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Swtor your thoughts so far...are you happy PLEASE GIVE SERIOUS COMMENTS


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ive been playing swtor since early beta. and when i logged in for the first time. i thought it was so amazing. the potential in this game was endless. as it launched i began leveling characters. and once i got to 50... it was nothing more then a daily grind. the crafting, at first you send your companions out to craft and gather mats, but that ended up being lame. and the crafting itself. is lame. we cant craft GOOD weapons... and the mods that we craft COST an arm and a leg. and when we wanto look different, we goto rip those mods out and it costs at least 12k a mod in each item. which is alot just to look different. your space is AWfUL the rail shooter is what it is... but adding the starfighter pvp was even worse. regular pvp is even worse. the 4v4 arenas are the best imo, but thats just the tip of the ice burg its very unbalanced ,

NOw when the housing was coming out i thought it looked cool, but. whats it turn out to be.. another money / credit dump just like anything else... as a subscriber since day one... they need to give subcribers more because this is BS, ive played alot of mmos ,,,, SWG, Eq2, WOW, DCUO, Rift, ill say right now... all those games are so much better in alot of the reasons i stated above,,, but one thing swtor does good, is. the leveling system. the storys are so good.. its like once you got to 45 50... thats it...

Now theres alot of people that play swtor that have never played another mmo, and trust me your missing out, cause swtor at its state right now is by far the worst, in alot of ways. but like i said the leveling is great, the only reason its up is cause of the Cartel market, BRING BIOWARE BACK to the developing.. we know its EA doing alot of the developing and face it.. your no good at it, also NO space MMO sim will beat SWG Jump to lightspeed, but thats irrelovent , ill keep subbing but hell i only logged on three times this months biling cycle. tried quing for the new fps and the que didnt pop. anyway. i would like to hear other people honest opinion that have played other mmos. not just swtor


Thx Niklaus

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Well, in answer to the title, yes I am happy about SWTOR. I started playing around three months after launch, and I have not stopped subbing since. I adore the atmosphere of the game and how deep and interactive the story is compared to most MMO games. I love the graphics and world designs, and I find the gameplay fun. I am a very casual PVP player at most, so I can not really comment on that, but I have fallen in love with the Housing system. Yes, it may be a credit sink, but it is a fun one at that!


I do think perhaps the subbing system should have a 'Loyalty' system of sorts (For every few months you have subscribed, you get an exclusive vanity item or something) but I am happy with what I get as a subscriber. There are elements of the CM I am not to keen on, such as the 'random packs' idea (If it was up to me, each piece of gear would be up for individual sale rather then a lottery) but at the same time I do not see it as the soul-devouring menace that some people do.


I should note that I have been playing MMO games since around 2004, my first being FFXI. Since then I have played/tried WoW, CoH/V, EverQuest II, SWG, FFXIV, The Secret World, Marvel Heroes, Defiance and several others which I can not recall. My top 3 would probably be SWTOR, FFXIV and then WoW. Each to their own, though! :i_angel:


May one ask, Foreignobjects, why are you still subbing if you obviously hate most of the aspects of the game? Why not go F2P, or take a brake/quite the game for good?

Edited by Cyberwoman
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Niklaus, let me introduce you to my friends: Paragraphs and Punctuation.


What I find most annoying is that the people who type like that are usually english native speakers, while others who are not do their best to convey whatever they're thinking in another language that is not theirs.


Me included.




Is this a goodbye thread? If yes, can we have your stuff? If not...


WTB / Translator


Also, what's "irrelovent"? Is it related to "ventriloquism"?

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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What I find most annoying is that the people who type like that are usually english native speakers, while others who are not do their best to convey whatever they're thinking in another language that is not theirs.


Me included.


Personally, what bugs me the most is "its/it's".

If we can learn the difference, native speakers CAN TOO.


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ive been playing swtor since early beta. and when i logged in for the first time. i thought it was so amazing. the potential in this game was endless. as it launched i began leveling characters. and once i got to 50... it was nothing more then a daily grind. the crafting, at first you send your companions out to craft and gather mats, but that ended up being lame. and the crafting itself. is lame. we cant craft GOOD weapons... and the mods that we craft COST an arm and a leg. and when we wanto look different, we goto rip those mods out and it costs at least 12k a mod in each item. which is alot just to look different. your space is AWfUL the rail shooter is what it is... but adding the starfighter pvp was even worse. regular pvp is even worse. the 4v4 arenas are the best imo, but thats just the tip of the ice burg its very unbalanced ,

NOw when the housing was coming out i thought it looked cool, but. whats it turn out to be.. another money / credit dump just like anything else... as a subscriber since day one... they need to give subcribers more because this is BS, ive played alot of mmos ,,,, SWG, Eq2, WOW, DCUO, Rift, ill say right now... all those games are so much better in alot of the reasons i stated above,,, but one thing swtor does good, is. the leveling system. the storys are so good.. its like once you got to 45 50... thats it...

Now theres alot of people that play swtor that have never played another mmo, and trust me your missing out, cause swtor at its state right now is by far the worst, in alot of ways. but like i said the leveling is great, the only reason its up is cause of the Cartel market, BRING BIOWARE BACK to the developing.. we know its EA doing alot of the developing and face it.. your no good at it, also NO space MMO sim will beat SWG Jump to lightspeed, but thats irrelovent , ill keep subbing but hell i only logged on three times this months biling cycle. tried quing for the new fps and the que didnt pop. anyway. i would like to hear other people honest opinion that have played other mmos. not just swtor


Thx Niklaus


The title says you want serious answers, then you butcher the English language in your post. Im not real sure what youre saying in that blob of words, but I will answer the only thing I do understand.


Yes, I am happy with SWTOR.

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What I find most annoying is that the people who type like that are usually english native speakers, while others who are not do their best to convey whatever they're thinking in another language that is not theirs.


Me included.


Hear (yes I know its the wrong one) lies the problem. Where none native English speaking people learned proper English and are use to using it in the proper form. Native speaking English people have adopted a more of broken English because of text message and autocorrect. The don't think about proper sentence structure or word choice when writing. Where as non-native English people focus on it because of translating a foreign language into English can be difficult sometimes.

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The game is great imo.


Don't have a problem with pvp, flashpoints or operations.

Ranked pvp waiting times are the only downside for me.

The story for each class is really good, but they should consider getting a few more voice actors for future updates.


Hopefully the next expansion will be a bit longer than the previous one.

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Didnt read the block of text. Ill go back and read when OP punctuates it and puts in proper sentance structure.


So responding only to thread title.


Im still 50/50 on SW:TOR

I dont hate it by any means and WANT to like it

But they still refuse to fix some serious bugs/issues that been around for a long long long time now


So its still 50/50 for me


What I like:


-I like general direction of game and if the rumours of whats coming at end of this year true, Ill be very excited indeed (Ive heard 2 planets,

mannan and wookie world as playable planets.

the current flashpoints with no hm version will get hm versions at level 60.

Level increase to 60

And a 3rd faction (which going off story would seem to be Revanites))


- I like conquests (though they need to fix some points items still)

- love housing

- love the new flashpoints (and hope they continue to put more in)


as I said, I like general direction of game and like the rumours for end of year update


What I dont like:


- bugs bugs and more bugs. Im getting really tired of the 1-2-3 year old bug not getting fixed and really tired of EAs form letter response when you submit a bug report. This is starting to become a issue for me and probably the leading reason currently why I still might close account in foreseeable future. STOP telling us things over 3 months old are known and need to be fixed in a future patch. FIX THE @#%@#%@# BUG already. I think giveing you 3 months to fix KNOWN BUGS is more then enough time.)


- geared out premades farming unranked warzones. I have not stepped foot in the warzones this week for conquests and will not. I want in couple weeks ago and first couple matchs were sorta fun (but didnt even remotely compare to the open world PVP we did during gree and rakghoul event) but then the uber geared kiddies in fully formed premades came in and devestated the warzone. Old issue. I will never understand why EA insists on gear > skill warzone set ups but I have no interest in it. And GOOD PVP remains the big ticket item that could make me leave SW:TOR. SW:TOR PVP as it stands is crap crap crap and getting worse.


Im hoping the rumored 3rd faction will be a start to RVR in the open world and put the final nail in the coffin of warzone kiddyland pvp.


Not much sense going over the bad stuff. As I said from word go its all VERY OLD complaints that been echoed from closed beta and onwards. EA seems to have fresh veiw with new devs and thats great as old devs had no clue. But sadly new devs seem just as inactive in fixing existing issues as the old ones were. And thats getting really tiresome to me.


fix the bugs

fix the pathing problems

fix the ...

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I am still subscriber so overall i am happy.

Would be much happier if there were new HM fps and another story chapters (much more extensive then forged alliance comics),also if conquest was modified to allow smaller guilds to compete among themself.

Would be absolutely ecstatic if new class storylines were added ,but thats fantasy realm.

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I think any rumours of a 3rd faction are probably far fetched dreamland fantasy stuff.


Personally, it's alright. I'm still playing it and still paying for it and unlike some people who seem to be just paying for it in order to moan about it, the moment I'm not enjoying it I'm gone.

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I think any rumours of a 3rd faction are probably far fetched dreamland fantasy stuff.


Personally, it's alright. I'm still playing it and still paying for it and unlike some people who seem to be just paying for it in order to moan about it, the moment I'm not enjoying it I'm gone.


thought the same until I finished this latest flashpoint


listen to what is said in it

See a certain offer made on imp side


this latest flashpoint makes the 3rd faction rumor VERY POSSIBLE

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While there surely have been some serious improvements, I don't like the overall direction of the game, namely the introduction of tactical flashpoints (an the resulting lack of new normal SM flashpoints) and the way new story has been introduced lately. I want the general story not to be tied to group content and to consist of more than a few cutscenes before, in and after a flashpoint and new companions that are not an ewok.


However, I'll wait and see if 3.0 is more to my liking.


The things I enjoy doing in this game is basically the content up to 2.0.

In terms of QoL improvements and other stuff, I am more or less happy about the current situation, though I wished some changes to abilities would have never been made.

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The best I can say is that I'm not unhappy overall.


I used to be very unhappy with crafting being such a slot machine. Then I wrote it off and stopped caring.


I'm none too impressed with GSF. It's got nothing I want going on, and nothing I might start wanting in a fashion I want to bother in.


Conquest might as well be a news broadcast in another galaxy for as relevant as it is our shall ever be to my interests.


I like strongholds for the most part, though they're hooked (minus points) and decorations worth owning are RNG quests to generate by playing the game.


Guild ships are a great idea executed in a needlessly expensive manner, both to buy the first place and to unlock thereafter.


I don't do Ops unless a pug is forming and I want to go. If they vanished from the game, I probably wouldn't even care.


I like doing groupfinder hm's and tacticals, though it turns into a boring grind often before I get much of anything I wanted out of it.


I feel kinda ambivalent, really.


They obliterated all possibility of excitement out of me early on. Never again.


I'm playing almost entirely to rp with my RP crew.


If they went away, I'd be out the door with them.

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I have been continuously subbed since July 2012, and the game is vastly better now than it was when I started subbing, in terms of the amount of content available, elder game activities, and quality of life.


I've played other MMOs such as TESO, Firefall, Champions Online, AoC, Rift, Tera, Vindictus, APB (not WoW though) and SWTOR is far superior to those other MMOs, in my opinion, with respect to how I play. Of those other MMOs, Firefall is the only MMO that I still play occasionally.


So bottom line -- SWTOR is my main MMO, and I really enjoy it.

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