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3.0 Expansion: A Deadly Force Returns Discussion


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From a story perspective and with all the talks about Revan and He-who-shall-not-be-named-but-we-already-know-he-is-still-alive-too, i get the feeling like Bioware might go with the Dragonheart (1996) type of ending :



Revan and the Emperor are so connected and their essences so intertwined that in order for the Emperor to truly die, Revan must also die. So in the end, we might have to kill Revan for the greater good. Of course, that would mean that the Empire also knows about the Emperor's genocide plan and decides to fight against him following a united Dark Council for the sake of the Empire's very survival.

I'm pretty sure it says in the Darth Plagueis book that Vitiate eventually dies, only thousands of years later.

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Cross faction groups would be a mess. How would you recruit people for it? Making a global chat for all factions? Can you imagine what clusterf**k that would create?


To be fair cross-faction is badly needed for ranked solo queue at least, would solve a lot of issues with that mess.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really hope they don't do this but hasn't anyone thought this could be about Exar Kun?

Lets look at it: Revan is in what looks like to be a temple with a throne on a jungle planet that is probably Yavin 4. Who was an infamous figure who bound himself to a temple in death and ruled an army in life? Exar Kun

The fact that its 'a deadly force returns' also hints to this because Kun was widely regarded as the best of his day AND was known to have been praised by ancient sith spirits as the true sith champion whilst Vitiate was still alive which would explain why Revan would go there if he is trying to defeat the Sith Emperor.

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