my time spent, cartel coins bought and my levels gained :tran_cool:

Edited by Icestar
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Okay I never ever ever ever post on these forums(this might be the first time since beta) because of all the hate I see....but this is hilarious and made me a fan of Eric. Reddit swtor is the only place I really go for info...also to make fun of all the whining that goes on in the forums.(especially the pvp whiners one of my favorite quotes "I love that every time a dev posts that ------- guy shows up to whine about pvp." took the name out so we don't have to hear from them...again..) Honestly if your going to the forums for help you should check out reddit....if you have a problem with your account shoot bioware an e-mail or call them and they have always resolved my issues....If you have a problem with how the games developed go write code....eh that about wraps it up. Edited by Travbot
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Hey there,


It is funny that you mention this. We are actively having discussions right now internally about what the future holds for the Customer Service forum. One of the options on the table is exactly what you have proposed here (renaming it to Player Support)! As soon as I know exactly what we will be doing with that forum I will pass it on.




Thx Eric , I am happy to hear this is even getting discussed. I myself would prefer to see it remain a Customer Service Forum though ;) Game or Technical Support is another option


lol, +1 for Sparky the Terminal. makes me laugh just thinking about it - :D


To my fellow players , I must say I chuckled as well , and would buy that off the cartel market myself :)

Edited by OwenBrooks
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so it seems like a dedicated [web] interface to the cs system allowing [subs] to view their "in-game" responses as well as enter new issues directly into the system would be the ideal solution. Reimaging the cs forum as the player forum would then make sense (and not seem like abandonment). There are a lot of times where people go to the forums first to see if something is really a "game" issue, or an issue on their side, and want other players' feedback before deciding to open a ticket. And cs should still periodically poll the forum to see if any of the issues actually need cs intervention, just with a direct out-of-game system just as available as the forums, there should be less of an expectation of direct cs involvement in that part of the forums.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

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