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SWTOR is canon


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I personally do not see anything wrong with a fan considering this game part of the valid Star Wars universe.


Personally I chalk up the existence of midichlorians, young Annakin, moaning Darth Vader and Jar Jar to bad sushi from a convenience store and too many Long Island Ice Teas.....which made me believe they exist.


They don't as far as I am concerned. Just figments of my imagination.


I like quite a bit of the EU, SOME of the storyline here (though I despise the idea of "light side sith").


Quite a few folks tend to misunderstand the meaning the canon. So I will draw it out here.


Canon exists for the sake of writers. The idea is that it defines what writers have to be obliged to acknowledge and perhaps reference when writing new material.


Canon does not mean it is correct information....many times mistakes are made in TV shows or movies but is still considered part of canon. But it does mean that writers can NOT write officially supported scripts or books that contradict canon established information without specific and direct permission.


So it exists as a guide for all those that write officially supported storylines.


If you do not require official support of your storyline, but simply want to pay for the right to use the trademark, you can still write storylines outside of officially recognized canon material....but it still requires approval. This approval does NOT make it canon, it only approves use of canon elements in your non-canon storyline.


So, classifying SWTOR as non-canon does not mean it does not exist...only that writers do not have to follow it's established storyline when writing new storylines for Star Wars that has official sanction.

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Personally the original trilogy has the best storyline for me, period, above all else.


Nothing beats the Darth Vader "I am your father" reveal. One of the best twists of ANY movie IMO.

ESB is the only one with trully good consistient writing. ANH, well, it's decent and what started it all and a classic but well, even the most die-hard fans gotta realize it ain't Shakespeare though, just simple commerical bloskbuster story but nothing bad/offensive. ROTJ yeah thats when it started to go downhill. Edited by Pietrastor
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ESB is the only one with trully good consistient writing. ANH, well, it's decent and what started it all and a classic but well, even the most die-hard fans gotta realize it ain't Shakespeare though, just simple commerical bloskbuster story but nothing bad/offensive. ROTJ yeah thats when it started to go downhill.




Love Treek in this game, but the Ewoks in RotJ made me cringe. Liked the sequence with Luke and Vader though.


But I added a bit of fannon to the end of that movie for my own purposes.


First, I think Vader purposefully lowered his lightsaber and tried to get Luke to strike him down at the end of the battle. You can clearly see him lean back on the rail and "give up"....and I say this was a tactic to get Luke to "do the deed" and finally turn.


I also think that Luke naturally resisted the Emperors power. If you see how long he resisted the lightning the Emperor cast, I surmise he was very strong in the force. It only took a short blast to throw Annakin against the wall from Dooku.


Theres more unfortunately...I also think the Emperor realized this would be harder than he originally thought and perhaps felt fear....and Vader picked up on that. I think when he killed the Emperor he had not completely turned yet...he had decided the Emperor was too weak to remain alive....this was his chance to kill him.


So it was partly to save Luke, partly to finally kill the weak Emperor.


This is all just my unfounded creation. I also decided that Midichlorians FEED off of the force, not create it, so they made a mistake early on. Midichlorians are high in folks that have huge force potential because the amount of force that flows through them is unnaturally high...so it is a plentiful food source.


I even imagine the end of RotS is different....Vader did not moan "Noooooo"....instead he roared in anger.


Often folks will adjust the fiction they love to fit their way of thinking. I don't see anything wrong with this.


Oh....and Han shot first. My eyes were just playing tricks on me.

Edited by LordArtemis
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ESB is the only one with trully good consistient writing. ANH, well, it's decent and what started it all and a classic but well, even the most die-hard fans gotta realize it ain't Shakespeare though, just simple commerical bloskbuster story but nothing bad/offensive. ROTJ yeah thats when it started to go downhill.


Of course it's not Shakespeare.

You know what's REALLY not Shakespeare? The tripe that the glorified fan fic authors have tried to push at us under the EU banner. I mean, sure, there are lines in Star Wars that don't work, but there are fewer lines in the movies that don't work than there are lines in the books that DO.

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Disney killed the old Star Wars and is bringing back a copy. In these circles it's called "rebooting".


I want nothing to do with their new "reboot", though I probably won't be able to stay away from the movies. But I'm sure as hell not going to pay a cent for any "new canon" or anything with the word "Legends" printed on it.


SWTOR is the one bundle of neurons still twitching for some reason. Though I've heard rumors they were trying to kill that too.


My canon is Ep1-6 +EU.

Edited by CrutchCricket
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SWTOR is canon

I dont care anymore. BW ruined one of the most amazing stories and characters in SW canon/lore - Revan. I wont watch any of the new FP cutscenes ( SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP). My childhood hero became one crazy cloun lunatic who spending his time decorating his stronghold.

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I find it interesting how Musco used the exact same wording as during the Gamescom cantina tour.


at 16:45

to http://www.twitch.tv/swtor/b/569206763 at 21:00.

I'm sure he got that straight from the Marketing team and that's what they want to be the official stance on it. Since he is evading the question and not saying SWTOR is canon, I think it's safe to assume that SWTOR is not part of the new canon. I think it's going to be interesting how this develops in the future, but until then that's your answer.


It is obviously a official response to this question. Possibly not by a marketing team, but it is what the community team is using. I guess that even LucasArts is not really sure about declaring SWTOR canon or not...

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I dont care anymore. BW ruined one of the most amazing stories and characters in SW canon/lore - Revan. I wont watch any of the new FP cutscenes ( SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP SKIP). My childhood hero became one crazy cloun lunatic who spending his time decorating his stronghold.


Lets see your other heroes spent 300 years in stasis getting mind raped by a being of pure evil. See how they turn out (assuming that guy even is Revan)

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What did I just read?! :confused::eek:


Conspiracy Nuts Encyclopedia, Volume I. ( Prelude )


Lets see your other heroes spent 300 years in stasis getting mind raped by a being of pure evil. See how they turn out (assuming that guy even is Revan)


For what is worth...

They "probed" one another, seeing that Revan was in his mind too, subtly manipulating the Emperor. Even so, I don't envy him one bit.


Edited by Darth_Wicked
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It is obviously a official response to this question. Possibly not by a marketing team, but it is what the community team is using. I guess that even LucasArts is not really sure about declaring SWTOR canon or not...
im wondering if that with his statement and this unrelated buy intresting quote...

It is possible that someday far from now, a future product may depend on setting canon versions of some events, as happened with KOTOR and KOTOR II. Nobody can say for sure.

that TOR is staying legends because Disney are not sure what to do with it, i think they may eventually establish it as cannon but do what they did with KOTOR and wait and say ok so knight was a light side male ect. Edited by Kaisernick
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The movies set the precedent for what is canon and video games follow along. If the don't, then they don't, they're video games. Video games will never be cannon for a movie franchise (maybe an exception for movies based off of a game).


Now the different levels of Canon that were in place before the great Disney Purge is no more. Now Disney has declared that they, and only they, decide whats Canon; So far they've stated that all six films, the clone wars and the upcoming SW; Rebels ARE Canon. In addition there are 3 novels coming out working as background for E7, these are also declared as Canon. If it's a video game, comic, book or a cup holder for that matter IF Disney says its Canon then it is.

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Im not even sure why this is such a big debate.


KoTOR and SWTOR take place 3,000 years before A New Hope. When this game was first announced the Devs spoke on how this was done on purpose so they could create their own lore and not be hindered by the 6 films.


There is nothing that has happened before, during or after KoTOR that has any effect on what Disney is doing in Episode 7,8 and 9. Same goes for SWTOR. Its so far removed from everything occurring through out the 6 films and future films that its rather ridiculous that this is even being argued about.


Its so far in the past that it could easily be explained away as being apart of a forgotten era. Its THAT far removed from the Films and Shows. I mean. Can anyone here tell me what happened on this date in the year 986 BC? No of course not. The Films and Shows reflect this through the Characters like Yoda, Obi Wan and Windu only being able to recall something occurring 1000 years prior to Episode 1.

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Im not even sure why this is such a big debate.


KoTOR and SWTOR take place 3,000 years before A New Hope. When this game was first announced the Devs spoke on how this was done on purpose so they could create their own lore and not be hindered by the 6 films.


There is nothing that has happened before, during or after KoTOR that has any effect on what Disney is doing in Episode 7,8 and 9. Same goes for SWTOR. Its so far removed from everything occurring through out the 6 films and future films that its rather ridiculous that this is even being argued about.


Its so far in the past that it could easily be explained away as being apart of a forgotten era. Its THAT far removed from the Films and Shows. I mean. Can anyone here tell me what happened on this date in the year 986 BC? No of course not. The Films and Shows reflect this through the Characters like Yoda, Obi Wan and Windu only being able to recall something occurring 1000 years prior to Episode 1.


Well, this makes for an interesting read ...

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Jedi Sentinel in Lore is a class just like Jedi Guardian and Jedi Consular. TOR keep the name Sentinel and used it instead of KotOR II Jedi Guardian's Light side Prestige Class: Jedi Weapon Master. KotOR II Jedi Guardian's Dark side Prestige Class: Sith Marauder.


TOR Sith Assassin is KotOR II Jedi Sentinel's Dark side Prestige Class and Jedi Shadow in Lore was a Jedi Sentinel.

Edited by Ramtar
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I'm sorry but that makes no sense.


Fan fiction and "fanon" as you call it, are fine but burying your hand in the virtual sand and pretending what you don't like doesn't exist is futile. Everything going forward will be based on where they take the story with the movies. Hate them or love them, that's the story. You can choose to stop watching, remain with the memory of the old trilogy and that's fine but that's pretty much all you can do.


And that's true of any story really: the original creator (or, nowadays, the one who has the rights) tells the story and you choose if you want to follow it or not, but you don't get to make the decision of what's acceptable and what's not.


You can't say the Trojans won in The Iliad because Homer says they didn't, you can't say Romeo & Juliet lived happily ever after because Shakespeare says they didn't, you can't say the animals never became indistinguishable from humans in the Animal Farm because Orwell says they did and you can't say JarJar never happened because Lucas' says he did.


Here is how it works......If fans demand something and Disney sees profit in it then....it happens. The reason they discarded a lot of EU stuff is that.....it would greatly restrict anyone who wants to do something new and much of the EU is not well written or well known to most people.

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