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Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "Community Desire for Species" Poll: REDUX


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So you're saying you're throwing in your vote with the additional hope that all the mechanics regarding species choice are reneged upon and revamped?


No i am not hoping that but i am dreaming that eaware might do it, just a dream. i am also dreaming that they might add smuggler and trooper on imp side with their own new story and on rep side BH and SIS Agent with their own new story. well let's forget about dream, as i have already said if eaware really want to add some new species i want some pretty ones, not some ...ughh....

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1. Kaleesh

2. Droids

3. Bothan


I do believe this game should have prestige races similar to the idea behind the Death Knight from WoW. Where once you have a certain number of 55's you get a special race unlocked that starts at or near max level. That way races like the Droid or Wookiee could be implemented with an overall less amount of voice over. Have Wookiees carry droid translators with them lol.

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Ugh, picking three is very difficult when there are so many choices.


1. Devaronian--The Gender dimorphism between devaronians would be really interesting to see as males have horns while women have fur. My concern however is that female devaronians might get mistaken for Cathar. I will admit that the first time I saw a female Cathar NPC (before they introduced them as a playable species) I thought they might be female devaronians.


2. Togruta--The great thing about Togruta in comparison with twileks is that while they are similar (montrals vs. lekku) the differences in skin tones and color patterns still makes them unique and separate. As for no headgear? Meh, I'm fine with it on twileks, I doubt it would bother me on a togruta.


3. Trandoshan--An icon from classic star wars, and in the EU (the clone wars TV show and books) they could speak basic (fairly well, some slight hissing and growling). Plus they're humanoid but not near human which means their would be a little more visual diversity running around in the SWTOR galaxy. I will admit though, it would be pretty weird to listen to some of the character lines and watch a trandoshan voice them.

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Just to get a little discussion going, I'd like to ask a question of some of you. When you're asking to see a Near-Human species, how do you envision the implementation of that species, particularly when many are biologically identical to the existing Human selection?


Yeah - I saw Kiffar and just started scratching my head. Surely they could implement some facial markings for a human and you could just pretend it was Kiffar? Don't really see the point of them doing an entire new species - I certainly wouldn't pay money for that, and if Kiffar (or something similar like Echani) got made the next playable species, I would give up hope entirely.


The closest I voted was Voss, but their colorings are pretty distinct, they have a different skin texture, and dem eyes!

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Yeah - I saw Kiffar and just started scratching my head. Surely they could implement some facial markings for a human and you could just pretend it was Kiffar? Don't really see the point of them doing an entire new species - I certainly wouldn't pay money for that, and if Kiffar (or something similar like Echani) got made the next playable species, I would give up hope entirely.


The closest I voted was Voss, but their colorings are pretty distinct, they have a different skin texture, and dem eyes!


Kiffar, I can understand the desire. There are aesthetically identifiable differences between a Kiffar and a regular human - that is, one difference: the tattoo. What is confusing to me is people who desire species (race would be a more-apt term) that are aesthetically identical to options that already exist. Echani and Hapan seem to be getting the most action thus far. It interests me because they are only culturally separate from baseline Humans with biological differences that fall within the normal human range of adaptation (ie. poor night vision, dense musculature, "good looks"). I'm genuinely curious as to what people would expect from SW:TOR to differentiate these guys from the existing Humans.

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Just to get a little discussion going, I'd like to ask a question of some of you. When you're asking to see a Near-Human species, how do you envision the implementation of that species, particularly when many are biologically identical to the existing Human selection?


My view is I am not too keen on a lot of the alien looks. Yes I understand that some people like them. The closest aliens I have are Chiss and Twi'lek but the rest of them I don't care for.


My choices always tend to be near humans as that is something I happen to like. For one thing I am not overly fond of the hairstyles on the ladies and for that reason I will always chose a species that can give me some long hair.


So what if it is not what everyone wants but then again I am responding to something I like.


Yes some people like alien species and that is great and I respect your wishes to do so but I would hope that people would respect my wishes as well and not make a big deal of why people ask for near human species on a poll asking what they would like.

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My view is I am not too keen on a lot of the alien looks. Yes I understand that some people like them. The closest aliens I have are Chiss and Twi'lek but the rest of them I don't care for.


My choices always tend to be near humans as that is something I happen to like. For one thing I am not overly fond of the hairstyles on the ladies and for that reason I will always chose a species that can give me some long hair.


So what if it is not what everyone wants but then again I am responding to something I like.


Yes some people like alien species and that is great and I respect your wishes to do so but I would hope that people would respect my wishes as well and not make a big deal of why people ask for near human species on a poll asking what they would like.


As stated, I'm asking out of genuine curiousity. This isn't a dig at anyone who voted for these species - there is no bias here. So the reasoning is, then, that current Human options aren't up to snuff and a new species would give BioWare a reason to provide new options for Humans en masse?


Also, update incoming once the little guy gets to sleep (can't have my attention divided). Some interesting trends I'm noticing: Togruta remains the clear favourite, species are more-representative of those already in-game as NPCs, and droids haven't received a single vote thus far (perhaps the Cartel Market helped there?).

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Togruta remains the clear favourite, species are more-representative of those already in-game as NPCs, and droids haven't received a single vote thus far (perhaps the Cartel Market helped there?).


i think that one of the greatest armor choices that have been made available is the droid body parts. I made such a suggestion back in 2012 here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=550006&page=64 (page 64) and probably not the first one to suggest it.


My first character was a cyborg and I was happy at first, but then I began to long for other additions for that class. Facial implants was simply not enough. The first new species, cathar, i wasn't very thrilled about, but it grew on me and I actually changed the species of my cyborg to cathar. That was before the droid type armor was being released.

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While I voted for 3 distinctively exotic species rather than recolors (I like playing something VERY different than RL, and I consider a lot of aliens beautiful), Kiffar was a toss up for my 3rd choice.




I play one human character out of 12. One! And I could not create what I thought would be normal & popular choices. Originally, I thought of making a martial arts inspired Jedi, but… no Oriental faces for a female character. I did the best possible approximation, but I am not at all that crazy about it. Certainly not one of those awesome Oriental she-warrior faces I envisioned.


After playing with her a little, I thought, well, maybe I will add tats to her face and change her hairs-style and make her a Kiffar (Okay, I caught up on Clone Wars and was blown away by Vos’ charisma). And… guess what? Female humans aren’t allowed the tattoos. Only garish make-up. Oh, well. And even males did not have much choices that would pass for Kiffar tats.


That’s why I would have bought Kiffar as a separate species, to simply bring along customizations that lack on vanilla humans, WITHOUT crowding the vanilla human options. I am sure people deal with the same lack of choices in regards to Echani and stuff.


Plus, to tell the truth, if I decided to play a Kiffar, I'd rather have it say Kiffar on my char sheet than a human, and then I pretend that it's a Kiffar. For the record, I like it that species choice is purely cosmetic save for the humans that do get a hefty bonus!

Edited by DomiSotto
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i think that one of the greatest armor choices that have been made available is the droid body parts. I made such a suggestion back in 2012 here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=550006&page=64 (page 64) and probably not the first one to suggest it.


My first character was a cyborg and I was happy at first, but then I began to long for other additions for that class. Facial implants was simply not enough. The first new species, cathar, i wasn't very thrilled about, but it grew on me and I actually changed the species of my cyborg to cathar. That was before the droid type armor was being released.


Aye, demand for playable droids has been pretty consistent since the game itself was announced. Glad to see a few dividends coming to that crowd, even if it is six years later. :D

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Thanks so much for reviving this! Last I heard bioware had it narrowed to 3 dif species but haven't heard anything since for next.


Mine would be


1: Zeltron

2: Bothan (played a bothan entertainer in SWG, miss it

3: Last ones a tough one but... Faleen I suppose

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