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Stop whinning ,BW has done nothing more instead gave us two more days for early access. Go sleep,work, do stuff, study and be patient.


Whinning cause you aren't playing right NOW!! is so ******* annoying.


And btw we don't HAVE to read all your ****** ******** thoughts....sorry. Happy gaming.

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Your clearly in it then lol.


I'm not :p but I see no reason for drama and whinning...Yes I want to play but still thats not a reason to hate the developers or the company or the game or whatever. I'm just tired seeing all this **** in forums.

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I just imagined how the forums would look if they would have let all in at once. Instead of "I wants to playz nowz kkthx" the threads would probably look like "**** quest mobs camped by millions of noobs roooofl **** hax!!!!!1111." and "Rofl server wait-lag-crah I WANTS MAH CASH BACK NOAW!!!!!!!!!1111."


Which ever way Bioware would have chosen this forum would have exploded with QQ no doubt.

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I'm not :p but I see no reason for drama and whinning...Yes I want to play but still thats not a reason to hate the developers or the company or the game or whatever. I'm just tired seeing all this **** in forums.


I always find this amusing. You are telling people to go do other things and stop whining but you seem incapable of doing the same and create yet another whining post about whining thereby adding more clutter...

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Stop whinning ,BW has done nothing more instead gave us two more days for early access. Go sleep,work, do stuff, study and be patient.


Whinning cause you aren't playing right NOW!! is so ******* annoying.


And btw we don't HAVE to read all your ****** ******** thoughts....sorry. Happy gaming.


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Stop whinning ,BW has done nothing more instead gave us two more days for early access. Go sleep,work, do stuff, study and be patient.


Whinning cause you aren't playing right NOW!! is so ******* annoying.


And btw we don't HAVE to read all your ****** ******** thoughts....sorry. Happy gaming.


i hate to be in the shoes of your followers, if you are a leader you shouldnt start threads like this, it shows disrespect and lack of empathy and not to mention lack of leadership.


gloating threads, whining about whining threads these are worse then the actual complains people have about today's early access.

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I always find this amusing. You are telling people to go do other things and stop whining but you seem incapable of doing the same and create yet another whining post about whining thereby adding more clutter...


You 're missing the point here. Some people just read forums for more info about early access at this point or general stuff but only see whining...If you like that its your problem.

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Hey Everyone,


We ask that topics posted in General Discussion stay focused on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Since this thread is off-topic, we're going to close it. If you would like to discuss Early Game Access, for the time being, please use the Final Wave Sent thread, as we try and keep similiar topics as consolidated as possible.


Thank you!

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