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3.0 Expansion: A Deadly Force Returns Discussion


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I have always felt that the mystery surrounding Revan was what made him a great character and answering the questions around him were always going to dampen his legacy as a great character

His cameos in TOR have been odd and anti climatic for the most part I have felt

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Dxun was heavily featured in KoTOR 2. Dunno why you would say that.


Voss is also a planet fleshed out by Bioware and others like Belsavis or Taris were only further explored in the KoTOR series.


What did I say that you don't understand? I know what Dxun is...but I believe it'll be Yavin because Yavin is at least known outside our little geek world.

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What did I say that you don't understand? I know what Dxun is...but I believe it'll be Yavin because Yavin is at least known outside our little geek world.


I never said I didn't understand what you said. What I implied is that your previous statement was inaccurate.


Different things.


KoTOR 2, even if not as successful as the first game, wasn't exactly a game that came and want unheard of and again, Dxun was heavily featured in it.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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I think Bioware is more comfortable exploring planets/lore that is less developed over stuff that is more developed. It lets their staff be more creative. Not saying Yavin IV 3000 years prior to the New Republic doesn't allow for creativity but I think Dxun gives even more flexibility.


I'm still on the fence about whether Revan is in full control of himself at this point or if he's being influenced by them emperor. The throne, the 300 years of being tied/domintated by the emperor's mind, the lightsaber hilt, the red glow of the eyes all seem to point toward some link between the emperor and revan.


I wonder if this expansion doesn't go more toward defeating another Emperor's Voice (Revan) and freeing him from the Emperor's will rather than defeating the Emperor straight up?

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I think Bioware is more comfortable exploring planets/lore that is less developed over stuff that is more developed. It lets their staff be more creative. Not saying Yavin IV 3000 years prior to the New Republic doesn't allow for creativity but I think Dxun gives even more flexibility.


I'm still on the fence about whether Revan is in full control of himself at this point or if he's being influenced by them emperor. The throne, the 300 years of being tied/domintated by the emperor's mind, the lightsaber hilt, the red glow of the eyes all seem to point toward some link between the emperor and revan.


I wonder if this expansion doesn't go more toward defeating another Emperor's Voice (Revan) and freeing him from the Emperor's will rather than defeating the Emperor straight up?



If Revan was being controlled by the Emperor or was his Voice, why would Servant One be preoccupied by the disturbance in the force that worried both the Hand and the Emperor?


Also, the Emperor tried to take over Revan for 300 years(!), while he was on stasis(!!!) and he failed. How would he succeed now exactly?

Again, Revan is Revan.


What remains to be seen is what are his goals. His speech at the end of Legacy of the Rakata say one thing but the teaser surely implies another simultaneously.

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If Revan was being controlled by the Emperor or was his Voice, why would Servant One be preoccupied by the disturbance in the force that worried both the Hand and the Emperor?


Also, the Emperor tried to take over Revan for 300 years(!), while he was on stasis(!!!) and he failed. How would he succeed now exactly?

Again, Revan is Revan.


What remains to be seen is what are his goals. His speech at the end of Legacy of the Rakata say one thing but the teaser surely implies another simultaneously.


I think the emperor used Revan as a tool for 300 years ("using Revan's power to fuel his own") and I imagine a form of torture for trying to defeat him. I don't think we have enough details here to nail anything down but I'm looking forward to seeing where they go with it for sure! Personally I don't mind if Revan is in complete control of himself or not. I like Revan's story and this is another chapter of it.


I do care how it ends however, and would rather not earn the title "Slayer of Darth Revan".

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Sorry but the teaser was an enormous and huge letdown! Disguested that they could not be original and at least reveal what the planet is or what the new level cap will be.


Ugh, when did the word "teaser" turn into "full release of information" in peoples minds?


Just look at the teasers we've gotten for other products:

The Superman vs Batman teaser showed superman staring at batman... wow, we got to see that batman AND superman was in the movie named Superman vs Batman, what a surprise and oh so much information!

The godzilla teaser showed godzilla... attacking a city... with soldiers attacking godzilla... OMG, we would never have guessed that on our own! :rolleyes:

Oh and for a REALLY prime example of what a teaser is, here's a BMW teaser: http://www.bmw.tv/web/com/video.do?videoID=13397


You get to see that it's a car... driving... fast... you don't even see that it's a BMW. The only information you get is that it's a car... driving fast. And then there's the BMW logo that lets you know it's a BMW.


A teaser trailer ISN'T about releasing lots of informaton. It's just to tease what's coming. And what's coming is revan. (and yes we already knew that, but we already knew batman and superman would be in supes vs bats, so that's a moot point)


EDIT: and before anyone says it, sure, the supes vs bats and godzilla teasers showed us what they look like... but so does the revan teaser, we only got to see a hologram of his head in the Rakata Prime FP, this shows him in his entirety. (and the fact that alot of people already knew that from datamined info does not negate that)

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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EDIT: and before anyone says it, sure, the supes vs bats and godzilla teasers showed us what they look like... but so does the revan teaser, we only got to see a hologram of his head in the Rakata Prime FP, this shows him in his entirety. (and the fact that alot of people already knew that from datamined info does not negate that)


please go run Rakata Prime again and not space bar through the cut scenes... Because the very last thing you see before he lays waste to the temple is Revan standing on the Imp flagship in all his Hitler glory. Than he turns to you and you see his mask....

Edited by Warrgames
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please go run Rakata Prime again and not space bar through the cut scenes... Because the very last thing you see before he lays waste to the temple is Revan standing on the Imp flagship in all his Hitler glory. Than he turns to you and you see his mask....

Yeah, I'm confused because a podcast I watched about the flashpoint also said you don't see the front of him except in the hologram, but I definitely saw his mask on the Harrower's bridge before it returns to your character's POV.


Is it different between the Imp and 'Pub sides?

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Yeah, I'm confused because a podcast I watched about the flashpoint also said you don't see the front of him except in the hologram, but I definitely saw his mask on the Harrower's bridge before it returns to your character's POV.


Is it different between the Imp and 'Pub sides?


Nope same little cut scene

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Well, lets hope its all solo content, cause i am quite fed up with it always been fully group content with absolutely no solo content what so ever.


They need to release more info, a 23sec trailer is not enough to keep me interested, bioware needs to give us more solo content and group content, an equal amount of it, because story + grouping = bad combo since all players do in groups is rush through it for the loot, not really caring about the story.

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From a story perspective and with all the talks about Revan and He-who-shall-not-be-named-but-we-already-know-he-is-still-alive-too, i get the feeling like Bioware might go with the Dragonheart (1996) type of ending :



Revan and the Emperor are so connected and their essences so intertwined that in order for the Emperor to truly die, Revan must also die. So in the end, we might have to kill Revan for the greater good. Of course, that would mean that the Empire also knows about the Emperor's genocide plan and decides to fight against him following a united Dark Council for the sake of the Empire's very survival.


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Is this an expansion you can do yourself like Makeb or will you need a group?
Most of the content will obviously be solo, but group FPs/Ops/Heroics may serve as the story finale as it happened many times already with Oricon being primary model Edited by Pietrastor
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Most of the content will obviously be solo, but group FPs/Ops/Heroics may serve as the story finale as it happened many times already with Oricon being primary model


They did say 3.0 would be an expansion like RotHC so I doubt you'll need to run an op to finish the story. It's probable that there'll be some heroic thrown in for good measure but not an op.

Edited by DarthKartus
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