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Things you wish they would add in 3.0


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EVE Online's community is a cesspool of trolls, griefers, scammers, goons, frauds, drama queens and cheating developers.


Yes, it was meant to be a cesspool, as part of the experience, but that doesn't make it any better of a community than a septic tank being meant to hold crap makes its contents any nicer.


The developer-misconduct incident to which you refer (You're talking about "T-20," right?) was a long time ago, and they were dealt with, I assure you.


As for the rest, that hasn't stopped those of us who aren't any of these things from thriving within it, and enjoying our time there.


EVE-O is not a game for entitled Millennial theme-park kiddies. Hell, most supposed "adults" can't handle it, either. That's what makes it great.




New playable races:


Voss, Torguta, Nautolan.


(Wookies and Ithoriaans would be cool and all, but I don't think that's a realistic possibility, myself.)

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The developer-misconduct incident to which you refer (You're talking about "T-20," right?) was a long time ago, and they were dealt with, I assure you.


As for the rest, that hasn't stopped those of us who aren't any of these things from thriving within it, and enjoying our time there.


EVE-O is not a game for entitled Millennial theme-park kiddies. Hell, most supposed "adults" can't handle it, either. That's what makes it great.


In SWTOR you RP as a Sith, in EvE you actually get to live in Sith culture, where success is determined by how many people you are able to deceive and backstab.


Sounds wonderful. :rolleyes:

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As for the rest, that hasn't stopped those of us who aren't any of these things from thriving within it, and enjoying our time there.

These are the activities that set EVE apart from the fray.


If you don't troll, don't grief, don't scam, don't gank, don't defraud people, don't create or profit off drama, and don't do your best to cheat - then you're not doing anything in EVE that you can't do in other MMO.

Edited by Heal-To-Full
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....but Eve does belong in the market IMO. Yes, most games now appeal to a wider more casual audience. But that doesn't mean there are not folks out there that crave a more traditional and visceral experience.


Eve can be brutal. Unfair. Corrupt. You are never safe, NOONE IS SAFE, I think that B-R5RB proved that conclusively. Might does not equal safety...the bigger you are, the harder you really can fall.


And all it takes is one ship out of place, or one person that works his way into a corporation with nefarious motives and it all falls down to ash.


This is the kind of environment that the traditional hardcore MMO player thrives in...and though it is a niche market at this point in time, it is still a viable product.

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A game engine that doesn't suck, can handle larger numbers of agents, and can be readily modified.

A bigger dev budget than today, focused on expanding core game play content and not milking KOTOR assets.

UI modifications or at least the very basic ability to sort, filter and highlight buffs, debuffs, and procs.

Mouse-over macros / healing frames - anything that supports healing without changing targets.

Continuing story, particularly class specific story carried forward from launch game.


Could probably come up with a page of things I wish, but I doubt I'll even see any of the above.

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....but Eve does belong in the market IMO.

Oh, I've played it and enjoyed it. Don't have the time for more than one MMO, and you can't "half-arse" EVE, but it was fun.


That said, bringing EVE up as an example of a nice community is quite off. It's a game where everyone's on their worst behavior, by design, so its community makes even the worst theme park ones look good in comparison.

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Oh, I've played it and enjoyed it. Don't have the time for more than one MMO, and you can't "half-arse" EVE, but it was fun.


That said, bringing EVE up as an example of a nice community is quite off. It's a game where everyone's on their worst behavior, by design, so its community makes even the worst theme park ones look good in comparison.


Well, I did point out to that particular forum member that I found any point they presented about a "good" community suspect. I agree with you that the community there is pretty toxic, but naturally that is to be expected. They encourage toxic behavior as part of the overall mood of the game.

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