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Kicked from an FP for mentioning World of Warcraft?


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Sup everyone so I'm not sure if it's some unwritten law but last night and two nights before that I was kicked from an FP for mentioning WoW. Literally the only thing I asked is if anyone in the group was from WoW and if they thought this game was better than WoW. I then mentioned that I was a 8 Year WoW vet then the next thing I saw was that I got removed from the group. Why are players so touchy about this subject? Edited by tehrealdealz
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Sup everyone so I'm not sure if it's some unwritten law but last night and two nights before that I was kicked from an FP for mentioning WoW. Literally the only thing I asked is if anyone in the group was from WoW and if they thought this game was better than WoW. I then mentioned that I was a 8 Year WoW vet then the next thing I saw was that I got removed from the group. Why are players so touchy about this subject?


Well... You were in an FP. Most of the time in FP groups, people talk about what is going on on the FP.


Save the WoW talk for Fleet Gen Chat.


That being said, I think booting you may have been a bit harsh.

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If it was a vote to kick the majority had to agree, right? So the issue probably was not WoW itself, but your inattention to the job at hand. If the team is trying to take down the Bad Guys and you're off talking about what you had for dinner, I can see where they might think you aren't a team player.
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This is an MMO (and coming from WoW, you should know this), and that means there are tons and tons and tons of different people playing the game.

Some have strange reactions to strange stuff.


These people proably just hated WoW and WoW players for some reason.

Maby they've had bad experiences with WoW players in this game before.

Maby they just thought you were too chatty and off-topic.


Bottom line is, sometimes you get kicked for the darndest reasons. And that's just the way it is, there's nothing to do about it other than queueing up again.

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Can't really comment without being there, but it seems rather harsh. I think LyraineAlei may have a point, though. May one ask, did anyone reply to you or did they keep quiet? Did you actually state your opinion (I.e Did you say WoW was better?)


The first FP I was in, two people responded. One guy said basically "Fukk WoW" and the other guy said "dont mention wow again". That was it. The other group that kicked me from the FP I saw under reason "wow is gay". I mean it's fine I guess I just wont mention WOW but still I was really surprised by how touchy people got lol.

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The first FP I was in, two people responded. One guy said basically "Fukk WoW" and the other guy said "dont mention wow again". That was it. The other group that kicked me from the FP I saw under reason "wow is gay". I mean it's fine I guess I just wont mention WOW but still I was really surprised by how touchy people got lol.


It's because 99% of people that talk about WoW in this game are trolls. They think they are funny, but they are not, and most of players are tired of it. You probably scared this people, they assumed you are a troll, and you could ruin their FP, this is why they made this decision. I wouldn't do that personaly, I would say I played WoW for few hours, didn't liked it, and I love SWTOR, and just wait for your response. If agressive, then kick.

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. I mean it's fine I guess I just wont mention WOW but still I was really surprised by how touchy people got lol.


It's not that we're touchy, but in general, unless you know your group members really well, just talk FP. Or leave the WoW talk for Fleet General Chat.


And like the previous poster, a low of people claiming to have loved WoW, talking about it etc. Are trolls.

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It's because 99% of people that talk about WoW in this game are trolls. They think they are funny, but they are not, and most of players are tired of it. You probably scared this people, they assumed you are a troll, and you could ruin their FP, this is why they made this decision. I wouldn't do that personaly, I would say I played WoW for few hours, didn't liked it, and I love SWTOR, and just wait for your response. If agressive, then kick.


I'll talk about any game I feel like talking about personally if people can't handle it they need to grow a pair... With that being said, there are ways to talk about other games without making sensitive Star Wars players feel butt hurt. I'll be honest every game has its merits yes wow was king of the hill for quite some time but guess what things change and the fact this is Star Wars it is by far my favourite game even though I played wow since opening week, I see a lot of similaritys in wow as I do here from the first two years of that game.. At the time there was a mass Exodus from Everquest and everyone that was in world of Warcraft at the time was butt hurt over that game.... ;)

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The first FP I was in, two people responded. One guy said basically "Fukk WoW" and the other guy said "dont mention wow again". That was it. The other group that kicked me from the FP I saw under reason "wow is gay". I mean it's fine I guess I just wont mention WOW but still I was really surprised by how touchy people got lol.


I see, thanks.


To be fair, if I joined a group like that (Who use gay as a slur, are rude) then frankly I would be glad to be rid of them. You did not do anything wrong, it seems. As something of a WoW/MMO veteran myself, I think the problem lies in how territorial some people take their games. For various reasons they see there current MMO as being the best, and anything else is rubbish. I see it all the time, in-game and on forums. WoW in particular gets a lot of slack with other MMO games, especially when MoP came out. It is not something exclusive to SWTOR though, I have seen in most recently in FFXIV, with people bad mouthing SWTOR and WoW. A similar thing happens when new games are released.


I would be more understanding if it was civil, constrictive criticism they give. But more often then not, especially in-game, it is just being rude for the sake of it, and is frankly a silly attitude to have.

Edited by Cyberwoman
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The first FP I was in, two people responded. One guy said basically "Fukk WoW" and the other guy said "dont mention wow again". That was it. The other group that kicked me from the FP I saw under reason "wow is gay". I mean it's fine I guess I just wont mention WOW but still I was really surprised by how touchy people got lol.


I'm guessing it wasn't the fact that you mentioned WoW but that you were wasting time talking and not fighting.


"wow is gay"


If Wow is gay, SWTOR is bisexual.

You enjoy both the story and the fights, so you get the best of both worlds :p

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Foe some reason,i think that op fails to mention all that went in the fp chat. In my experience people rarely get kicked from fp,usually due to long disconnects or needing on different classes stuff. Never ever ever was someone kicked due to crap they posted in chat.
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I will actively boot WoWinites as well.


I had so many bad experiences in that game and all of them community related. I was randomly booted from tons of groups because someone didn't like my spec, name, class, gear, weapon, and so on, that I feel some payback is in order when people bring up that game in a group setting.

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Since a common and massively disliked form of trolling is to say something like


WOW is the first MMO ever


WOW is the best MMO ever


My guess is group figured they had a troll and just tossed you on principle


Personally I would not have kicked you for asking that question

I would have put you on ignore so I never have to hear you ask that question again (trolling version or real version)


Kicking might be a over reaction

But not a big one


As someone else pointed out, ask that nonsense on fleet chat or even on off topic forum here


And honestly OP, I suspect you know that and were looking for attention of any type by asking it in first place.

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Less chit chat, more killing.


Also, people have a tendency to white-wash their own actions when they come to the forums to complain. So, for all we know, you went trolling and got kicked over it.


In the future, keep your opinions to yourself when working with a handful of strangers.

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Less chit chat, more killing.


Also, people have a tendency to white-wash their own actions when they come to the forums to complain. So, for all we know, you went trolling and got kicked over it.


In the future, keep your opinions to yourself when working with a handful of strangers.


^ Lol yes let's just keep everyone silent, no ideas are a good thing... Makes me want to go all political on you but meh...

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In an FP, people are usually more interested in getting the fights done than chatting and idea sharing.


Yeah, it's nice though to talk with people in the group though, some groups just flat out rush and but . Maybe the op was just trying to start conversation though....

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Yeah, it's nice though to talk with people in the group though, some groups just flat out rush and but . Maybe the op was just trying to start conversation though....


It is nice, and it likely was an attempt to start convos, but from my experience, other than a 'haha' or '<bleep>' or similar comments in cut scenes or commands on who to fight when and how, very little is said in group chat for FPs, usually. Maybe asking why one LS choice, and a DS choice another time, but other than that... Pretty quiet.


Oh, and "thanks for grouping" is said a lot.

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It is nice, and it likely was an attempt to start convos, but from my experience, other than a 'haha' or '<bleep>' or similar comments in cut scenes or commands on who to fight when and how, very little is said in group chat for FPs, usually. Maybe asking why one LS choice, and a DS choice another time, but other than that... Pretty quiet.


Oh, and "thanks for grouping" is said a lot.


Yeah, I have been in tactics though with some very friendly people, who do chat. And I have been in some that frankly make me sick to my stomach at the derogatory comments on someone's type of character.... Sad but true though unfortunately i:(

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Sup everyone so I'm not sure if it's some unwritten law but last night and two nights before that I was kicked from an FP for mentioning WoW. Literally the only thing I asked is if anyone in the group was from WoW and if they thought this game was better than WoW. I then mentioned that I was a 8 Year WoW vet then the next thing I saw was that I got removed from the group. Why are players so touchy about this subject?
you were being annoying; its not meant to be an insult but this thread is kind of annoying too.


its a multiplayer game, so you have to try to fit in. people in fps dont want to sit and chat about other games...or chat at all.

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