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I don't want to hear about "jugs op" anymore!


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I'll make some compilation. I killed several different Bad juggernauts within 5 seconds with new combat changes without them even having the time to use ed. :)


Fixed that for you.


Also it was completely possible to do that before the combat changes (seeing as I did that almost on a daily basis as a carnage mara). Good players beat bad players.

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I'll make some compilation. I killed several different juggernauts within 5 seconds with new combat changes without them even having the time to use ed. :)


I don't really think it's worth bragging about when you can kill bad juggs who think that enraged defense is a cooldown that will save you when you pop it at 5% HP.

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Funny cause i've globaled them with combat before the buff and after the buff because they are bad and didn't pop ed or had already used it..... i've also hit veng jugs with 2 10k hits back to back eating full ms/ravage pre buff and post buff and have him heal to full with ed.... point? :p

even vengeance/vigilance can be caught with there pants down sometimes ;)

Also new combat burst is way more predictable to shut down then what it was before. Before 2.10 changes you could get stunned through gore/precision but proc a reset ready for coming out of cc now you have to wait :p

Edited by AngusFTW
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I'll make some compilation. I killed several different juggernauts within 5 seconds with new combat changes without them even having the time to use ed. :)



So let me get this straight, you solo-ed some juggernauts, ipso facto juggs are not OP? Let us be honest, just like sentinels a while back, juggs need a slight adjustment to their cooldowns. The fact that yolo and normals have minimum 2 juggs who heal 140k is a wake up call for the devs. PVP and yolo's are not duels to formulate a valid explanation on class status. Since launch shadows were duel kings but useless in pvp for a long time. Similarly, juggs can be killed in duels , good juggs can even win duels, but in pvp, juggs are OP. So are balance shadows and I play a shadow in infiltration as I refuse to be a sheep.



PS: regarding new combat? How much more does BW need to hold the hand of the player? I mean honestly, where is the challenge of playing a class? When 3.0 hits, if it ever hits, we will macro rotations and go afk.

Edited by Leafy_Bug
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I'll make some compilation. I killed several different juggernauts within 5 seconds with new combat changes without them even having the time to use ed. :)


What the hell took so long? With your skills.....



Smash needs a buff.

Edited by sauerkraut
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I fail to see how the combat changes made combat any better versus jugs than before. They didn't get more burst or more DPS, the only change is that combat sents don't have to worry about having a wild HoJ proc appearing and critting on their rotation for over 9k. Edited by Zoom_VI
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I'll make some compilation. I killed several different juggernauts within 5 seconds with new combat changes without them even having the time to use ed. :)


But what about the Stunlocking Teams of Operatives!? They still need nerfing, right!?

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Let us be honest, just like sentinels a while back, juggs need a slight adjustment to their cooldowns. The fact that yolo and normals have minimum 2 juggs who heal 140k is a wake up call for the devs. PVP and yolo's are not duels to formulate a valid explanation on class status. Since launch shadows were duel kings but useless in pvp for a long time. Similarly, juggs can be killed in duels , good juggs can even win duels, but in pvp, juggs are OP. So are balance shadows and I play a shadow in infiltration as I refuse to be a sheep.



PS: regarding new combat? How much more does BW need to hold the hand of the player? I mean honestly, where is the challenge of playing a class? When 3.0 hits, if it ever hits, we will macro rotations and go afk.


If half the players are juggs why aren't they topping the leaderboards or the top 100/1000/10000 counts? Sounds like they need a buff. Statistically at least half of all of them should be juggs...?

Edited by Savej
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The fact that yolo and normals have minimum 2 juggs who heal 140k is a wake up call for the devs


I wonder how the PVP community would react if damage mitigated was a number that showed up on the scoreboard.


I wonder what those who think ED is OP think of the Shadow/Assassin tank buff. Are you people the same people that believe DR in the place of selfhealing was a nerf for PVP?

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You didn't already? Its not like you can't just look at the buff bar or anything. :rolleyes:


I did, its just easier this time.


I know when its gonna come by, the only variance would really be to push it back... which doesnt happen if said mara is panicking a little bit.


I can get a feel for it, and once I interrupt it, I know its not gonna come again for around for another 7 GCD's or so. No resets to worry about.


Carnage was too easy to shut down? Well the devs just made it easier, and its a "buff".

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