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Paired light saber should be in the game as a weapon all force user classes to use


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Adaptive most certainly effects cut-scenes...you actually SEE your character. Me having a blaster rifle vs an assault canon has LESS impact on those because in almost every freaking cut-scene, my toon draws some imaginary pistol out of his rear.

Well yes, but that would only work for troopers and consulars. (agents flip between using their rifle and their pistol) I say Consulars would work since in their cut scenes they hold their saber in a manner that works for both saberstaffs and single sabers. All other classes would have to have all their cut scenes redone, not to mention all the cut scenes on regular quests.


And yes the same can be said...you're just being disagreeable for no reason. Rather than looking for reasons NOT to add this, how about you help out and look for ways it might work?!

I'm not being disagreeable for no reason, I'm being disagreeable to the rather extreme system the OP and some other posters want. Besides I fall in the camp of people that prefer for there to at least something resembling class identity, its bad enough that we have Chiss dressed like Conan the barbarian running around the jedi temple.


Certain levels of customization are a good thing, but there is a point where too much customization causes everything to be muddled, which is particularly bad in a story and lore driven MMO.



Now I have had ideas for allowing adaptable tech mainhands to address the fact that all force classes can share legacy mainhands between the mirror AC, but not one of the tech classes can. (heck smugglers/agents and mercs/mandos can't even share their offhand)


However my system would just allow switching between specific types, and by adaptable I mean it changes shape to accommodate. So I could wield a pistol that would then change to a rifle animation when I send it to my Vanguard, and might change its model and animation to a assault cannon when equipped on my commando. Or a legacy knife that can be equipped in a shotgun slot.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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I suspect your post comes down to a simple misunderstanding.

SWTOR is a themepark game. Themepark games are not sandbox games. Until SWTOR becomes a sandbox game, which it never will, it will never satisfy the wants of a player who wants a sandbox game.


Continuing to expect a sandbox game out of a themepark game is a failure of the expectation, not a failure of delivery.


The weapon system, restricted though it may be, works. As the post said, everything to do with damage, abilities, skills, cutscenes, etc are all tied to a weapon in one way or another... so, it's not a simple change. It's not even a reasonable change.


I never said anything about sandbox.


Frankly, I think sandbox games are typically overrated. However, here in TOR, they made up differentiations between force using sorts that have nothing to do with lore or, in fact, anything but throwing things into mmo piles.


Does it work? Sure. Is it roughly the equivalent of throwing overcooked noodles in a pot, n dumping ketchup on them and calling it spaghetti to some that love the setting and the lore?


You will never find a single canon explanation for why a jedi sentinel cannot use a blaster pistol, or anything of that sort in any class' considerations. Not one.


That, and a multitude of things like that, we're arbitrated because sobe people that were just doing a job were handed a treasured piece of modern cultural art and they've handled it like children gnawing on taffy.


Jedi sentinels dual wield because mmo.


Guardians single wield because mmo.


Shadows wield saberstaffs because mmo.


The are no other reasons. Anyone that cares about the reasons for anything beyond whatever their marketing and metrics dictate shouldn't hope to find such things here.


It's alright as an mmo. It's pretty god awful and blindingly idiotic as a definitive star wars game, though the stories are fine.


They've got that at least. To me, that's more important anyway.

Edited by Uruare
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Visually identify them is crap reason, considering any character can wear almost any armor now days, this is not a valid reason. Jedi should be able to use any lightsabre/stance, just like non jedi should be able to use any non lightsabre weapon (single pistol, dual pistol, rifle, vibro sword, sniper rifle, etc)


Of course, jedi should also not have restrictions for force powers, jedi/sith should be able to learn all force powers...BUT the game is designed around classes, not skills. One day game designers will move beyond classes, we just have to wait until the current designers (stuck in the past) retire, that way games can evolve past the old school designs (classes and level system) that have been done to death (ie wow "cough" cloned over and over)....


1.) No. Have any of you people seen Kira do master strike with her double bladed saber? It looks ridiculous. The current design is perfectly fine the way it is. You want to use a double bladed saber? Roll a damn assassin or shadow. The weapons keep some form of resemblance for class identity.


2.) HELL NO. Do you have any idea how broken the game would be? So many games have attempted to give that kind of freedom and the games were a broken mess. Remember FFXIV before it got redone? Ya that game let you use any ability from any class. My pugilist could cast heal,protect,shell,stoneskin,shock spike (paralyzes enemies that strike you), drain hp poison, dia etc.... I could practically solo full group content (what little there was). Class and level systems exists because they create good balance. MMO's have to have this thing called a semblance of balance. Lord have mercy on your soul if a jedi knight could learn all the force abilities of a jedi consular. You want that kind of overpowered broken mechanics to make you feel like a god? Go play a single player game. This isn't the genre for you.

Edited by Raansu
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Also adaptable armor doesn't effect animations or cut scenes either.


1) Tell that to people wearing the Regal Miniskirt.

2) Tell that to people playing classes where the cut scenes have the character using a weapon neither the base class nor either AC can use.


My main (Operative) has to deal with both of those bugs.

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...don't, don't bring lore into this. Your entire argument falls apart. But fine, we'll talk about lore. Why are Marauders using two sabres? It doesn't fit the lore. Why are Assassins not using Juyo? It doesn't fit the lore.


Yes, weapons should be interchangeable, you're flat out wrong about that. Your OH is just a proc, it could be done, it won't be done.


It makes perfect sense lorewise for your character to have one weapon that they master completely.

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