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Things you wish they would add in 3.0


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What are some things you would like to see added for 3.0 off your wishlist?


I would like to see Smugglers, Bounty Hunters, Troopers and Agents become faction neutral or maybe have a quest to change factions. A couple new classes would be cool too, tho i don't know what they could be maybe some kind of pet class.

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What are some things you would like to see added for 3.0 off your wishlist?


I would like to see Smugglers, Bounty Hunters, Troopers and Agents become faction neutral or maybe have a quest to change factions. A couple new classes would be cool too, tho i don't know what they could be maybe some kind of pet class.


Yes that would be a great idea.

NO ONE would ever whine about their Consulars/Inquisitors or Knights/Warriors not being able to change faction, there wouldn't be a trillion threads about Bioware treating force-sensitive classes like second class citizens and, last but not least, no one would feel slapped in the face for being treated unfairly.


A few ideas like this and the game would die faster than you could say "Star Wars Galaxies"

Edited by TheNahash
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First off if one class can change faction then any class should be able to. But I'm not against faction changes.


I'd like to see at least 2 new planets (or 1 new planet and manaan expanded greatly), more warzones, and I would REALLY like a UI redesign.


Things like crew skills are very poorly designed right now, especially for finding quests at lower levels than your crew skill currently is. Hit n. Click the crew skill on the person you want. Click the drop down. Click the level you want. Scroll to find the quest you want. Click the quest. Click send. That could really be streamlined.

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What are some things you would like to see added for 3.0 off your wishlist?


I would like to see Smugglers, Bounty Hunters, Troopers and Agents become faction neutral or maybe have a quest to change factions. A couple new classes would be cool too, tho i don't know what they could be maybe some kind of pet class.


Faction changes: Not going to happen.

New classes: Not going to happen.

As such, Pet Class: Not going to happen.

New faction: Not going to happen.


All of those are unrealistic expectations...


Realistic expectations would be something to the tune of...

- 1 huttball, 1 arena, and 1 domination map for PVP

- 1 new GSF map

- Level cap raised to 60; 1 new ability per AC

- 1-2 new operations

- 1-2 new planetary story arcs

- 1 new playable species (Prediction: Bothan, Slim possibility: Voss?)

- 1-2 new stronghold locations

- 1-2 new daily zones

- Level cap scaled versions of all existing Tactical FPs

- Level cap HM FP versions of Forged Alliance Tactical + Colicoid War Games + Red Reaper


We can call this section "wall of crazy"

- Legacy based cross-class perks

- Mid-size guild ships

- Increase deployable companions by 1 at level cap

- Increase mission log by at least 5, if not 10

- Appearance tab

- PVE version of GSF

- Dual Spec - Templates that can be called while out of combat, normal field respec can still work any time

Edited by azudelphi
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A) They send Revan out on a high note.


B) After achieving (A), they let the poor sod rest, already :/


C) Proper hard-mode Flashpoints --because Depths of Manaan has the makings of a truly great HM, I think.


D) More endgame/high-tier difficulty solo-by-design content. (By design: Not just solo-bulldozing your way through it because you over-gear it enough.)


E) Few or no new tiers of gear. Yes, really. Tune the new content around the highest tiers of current gear, and reign in the stats/gear bloat without obsoleting everything we've spent the last year and a half working for.


F) An escape along with a full-range root for Mercenary/Commando, reversion of Electrodart/CryoGrenade's range to 30/+ metres.


G) My ultimate wish: BioWare buys itself out from under the slimy, suffocating blanket of EA, and learns to never, ever do that again.

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I would like to see the following in 3.0:


Multi-spec (gear, talents points, and skill/ability binds)

Appearance tabs

Hood toggle system of some sort (would prefer to turn on/off any attachment)

Companion Visual Customization: ability to use designer kiosk on companions

Companion Combat Customization: ability to change companion roles (i.e. Kira to be a Jedi healer)

Advanced Class change, with a 30 day cool-down per account

A daily travel terminal that I can put in my stronghold.

Ability to somehow acquire the shells/ schematics of the old removed PVP conquerer armor sets

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More people signing for Flash points (never going to happen I know), why?> because the rewards Stink, unless the devs sweet the pot for rewards on Flash points, the flash points are going to become obsolete. Edited by Kantaso
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What i would like to see in 3.0 is the following:


1: More Solo PvE content, since lately, there has been none....just purely group content.


2: Balanced Solo mode for flashpoints and heroics with scaled rewards to compensate the solo-ability of the quests for those that want to do the quest without harassment to skip conversations. - You can only do the solo version flashpoints and heroics once for story purposes.


3: No more requirement to bring specific companions on class quests, have them come along in the background, never helping in combat and only being there for story reasons.


4: All companions should have the power to be good healers, dps or tanks, obviously not player level power, but enough to feel comfortable with the companion, instead of 'just using it until you get the healer' or something like that.


5: New Companions, which they said they were working on a while ago, which have same gender romances possible..i am thinking they have given up on it, like pve solo stories and class stories, even though thats what they sold the game on.


6: When it comes to gathering materials for crafting, it would be cool to be able to pick which resources you get when gathering via companion crew missions, even if it costs double, it would be cool to choose which resources i get, not the amount of therm, but which materials i get, for example, a mission which can get you Silica and Desh or Laminoid and Aluminium. Wouldn't it be cool to be able to choose if you got Silica and Desh or Laminoid and Aluminium? I think it would be awesome.


That is what i would want.

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3: No more requirement to bring specific companions on class quests, have them come along in the background, never helping in combat and only being there for story reasons.


4: All companions should have the power to be good healers, dps or tanks, obviously not player level power, but enough to feel comfortable with the companion, instead of 'just using it until you get the healer' or something like that.


Don't see them re-working any older content, so these are highly unlikely.


5: New Companions, which they said they were working on a while ago, which have same gender romances possible..i am thinking they have given up on it, like pve solo stories and class stories, even though thats what they sold the game on.


This is purely a theory, but I am starting to suspect that Bioware is setting us up to choose between Lana and Theron as a new companion. A permanent decision mind you...

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a new warzone..2 would be better

new ops..2 would be better

new planet makeb style

new daily area( manaan)

new class, melee with vibroblade possibly + starter planet obviously

hm of the now tactical flashpoints+ hm red reaper and colicoid..this last would be great with first phase without turrets

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A deeper/richer crafting/materials-gathering system that requires, and also explicitly rewards skill, and time/commitment to improving same.


Enough with this insultingly lazy RNG ********.




Just get rid of it, already --and just so we're clear: That's coming from someone who used to do almost nothing but PvP. Yeah, it doesn't work in this game, OK? And this dev-team clearly has no bloody clue, and cares even less.


PvP, less cynical:


Bring back the old Recruit-level gear, only make it not suck this time. Full Expertise, combat/main stats at approximately the old Conqueror level, Armour-rating and Endurance to roughly current Tier 1, rolling up with subsequent patches with new gear.


Eliminate Bolster from level-cap PvP matches. Yes, Regs and Ranked both.


If we must have Arenas, then why not more modes? I still want my King-of-the-Hill map, 16 men in ---> 1 man out, everyone versus everyone.




After completely ******** on my co-favourite AC for the last four patches so CoD-weaned melée bads could have it a little easier --because moving out of the biggest player-available ability-telegraph in the game whose first tick takes at least 5 seconds to land any of its actual damage is so hard!-- maybe it's about bloody time they finally started fixing things that have been broken since forever?




(I'm on a roll here!)




For those of us who have to wait for two entire chapters with no off-heals before getting a healer-companion, can you at least, finally, un-nerf tank companions so that they're actually useful beyond level 20-ish? 600+ Presence and Legacy Orbital Strike help, but they only goe so far.




Make obsoleted gear-sets and especially sub-endgame level set bonus (below ilvl150-odd at present) armourings craftable.


Make craftable set-bonus armourings that are designed for companions as well as players.


Oh, and can you guys finally implement the scaling to group size to the final missions for the Shroud story-arcs so i can finally get them out of my mission-log after over a year? <3ulots, huggles, kthxbai.

Edited by midianlord
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